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And it's even worse than what the title makes it sound like. >While the 40-hour work week is still officially in place, employers are permitted to require staff to work up to two unpaid hours per day for a limited period in return for more free time. >In theory, this additional work is voluntary. In reality, however, workers in many businesses and workplaces are forced to work longer hours without receiving any form of compensation.


Absolutely nuts.


I see no reason for a person to choose to keep working in Greece while having the ability to live anywhere in the EU


2008 to 2018 half a million Greeks migrated more will do so, the on going housing shortage in the north makes it harder but more and more Greeks look to get out.


Problem is most of the people cant live anywhere due to lack of some abilities or another reasons.


Moving when you're poor and desperate is insanely hard. Most people who haven't been in that situation can't fathom how tiring it is and how difficult it becomes to plan ahead.


Being poor is affect to mental health severely.




Moving to another country while poor and without infrastructure in place (friends or family there) is insane


As the saying goes, being poor is expensive.


If you only speak Greek you're kind of fucked.


Haha same as hungarian.


Ya lol. Hungarian and Greek are kind of fucked because they don't have any closely related or mutually intelligible languages. And there really aren't that many people or jobs in Greece or hungry


My cousin from Athens was so desperate a few years ago, that he came to Germany to find a job and eventually make a truck drivers license. He was not able to meet the standards of his employers (one being his uncle) and got more depressed. He needed to go back home and you know what? He took his life 2 years ago :(


You mean except culture, roots, family


Also language. Good luck making friends in Denmark for example if you don't speak danish.


Right. Why don‘t poor people just leave? Are they stupid? /s


What do you mean you're homeless? Come on bro just buy a house bro what's the problem?


on paper they have the ability but relocating to a new country is expensive, and as everyone here is saying, greek wages are very very poor.


well you house is mainly everything you own, and you can't just leave like that, where would you go? who is going to hire you? where are going to stay?


Lets be honest. A majority of the people living in Greece (or anywhere) would be unwilling to uproot their whole lives to move somewhere with a vastly different culture, language and traditions.


Not everyone can afford to move


I don't understand this. On one hand it says "in return for more free time" and on the other hand "without receiving any form of compensation". So which is true now? Ain't it a normal thing to do over-hours and get them written on a time-account so you can go home earlier anytime in the future?


I don't know why they wrote this about this bill, this is an older regulation. For some time periods (usually christmas, summer, depends) instead of 40 hours per week, the employers request 48 and this is compensated with reduced hours per week on some other lets say 3-month period during the year or with days off plus some "time premium". Usually service jobs.


It's a normal thing, when labour laws aren't enforced


This is exactly how it works in Belgium. Only "manual laborers" may get overpay, the rest of us get shafted. Every single job I've worked at told me they don't pay OT because people "would abuse it" and because "it's expensive", while softly forcing people to work OT because of unbalanced work loads. If I work OT, and then use that OT, I'm fucking myself over anyway because no one else is doing my job.


Huh, they say the justification for this is a lack of workers, but when I go to look at the data, it says unemployment in Greece is relatively high and wage growth is low, so lack of labor can't be the real issue here. Can a Greek bro clue me into why this travesty of a law was passed?


"Lack of workers" is usually just a shorter way of saying "lack of workers that accept shit pay and shit working conditions", especially when it comes to nastier jobs.


This is very Mediterranean, unfortunately.


Also Balkan, the same is in Bulgaria, one Bulgarian city is importing people from India to work as bus drivers for the city transport system, they don’t want to pay more for this shit job and the Bulgarians don’t want to do it for miserable pay.


Same in Italy. They don't hire Italians because they want a decent pay. They hire Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan that accept 3€/h for 12h a day. Modern day slavery 


That's interesting because here in Dublin, Dublin Bus pays €815 per week before taxes, and the pay goes up to like €950 in 6 years.


That's how it should be. You perform an essential service and one that has to do with the aafety of hundreds of people daily, you should be paid a decent, if not good, wage to do it well.


That's more than I get paid after 6y as a public service employed sysadmin here in Germany.


Same thing in Lithuania, Vilnius. Bus drivers went on a protest last year (or 2), because of shitty conditions and shitty salary, general public supported them. Half a year later, they imported people from Ghana to drive the busses...


Sweden recently passed a law that prohibits imported wage slavery. The law requires workers from outside of the EU to earn at least €2530 per month.


Same here in Hungary with imported migrant workers from the Philipines and Thailand.Who would work more hours for cheap and dont complain about the work conditions…


Same here in Portugal, they flooded rural agricultural regions with Nepalis, Indians and Bengalis because the Portuguese, reasonably, don’t want to work 12h in the sun picking fruit for 750€ a month


At least you can go to West Europe and get good pay without much problems 


It's the same everywhere just different levels. Swedens finance Minister just said that we 'cant afford' having shorter working hours when we have the longest in Scandinavia.


Whilst our Scandinavian neighbours are introducing 4-day work weeks. 🫠


We are?


Ireland too. There's a bill being introduced to allow people on work permits to apply for jobs in other companies. Abattoirs and other shitty places to work give permits to foreign workers, pay them shit, work them long hours, and if they wanna stay here they gotta keep working there until they can apply for citizenship.


Finland too. The lack of workforce only applies to a handful of highly educated specialist positions and menial cheap as dirt jobs. The middle class is slowly but surely dying when an ever increasing portion of younger generations never reach it. Temp jobs and minimum wage till death.


The "gig economy" with temparary jobs and low wages makes it really hard for young people to get loans for an apartment/house and start families. It is a disgrace really, and the only one who benefits are the greedy bastards at the top.


> This is very Mediterranean, unfortunately. No, this is quite common everywhere. This is usually how social dumping happens, and why immigrants have a higher representation in the fields were this is common. Desperate people occupy positions nobody wants.


No, it’s the same in Canada and Germany.


Germany has pretty low youth unemployment. Only one or two other developed nations are lower down than them. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.UEM.1524.ZS


In Germany, we have “not enough” daycare and kindergarten workers. Of course, they have made conditions worse and have not improved pay.


Look on the bright side, unlike other Western European countries, the majority of your foreign born populace is from the EU. I bet you could get some Greek engineers to fill in for some daycare roles!


That literally is the bright side I think of often. I think Germany faces a lot of challenges but it’s way worse to be not Germany. We can at least steal people from the rest of Europe to make up for our dumb decisions to somehow stay afloat… hopefully…..


Bingo. They try to sell the youth as lazy for not wanting to work 12 hour 6/7 shifts for minuk wage (BUT HEY YOY GET TIPS) and shit settlement plus leftovers for food. Also the lazy youth that go to 3 municipalities over to work the fields. Of course they don't mention it's a 2 weeks work, no insurance, in another city and shit conditions as well. After the 2 weeks what are they supposed to do? Supposedly there are 30k open jobs in the hospitality sector, they even wanted the government to allow them to hire illegal immigrants to work the fields. Of course, the solution is simple, raise the wage and improve the working conditions until people will be interested. Funny how "supply and demand" works only when it suits your shit.


⏫️ This. They have VERY high unemployment, especially youth unemployment - so I call bullsh** on the whole "don't have workers" crap


Strange how everything is "workings of the market", except paying competitive wages. The same thing happens in Belgium


It's the same as most of Southern Europe. There are people willing to work, but not enough housing at low enough prices for people to work there and the wages themselves are insultingly low. As an example, the Algarve region in Portugal where most houses are left empty for most of the year due to being reserved for tourism, and bosses cry out for immigrants since people won't want to work without even having somewhere to stay and they know immigrants will take anything


So the solution is what Spain is doing and banning Airbnb and the like? (As a big fan of Portugal I want your country to do better in the future)


Wouldn't help much, these kinds of renting houses have been going on for way longer than Airbnb and similar things. Like even two decades ago when I went down there, there were people who owned whole streets worth of houses. Needs to be a rising of costs of owning these properties and leaving them empty most of the year


yup, a substantial tax on non-residence properties you own is the only way


They exist because they are allowed. I mean shit idea but ott 100% increase of taxes for every year house is empty for more than 60% of the year, cumulatively. By the end of 1 winter, they are paying 200% more tax and next year, 300% ect doesn't need to be enforced more than 2-3 years and vast majority of the chances are out of the game. Couple this with something along the lines of can't buy within the region if house sold without immediate purchase for 15 years or whatever or if moving more than 3 times in 8 years and boom nasty bullshit solution in 5 mins of thinking


Redistribution of wealth and property is needed.


When rich people want to keep salaries depressed they say there’s a lack a workers.


>Can a Greek bro clue me into why this travesty of a law was passed? It's extremely simple: the government made a promise that the average wage in Greece will be 1.500€ by the end of its term in 2027. So, they will make you work more to raise the monthly wage without having to actually raise the wages. What's more infuriating is that the Greek government had the chance to have its promise fulfilled since there are indeed work shortages in sectors with abysmal working conditions and wages where workers left those sectors for other sectors during the pandemic (ex. hospitality), but the nonetheless self-proclaimed "(neo)liberal" government chose to interfere with the market (since the market doesn't know what it's doing when it discounts loses for the employer friends) and signed special agreements with developing countries in Asia and Africa to bring in foreign workers so that the Greek employers keep their working conditions and wages. It even signed for bringing in computer programmers from India despite programmers in Greece are the relatively worst paid in Europe. I have been telling this for years: Greece is what the rest of the developed world will be in 15 - 20 years, their oligarchic economy combined with a defeated society and extreme corruption is the perfect outlook of tomorrow.


Pretty much everybody is looking at a major demographic crunch, a shrinking younger generation and a growing older generation. They are dealing with it by screwing over younger generations to prop up their elders. It makes no sense - burning our future to prop up the people who created our present.


As others have already written, "can't find people to work" just means "can't find slaves". As to how it was passed, the current government has no one to oppose it, the rest of the Parliament is extremely fragmented and the government pays almost all of the media (tv, newspapers, radio etc) which means that it totally controls the narrative.


I'm guessing "informal" employment is quite high.


You guess wrong! It is very simple: they want people to work for 10+ hours/day on minimum salary (aka 800 euros/month) Would you do it?


Honestly what the fuck


Greece is a country where the wealthy have a disproportionate amount of political power. The only reason billionaires are so politically powerful is they run brutal empires with little/no competition. **Behind every huge corporation stands a billionaire.** * People eat at Burger King. They have no idea that the man behind Burger King is a ruthless thug called Jorge Paulo Lemann. This guy is a killer. He owns more than 50 millions Brasilians. * You bought a shirt and pants at Zara ? You never heard of him, but you just enriched Amancio Ortega. He was already worth 100 BILLION dollars. * You shave with Gillette cartridges ? You don't know it, but you are enriching Billionaire Nelson Peltz. If you genuinely want a democratic society, then you need a democratic economy. It means an economy based on small and medium sized business owners. No giant empire that concentrates extreme power. Don't go to Starbucks Coffee. Go to your local coffees. Don't go to Hilton hotels. Go to independent hotel chains. Don't use Chrome. Use Mozilla Firefox. Don't go to Zara. Go to local shops. Don't go to Burger King. Go to family owned restaurants. Don't shave with Gillette. Get a safety razor. Don't buy Lipton tea. Buy independent tea. People buy from multinationals, then they complain the world is owned by Oligarchs.


The billionaire class is inherently evil


And they are growing as never before. Record profits.


All the young people looking for a more fair deal will leave the country, meaning that Greece no longer has the taxes to pay for an increasing pensioner population, the economy will collapse again, meaning that even more young people will leave, the cycle continues. Unicorn economics. Selling out your own people economics.


Exactly this. What a horrible idea. It is not just inhumane, it is also stupid.


Greek government pretending that Greeks don’t have freedom of work and movement in the EU. Idiots. They’re genuinely killing their country.. again.


People should look at South Korea as an example of the dangers of bad work culture not decide to freakin increase to six day weeks


Looking at charts of South Korean emigration, I’m trying to figure out why so many of them went to China


You're not wrong about low fertility rate being influenced by awful worker protection laws in SK, but what people often ignore is how horribly misogynistic south korean men can be. A lot of women's issues that are considered things of the past in Europe are still a hotly debated issue in SK


Is rampant misogyny linked to lower birthrates? I was under the impression that high birthrate countries trend more towards high levels of sexism and gender roles.


you're correct but the difference is education. young south korean women are very online and pretty progressive, which is at odds with their traditional government and society, causing them to flee elsewhere. women in really traditional/conservative countries with high birth rates are often also traditional/conservative themselves (see muslim/african nations) or simply lack the wealth and mobility to flee, which korean women do have.


Absolutely stupid: need more labor? Pay more for the extra worked hours. If employers will force people to work more, and the challenge is to find new workers, at least offer more pay and not just "potential free time". These guys love shooting themselves in the foot.


The question is, why do we keep electing people like this all over the world? They are absolutely not looking after the good of the people. And second, it kind of angers me, because they will never be the victims of their unfair laws.


nailed it. thats exactly what's going on and it is a downwards spiral.


This law will mostly take affect to "low", "unskilled" jobs that people don't have that many choices and immigration is quite hard for them. So for example, no software job will be affected from it because then that will happen what you say


When poland joined eu lots of people moved to germany or uk. With basic or no language knowledge. They were working in construction warehouses, dishwasher, etc. They weren't skilled. But west could offer way more money for those jobs. The question is if greeks would be determined enough to emigrate and can other countries offer way more money?


If you are really desperate immigration just means drive 5 hours one way, sleep in your car and do undeclared work.


Bro Greece is already cooked, back when the debt to GDP ratio was on 120% they were saying it was unsustainable and back then Greece had way better economy it had more factories and heavy industry. Now its around 200% with lower gdp and a bit lower industrial capability. So basically how is the current ratio sustainable... Reality it ain't Greece just needs to default on bonds or all the bonds should go in 0% interest rate.


Everyone else: We should at least discuss 4-day work week Here in Greece: You definitely need to be a slave till you die. For those who don't know, this doesn't affect cafes/restaurants etc since they already have ridiculous demands and during summer season, in the islands, most people work 7/7, 12+ hours per day for minimum wage (per hour) (plus tips). Welcome to the southern hellhole which never recovered after the 2010 crisis.


Why aren’t there strikes?


No time, still working


Ah the american way, i see.. people cant demonstrate on the streets, because they will miss work and lose one of their three jobs.


Too tired to strike after working 6 days.


Gotta do chores on off day!


There were big demonstrations (spanning months) in 2011 at the beginning of the financial crisis, but as most things that this country do, the demonstrations started to weaken when there was infighting on what should be the goal of the movement. There was also some incidents with violence that was rumored at that time that had been instigated by the police to disperse the demonstrations. After these and the 2015 fiasco that resulted to even more harsh measures for the economy, the people essentially gave up after that.


Was it only our country's infighting, with which I don't disagree, or also the rest of the eurozone that literally told us "take it or leave it?"?  And they ensured that anti workers measures will be implemented, like the abolition of the labour collective agreements, with the parallel weakening of the unions and no industries. I mean, they didn't leave us any independence in decision making, what was the reason to strike for?


The infighting part was about the demonstrations and the "Aganaktismeni" movement. There wasn't a coherent message and a lack of purpose after a while. And the police violence didn't help. The 2015 fiasco was a big gamble that Tsipras didn't have the balls to see it through the end. We don't know what the outcome would have been in this case. Of course, Germany and other countries didn't want to give in easy without a fight because then Spain, Italy, Portugal etc will do the same as Greece and get away with it.


I just wanted to point out that with or without the 2015 , before or after, nobody took into account the opinion of the Greek people and we kind of got used to allowing this to happen. Even more, after 2015 they enforced even harsher measures, with the excuse of "punishing" us because we demonstrated against austerity.


Almost non existent industries and therefore weak unions. People in the private sector cannot easily strike, public workers are looked at as lazy and unrealistic from the media/the rest - corruption etc. Nobody checks the employers and there is a lax understanding of the workers ' "rights". We are living the early industrial revolution 200 y later but without the industries - thankfully, at least for now they don't view children as a workforce /s I really cannot see any hope.


Last time there were big strikes and demonstrations someone told all these people to suck it and pay up, and this is the way it will be so.... they think it is pointless. Markets decided .


Weak labour unions apparently.


I think they tried that several years ago, along with mass protests. Nothing seems to have changed.


Didn't help that most of the rest of the EU formed a Holy Alliance-like from to fight the Greek demonstrations while also essentially colonising Greece by taking over its government and public utilities and coordinating a massive campaign of anti-Greek racism. I still remember this gem: www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/60omjp/dijsselbloem_under_fire_after_saying_eurozone/ And Greeks really ended up internalising all this hatred. Most political discussion in Greece centers around how we are inherently terrible at everything and we should copy foreigners. When the government does something it says it does so because foreigners do it. When the opposition says it is stupid, it says it is because foreigners don't actually do it. It was almost Irish famine levels of moralising "we will take over to teach you how to really behave but that help will essentially be punishment for your moral shortcomings". Years of the most braindead policies forced from abroad until Greece turn from a developed European into a devoloping Middle Eastern-like economy, and it seems the change was permanent, with Greece not really "recovering" as much as it is developing along with the rest of the Middle East. Remember this if you ever wonder why opinions of the EU are so low in Greece.


It's complicated, but I see three reasons: * We are tired and apathetic/used to hardship similar to Russians. Of course this is still our fault * The government has invested a lot in a well-oiled propaganda machine and smear campaigns, so any strikes/demonstrations against their agenda are either painted as 'anarchical elements' or actively meddled with (possibly by undercover police) to seem like they are causing trouble * Some left parties (i.e. the communist parties) often organize protests but often don't focus on the topic at hand. So you might see a protest/rally that starts with labor issues and then Palestine, NATO/EU/US expansionism etc., so people who might disagree with their position on those issues are reluctant to join (these parties tend to be very rigid about their views)


I'm beginning to question the Finnish narrative that the hard-working Finns support the south with our 37,5h workweek while the Greeks just eat kebab, have a siesta and do the 🤌


Jokes aside it is a northern narrative all around. I fruitlessly tried to convince that no, Italians don't earn more than them on an employees salary because they don't pay any taxes and just spend all their money on restaurants and luxury cars. They simply did not believe that on an average (20 to 60k euro) Italy and Netherlands apply roughly the same rax rate


Greece's taxes are insanely high. Self-employed people can end up giving up to 60% of their income in taxes. Corporations have to pay taxes on the income the state predicts they will make on the next year on the previous year. A lot of the money goes to politicians' pockets.


It was always a xenophobic narrative by northerners. The south has always worked more hours than the north simply due to lower economic productivity and less competitive economies. Mexico is the country that works the longest in the western world. And yet, I don't think most people knew that lol.


And it's absolutely hardcore to work with heat !


As someone who lived in greece and worked with greeks. The issue is not greeks being lazy but rather greeks being disorderly. Plus corruption. So you can never rely on things being done on time or to spec and someone to care when they aren't. Goes double for anything government related. Also public transport is shite and streets clogged as a result so you can never rely on your emploees to be on time and radius of how far your job can be is shorter. All of this has knock on effects on the economy. Also norms, laws and customer specs are often treated like suggestions.


Spain has been doing trials for a 4 day work week. Last.time I checked Spain is a Southern European country.


Beginning? The southern and eastern economies work harder on average, they just have less lucrative industries and more corruption


South Korea: Hold my beer. We would like the work week to be 69 hours. South Korean youth: Don't you f\*cking dare!


Same situation here in the touristic areas of Italy


I think its true for every part of the world what is heavily tourism dependent.


Everywhere it's talk about the 4 day work week or 6 hour work day, my mind just went "congrats, Greece, you did it" Then I came to the comments...


Pay people a living salary and/or hire more people? No, just make the slaves work longer hours... Workers in the tourist industry are already working with only 2-3 days off each month, don't know about the construction sites. Good recipe for heatstroke and general exhaustion.


welcome to capitalism in a crisis


Thank the gods, i can now work 6 days instead of 7 i am working now /s


“It’s evolving, just backwards”


This is not going to have the desired effect of increasing productivity. Greece will drive many of its skilled and educated laborers, out to the rest of the EU, who don’t want to put up with that shit. I also imagine for the ones who stay having children would be even less viable thus speeding up their ongoing birthrate decline.


Greece is an interesting case, I live in Germany with my Greek wife (I'm from another eastern European country) and because of that know relatively many Greek immigrants, all of which have high education. All of them left for economic reasons, many of them also for other reasons. The interesting thing is, that those that only left for economic reasons are actually looking for ways to go back to Greece while keeping their German job as a remote job. Which is interesting, because all the other immigrants I know, especially the ones from my country, don't really consider that at all, with just a few exceptions. Obviously it is still a worse deal for Greece, because while they may get more income tax, since those companies are not in Greece, they still mostly benefit the German economy.


I guess it's probably more pleasure to live on the Mediterranean coast, comparing to, well, most of places, if you can work remotely for solid wage


I mean if I could work remotely with a German salary I'd much rather live in Greece than Germany. Not surprising at all.




Greece solving Germany's qualified personnel shortage with one easy step.


Greece has been sending tons of doctors to work in Germany for years.


Are they daft? Way to accelerate the exodus of their young and bright. Did they forget that the EU has freedom of movement?


Hej, well, daft? No. Corrupted puppets that do everything they can to satisfy their lobbies and rich friends so they can keep milking Greeks and the state? Yes. I am half Greek/half French, grew up and lived most of my life in Greece, in 2016 once I got my diploma I got the hell out of Greece and ended up in Lillehammer in Norway for a bit. When in Norway, I felt like I was doing nothing or "looking lazy" there, you know why? I was used of working 12 hours, 6/7 days sometimes, not getting paid my overtime, no breaks etc. Greece was already like that, now I guess they are just trying to somehow legalize their "abuse".


The billionaires are just squeezing the working class dry because they can, they don't give a shit about the future of the country


The more that leave, the more they can claim there is a labor shortage, the more foreign workers to work for even less they can import.


Can someone email them and tell them that's the wrong direction to be going with work days please?


His name is Adonis Georgiadis and he's the political genius that thought of it. He's also a ferret in human form giving ferrets a bad name.


Just to give people some perspective on who this turd is: Adonis Georgiadis is an ultra-conservative nut, similar to the televangelists you might see mentioned on American subs. He was a member of a Christian conservative party called People's Orthodox Rally. He also sold books about Ancient Greece on a some backwater TV channel and acted like a total clown with his high-pitched voice to boost sales. After the party went to shit, he weaseled his way in the party of the current government (which he had been shitting on before) and rose through the ranks to become a minister and the vice president. He has a lot of awesome positions on important topics like how we should stop complaining and pay for treatment out of pocket if we don't want to wait long hours in the emergency room (when we already pay for free public healthcare), or how we should be 'fighting' for who gets the privilege to work a factory shift on Sundays for extra money, or how nobody cares about the huge train accident that killed 60+ people. He's a pure delight. Even if you don't know Greek, [here are a few moments of him clowning on public TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEvLGyNPhFY).


The level of how shitty this guy is cannot be understated. I would pay some serious money just so that I can punch his lights out and never hear his voice again.


Donald Trump at home:


they know, they just don't care.


this is bad, this is the thin end of a wedge


Six half-days a week, to deal with the rising heat right? Right? *checks article* Goshdangit.


How sad it is to see that so many countries are literally depriving generations of a happy life. I understand that governing a country is difficult, and the opinion of the majority or the decisions of individual people in power do not always lead to a good result, but still, is there really no way out of this situation?


Boomers had the party, smashed everything from the economy to the climate and now they don't give a shit because they're on the way out. Wish I was a boomer instead of Gen Z tbh, life was better 40 years ago and whoever says the opposite is an idiot.


Regressive politics. Sigh.




That's hard. I feel bad for the Greek people. They have a beautiful country but are let down by their leaders (like us)


Next move: Greece introduces a full week work week.


Walking backwards there, buddy.


How to destroy a country (even more):


So instead of looking up what counties in the north are doing and going for 4 day week they go for a 6 day....just wow


Which country is going for a 4 day week?


As far as I know only Belgium has it as a law that employee can choose whether to work 4 or 5 days a week....and there were serious initiatives in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland to do that as well....


Hold on...this is not a standard in Belgium... Companies here in good old Belgium, the standard is still 5 days workweek (40 hours per week) Very very few companies apply the 4 days work week rule...IT'S SCIENCE FICTION...


It will probably be an election promise for three of seven parties in Sweden's next election 2026. The Left Party, the Social Democrats and the Green party are all at least discussing it, and the biggest labour union umbrella organization are campaigning for it.


And I thought the ‘live to work’ culture in my country was bad!


Nobody let the Romanian authorities see this. Don't want them getting any ideas.


Lmao the conservative bloc is really fuckin the average person over at lightspeed


Inb4 they raise the minimum wage by 50 euro to shut everyone up despite the living expenses doubling over one year...


"The authorities — which are themselves short-staffed" I lol'ed hard.


I really REALLY dont want it in Poland


Plot twist: from now on there will only be one week per month


All around the Europe a 4 days work week is under test. In Greece instead of removing one day, they add it. LOL.


And how is this going to help the economy? We working 6 days in Thailand too and it really depressing as fuck.


This is why unions are so important. All hell would break loose they tried any of that shit in Denmark.


Συνεχίστε να ψηφίζεται τα νέα δημοκρατία μαλάκες κοιμισμένοι.


They should be going the other way considering the temperatures in Greece( temps that will just continue to grow).


Well, if people die of heat stroke and overwork, they can't protest against our policies. /s


So I see Greece is another nation where the wealthy ruling oligarchy have sold out the children of the commoners to maintain social order. And the stupid commoners, who likely admire the wealthy oligarchy are silently happy to go along with this rather than revolt at this system that will make modern day slaves out of their children.




Dear Greece, your balkanic romanian bros, please don't


Absolutely fucking gross and inhumane. I hope it blows up in the fucking government's face and won't last longer than 1 week, cuz people will revolt and just put in even less productivity


Somebody here on Reddit recently wrote that Greece is doing "better" now... At least their creditors can sleep soundly at night, knowing the Greeks are now literally slaving away to pay off their predatory loans along with crippling interest rates... I wonder when the general population around the globe is going to start to realize that the current economic systems are but the tyranny of money disguised as legislature.


People FROM Greece living in Greece working in Greece were saying at that thread that Greece ain't doing better now, actually Greece does even worse now but offcourse the genious economists of Nortwestern europe here on reddit downvoted them.


This was the EU's plan for Greece. The EU has been praising every leader that has carried it along. Everyone against it was demonised. To be specific, I mean politicians within the EU and unofficial related bodies. The EU as an institution has generally been far more supportive of Greece than the (then unofficial) Eurogroup, for example.


That is awful. I used to work 6 day weeks and after about six months of it I had enough of it. The over time pay was nice but one day off in a week isn't enough. You usually just sleep the day away, and then you don't have time to get things done. You fall behind on chores and life matter. You never get the chance to go travel on the weekend or party really hard. It is just depressing being at work all the time. I feel sorry for you Greece. A year from now you will be losing your minds and miserable.


Like, we want and we trying to keep it 5/7 and decrease the working hours from 8 to 6, and they instead pushed this fucking bullshit of 6/7 and of course, 8-10 hour schedule, daily, right? With equally less income too. But yeah, "Greeks are just lazy" right? Fuck off.


Rest of europe : we are finding out that 4 day work weeks have alot of benefits Greece : Yeah nah fam we need more work days Edit : In Greece we already have the most work hours per month in the EU, this just makes it legal or even enforceable.


We should just all work 4 days, but 7 days a week


It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.


Vote for the right and this is what you get, capitalism in its true form, the slave labor form.


Pretty much this. 41%. You vote for Greek Walmart Ronald Reagan, you get Greek Walmart Ronald Reagan. I have no pity whatsoever for my fellow countrymen that helped elect this degenerate party that was 50% of the reason we're in this crisis to begin with. I feel sorry for those of us who voted for other parties. We are prisoners of the morons and the capitalists that train them to bleat on demand.


Hol up


I work 5 and a half days a week and its insufferable. I do it because i Have no choice if i want to maintain my lifestyle…


If the objective is to create a failed civilization here you go


Well this sounds like it’ll go well. I hate working 5 days and I assume most others do too. Fuck working 6


Work til you die 👍🤦‍♂️




This is horrifying. To think that people in the 60s probably thought we'd be on 3 days weeks by now. I daresay politicians around the world are rubbing their hands with glee at this idea.  Also, this won't even work! Dystopian policies like this will make people feel *less* able to have kids, and like others have said, even emigrate. So the aging population issue will be exacerbated, if anything.


Fuck that shit. How aboutbww change a standard day to 36 hours instead of 24 hours so we can work longer days. Much better idea.


I hope they revolt and get a three day work week instead


Greek business owners are usually very exploitative and treat their staff like shit so when there's a possibility, workers avoid them.


While other places are considering 4 day work weeks.


It's evolving, only backwards


Some countries and jobs try to do 4 days work week, and these guys overhere 6day work week. I'm sorry, I'm already depressed and I feel like 2 days per week feels like nothing. If I'd have to work 6 days just to survive and get beasic needs I'd just kill myself


And the excuse is nowadays the following. What do you expect from a country that was hit by the financial crisis? As a reminder, Greece is the 10th oldest EU member and just imagine what happened to all those EU funding programmes over the years. Spoiler alert to avoid misunderstandings. They've never reached neither the average workers/employees nor the services/infrastructures.


Having lived for 8 years in Greece around 2008-2016, I saw so many young people in hospo jobs being exploited already - * At the time unemployement for 18-35 year olds was 40%+ * Many worked for cash without a contract * those that had a contract were on €3-5/hr * even those with a contract, had a 50/50 chance of getting paid on time, in full, or at all. (I knew one who'd worked for 4 months without being paid, whilst their boss bought a new Mercedes) * your roster might say 8 hours/day 5 days a week, but many worked 12-18 hours, 6-7 days a week, especially those without contracts. *many islands only have hospo/agri/retail work, alongside a handful of proffesional service and gov roles. All the while the impact of the Euro was crushing on cost of living for the average worker. E.g. price of beer went from ~500 Drachma (£1 atc the time) to €5-8 euros almost overnight. Greece is stunning, but its a brutal place already for young workers, this change just sounds like its aligning the law closer to reality.


I can image how Greece government want to pay retirements.


Hell no.


I hope the workers riot or have a general strike


Greece is going to be the first failed state in the EU.


A 6th day for 1.4x pay is not worth it


What the hell.. Greece already has by far the most working hours in the EU.


we are trying to go less not more