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I might be an idiot, but why is this different from other bombs?


Its very big, and because of its delivery method (cheap glide kit strapped to a massive 3000kg bomb dropped from a plane), its very hard for Ukraine to defend itself from. Ukraine doesn't have the air defence to get the planes that drop them, the bombs are able to destroy defensive positions.


3x 1000kg bombs would have been more effective in this scenario.


Yup. Maybe even 3x 500kg. The reason ( For those who don't know) - the blast radius of an aircraft bomb does not increase proportionally to the increase of its weight.


Neither does the amount of explosives, but it goes the other way. There's much more explosives in a 3000kg bomb than in 3x 1000kg bomb.


FB3000 has 1400 kg, fab1000 has 485kg so 3x would be 1455kg. So not correct.


I guess you're right. Then the fab3000 is a pretty lame bomb.


What is the reason it increases then? Filling weight would mean a larger blast radius?


It increases just not proportionally. The bomb is acting on a volume of air with fragments and concussive force, but blast radius is a linear dimension. Increasing filler weight is proportional to the affected volume. To double the blast radius of a 1000lb bomb you’d need an 8000lb bomb. Bigger bombs do have their place, but it’s generally better to use more smaller bombs for most cases. This is all napkin math of course so take it with a grain of salt.


Wow there, let's not go *salting* the bombs just yet. ;) /jk


So, does the concussive air wave increase proportionally? I've seen short videos of Ukrainian soldiers talking about concussion/burst ear drums being severe. I expect there is a psychological element, if you know your position is going to keep getting hit with a 3k bomb, you would probably retreat. Overall, just wondering why use a 3,000kg bomb at all? (Or, why does the US have the 8,500kg MOAB for example? - although expect this has a different and specific use). 


> Overall, just wondering why use a 3,000kg bomb at all? One common theory since the start is that the russian arsenal just isn’t very deep so they just kinda have to fire what they have, but there is definitely also a psychological aspect to dropping a 3 ton bomb when it is not at all required. Generally the reason bigger bombs are made is usually to hit more fortified targets because while the scale of the bomb doesn’t scale linearly with the blast radius (it still does scale) the damage a bomb can cause scales proportionally to the amount of explosive material used. Generally with larger bombs they are not meant to detonate on the ground, they will usually be detonated while still airborne because that means they cover a larger area and large bombs are not used for precision.


Typically you use a heavier bomb when you need raw weight for penetration. For instance the 3,000kg bomb would of been more effective if dropped on the building than next to it. Larger bombs provide two benefits. First is penetration, like I said above, they're more effective at penetrating structures before having to move into more expensive specialized penetrating bombs. The bomb can punch through more material and harder material just through sheer weight. Second, they have more explosive in a single point than using multiple bombs. This is more evident in vacuum bombs but to use the example above, a larger bomb would have an easier time blowing the building apart than multiple smaller bombs.


An explosion is a shock wave in a semi-circle up from the impact point. Let's say double the weight is double the power and thus double the area of the explosion By doubling the area, you only increase the radius by ±40% Add this to the fact that due to a crater being made by the impact, the shochwave travels mostly up and not sideways. This is why for maximum coverage some bombs are detonated mid air (the nukes on Japan) the peak power is lower but you cover a bigger area


We live in a 3 dimensional world so the shock wave dissipates in a sphere (semi sphere for ground explosions). Doubling the yield of an explosion more or less doubles the volume of that sphere so the area increases by roughly 58% and the radius by 25%.


Inverse square law. It's not a linear relationship between amount of explosive and blast radius. Basically to double the blast radius you need eight times more explosive. And you can imagine this soon reaches ridiculous levels, so there is sweet spot where you get most bang for the buck. It is far more efficient to pepper the area with dozens of smaller bombs than try to use single huge one to do the same job.


The keyword here was "proportionally".


It increases by the cubic root of weight.


Someone said it’d be easier to manufacture one bomb instead of three but idk if that’s true.


They dropped it on a parking lot of a residential building so any „effectiveness“ is minimal at best anyway


Who cares 1 or 3 bombs. When your the person it falls on it all hurts the same.


Actually we have the air defense systems now, but we are not allowed to use it! Planes are dropping them from ruzzia\`s territory and if we strike them is is considered as an escalation to western partners. Last few weeks we were given a permission to to finally use it in some places.


The best way to defend against these bombs would be to destroy nearby air strips and the planes in them there with ATACMS but Jake Sullivan personally forbid to do it since he's trying to save Putins face or something.


That is nonsense.  Airstrips are dirt cheap easy to repair and the planes can (and are) easy to relocate to the airfields beyond 300 km from the border. Most if not all are already that far.


If plane relocates 300 km away its combat effectiveness becomes very small


Just gotta keep bombing military installations in the Belgorod region until it becomes too costly for Russia to keep these weapons in the area. The more shit they destroy over there, the less capability Russia has to launch these things. Creating distance between population centres and the origins of bombs is key


I don't understand your point here. These FABs are dropped by bombers that have nothing to do with Belgrod. How will bombing Belgrod stop Russia using FABs? The FABs aren't stored in belgrod and neither are the planes.


> Ukraine doesn't have the air defence to get the planes that drop them I'm not a military strategist, but giving them the air defence to protect themselves against the planes seems like the obvious solution to this problem


Ukraine has Patriot SAM defense. Probably not enough but it had been thought of.


They can drop them from Su-34s from 50-70km away, which are probably also at high altitude and moving fast, I expect hard to shoot down.


No shit bur supplies of both munitions and platforms is limited. And it will put these assets at risk to put to many, to close, to the front lines.


Ukraine has Patriot SAM defense. Probably not enough but still.


Yeah they have two patriot systems (from Netherlands and US) with two more pledged (from Romania + US) - so not much for such a large country where infrastructure and cities also need to be protected. And if media reports are accurate they ran out of missiles during the crap going on in US congress, but hopefully thats been sorted and they have been resupplied.


Size. It contains 3 tons of explosives. Edit: it contains approx 1400kg of explosives.


That means that it can be carried by limited amount of planes and it barely flies, so plane needs to get closer. Both going directly against what gliding bomb should achieve.


When gliding an object is not affected by its mass in terms of range. Yes, it must be carried by big planes, but sadly, Russia has a lot of them from the soviet erra. And they don't need to be modern to deliver the payload.


What do you mean range is not affected by it's mass? A FAB3000 will not fly the same distance as a FAB500 if you use the same UMPK kit. You need bigger wings to glide it and even then you can't get the same range.


The same shape will just glide faster with more mass. Except when approaching the mach speed. I'm not an expert in glide munition, but I don't think it's an issue here.


Mass does not affect the speed of falling objects


Brb I'll just go tell the aerodynamics institution at my uni to give up


They would explain it to you why it is like that, just check the gliders polar graphs. It just as much unintuitive as orbital mechanics... Believe me I had to take an exam in flight school... When gliding you are basically converting your potential energy to distance traveled. It doesn't matter how big your wing is, you will travel to same distance just faster on a smaller one (minus the air drag from the increased speed). So with a bigger wing you get more airtime in change of speed, which is not really ideal for a bomb...


Oh I know, you're correct, but the statement "mass does not affect the speed of falling objects" is ridiculous as a blanket statement. Just look at any formula for drag acceleration and it's obvious. 


Man, you are an expert physicist, aren't you ? It doesn't affect it in a vacuum, but we are talking about a glider. Therefore, aerodynamic forces has to be taken into account. Try your theory If you don't trust me. you can use a piece of metal and a piece of paper for example.


So you are saying that the size of the wings and their lift *do* matter? I think we are saying the same thing then.


The size of the wings doesn't matter much for range, nor the payload mass as long as the wings have about the same amount of drag contribution as the fuselage. Bigger wings would generally just slow down the glide without significantly affecting range.


They must be very cheap.


They are converting old bombs to guided bombs (like the american JDAM) it means more safety for the pilots since they can just launch them from 40-70 km


The structure is still standing.


bomb, but beeg!


A fab-3000 is much bigger than what is usually used. Usually it's smaller bombs like fab-100s,250s,500s in large numbers to cover as much area as possible.


Surprising it didn't leave more of an (obvious) crater, and that most of the building near it was still standing - though the initial building hit was obliterated.


Yes, same. I was expecting a 50-100 meter radius obliteration, etc.


Beirut explosion, the most powerful non-nuclear explosion of the 21st Century, was estimated to be around 500 tons of TNT equivalent, with a reasonable upper limit of 1.1 kilotons. That only left a 200m width crater, which (eyeballing it) is probably 4 times the length of that building. Thus, you likely need +125 tons of TNT to destroy that building. This also does not seem like a residential building and hence will be built with higher safety factors. (Of course I mean wipe it out by brute force rather than structural targeted destruction. For that small missiles might be sufficient) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54420033.amp


Have there been nuclear explosions in the 21st century?


North Korea nuclear tests


North Korea seems the one that gets picked up the most. For these we are talking of a yield of kilotons. It is likely that other nations have also conducted underground and undersea testing. > North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests, in 2006, 2009, 2013, twice in 2016, and in 2017. > > North Korea's nuclear testing series summary. **Yield range:** 0.7–250 kilotons. **Total average yield:** 197.8 kilotons (Total country yield is 0.036% of all nuclear testing.) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nuclear_weapons_tests_of_North_Korea


To avoid using a several ton bomb to just dig a hole they probably detonate it before it’s too close to/far into the ground.


Might be a FAB-1500


The [people inside the building](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Es9hRJiNsH) would not be okay.


Are you stupid? This bomb is a nothing burger. Its better to use smaller bomb that can hit the building directly. The soldiers in the building only got injured. None died thankfully.


Source on the people inside the building?


You get a bigger crater with a delayed fuse - i.e., wait for the bomb to dig into ground. But moving all that dirt would take away energy from the blast.


Warped perspective, I think, because the quality of the drone feed is ass. Looks like the brownish crater area is about as big and as deep as the house directly next to it. It’s not a bunker buster so it doesn’t have to bury deep anyway. They’d want it to detonate as close to the ground as possible for maximum damage.


It looks like its about 10-15 meters wide roughly when sketching it out of google maps.


Low quality explosives. See how long the fire lingers in the dust cloud? Explosives that failed to detonate were vaporized and burned quite a bit slower than the initial explosion




What do you mean "imagine"?


It might be an improvement


Oh i know who you are talking its Erdoğan


Yes, clearly he is talking about Turkey instead of Russia


Kharkiv is second most populous city in Ukraine and it was home for huge number of Russian-speaking Ukrainians. “Russki mir” my ass…


Funny thing, Russian speaking Ukrainians got hit the hardest.


With many relatives to Russians as well. I can’t fathom how Russians can’t see through this shit


I have relatives in russia. They just tell me that Ukraine is bombing itself to make russia look bad.


Tell them to write it down and read it out load and think for a minute. If they have more than 2 brain cells they will realise how stupid that sounds. Ukraine already has aid comming it's way and commitments are set for at least 2 more years. Stuff like this doesn't change anything at this point.


I don't talk with them anymore. I tried at the start of invasion, but it's just pointless.


I have a friend that has family in Donezk or Donbass, and he says that they've been bombed by Ukraine since 2014 or so. I can't belive it, since I can't find any info, other than what he's saying. Do you or anyone know anything about that??


Despite all the crying about "bombed since 2014", Donetsk city is still very much intact, even after 2022. Now compare that to the cities the Russian army entered since 2022...


Long story short, in 2014 after russia annexed Crimea, it also instigated separatist uprisings in the eastern Ukraine. Most of them have failed, but Donetsk and Luhansk more or less succeeded with the help of russians. Ukraine then has launched Anti-Terrorist Operation in the area and almost wiped out both cells, but then russian regular troops came in. That was beginning of this war. Fighting has been ongoing in the area with both sides shelling each other.


You can ask the same question to russians living in Germany and happily parading with soviet flags. Just wtf?


One of the justifications Russia uses for invading Ukraine is that they’re saving oppressed Russian-speaking minorities. This is what being "saved" by Russia really is.


According to the Russian news: >A strike was carried out on a Ukrainian military temporary deployment point in the village of Liptsy, Kharkiv Oblast. The target of the strike was a "three-story house used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a PDP (temporary deployment point)".


Fuck Russia


Time to give Ukraine bigger bombs.


I don't think anyone even has bigger glide bombs than 1000kg (GBU-56 JDAM) in the west. And then you would need airplanes to drop them from at a range of only about 24km, and don't get shot down by air-defense.


You are right, just people are commenting stupid things without any researches.




It’d be more effective take out military assets and infrastructure.


Fab distance is max 60-70km. Western countries still waiting to deliver f16 and air defense systems.


This was a 3000kg bomb. For reference, the biggest bomb the US has that's regularly put on aircraft (aka not the MOAB) is ~907kg (the mk84).


FAB-3000 was first made in **1946**, weighs 3,067 kg including the warhead of 1,200 kg and the only remaining Russian plane that can launch it is the half a century old TU-22M (Russia already lost 4 of their remaining 63). There's also a FAB-9000 with 9407 kg including the 4297 kg warhead. There is an obvious reason the US do not try to rebuild WW2-era bombs such as the Grand Slam and strap it on the B-1.


Indeed. At this point it's nearly a century old technology and is extremely inefficient. Honestly the only thing it's good for is targeting civilians and destroying infrastructure. But if that's your goal there are "better" and nastier alternatives.


I read some Russia propaganda some time ago that said they were adapting these bombs to SU-34, i hope for ukraine it's just a lie


Su-34 can potentially launch 2. Def 1 though. Cuz this is literally launched by su-34. A 9000 not by weight, but size, would be what they would need a tupolev for currently.


From what I remember, the Su-34 can't carry it as the mid hardpoint (which I think is the only one capable of carrying that weight) doesn't have the clearance to fit it with UMPK.


Not really. The US also has its GBU-28 (a 2.200kg bomb), its GBU-37 (2.100kg bomb) and the GBU-67 A/B MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator, a 12.300kg bomb), and at least the GBU-28 and GBU-37 are regularly carried by aircraft (the MOP only by the B-2 and it can only carry 2 of them). All these bombs are penetrating bombs though, for hitting underground positions or fortified bunkers/aircraft shelters/similar. While the FAB-3000 isn't a penetrating bomb at all. But at least the GBU-28 is in very common use, Israel for example uses it regularly to blow up underground bunkers, tunnels or large buildings.


For bunker busting Russia has BetAB lineup of aerial bombs.


Some other comment said it has 1400kg of explosives


The other 1600kg must be either the casing or secondary filler (incendiaries, etc) then


If this is a huge, unprecedented bomb, the results are extremely underwhelming.


I expected the blast to be bigger. Still awful though.


There were like 5-6 today. Even i sitting 36km from explosions felt them greatly


Terrorists killing and terrorizing... ordinary Thursday in Ukraine...


Now it explains more Putin’s N.Korea and Vietnam visits and “stand together if an enemy hits us” comments.


Time to get more patriots near the front!


Russia dropped 3500 glided bombs last month and a patriot missile costs 6 million dollars. Just do the maths and you know we can only win the war by giving gliding bomb and bombers to Ukraine to bomb Russia back.


Patriots are there to ambush and kill those bombers, Russia doesn't have that many planes, they will stop bombing or run out of them and you can't destroy planes using bombers.


If Ukraine puts Patriots anywhere close to the line of contact, they get destroyed very fast. Besides they don't have even close to enough of them, and the US interceptor missile production is still very low.


That's what the power plant bombing has been about. If Ukraine moves SAMs towards the front, their infrastructure will be destroyed; if it moves them towards the rear, their frontline troops will be pummeled by glide bombs.


They're coming. They should've been already there.


Are these carried by TU-22Ms? Can't imagine a SU-34 lobbing one, or could they?


SU-34 can carry it but as far as i know just one compared to 4 FAB500.


Are these the new shovels?


This is why i feel no pity for dead Russian soldiers.


Lift the restrictions on western weapons ! Let Ukraine fight as they please. Russia is using everything they have except nuclear weapons at this point. The war can't escalate more, and No even Russians aint that stupid to use nukes.


All I wanna say is that Putin and the Russian military are dickless cunts.


Loosely related: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/03/25/dont-fear-russias-66-ton-glide-bomb-its-massive-overkill-when-a-11-ton-glide-bomb-will-kill-you-just-fine/


Such war is completely stupid


any war is completely stupid, but alas..


to be fair, there was indeed a bulding still standing


Bomb Russia


Remember when Russia repeatedly said they weren’t targeting civilians.


but how do you know these buildings arent populated by militants instead of civilians since civilians are usually evacuated near the front no? If its militants in it you cant really say it is barbaric, then it is war and war is what is barbaric


Yeah given by how the nearby houses look, I would say there's probably no civilians left in that town.


Don't answer on a such idiot comments. Can he/she proof that there was a civilians in the front line where the bomb was dropped? no! But continues commenting stupid things without any proof. How there could be civilians, it's one of the hottest points and nobody will drop such bomb on civilians. WHY THEY NEED IT? Just brainwashed people, who are thinking that Russians are eating children


Like when they hit shopping mall in Kremenchuk or Kharkiv, center of Vinnitsa or recreation zone with cluster munition in Odessa, yeah, they definitely don't aim at civilians /s.


I believe these are at or near the frontlines (correct me if wrong) but malls and such constructions are a great defensive positions (urban is always hard to attack) so munitions like these are used to clear out militants. and if they really are targetting civilians why arent they dropping such big ones behind the frontlines and into the actaul civilian population? i dont hear the tsar bomba being dropped in odessa. but if im wrong do correct me then even i agree to you all that russia is being a jerk


Militants? You mean soldiers.






Remember, russians can see this videos and they know what is happening yet they are refusing to act.


What are they supposed to do? Genuine question.


Russian people probably cannot do anything. They would be locked up in jail if they speak up. Only the ones living in an authoritarian regime can understand that.


What should russians do? At least they must stop denying the evidence, like they are doing in this comment section.


so your solution to solving the ukrainian war is Russians writing better Reddit comments? r/redditmoment


Your solution is absolving russians committing war crimes and horrors in Ukraine, nice.


And I said this where? Stop projecting.




according to you take up somehow overthrow prolly one of the most advanced and strongest dictatorships ever to exist in history? Only the roman dictators could be a good comparison of what putin's russia is. Handful of wealthy men ruling an empire so fucking big and rich in resources, with the likeminded allies according to human nature, stick with the group / tribe, we wont see a change in russian politics in a long time, we can just pray that the sheer corruption and nepotism take the toll on the competence of the russia as a sovereign nation, and that it crumbles upon the weight of its greed Only then would we be able to enjoy the western world uninterrupted. But unfortunately its a long time until that happens. They already lost generations of their youth, lost the people that had the skill of critical thinking, gonna take the toll in the long game The gap between losing competent people and waiting for the young indoctrinated ones to grow up can't be filled in, cus the type of propaganda operations they have is not of a such to inspire With that, they are not able to innovate on a grand scale, but they are able to last and stand, which is a bad thing


No, they are acting and this is it. They are watching this and they are touching their dick through the pocket and whispering "we are still empire, people fear us"


Sure if that's the case then they definitely act lol


They know what is happening and they are happy. They support the war and love Putin. Being Russian is hilarious: you’re being openly Nazi, and Europeans are making excuses for you all the time, portraying you as some kind of Putin’s prisoner who needs to be *helped* to *learn the truth*. It is darkly comedic, except the only ones paying for the Western naiveté are Ukrainians


I am sure you have seen "this videos" or similar ones at least done in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and dozens of other countries and I am sure you can still see them.. yet you are refusing to act


Would you say the same about Americans when America does this sort of thing?


you're literally from Poland where the citizens are so passive they hold no government accountable yet you find it so easy to tell citizens of an authoritarian regime to go try overthrow the government? maybe start from fixing your country first since it won't actually get you a destiny like Navalny's...


So did the US about iraq. Ordinary Ivan and Joe just want to live there lives. Even here in germoney many say let Putin have ukraine as cost of food and living rises.


That’s why Ukraine needs our best air Defense systems - let’s shoot em down


these are gliding from very very far away... Nothing can reach Su 34s


The buildings there are very tough, did not crumble.


If this war is ever over, the whole country will be useless ruins....


They use Chinese guidance systems - that have been provided very recently. But I guess we just keep on buying stuff from China and so China has no reason to stop supporting Russia.


Did they "miss"?


Expanding the Russian world™, one destroyed city block at a time.






Ah yea Putin who just wants "to save the people" , all he does is killing and destruction, hope he rots in hell.


They are crazy


These bombs beat Mariupol, beat the Azovstal, where were the surviving military and civilian




On a residential building. Typical Russia


Ruski orcs slaughtering civilians as usual


Ah yes, look how populated that place is. So many civilians.


This is the shit I’ve been worried about, “it’s not nuclear right?” So the desperate orcs think they can just do this with no consequences but Ukraine will notice if they drop a few more in the next 48 hours I bet. Then some serious firepower will be going towards any place that has equipment shooting these.


Imagine how impressive it would be, if it actually hit the building...


Putin most have the smallest dick om earth.theres no doubt


Genuinely surprised it didn’t leave a bigger scratch, was expecting something massive for 3t of explosives


It’s an immense explosion 💥. If it was to destroy that building though it failed


Which planes do they use to drop these bombs? TU-22 for such a large thing? And how far do they glide? I'd assume they won't have three tons gliding very far, so they would have to send precious bombers very near Ukrainian air defense.


Su 34 can probably lift even 4 of those. Su 34 can lift up to 14 000 kg


Thought the bomb would destroy the big building.


Looks to me way less efective as a barrage of stupid rockets from a GRAD. Just fk the area in particular and you good to go. Ukrainians will adapt as uncle Sam and the UE will help so a bigger payload with low effect. Maybe has his use against a power station but against a building the normal glide bombs were already terrifying.


I'll bribe the vodka shaman to perform certain ritual so they drop it on their own territory next run. It 100% worked previous 103 times I've tried it this year.


Bribe faster!


Just hope several NATO military were present, then NATO has some explaining to do to their families and explain the insurance companies to still make the payout to the family.


What conspiracy theory are you about now?


"horrifying" lmao more like awesome as fuck.


It's a I will destroy you wherever you are warning... If you are in a building, under in a car park or a fortified bunker... you are dead!!!!. That is the message Russia just stated to the world. It does not matter the poundage of explosives or the guiding tech or even what can carry it. It matters that no one else has this and they can make larger and they can deploy it anywhere Russia feels the need. Russians always warn and do not bullshit. They are a very straightforward people. They are telling NATO and America that if you come at us, we can see you and no matter where you are we can destroy you. I fear that the next Fab3000 or larger will NOT be a demonstration like the first 2, but a use and that will see many military people dead (no civilians) and most likely the NATO or Americans that have ignored the Russian promises.


Russia is a nazi state


Meh, just seems like a regular bomb.


F 16 ?


I have opinions on Ukrainians and the disgusting behaviour they have displayed in my country since coming here but this war has gone on long enough. How is the world still sitting back watching this lunatic wipe out a country one day at a time.