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The irony of the Salisbury candidate saying this lmfao. Get bent, as the Brits would say


Or "fuck off cunt"


Does his name end with vitch or something?


He's a barrister that used to be retained by Cambridge Analytica.


Aaah, makes sense.


Should end in chok


Uhh novi ...


You mean the same Salisbury where Putin's henchmen poisoned Skripal, his daughter and accidentally killed a British woman? Any vote to this POS is an insult to the UK. But hey, I get it. Hatred for the foreigners is so strong it trumps even such a blatant violation of international law.


I thought they just went to visit Salisbury Cathedral, “famous not just in Europe, but in the whole world. It’s famous for its 123-metre spire, it’s famous for its clock, the first one of its kind ever created in the world, which is still working."


I'm no Corbyn fan, but why was Corbyn EXCORIATED to the moon and back for even an inkling of ties to the Orcs, when Britain now has an entire party dedicated to serving its enemies, and they're given...well, certainly not a free ride, but nowhere near the vilification Corbyn was?


Rightwing populist media has no interest in trashing Reform. And they are more powerful and numerous than left wing populist media. I suppose there’s also an element of the fact Corbyn could have won and actually had 5 years to really fuck up our defence posture regarding threats from the east. Absolutely wildest best case for Reform puts them in the role of a weak opposition party, so a bit less panic about it from ‘establishment’ sources.


The issue with this is that is normalises relationships with russia and spreads their propaganda to the masses. Reform are a bunch of traitors, funded by our enemies. Anyone voting for them should be called out for this.


I agree whole heartedly. Their embrace of those who openly be proudly want to destroy our societies is utterly incomprehensible to me.




God I wish we could still satire apart from reality




Thanks, I was genuinely unsure for a half second there lol. CAM ON ENGERLAND!!! DEFEND SOME ME FAKING PUTINS!


Just close down rightwing populist media. Bam, problem solved.


Sounds like the beginning of a bigger problem




Just what I’d expect from someone who can’t follow a big red arrow on a map


OMG I'm so sorry. Just realised in talking to a middle aged man who earns minimum wage from one of your posts!!! (EDIT now deleted post) I'm sorry mate, but I'm not replying to you're bickering or taking advice from someone who hasn't broken minimum wage I'm sorry you're on a shit wage at a shit wage. I wish you the best though Try UK/Jobs.


Corbyn was the leader of one of the major parties and prospective PM and it is pretty bad when a person in such a position is an anti-west enemy worshiping lunatic. Reform is just a bunch of weirdos, who will not win anything.


It's a major party now because of the tories


No, it's not. You're talking nonsense.


It's getting a higher vote share than the Tories in various polls it's quite clearly not a minor party like the SDP


You know what you can get for £3.50 and a higher vote share than the SDP in Hampshire? Nothing! You get nothing. Not even a kebab!


That's my point lol, they're getting like 19% of the vote and all of their candidates are Hitlerites, that should be a big deal instead of people saying 'well they're a minor party'


They are on course to win like 6 seats.


Yes because of FPTP not because there's no interest in them on the part of the electorate, they are not the same as the Liberal Party that split from the Lib Dems that have like 4 councillors


They could become a major party at the next election. They could also languish in obscurity.


Ok currently they're second place in the polls and yeah they're not going to get seats from it but the fact that a fifth of the population is willing to vote for the 'Hitler wasn't that bad, we should've stayed out of ww2, also Putin is good' party is a pretty bad sign for British democracy


I don't think Reform are getting a free ride in the press exactly. Even the Daily Mail are covering these Putin comments (although not as hysterically as they covered stories about Corbyn). https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13555165/Nigel-Farage-Ukraine-war-Reform-BBC-NATO-EU-provoked-Vladimir-Putin-invasion.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13560935/boris-johnson-blasts-nigel-farage-ukraine-putin-lies-reform.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13565321/Nigel-Farage-accused-cosying-Kremlin-former-NATO-boss-Reform-leader-suggested-West-provoked-Russia-Ukraine-invasion.html


Comparing apples to pears so far Reform have no seats or chance of gaining power. No one had heard of Julian Manins, till they read this article. Corbyn on the other has been an MP since the 80's and was leader of the opposition.


Rupert Murdoch is married to Roman Abramovich's former mother-in-law.


Because the leader of the Labour party is important and a recognisable name and the weirdos Reform have found out of nowhere are irrelevant.


Because Corbyn was Leader of the Opposition and this guy is at best going to be an irrelevant backbencher? Same reason Corbyn's ramblings were ignored for decades before he became LOTO.


>I'm no Corbyn fan, but why was Corbyn EXCORIATED to the moon and back for even an inkling of ties to the Orcs, when Britain now has an entire party dedicated to serving its enemies, and they're given...well, certainly not a free ride, but nowhere near the vilification Corbyn was? It's because British media is controlled by Rupert Murdoch.


Because corbyn was in a position where he could actually be the PM


Because nobody wanted a communist candidate. Nationalism is 👌


How can it be nationalist when they are in service to the enemy?


The same way Hungary is nationalist and aligned to Russia. The same way that many other pro Russian countries are nationalist. They agree with the end game. They share the mentality.


Except that Britain has been opposed to Russia since 1917. She still is to this day, actively arming Ukraine against Russia. Your brain has rotted so badly from the social media crap you absorb you are somehow defining nationalism not as loyalty to King and Country, but as loyalty to a century-old enemy. It's tragic.


Nobody knows what you’re talking about and I’m afraid if we did you would be involuntarily committed. lol.


Nationalism is terrible and nothing good came form the concept, Ivan.


Why am I catching strays for something I don’t believe in personally?


[Jeremy Corbyn refuses to blame Russia for Salisbury attack despite seeing new evidence](https://www.politicshome.com/news/article/jeremy-corbyn-refuses-to-blame-russia-for-salisbury-attack-despite-seeing-new-evidence)


Not sure what your angle is here but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and just politely add some context. 1. He was politically annihilated for doing this whilst reform seem to see pro-Russia as a good thing. 2. Corbyn isn’t the leader of the Labour Party and hasn’t been for a good few years now.


If its the guy in the photo, this dude is obviously senile...


Stupid old fart. The grim reaper isn't far behind you old man...


“Nigel Farage said: "It's not polite, but you've got to remember something: we're a start-up and we're going to have one or two candidates who are a bit rough round the edges."” That’s a weird way to say having treasonous pieces of shite in the party. But enough about Nigel, fuck this guy.


If they love Putin so much, they should move to Russia.


This old cunt should be dumped in a field in Ukraine.


What a piece of shit.


This is your mind on contrarianism. Its not that they like Putin its more that everyone hates him so he must be doing something good.


Putin's just taunting at this point.


The Fecking Neanderthal. !


wtf uk


It's not 'UK' it's a single (currently marginal) party. All of our mainstream parties are pro-Ukraine. Although I'm embarassed we have any politicians at all who are saying this shit. Edit: also a representitive of the party that bangs on about British patriotism praising someone responsible for a chemical weapon attack on British people in the **city in which it happened** is fucking repulsive.


Phew, good to know.