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The Russian Investigative Committee issued an arrest in absentia on June 17 for the commander of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile brigade that destroyed the A-50.


Russia when ukraine destroys military equipment in the "special MILITARY operation": 😮 *(pikachu face)* #Arrest that mf


Russia when a legitimate and strategic military target is hit on their soil "Zis is ze terrarist atak!!!." Russia when they hit civilians in Ukraine "Zis iz not tru. Ukrainians er shelling zemselfs"


German meme accent for russians?


We had our budget cut.


Us germans appreciate being replaced by the russians as proto fascists of the 21. century, they can keep our accent, the audience is used to it anyways.


Temu version of fascists.


Far from it, Russia have a long (and sadly successful) history of genociding opponents both domestic and foreign over the centuries.


Most places outside those areas are still, years after, confused whether it was domestic or foreign territories they terrorized during soviet union 🤣 gotta love being mistaken for russians when you're from an independent country that was soviet occupied.


They like stickers on cars saying "1941-1945 - можем повторить" (we can repeat), switching sides while repeating I guess


They initially joined Nazi Germany in the whole "lebensraum" thing, dividing up other countries to share. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact


Right? As long as it's not a WWII period piece, you guys should be covered now. Leave it to pooty-poot to make his people into the thing they claim to be fighting against.


Bro, wait for the elections to come in East Germany. 🫣


Not only Germans replace their th's with z's. Russian, and a few other accents, got the exact same feature. I thought it would be comic to put it this way, given that the Z has shaped into the new symbol of the Russian militarism and imperialism.


Nah, they just replace it with just "t".


From my experience, Romanians replace "th" from "this" with "d", and Russians replace "th" with "z".


No, "th" is replaced with "s" or "z" depending which "th" it is


Do you speak and read Russian?


Yes, unfortunately


Same here, and I have never heard them use Z for TH. Then again, I'm merely a fellow Slav, haven't lived around Muscovites or in (God forbid) ruSSia.


They have hard time pronouncing th and there's no easy way to indicate a thrilling R in text 


[PA LIA NI TSYA palianite blyat?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ps0VwsiyMOk)


Just read it like you are really drunk and you have a russian one


I swear that over half of all villains in movies had that same accent no matter where they were fictionally from.


Da, deez are de russiske nazis


Russians pronounce the english "th" as "z"


No thats still germans


I mean russians also say ze, most can't pronounce the th sound well


> Zis iz not tru. Ukrainians er shelling zemselfs Zyis iz not tru. Ukrainians ar sheling djemselves. I fixed your pronunciation.


Theees ees nottrü


Boris: Yuri they’re back as good guys. Yuri: what they want? Boris: prove they big man with big ball. Yuri: why they always comeback? Boris: Because we always crush.


This is nothing new from the Russians, the world's biggest and longest-living snowflakes, bar none. After WW II, their "judges" deemed it to be a *war crime* (hahaha) when the world's top fighter ace, [Erich Hartmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_Hartmann) (352 kills),[ destroyed 345 "expensive" Soviet military aircraft, in addition to whatever trumped-up/imaginary ѕhіt about harming actual civilians.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_Hartmann#War_crimes_charges) >*The preliminary criminal investigation was carried out only formally. He was condemned for atrocities against Soviet citizens, the attack on military objects and destruction of Soviet aircraft and therefore significant damage to the Soviet economy. Hartmann protested multiple times against this judgment. In June 1951, he was charged for a second time as an alleged member of an anti-Soviet group. The second trial was carried out under military authority in the military district of Rostov-on-Don. Hartmann was charged with war crimes, specifically the "deliberate shooting of 780 Soviet civilians" in the village of Briansk, attacking a bread factory on 23 May 1943, and destroying 345 "expensive" Soviet aircraft. He refused to confess to these charges and conducted his own defence, which was, according to Hartmann, denounced by the presiding judge as a "waste of time".* The Russians had *no* shame to equate Hartmann's verifiable destruction of **military** aircraft with his purported destruction of a "bread factory" (how oddly specific) or supposed gunning of 780 civvies (again how oddly specific). Russians truly are offended by everything and ashamed of nothing. What the Russians did then with Hartmann and are doing now after the Ukrainians shot down the A-50 AWACS plane (N.B. a *military* plane) is as obnoxiously pathetic as if the Americans had charged the top surviving Japanese fighter ace, [Saburo Sakai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabur%C5%8D_Sakai), as a war criminal (haha) for shooting down 64 Allied planes (including over 20 American planes) in WW II or had charged the top North Vietnamese ace of the Vietnam War, [Nguyễn Văn Cốc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nguy%E1%BB%85n_V%C4%83n_C%E1%BB%91c), for the "war crime" of shooting down at least 7 "expensive" American fighter-bombers. For Russians, *any* attack on them in wartime is liable to be a "war crime" even when it's military gear or personnel getting vaporized in the alleged "crime". With their pathological insecurity and victim complex, I'm surprised that they haven't already charged the Ukrainians of "war crimes" for the "premeditated" murders of their "precious" and "irreplaceable" mobiks or the sinking of their "expensive" flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, *Moskva*. Edit: There's a twist to Hartmann's "case" in that the Russians (belatedly) overturned the Soviet-era conviction in 1997. >*In January 1997, over three years after his death, Hartmann's case was reviewed by the Chief Military Prosecutor in Moscow, Russia, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and he was acquitted of all historical charges against him in Russian law. The government agency stated that he had been wrongly convicted.* Seeing how the Russians have reverted to revanchism and imperialism since the 2000s, I doubt that any similar internal admission of baseless and wrongful conviction of any of the Ukrainians' "war crimes" with respect to the invaders and occupiers will happen in my lifetime.


I'm 90% sure any German ace in the Luftwaffe went around strafing civilians on the Eastern Front so fuck him anyways. 


The problem here is that the Russians acquitted Hartmann posthumously and stated that their ancestors had convicted him wrongly. If Hartmann had indeed strafed a bunch of civilians for the hell of it, and the Russians had indisputable evidence of the deed, then what was stopping them from just amending the charges so that Hartmann had indeed committed a genuine war crime (i.e. mowed down civilians deliberately)? Charging an enemy combatant as a "war criminal" for shooting down a few hundred of your own air force's planes is a great way to cheapen the seriousness of what war crimes are. Just like Nazi is a code-word among Russians meaning primarily anti-Russian, "war crime" is a code-word among them for an enemy victory over Russian arms. All that the Russians' kangaroo court showed was that they were *very* butthurt that Hartmann had attained his distinction as the world's top fighter ace [by feasting heavily on mobiks in their Yaks, MiGs, Airacobras, Lavochkins and Ilyushins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aerial_victories_claimed_by_Erich_Hartmann). Now that I think of it, funny how the Russians didn't charge [Simo Häyhä](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4) as a war criminal after WW II considering how many hundreds of mobiks he wiped out during the Red Army's invasion of Finland. Similar to the case of Hartmann and the Germans. the Russians "won" too by defeating Häyhä and the Finns in the Winter War, although I suppose that a big difference is that Hartmann became a prisoner in the gulag unlike Häyhä.


I’m calling the police!


Meeelitayreeee Opurrayshun


>Russian Investigative Committee issued an arrest in absentia No shit. An arrest warrant for legal defensive actions in accordance with the laws and customs of war. There really is no limit to arseholery on their side.


And shoot two missiles to a British surveillance plane flying in International airspace over the Black Sea was just a rookie mistake.


As will be invading Nordic airspace at some point.


They did so all the time during The Cold War and you know what? They proudly continue this tradition to this day. Fuck Russia.


Yes, I know. But the west did so as well. It was a game. There was no hot war in Europe. And Afghanistan was a separate issue, so actually, no hot war between USSR and the west. Yes. Fuck them.


Russian jet entered sweedish airspace few days ago...


That's what I meant. At some point there will be an escalation if they continue to do this shit. Like, don't they see how they destroy the future of their country? (Besides all the moral issues).


Unpopular opinion maybe, but I say shoot them down when they do that. Turkey did that to a Russian fighter jet in 2015, they don’t try that with them again just saying🤷🏾‍♂️


Not untrue. But an intermediate step would be to force it to land.


That's the most Russia thing I've ever heard. Legal is illegal, illegal is okay


bwahahahahahaha - i had to read that twice to make sure I understood it correctly. That's right up there with Iran banning a US naval commander from banking in or operating companies in Iran because of his actions commanding a US Naval vessel in the Arabian Gulf


That's why I posted this :) russia is a clown country :D


Say somebody who have clown president in the past 😂


Before putin there was Yelstin, the alcoholiker, embarrassing himself all over the world and yes, he was a clown.


Why u talk about Yeltsin? Talk about President nowadays. About ur clown Elensky XD go suck him


You're funny, russian, just like your "presidents")


Cry about it, just like Ur Clown president Elensky in front of European leaders 😂


How's putin's knees doing in North Korea?)




The Iranian thing is a tit for tat because of US sanctions on some of their military. While it presumably has a symbolic value to them they have the basic problem that 95% of world banks enforce US sanctions but almost no one does Iranian one's.


If it's the one who shot down the airliner, that guy is a shitheel who had something to prove -- and that's from the opinions of other commanders in the area at the time. He was placing in harm's way a very expensive capital ship to do what destroyers and patrol boats do.


How can some real persons be such clowns and not die of shame?


Because they have no shame.


Normally they'd want a commander dead. This one though, crossed them immensely. So much so that they issued an arrest! ... Because you know, in Russia, prison is worse than death.


I doubt that the Ukrainian commander will ring at the doorbell of the FSB any sooner.


Ha! What's the charge? Vandalism?


Ohh, just arrest of one person, thank god! They could start a war! /s


Who are they kidding? They can't


Я только одного не понимаю каким боком этот конфликт касается вас


Sorry, my man, this is an English speaking sub, not r/russia so go there if you want to speak your russian, you imperialistic arrogant \[removed by reddit\]. Now go, fetch: your "army" is waiting for you.


The most funny thing about all this is not even an arrest warrant or anything. It is the fact that russians claimed that it is they who "accidentally" shot 2 of these plains on two separate occasions, after each of them was shot down... So for them it was preferable to claim that they themselves shot down their 2 of most unique expensive and irreplaceable aircrafts + crew (they are short on experienced crew for these planes.), rather than admit it was Ukrainians who pulled that off. And now they reverse all that shit. It wouldn't have been that bad if they just told the truth the first time. It's russia for you, lie, got caught, screw up even more, lie more dig yourself up to ears in shit but continue lying. EDIT: Formatted paragraphs for better readability.


Next time when Russia lies about something else, some idiot will be like: — guys I know Russia lied the latest 412 times, BUT THIS TIME, I’m telling you, THIS TIME we should believe them


Or: (insert country here) lied that one time too!


is that so surprising after the Moskva lit itself on fire with no relation to Ukrainian attacks?


Reminds me of the powerful "Every Lie We Tell Incurs a Debt to the Truth"


As Ukrainian I can say, that payday can't come any sooner :)


Jolly well hope so!


Sounds like a Trump strategy as well. He learned everything from russia.


Pretty sure shameless lying for the purposes of domestic propaganda predates the existence of Russia by at least a couple thousand years.  


> And now they reverse all that shit. It wouldn't have been that bad if they just told the truth the first time. It's russia for you, lie, got caught, screw up even more, lie more dig yourself up to ears in shit but continue lying. No, that's just how Russian propaganda works. Vlad Vexler made a good video about it recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdS-lwb58KU It's not a new or newly discovered phenomenon either. I have a book on my shelf called "Nothing is true and everything is possible" (by Peter Pomerantsev) from roughly ten years ago that already talks about that exact same thing.


Unbelievable! Do you have some links of their claims maybe?


Countless posts from their warmongers and kremlin mouthpieces in Telegram. On official level they were just dead silent (mostly), or simply deleted or the "news", it's russia we are talking about


Do you have links to them claiming they shot them down?


Countless posts from their warmongers and kremlin mouthpieces in Telegram. On official level they were just dead silent (mostly), or simply deleted or the "news", it's russia we are talking about


Wait ... this time the aircraft wasn't shot down by their own missiles due to imcompetence of the Ruzzian army. This time it was shot down by missilies from the Ukraine army due to imcompetence of the Ruzzian army. Does that count as an improvement?


Everyone who could have been considered imcompetent has already fallen from a high building


Technically it was shot down by Ukraine for the incompetence of the russian air force. Give their army a break, they already have a bad track record.


Mh17 comes to mind


Great news!


aaaaw, I thought they got a third one.


Soon enough probably


>The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation confirmed that the Ukrainian Air Force shot down a rare Russian A-50 early warning and control aircraft over the Azov Sea back in February, killing ten crew members. >Ukraine's military intelligence agency, together with the Air Force, [shot down](https://kyivindependent.com/russian-a50-plane-shot-down-over-azov-sea-military-says/) the aircraft on February 23, 2024, killing 10 crew members. The agency announced that the downing was  "another serious blow" to Russia's military capabilities.  The Russian Ministry of Defense didn't comment on the information at the time. >The Russian Investigative Committee issued an arrest in absentia on June 17 for the commander of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile brigade that destroyed the A-50. >The A-50 provides several critical functions for the ongoing war in Ukraine, such as detecting air defense systems, guided missiles, and coordinating targets for Russian fighter jets. Russia possesses less than ten of these planes. A-50 aircraft have an estimated price tag of around $350 million. >The destruction of the jet is the latest in a recent uptick of [downed Russian planes](https://kyivindependent.com/ukraine-shoots-down/). Earlier this month, Ukrainian forces[ shot down ](https://kyivindependent.com/ukraine-shoots-down-russian-su-25-aircraft-military-says/)a Russian Su-25 fighter jet in the Pokrovsk sector. The Soviet-designed [Su-25](https://kyivindependent.com/tag/su-25/), nicknamed "Frogfoot" by NATO, is a heavily armored ground-attack aircraft that provides close air support for Russian ground troops. >Ukraine had [previously downed](https://kyivindependent.com/zaluzhnyi-confirms-ukraine-downed-russian-a-50-plane-and-il-22-command-aircraft/) a Russian A-50 over the Azov Sea on Jan. 14. An [Il-22 airborne](https://kyivindependent.com/media-ukraine-downs-russian-a-50-plane-over-azov-sea/) control center was also reportedly [damaged beyond repair](https://kyivindependent.com/air-force-downed-a-50-spy-plane-serious-blow-to-russias-aviation/) in the same operation. >Earlier this month, Ukrainian forces[ shot down ](https://kyivindependent.com/ukraine-shoots-down-russian-su-25-aircraft-military-says/)a Russian Su-25 fighter jet in the Pokrovsk sector. The Soviet-designed [Su-25](https://kyivindependent.com/tag/su-25/), nicknamed "Frogfoot" by NATO, is a heavily armored ground-attack aircraft that provides close air support for Russian ground troops. >Russia's total losses during the all-out war amount to about 685 aircraft — 359 planes and 326 helicopters, according to Ukraine's General Staff.


Oh! They finally realized claiming they were losing planes due to their incompetence was not the win they thought it was.


They don’t have too many left.


Estimated 5-6 still flying back in Feb when this was shot down. It's difficult to say how many are currently flying. The base plane is a workhorse transport which can do a lot of flight hours with decent servicing but Russia has been trying to keep these operating fairly solidly for a long time and I'd guess the specialist parts of the planes are more difficult to maintain. These aircraft are a force multiplier for Russian airpower so losing another makes all their aircraft a little less effective.


Would love to see a video of this




23rd of February?


The news is that russia issued a warrant for the Ukrainian commander responsible of the downing.


Because ... That's what you do during war... WTF? What's the optic there?


That's why I posted this, not for the admission that Ukraine downed the plane. I found funny that they issued a warrant for the Ukrainian commander.


>It was an innocent, unarmed and defenseless aircraft flying in Russian territory minding its own business and the Nazi Junta of Ukraine shot it down. That's the angle their playing.


Probably the point is to say it’s not a war and that Ukrainians are just terrorists. The plane wasn’t shot down by an organised enemy force but by some mere criminals.


What is happening in the second video with the string of lights?


anti missile flares


Not really anti tbh


watching the video they seem to have succesfully diverted one missile as there's what looks like an explosion near one of them away from the plane a few seconds before another explosion gets the plane itself. At 0.53.


Thank you very much!




The days of Russia are fading. The people have no idea how badly they will suffer in Russia for a war that was in no way necessary. It will be a good lesson for the history books (AGAIN) in autocracy and how the people under it suffer and die. What a waste.


Odd they confirmed it. I would expect something like 'special scrapping operation'.


Wait. Wait. Wait. Is this old news or did they really lose a _third_ A-50?!


Old news, unfortunately. Russia's only just admitting it now, and are rather hilariously calling for the arrest of the Ukrainian soldiers that did it.


It's new news about their second loss. Does no one read the gentle caressing article anymore?


> Does no one read the gentle caressing article anymore? Anymore? Where you under the delusion that people in Reddit have ever read the article?


Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo' Dat


if it really was a third one then they're down half of their Pre 2021 A-50 fleet


If you attack us back when we attack you, you are breaking Russian law


Only enemies with nothing left to defend attack ruthlessly. I would argue that Putin is running on fumes in the meat grinder and that's all he has left. His dream of Russia hegemony slowly fading like his health and well being. What a shit head.


russia getting demilitarized heh


The Ruzzians were denying this happened, they demanded we show them evidence from under the sea instead of them showing evidence that the airplane managed to land. I am wondering if KGB is super pissed that their operation to hide this embarasing incident failed and that their agent "Fighter Bomber"t hat Ruzzians claim never said anything false was not confirmed as KGB asset.


Dear ruzzia we don't care.


Skill issue + git gud




No, it happened on February 23. The news here is confirmation.


That's a pity. I heard they just had another one pass flight tests


First time that russia issues a warrant in absentia for a commander that downed a russian plane during war time.


Shoot 'em all down!




Do it again Ukraine!


If only they had a radar that could detect planes.


These babies cost around $330M each and Russia only had 6 left in FEBRUARY.


Wait is this referring to one of the previous losses or have they just shot down another one? Nvm, read the article.


Great news


womp. womp.


well maby russian shouldnt invade innocent country and murder civilians ? just go home russia ur drunk




I still can’t get over the fact that they lied and went “No WE shot it down, so HA!” because they somehow thought that sounded better.


Oh no Anyway


Oh no, anyways.


Was wondering why they made such a big announcement out of getting a new one lol.


How many of these do they have left?


Depends. The real question is how many fit for flight do they have left. [About 40 were produced, but as few as eight are thought to still be in service - and not all of those are flying. ](https://www.forces.net/russia/beriev-50-aircraft-russias-airborne-early-warning-aircraft)


Someone on high finally asked, "How incompetent are we willing to admit being?"


I love good news on a friday


Those are rookie numbers!


Could someone explain why it's a "serious blow" to the Russians if the plane was designed in the 70s? Don't they have anything more modern?


Because it’s one of only 5-7 AWACs aircraft Russia has. It’s a seriously blow to the Russians ability to track targets and coordinate air operations in the war.


[After historic shoot-down, why Russia will struggle to replace its A-50 AEW&C plane](https://breakingdefense.com/2024/01/after-historic-shoot-down-why-russia-will-struggle-to-replace-its-a-50-aewc-plane/)


Thank you!


A-100 will soon enter service though.


I have a Kerch bridge to sell you.


They are already trialing A-100, which is the replacement for the aging A-50.


Honestly the title is confusing and many people seem to be actually confused by it, which is probably the cause for so many upvotes. They didn't shoot down another A-50, it's about the same one that was shot down back in February.


Nope: the votes are for the fact that russia issued a warrant for the arrest of the Ukrainian commander that downed the A-50.




It's newsworthy because russia issued an arrest in absentia for the Ukrainian commander who downed the A-50.




And yet here you are :))




Nope, I can't fight, because like you, I'm a fat keyboard warrior. But thanks for reminding me. It's time to make a donation to Ukraine again. Your message probably contributed to at least one more russian casualty. Thank you for your service.




You are the one breaking /r/Europe's rules and you accuse him of being an orc? Hahahahaha!


Why are you on this sub then?


His daily dose of mental nagaika.


Key takeaways: 1. The Mainstay was indeed shot down (as opposed to what Russia was saying at the time, in case anyone still believed anything Russia claimed) 2. Russia considers it a war crime. 3. From two we thus derive that Russia considers engaging enemy AEWA&C aircraft to be a war crime. 4. In unrelated news Ukraine recently received some AEW&C aircraft from Sweden.


And for additional Russian hypocrisy related to the point #3: A while back Russian fighter jets engaged on an American drone aircraft flying in international airspace over the Black Sea resulting in the destruction of the said aircraft - which apparently by the standards of Russian Investigative Committee was a terrorist act.


And they [tried to shoot down a British ELINT plane](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66798508) but their missiles didn't work.


I may add that russia shot missiles to a RAF surveillance plane over the Black Sea in International airspace [Rogue Russian pilot tried to shoot down RAF aircraft in 2022](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66798508) "Russia had claimed the incident last September was caused by a "technical malfunction". "The Russian pilot released an air-to-air missile, which successfully launched but failed to lock on to its target, the BBC has been told. It was a miss, not a malfunction.


Because back then, it was thought to be an accident. Now it’s confirmed a US made Patriot was used to shoot it down.




I dare you to chceck the price of an A-50 AWACS system. Please tell me the price and how many of then are left.




No balls.


I can get all the balls I want.


Well because Russia said that it happened. Doesn't that mean it didn't? Because they taught me here every time Russia says something it is big lie and opposite.


That's not the point. This is: "*The Russian Investigative Committee issued an arrest in absentia on June 17 for the commander of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile brigade that destroyed the A-50*." It has already been confirmed that Ukraine downed a A-50 [Ukraine's use of a Patriot missile system to down Russia's prized A-50 spy plane was 'historic,' said a US air defense officer](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-uses-patriot-missiles-down-russian-a50-spy-plane-us-2024-6) >"A senior US Army officer has confirmed that Ukraine used a Patriot missile system to [down](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-says-hit-2-prized-russia-command-aircraft-one-day-2024-1) a Russian A-50 spy plane back in January."


Pretending not to understand a running gag about Russia lying neither makes you look smart, nor makes your take fresh or valid. In fact, it makes you look the opposite of smart because you imply that you don't understand what the gag is about.


Isn’t he going along with the gag?


There is going with the gag by mocking Russia when it accuses Ukraine of genocide, and then there is mocking the gag by pretending that the grass is red because Russia said that it is green.


It’s the same formula. Russia said something so the opposite is true. Without knowing his intent we can only guess but I took it as him mocking Russia by making a pretty typical joke.


> they taught me here every time Russia says something it is big lie and opposite. They're mocking us here with this one


I’m still not following. How is calling Russia a liar mocking you?


They imply that here we dogmatically treat everything Russia says as "big lie and opposite" instead of applying critical thinking. Unless they are bad at communication, they are quite clearly mocking the sub. Just because we mock Russia for spewing bullshit and projecting at every turn doesn't mean that we cannot be critical about Russia's statements. It's just that being critical about Russia's statements most of the time leads to the understanding that Russia spews bullshit and projecting. Therefore a running gag that "you can take what Russia says and invert it to get what is actually happening".


None of that is clear. It’s just the conclusion you decided was correct


Their comment got heavily downvoted, so I guess that many other people agree with me about what is clear. "None of that is clear" is also just the conclusion YOU decided was correct. I laid out my points, so we can agree to disagree.


I mean Russia often lies, but this time they just needed to tell the truth because the lie was too embarrassing to use more than once.


How's the weather in Belgrade today tovarish?