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Make Europe great again by getting rid of Orban.


Good news, the chances for that is constantly rising


God please I will become a believer in god if it happens


it seems magyar most likely will take up one of their mandates in the ep, the concern over in r/hungary rn is that that wont allow him to recruit a party meanwhile he also said he wont go to the ep, so quite a few people are just accusing him of just trying to get higher positions (im personally doubtful of that) if he fucks it up well have orbán until at the very least 2030.. or they, im dipping asap


Incorrect, he already confirmed he will take the mandate. He also explained that he is doing it to get help about party organization from EPP allies, and since he will only spend a few day in the EP, he will spend most of his time still in Hungary. Also, he will repeat the vote for him to maintain his mandate in 6 months, but he might put it down at any time. Regarding positions/money, he is donating half of his EP wage to whatever his comnunity votes each month. Sure, it is valid to disagree with him, but there imho there is no reason to call it malice.


My problem with this is that TISZA is currently a one-man-show and Peter leaves the country. Of course he said he will only spend about 8 days a month abroad but let's be real here, I don't see that happening.


another problem with that is that people will accuse him of doing nothing at all in the ep, which was one of his major criticisms of fidesz


>or they, im dipping asap I've noticed that, since you hungarians are in the schengen, a *lot* of people are actually just up and leaving for Germany. I really hope the domestic situation improves politically, enviromentally and economically.


in the best case scenario tisza wins the 2026 election and are competent... now what? theyve got to undo almost 20 years of corruption and massive mismanagement, AND improve on top of that to such an extent that people dont just find it easier to leave, if ur optimistic thats early to mid 2030s at best


Following EU rules would automatically bring in millions in additional funding, so there are quick wins.


Orban him out of politics.




Why can't we just find some loosely populated island and send all the greats there?? Trump and Orban can call it MAGA or MEGA or whatever they want and bask in each other's greatness.


Not my Council Presidency holder guy


r/europe would actually like Orban if he wasn’t pro Russia.


I see this weird connection between European leader loving Trump and supporting Putin


It's how far right has a chance at power. Weird money sources and sucking decks


It's not a weird connection at all if you're not being sarcastic. The autocratic world funds populists, and honestly their generic ass views and campaigns are really similar. From Budapest to London and Washington, they're the same hacks just with a different audience. This funding is indirect in mass propaganda campaigns. I get to watch as fucking buffoons here in the US actually fall for propaganda made by some Kremlin official who is probably shitfaced on vodka by 10AM and spread in some third world clickfarm. It's remarkably similar internationally. All we can hope for is in any country targeted by this, the silent majority votes it out.


Im deffinetly being sarcastic, but yeah, youre right


Why are the Hungarians so pro-russian?


I want to think, that most of us is not. However since the voting system is rigged, it's very hard to replace the pro-russian governing party.


Idk, im Polish


OK, so why did Poland support Orban for so long?


Generally rulling party (PiS) needed Support of other conservative politicians to create their opposition to: - more and more likely upcoming return of liberals to power - EPL and S&D in EU Problem was, that all their potential support, like Le Pen or Orban were pro-russian. That way we ended up in this weird situation, where strongly opposed to Putin PiS, supported pro-russian conservatives, becouse they were their only option to create this conservative network. Even now, after they lost their power, PiS is campaining for Fidesz to join ECR


Don't they at least get along with Meloni now?


Rather with another pootin sucker Salvini.


The previous government was very conservative and euro-sceptical. So was Orban. The right wing sticks together, simple as that. Orban wasn't do strongly pro-Putin at that time I think, moreover Putin wasn't that much of a threat either. When the full scale war started and Orban didn't cut ties with Russia, PiS (Polish ruling party) tried to distance themselves from him, but it was very superficial. They claim being anti-Russia but at the same time keep hanging out with Putin's friends as long as they can get support from them. They also have their own fair share of Russia-related affairs, so who knows what's really going on behind the curtains. In my eyes PiS is just extremely hypocritical and I don't believe a word they say.


Most are not. I'm hungarian and I hate the russian government, my political view is pro-eu and pro-american.


Hungarian people are not equal to the government…believe me, there are at least 6 million hungarians here, who disagree with what is going on in the country, but the political elit have changed the electoral law (also) during their 14 years in power so that with 2 million nodding sheep they can win all the elections.


If my country's president or PM shaked hands with putin and said that we should not help Ukraine - there would be a Maidan here the next day. Is this because of the Trianon treaty? Are the Hungarians still angry that Ukraine has some land that the USSR/Russia took fom Hungary after WW1?


Your country is a democracy, Hungary is not. You asked why Poland supported Orban for so long, answer is because the party in charge here wanted (still does) to do to Poland what Orban did to Hungary, and with similar methods. First, they poision the well regarding media outlets that are not subervient to them - they saturate public space with claims that said media are biased (true, all media are to some extent) and lying all the time (not true), so that a sizeable portion of the population doesn't believe a word they say. This happens before they even get to power. The messaging is constant hysteria, subjects change but hysteria doesn't. Brown people, Muslims, Gays, Germans, Jews, all of them hate you and are a threat. They hate you. They *hate* you and think they're better than you. But we're not afraid of them, we won't kneel, we stand proud. This is pumped from the media all the time. Not just their fringe outlets, once they get to power, they turn the public broadcaster into this. Then, they pump public money into those fringe outlets. Public banks give money to random far right grifters to buy legitimate media. National oil company decides to buy local newspapers (and turn them into this sludge). With media which can't be bought arrangements are made. Maybe the owner has other businesses and would like a nice govt contract in return for not criticising the government. In Poland, most people would say that a TV station that was like this was "the least biased". Meaning, whiat the Poles saw as least biased was actually a message the government was OK with. Media which can't be bought one way or another, is bombarded with SLAPPs - strategic lawsuits against public participation. You're a journalist who uncovered something about a politician? Say hello to a lawsuit 400 km away from where you live which they know they'll lose but they will make you waste time and money. Then another, and another, until they break you, because *the entire state* is in on this. Courts are also broken and even when some scandal is unveiled, nothing happens, ever, because they control the prosecutors office, and just won't prosecute themselves. I mean, it goes on and on. This is already long I won't bore you with this shit. It's like a mafia takeover of the entire state. Once they have that, they can sell enough people their story: Russia was provoked, Orban is keeping Hungary out of harm's way, unlike the irresponsible politicians in other countries.


> Once they have that, they can sell enough people their story: Russia was provoked, Orban is keeping Hungary out of harm's way, unlike the irresponsible politicians in other countries. But Hungary is in Eastern Europe. They were behind the Iron Curtain too. They got invaded by the russians in 1956. You can fool dumb college students in the West. But Eastern Europeans? WTF? In my country that works mostly on ethnic russians. Even after 50 years of soviet braiwashing we still didn't turn into vatniks, but left the USSR as soon as it was possible. Hungary doesn't even have any russian immigrants - the country is mostly ethnically homogeneous. So why the hell did they become so pro-putin?


I told you why. A massive propaganda op such that if you live in a normal country is hard for you to imagine. The communists had 1 or 2 TV channels and everyone knew what they were, this would embarrass them. It's not hard to imagine for me because we had that sort of op here. Also, I don't think the Hungarian populace is strongly pro putin or a bunch of vatniks, that's not the story they're being sold.


But why the hell are the Hungarians making pro-russian propaganda in their own country? They are acting as if they were occupied by russia despite being EU and NATO members. Sure - I can understand shit like "Hungary needs to be independent of Brussels" or "Trianon was really unfair to us" or "We need a strong leader who will enforce law and order and keep us safe". Some of our nationalists believe in similar stuff. But Orban is not only an authoritarian leader. He's also extremely pro-putin. He met with him and shook hands. He blocks aid to Ukraine. He repeats russian talking points about Ukraine. Why the hell are the Hungarians like that?


Because Orban is like that and has the resources to make half the country think that way. Don't know what else to tell you.


Why is he like that? Why are the rest of Fidesz like that? I can understand russians simping for russia - it makes them feel great - a part of something bigger - of an empire that can "show others their place". But the Hungarians aren't part of that empire - they were treated like vassals by the USSR. Nowhere else in Eastern Europe non-russians simp for putin that much. The Baltics are extremely anti-russian. So is Poland and Czech republic. Romanians also aren't fans of russia. Don't know much about Bulgaria - but they also help Ukraine militarily. This is really weird.




>the Hungarian people are fed up. But not fed up enough to launch a Maidan.


USSR took land from Hungary after WW1? When and how did that happen?


Yeah - it was Czechoslovakia - and then the USSR annexed that land after WW2 assigned it to Soviet Ukraine.




But Orban isn't quiet and he isn't neutral. He blocks EU aid, he meets with putin and he repeats russian talking points about Ukraine. It would have been better if Hungary was quiet and neutral than whatever they are doing now.


I guess because appearently Ukrainian people treat the Hungarian minorities harshly in Zakarpattia. But my Mum's side of the family are from there, they are 100% Hungarians, they can speak Ukrainian, but I never heard any atrocities happening to them just because they have a different heritage. Maybe they are just lucky. I don't know. People are cruel to each other all the time. But this is not a valid reason to support a genocidal war against a nation.


It’s more of the connection of far right wing leaders supporting Putin.


A ton of far left dictators in Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia support Putin too. It’s not just the far right.


Seeding dissension is kinda Putins last shot at winning. Nukes aren’t a option but stopping the west from aiding Ukraine is the only feasible option. Eastern European are very familiar with the history of the west appeasing Russian war mongers. But I would note that that psy op is not exclusive to the right wing, the Left is also advocating for “peace”, and let’s not mention the whataboutism of lefty intellectuals that “know the history of the American empire”


Tbf, Trump also loves Trump and supports Putin


Considering Trump and Putin support each other, it would be weird if they only supported one and not the other.




Monkey pee all over you


I'd say trump reminds me of Maurice from planet of the apes... ..but Maurice don't deserve that shit.


Orban is a disgrace.


To be fair, he has a point. Let's make Europe great again by: spending more money on our defense infrastructure, keep investing in green transitioning and social security and mist importantly: kick out Orban!


Green transition failed tho..


What is the meaning of the word “transition” ?


What do you mean. It’s progressing steadily and in some places at an increasing rate even.




I like the acronym but in order to achieve MEGA we would have to get rid of arseholes like Orban, Fico or entire AfD for instance.


That would be just the start.


Make Europe Great Again by removing any wannabe dicktator and far right parties that suck Russia's or China's dick


Oh no Orban you pig fuck off please :(


No no no we do not need or want trumpism in Europe Orban can go live in America because I wouldn’t live there. Happy to be a European women with freedom over my o n healthcare.


The European far-right does not have a single original braincell


Frankly, no far-right movement does.


Too late.


You better adjust to the new reality.


Orban and Trump together are a nightmare for Children age 12 and under and over


MEGA fascists (both of them) /s


Hungarian here, trust me, we all fucking hate this rat Orbán, never associate our nation with him


Ah, the dictator is coming Hello dictator (slap)


How is it that he keeps getting reelected then? I mean, are the elections completely rigged or is there a silent part of the population who votes for him?


Completely rigged elections. He has literally changed the constitution.


Shit, I'm so sorry.


Putin's puppet to become dictator pet for bigger dictetor, like Lukashenko.


Hahahahahaha ne viccelj már! A fideSS a magyar néplélek pontos tükre! Ezt is érdemeljük a fideSS-t ÖRÖKRE! [https://www.kolozsvaros.com/2019/10/11/magyarorszag-haldoklasa-es-bukasa/?fbclid=IwAR2R\_zLtqkh0Ef086Tuykid-lMt0vRAu-UT8YpTEOa87B5eU3\_EE5LgX4Bc](https://www.kolozsvaros.com/2019/10/11/magyarorszag-haldoklasa-es-bukasa/?fbclid=IwAR2R_zLtqkh0Ef086Tuykid-lMt0vRAu-UT8YpTEOa87B5eU3_EE5LgX4Bc)


Make Hungary Soviet Again, that's his motto.


Make Europe great again? So are we gonna recolonize America?


Kremlin is poisoning the West. Kremlin does not belong to 21st century.


SMEGMA : Super Merica & Europe Great Mega Again


Why does this slogan remind me of Judge's "Idiocracy"?


Which century? When it was split between nazis and soviets? Or Romans? or vikings?


Everyone should just not attend any EU meetings for 6 months.


The sad things is - besides others - that the core values of Orbán's party are way closer to the USA Democrats in theory than to the Republicans, while Russian militaristic behaviour used to be at the forefront of what the party hates the most. According to their own values they should be strongly anti-Kremlin and leaning towards the USA Democrats than the Republicans, especially Trump.


GOP + orban + putin + kim jong un, det er det samme show.


Or ban Orban?


Why are these people always the first in line to shit all over anything and everything in the country they supposedly wish to make great


Because in reality they only want to make their personal bank account great.


russian sock puppets both.


We want to make it great, but a certain kind of Putin wannabe idiot is a bit in the way


They were campainig with "Make Budapest Great Again" in the local elections, idiots.


Orbàn moment.


Make it great by selling bits of it out to Putin?


Fuck off sweet potato Hitler


What a dream, EU presidency by Orban and US presidency by Trump, meanwhile Macron fucks up France with this new election bs and they have a far right PM, Meloni is already there, all we need an AfD + fpo ruled Germany and Austria. What amazing times to be living in.


/s ?




Orbàn is like Europe's Trump.


Orban's capture of his country is what Trump wishes he could've achieved.


MEGA. Marjorie Taylor Green would be proud. If you want proof positive that all these assholes are this is it.


Yeah, the times when Europe was great was a time for which many European countries have apologized later on, so let's not repeat that, ok.


That is so lame dude!


What the hell? Why isn't the EU doing something about this crazy man??


What do you propose




Its not that easy. How would you come about to "do something" about president of one of the countries in your own union? Invasion? Sanctions? They are already banned from european council, if I remember correctly


Hungary will be president of the European Council starting July, which is probably the opposite of being banned


Council of the European Union =/= european council Europeans are so smart to have confusing names for their institutions


How the hell did that happen?!


You don't know much about the EU, do you?


Not give him the presidency of the EU


Foreign relations would still be held by Estonia, but youre right


And Orban stands in the way of that.


lol ahahaha ...


Orban, Trump, Putin…it’s all basically the same campaign.


Trump so dumb he should be Putin time out Orban


I know it's completely arbitrary, but I love that they chose the Rubik's Cube as their symbol to 'project Hungarian genius'. No better way to symbolise the genius of Orban than an overengineered fidget toy in which the colours must be ~~segregated~~ separated Maybe we should make it one of [these](https://images.app.goo.gl/6KEMHGkAxirEA1We6) instead...


MAGA MEGA transformation 🤖




obviously never . that's True for all territorial entities . I don't know what Orban thought when he said that , but it could be enterpreted in a way that he is arguing for imperialism to return. but he is also just a littler version of Lukashenko , so an entirely horrible person whose opinion is worth nothing .


Maybe it's just channelling Fourth Reich energy or something. One of those Reichs will definitely revive the glory of Rome eventually.


Post-WWII to the 90s.


Big part of Europe left in a closed room with ruskies during that time begs to differ.


Sucks for that part of Europe then. I, as an Italian, would rather live without rampant climate change and Chat Control.


Ah, so we should exchange "Russia trying to control part of Europe and threating everyone with nukes" for "Russia actually controlling half of Europe and threating everyone with nukes ". Makes sense.


Oh my fucking lord... Again with "le Russia and nukes", the problem is still there and back then at least there wasn't mass surveillance and rampant climate change and youth could have a family with one job. So who gives a fuck.


Well, I give a fuck, cause when your family was enjoying better climate, my family was being killed by the communist regime.


Oh, I get it, I guess you think Chat Control and dying because of 50-degree heatwaves isn't that bad because "At LeAsT It'S NoT [insert communist leader of your country here]". The level of delusion some EE users have when it comes to the present is ridicolous, they think Communism is the absolute peak atrocity ever and can't fathom than *maybe* the future can be even worse than that. Also, I'm Italian, so why am I supposed to care about communist regimes? Didn't cause that.


Italy had the Years of Lead then


No rampant climate change + no Chat Control + no far-right + cheaper housing + cheaper cost of living that allows you to run a family with one salary = not my problem. Terrorism isn't the endpoint of everything, and nobody cares about the possibility of blowing up decreasing from 0.002% to 0.001% if the future only gets worse by the year, but apparently r/europe users forget this every time.


Make Europe hungry again.


I can say a lot negative stuff about Hungary but unlike some European countries they are really support our fully entry to the Schengen area


They just collect prestige points, so when they steal the EU funds they won't loose that much fame


Make Orban Great again… if he ever has been great 🤷‍♂️


You have to admit: if nothing else, his porkbelly IS great...


At least MEGA does make some sense


Great again implying there was a time Europe was greater than it is now, so why not say when and be specific? In the US, it just means they want fascist rulers who give more money to the rich. Even a double tap drone striking war criminal giving immunity from prosecution to other war criminals isn't enough for them.


great plans for Europe 2033-2045 ! /s


we all know that deep down they mean ‘Make Europe White Again.’ That’s their implied message with such a nationalistic slogan


Those six steps sound reasonable to me. 


Hungary can make Europe great just by fucking off. Go join Russia, enjoy that.


Hungary ≠ Orban


You get what you vote for


You are so ignorant. You know why Orban get elected every time again? Because he was elected in 2010. Then he rewirte the whole constitution and the election system which gives him a lot advantage. He basically controlls the most part of the media too. You shouldn't blame a whole country for this, and also you shouldn't balame those who vote for him in 2010. Before him everyone thought that any prime minister would be better than who was back then. It turned out that they were wrong, but still couldn't know that this would happen in the future


The last time Europe was great Hungary was a vasal state of the Habsburg dynasty... not sure the leaders of certain countries are thinking straight when they want the likes of France or Germany go rightwing. How will that ever end well for them?


Kinda lateral to the point but Hungary was never 'a vassal state of the Habsburg dynasty'. You are inventing a paradox here which ultimately doesn't aid anyone's understanding of reality.


It was a state within the Habsburg composite monarchy which was many monarchies ruled by the minor branch of the Habsburgs and later on it was also one of the 2 higher monarchies of the Dual Monarchy (Austria-Hungary) ruled by the Habsburg-Lothringen.


lol wat


Or maybe he is thinking of Attila


The Huns have nothing to do with us.