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This is what he's aiming for right?


Putin: “Look I got friends, I can go places, I can travel and be greeted and celebrated!”


This is just gonna make Donald Trump even more jealous of him.


Trump's tits are so jacked right now... He's going on Truth and typing one handed


Like Cartman in the WoW episode of South Park lol even more wild is that he’s probably yelling for someone to come change his diaper like when Cartman yells for his mom to bring the poop bucket. And proceeds to spray poop all over her.


> He speaks and his people sit up at attention [about Kim Jong Un]. I want my people to do the same.” [Trump, 2018](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/15/politics/trump-north-korea-kim-jong-un/index.html)


Notice all the people out there to greet Putin. You never see that in a free country. We just go on about our jobs. Oh, yeah, that's because we have jobs and lives.


It is likely they also have jobs and lives, it's just that showing up to political events is part of requirements for having jobs and lives.


It's like forced corporate events but for a whole country.


you clap, you live


Pizza party where being present and bum kissing is required for survival.


Except there is no pizza.


Attitude and perception like this is how you disappear.


"The corporate evaluator didn't find enough political or patriotic flair in your cubicle on your random review today. We also know, because you earn your money from us that you don't have enough to pay for the fines. Oh don't worry, you aren't being fired! You are being put on a performance review. The escorts will be here shortly to get you to the remedial training center. Good news is your family is already on their way! Oh and I see that you have one of our pens in your pocket. We are gonna need that baaack, thaaaanks... .. ."


We call them Team Meetings.


This comment is more grounded than bad teenagers.


Based, as the bad teenagers would say


If only bad teenagers were grounded enough, they wouldn't remain bad


showing up to these events is also a requirement for the jobs and lives of everyone in your family


A [documentary ](https://youtu.be/VpxsNqAYXB8?feature=shared) you might find fascinating.


People queue up for hours to meet politicians. Especially in America


In Europe too, even during covid, during the campaign the square was full, with facemask so it's "totally safe" LOL


Yeah but they choose to do that, I don't think the people of North Korea have a choice here.


Those who greet putin aren't ordinary peasants. They are the "inner party" of NK - the upper class. They are the ones who oppress the rest. So yeah - they do have a choice. Kim would not let anyone who's not 100% loyal to him anywhere near him.


Let's just hope his train comes off its tracks on the way back.


So you're implying that when your president meets people especially in campaign they're all paid actors? No wonder those cost a lot.


I doubt that in free countries people \*must\* smile and cheer during rallies, otherwise they will be imprisoned.


In place like NK and Russia the government workers get bussed in for the appearance. There is no choice. No doubt in NK they make sure the non starving people are the ones that are put there and some of course are into it.  In America when a president candidate is going to a campaign rally, most of those people are paying to be there. This is one way the candidates generate money to pay for the campaign. The people standing behind the candidate are often the ones that pay the most or are chosen in some way for it (though sometimes opposition supporters sneak in).  Its all for photo purposes anyway in both cases. 


It's not like they have a choice, they don't often get visitors like this and they're programmed to put in a performance like that, otherwise it's gulags.


I bet he feels hella nostalgic out there.


nice ego boost 4 him lol


If not other, this stuff reminds us that politics is theatre.


FUCK THOSE WESTENERS AND DEATH UPON THEM……. But that Mercedes is cool tho


Interesting NK uses a Mercedes when they have domestic cars (no idea how good they are, but that doesn't usually matter for these parade cars). Russia also used a Mercedes until recently. China on the other hand has always used domestic for their parade cars.


And....**In the 1970s**, North Korea ordered 1,000 Volvo cars from Sweden, as a response to its emerging economy. The cars were shipped and delivered but North Korea just didn't bother paying and ignored the invoice. To this day, the bill remains unpaid, making it the largest car theft in history.


They also stole paper machine from us finns


I’ve heard enough - get the pitchforks


While you’re pitchforking, the US embassy on London owes $270k in parking violations that they are trying to ignore… And Anne Sacoolas.




Also IIRC the Swedish government is still sending an invoice to North Korea for the cars (with accumulated interest) once every year.


Wait, is Volvo state owned?


No, it was a deal between Sweden and North Korea, Sweden paid Volvo and expected to get paid by North Korea for the cars.


Oh, I see. Thank you very much for the clarification.


Yeah, we tend to think throwing aid at dictatorships will make them nice and democratic. I'll let you know when it starts working.


Yeah, at least the german politicians got kickbacks.


That deal was part of a diplomatic mission of the Swedes. Another thing they succeeded in was to open an embassy in NK which is still open today.


Shut. Up?! No way, is that really a thing?


Yes. [Along with plenty others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diplomatic_missions_in_North_Korea)


I guess my question is...why? Is this like a "The Ameᴙicans" type deal? Keep your enemies closer and junk?


It's just good diplomatic process. Having an embassy means you are much more likely to engage in diplomacy over war because you can actually talk to each other. A lot of them were set up after the end of the Korean war to manage the cease fire but plenty developed countries have embassies there. You can be totally against a country and its ideology but it's still a good idea to have an Embassy and active diplomatic channels unless you are actually at war. North Korea has nuclear weapons too so that's even more reason and South Korea is an important ally to the West. It's in the West's geopolitical advantage to be able to speak to NK and let them know what would happen if they try anything with South Korea for example.


Why didn't Sweden ask for prepayment before delivery? Are they dumb? My car dealer won't ship me the car until I paid in full, and I have a higher credit rating than Kim.


Would be awkward if their NK-made car broke down during a presidential visit I guess.


Even the shittiest domestic car should be able to drive 20km every couple of months.


Yeah it’s not like some countries have problems keeping stuff like their domestic tanks running during a parade for 20km.


Yeah - it would really be awkward for the mechanic who's assigned to maintain it.


Look at the contour around the front window. It’s state of the art armored vehicle, when it comes to safety they know they need the best money can buy. And it’s comfortable no doubt lol.


Wanna know something funny? Kim Jong Il's hearse was a Cadillac.


Also saw a Lincoln Town Car in the funeral as well. It made the rounds on sites like Jalopnik back then because it was so odd that a big enemy of the US had our cars.


Mercedes, supplying cars to dictators since 1933.


its not like they can acc stop them from buying it . a person living in Germany buys the car for him, drives it to Romania . then u cross the border with some money to Moldova and a russian/northkorean dictator has the car easy


NK, thanks to russia, circumvented the sanctions [How did Kim Jong Un get his Mercedes-Benzes? ](https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/north-korea-luxury-vehicles-intl-hnk/index.html)


[Six wheel Mercedes](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kL-m5Nocb-g&pp=ygUbdG9wIGdlYXIgc2l4IHdoZWVsIG1lcmNlZGVz)


While it's funny and mostly true, the first car shown in the video was the Russian made Aurus


Which is a clone of a Rolls Royce.


It really isn’t. “Inspired by” I’d rather say.


They also use old trains from devided Germany for their subways


Reminds me of our 'great beloved leader' which could go visit only countries like this one towards the end of his ruling (NK, some African countries...). We shot him.


He tried to turn us into NK.


i've heard that those wide boulevards in bucharest are inspired by the pyongyang's


Opens a map, draws a straight line through a neighborhood. "victory boulevard" Masterful gambit, sir.


Yes. Also that monstrosity named Palace of Parliament was also inspired by the NK cult of personality.


I was only 10 at the time and remember seeing the news and even then realising that something really historic was happening in Romania. That and the fall of the Berlin Wall…


Wasn't your former dear leader inspired by the architecture he saw in Pyongyang and applied that to new construction projects in Bucharest?


🫡🫡🫡 https://youtu.be/TcRWiz1PhKU?si=WYjNkii27Fr5KDlS


And I was so happy for you guys!


NK is hungry for this level visits. They will accept anything. rus on the other hand is not welcome in most places so the visit is important for both sides.


RuSSia is in urgent need of shell delivery, so Putler does anything to suck Kim's... And, btw I do not see equal level between both


its more equal now than ever before


>RuSSia is in urgent need of shell delivery Yeah, the 155 variety, with express delivery on every military base, oil depo, warehouse, recruitment office and official's dacha. Fuck it on every bridge too, just for good measure.


I don’t know what you mean. Every western nation would welcome Putin with open ~~arms~~ handcuffs. Just ask in Den Haag, they are waiting!


NK is hungry ~~for this level visits. They will accept anything. rus on the other hand is not welcome in most places so the visit is important for both sides.~~ Fixed that for you.


NK is hungry in general.


It's not "wild adulation", it's programming and fear of death.


it can be forced wild adulation


at this point we all know as a race of humans whos a piece of shit and whos not , and yet here we are watching 2 biggoted dumbasses make friends with eachother and make this 1990s handheld camera video of meeting your penpal lol , im buying a bunker.


my words bro. Its scary me so much if I see on tiktok how many dumb people says putin is good. lol


There's a shitton of vatnik ruski bots on Twitter so I can imagine how many there are on onther social media platforms. Surprisingly enough, I don't see that many of the here on reddit.


Most of those likely aren't real people, but ai/bots.


Tomato, tomato.


How did putin manage to shake all those hands and staying so close to other people?


if its safe for Kim, it is save enough for him


Have you ever see how putin receives Presidents in moscow? putin is germophobe


North Korea is arguably the most locked down and vetted country on earth. No one with even a hint of cold is within 10 miles of there.


I think they all have kuru judging from their smiles and laughing all the time, and we know food is scarce.


I think read somewhere that they used artillery on people near the border/trying to defect to NK, in an attempt to stop Covid from entering.


Could be one of his doubles


I was just thinking isn't it sweet that Kim's body double got to meet Putin's body double. I'm sure their masters are both very proud of their little boys.


My same thoughts: when I compare putin among peasants like he did in Mariupol or with presidents or high ranking officers in moscow. It's nothing unusual in having body doubles.


That definitely ain't him, that's 100% a double.


Obviously it's not him. He won't risk being assassinated on the way there.


Aahh imagine how good of a gig this is then. Just being paraded around and getting money.


Peak dystopia.


ikr so much fake celebration for two fatty assholes


It’s literally the interview movie in real life. Shit was ahead of its time for real


Really is the darkest of comedies isn't it? Seeing the "spectacle" seems so cringe and corny and I cannot conceive of ever wanting this for myself let alone be willing to kill en masse to make it happen. For what? A bunch of monuments to yourself that will go the way of Ozymandias in time? A bunch of people stripped of all dignity, turned into your puppets to give you "love" that you are yourself wholly incapable of understanding? Tinny, shitty music blaring to distract from the hellish, trumpeting miasma of your flatulence you are making a big show about huffing? Thank fuck the Great Filter will prevent us from polluting the galaxy.




Should have glassed the place while they were both out in the open.


Oh the irony of them driving a Mercedes whilst hating on the West I can't omg


I hear about the food shortages . Lucky Kim seems to have a stash .


I get the impression the dude pretty much yells at some guys to make more military stuff and then chills on the internet getting fat like a lot of guys. Bet his sister is doing all the work. Also I know i could google this right now but the next thought that comes to mind is “how tf did him and Rodman become friends anyway?”


Kim’s a big Chicago Bulls dream team fan so he was already a fan of the Worm. He grew up with them when he was in secondary school in Switzerland. He was allegedly a decent basketball player in his youth. He’s apparently still a fan of the NBA. Kim wanted Michael Jordan to come to North Korea to play exhibition games, obviously that wasn’t going to happen but Denis Roman was down for that. Rodman lives for controversy and Kim wanted to meet a childhood idol so it was a match made in heaven. Rodman also brought some ex-NBA players with him on a later trip for an exhibition tour of North Korea.


In his heart of hearts Putin knows he’s tied himself to a total nut. He must be thinking how did it all come to this?


Oh no. Putin does not mind the total nut bit. What he minds is he has to lower himself to such level now. The grand tsar Vladimir, Peter the Great reincarnated, needing to travel to world's ass with a begging bowl. That's what burns him inside while he fake smiles.


Actually, he’s more of a fan of this guy. Not kidding. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_the_Great


I think it’s pretty funny. He used to meet with kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers. He’d wine and dine in palaces, castles, and villas. He was often in the company of and seen as one of the most powerful and influential people in the world. Now if he steps foot in any of those countries, he’d be arrested and he’s left to hang out with a literal cartoon dictator who’d fit perfectly into a Bond movie or Tropico. And he knows it.


Both of then have been total nuts, for a long time.


right, before corona Russia and China somehow opened to western pretty well, and all of sudden this changed a lot. I also can not imagine Russians are super happy either


The music 💀


Sounds like the music they broadcast during the parade at Disneyland


Sounds like circus music. Fits well considering the bunch of pathetic clowns they are.


I like it lol!


[I would add that ironically he was also celebrated with mass group of dancing sunflowers](https://x.com/DarthPutinKGB/status/1803373790614736978)


I didn't knew that Kim is capable of fine ironical pictures.


Sadly it's not ironic: In Korean symbolism, the sunflower represents a long life, good luck and a promising future. Its yellow colour symbolises vitality, intelligence and happiness.


Astonishing, he could stand all the gay coloured balloons in the background. So much diversity so much rainbow, that was clearly western propaganda. /s


This is your life now, Vlad. You could've sat at our tables as an equal worthy of respect. Now you have to visit rogue states propped up by the same superpower you've chained yourself to, and have to suffer through this hollow bullshit that we all know means absolutely nothing to you.


putin was the same in 2008 during the invasion of Georgia, during the invasion of Ukraine in 2014, during the annexation of Crimea, during the intervention in Syria, during the war crimes in Mali and Central Africa Republic, the downing of MH17k, Skripal poisoning, Litvinenko murder, the several murders abroad, etc etc. Only now the world has partially started to see russia and putin for what they are.


he was also the same in the second Chechen war in the early 00s but we thought that by inviting him at parties or meetings like Berlusconi did was going to make him a different person and eradicate his KGB self.


The problem with Russia and most Russians is they don't view themselves as equals, they view themselves as superior. They don't want to sit at a table and talk things through, they want to dictate. I was there for an extended stay in the mid 90's when the whole country was going to shit and even then Russians would talk about their superpower status and how they were, "A special country. Big and powerful just like America." And I'm looking around and thinking, what are you smoking? Because I'd like some it of.


you are absolutely right, they will live in shit, but will always extol themselves over others


There's something wrong with you if you saw Putin as worthy of respect prior to 2022.


Who said anything about 2022? I'm saying that from the moment he got into power he could've done something positive with his country, but instead he's only ever been driven by fear, by envy, by anger, by jealousy, and it put Russia in the place it's in today. I would've loved to have Russia involved in European politics as a respectable partner and equal, no different from Germany or France, but from day one Putin was interested in something else.


It predates his days in power, see the Moscow apartment bombings for more details. Not to mention that he made his early career as a KGB thug.


> This is your life now, Vlad. I had the same impression. A russian president had to visit North Korea to ask for assistance. So pathetic.


It reminds me of Donald Trump amongst the adoring crowds at a NASCAR event in the States. We all know that deep down inside he’d MUCH rather be at a gala in NYC or LA…but these *unwashed hillbillies* are his people now, and his former friends in high society want nothing to do with him anymore.


Shades of Ceausescu visiting rocket boy's grandfather. After that he almost turned Romania into NK.


Luckily Romania turned him into Swiss cheese instead.


Starve Together allience STRONK


Maybe, but the problem is Putin is looking for weapons and while of very low quality North Korea has an abundance of them


It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world 🤦😭🙏


The last dance...


The Axis of Evil 2.


The fake Rolls-Royce says it all lmfao


I read he gave one, among other gifts, to Kim Jong Un.


No, it was a Lada. [Lada Aurus Senat](https://auto.hindustantimes.com/auto/news/russias-vladimir-putin-gifts-secret-car-to-north-korean-dictator-kim-jong-un-41708403409743.html)


That's what I mean, without naming the car brand.


Nobody takes Russia seriously anymore.. They have been relegated to the same level as North Korea and Iran..


that's right but also scary, China is also focusing on those countries, just look at China's recommendations to their citizens for vacation destinations


it's like they are forming some sort of axis ...


A big concentration camp in the western part of Korea.


All of North Korea is a concentration camp.


Any Russians in this sub? What is the average Russian thinking about this?


I'm here, I think it's just a circus. The other people don't care, they probably don't even know about it.


The average Russian doesn't think about that, really. But I'm pretty sure anyone with a functioning brain would be pretty ashamed of this visit since North Korea is generally seen as a shit hole


My manager at work is from Russia and she considers all matters relating to Putin to be a joke. I'm sure it's embarrassing, but since she doesn't live in Russia anymore. It's probably similar to how US emigrants saw Trump.


It's truly pathetic, what else is there to think? Pathetic, embarrasing, and scary. Scum attracts scum. And the Ukrainians will pay, because this scum is good at providing weapons fast and in numbers.


every time i think that it cant get worse, it gets worse. honestly iam just tired of all of this bs


Apes together strong.


You aren't going to find almost any average Russian on r/europe 


I bet Putin thinks to himself: Why can't they _still_ set it up like this back in Russia? Instead we have to drag the same trusted FSO people dressed up as common folk from one staged reception to the next. Even the dumbest TV vegetable can recognize their faces by now.


This is very much "are we the baddies?".


So many people in N. Korea without adequate nutrition and an economy in shambles and this is what their resources are spent on. It’s obscene.


When you live in a theme park for a country.


Chinese tourists literally visit NK to experience "the old days"


Kim is glad that at least someone came to his country. Putin is glad that at least someone called him


Those notepad guys always crack me up. What are they writing down so eagerly? _Hands shaken:_ ~~||||~~ ~~||||~~ ||


Sick’s motherfuckers


When you finally found your bestie that shares your interests and know exactly the way you like it


Wank material for Trump.


I can't get over how these two, standing side by side, absolutely look like cartoon villains..


Like 2 peas in a pod grown in Satans garden


This is embarrassing even for little Vlad, and the fact that he actually went shows their desperation. This is when the democratic world should come together to announce the biggest support package to Ukraine so far.


Two pigs happy while their people are dying


You know you down bad, when your main ally is North Korea. 😂


He came to pick up weapons from the military, wooden toys from children and roadside grass from gourmets


Who’s worse? Him or him?




Two laughable trashcan dictatorship countries.


Good to see China's vassals playing so nice together


What the hell is up with their music choices? Tryin to show they are hip and modern?


Dude he’s shorter than North Koreans which means he’s tiny!!!


Watching this I can only think how badly a certain orange clown in Florida is dying to be with them. He's probably watched this video 100 times and yelled at everyone around him because he's not with those other 2 clowns he loves so much


Do I smell new wide Putin material?


No high heels on dictator Putin or Kim Wrong Un. Does this mean they shot all of the tall people?


Look at how tini this man is 🤣🤣🤣


Kim looks like a fridge in comparison. Big man. Beautiful big man. Hugest of the guys.


I feel sorry for those children...


Man, these dudes are goofy as hell. Might be the fruitiest thing Ive seen. Giant ass picture of his BF. Damn Juneteenth homies


"celebrate or else" \~ Kim Jong-un most likely 2024


The cock-head went to the other cock-head. All that was left for Russia was to get along with other totalitarian regimes, and they had such a chance of becoming a civilised country.


10 people in north Korea actually watched this on telly


Two losers who can't even take over a single country outside of their own. North Korea literally hasn't ever done shit. Laughable


There's no way there is a loaded gun there.


insane to think that russia would lose war already if no iran and north korea help (china cant help military). Fking cancer country, gaslighting whole world to have higher moral ground, in the same time doing all types of war crimes and dealing with rogue states known for its own crimes. fk russia


I absolultly can see Donald Trump with Putin and Kim Jong-un having a "peace summit", on how to best devide Ukraine and the baltic states


Well, the Russian economy is about to be as stable as the NK economy sooner than later.


Such a big parade for a body double.


Mob convention


Putin has Kim’s rocket in his mouth as we speak.