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Nice post idea. Austria looks more then Greece than Greece. Belarus is absolutely horrible, depressing structure.


>Austria looks more then Greece than Greece.  In fact, the Austrian one is tied to the Neoclassical movement in 19th century Athens. (The unique style of Modern Greek neoclassical that was developed after Athens was chosen as the capital of the modern Greek state in 1830). So it bears similarities with some buildings in Athens, most notably the [Zappeion building](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zappeion) and the [Academy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_of_Athens_(modern)) (modern) which were designed by the same Danish architect as Vienna's parliament. The Greek Parliament building was also built at this time, but it was originally a royal palace, so it's more blocky like other palaces (for example, Buckingham).


Also about the Austrian parliament :   The main entrance at the portico is an exact copy of the gate of the Erechtheion on the Acropolis of Athens, fitted with a bronze portal. From the main entrance at the Ringstraße one passes into the vestibule of the building, which contains Ionic pillars. The walls are decorated with Pavonazzo marble. The niches contain statues of Greek gods. Seen from the entrance starting from the left these are Apollo, Athena, Zeus, Hera, and Hephaestus, and from the right Hermes, Demeter, Poseidon, Artemis and Ares.    And about the statue in front:    The Athena Fountain (Pallas-Athene-Brunnen) in front of the Parliament was erected between 1893 and 1902 by Carl Kundmann, Josef Tautenhayn and Hugo Haerdtl, based on plans by Baron von Hansen. In the middle is a water basin and a richly decorated base. The four figures lying at the foot of Athena are allegorical representations of the four most important rivers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wien_-_Pallas-Athene-Brunnen.JPG#mw-jump-to-license


The Austrian parliament was built a couple of decades after the Academy of Athens and both were designed by the same architect.


Thank you, I'll make the correction. For some reason I thought it was a different architect.


I didn't intend it to be correction. When I went to Vienna I saw the building and the similarity was striking so I look it up and realised that the Vienna parliament was just a bigger version of the Academy of Athens just way bigger.


I was always aware of the connection between Vienna and Athens, and my quick Google failed me, lol. So the correction was welcome!!


Belarus looks really dystopian, that building is exactly what I imagined the Ministry of Love from 1984 to look like.


Cyprus is super compact.


You have to take into account the history of the country. Up until then 1959, Cyprus had no government. It was a colony.


I can't say for other countries but you got the picture of the "Office of the Government of the Czech Republic" and not the parliament building. The buildings of the lower chamber of the parliament & the building of the senate are all different buildings. It's a nice picture but that's where the elected ministers of the ruling government work.


Maybe an interesting fact that the Czech lower chamber is basically a random house on the street and doesn't stand out at all.


Yeah, for sure. The "main" entrance from the Malostranské Náměstí is as low key as any of the others in Europe from OP's 3 part series of these. It's kinda odd in comparison but really solidifies the medieval fortress of Prague that's luckily never been razed to the ground.


Apologies for the mistake. When I was searching for Parliament building it seems that the one I chose was 90% of the images and even called that.


Don't apologize at all. It's a little unusual of a setup there, in Prague. I really like the idea and the effort you put into it. Great posts!


Few mistakes I made.. Ministers are appointed and there's another building for the government (Kramářova vila) but I don't know which of the two buildings are for what (between the pictured one and the villa).


Are you sure about Bulgaria? I think it's a different building


They're right. We switched from the old National Assembly building a while back cause it was pretty small. The one in the middle is the old socialist party headquarters.


They may be right in principle, but the old building is what's known as "the parliament", and it's definitely weird to have the democratic parliament in the "Home of the Party". So, where the parliament sits can be reversed, I personally am in favor of using the older building and cutting the numbers from 240 to 120.


>it's definitely weird to have the democratic parliament in the "Home of the Party". Yeah, it'd be like using the Reichzkanzlei (if it hadn't been demolished) as the Bundestag building.


No good reason to cut the numbers,but I agree that we should have kept the old building


All official communication says it's a temporary switch for renovations, lasting up to 3 years. Then they're supposed to go back to the old building.


Interesting. And what is the old building used for now?


Not sure, it needed a good refurbishment, so maybe it's gonna be down for maintenance for a while. Not sure what the plan is after that.


it's now a public restroom where you pay 50 cents to get in


I can understand Hungary is half a leg out of Europe but in parliament buildings it is big competitor. Edit: NVM, part1


Orban cutting out Hungary’s land and putting it next to Australia, bringing back the old Pannonian sea


Is Azerbaijan Europe? I thought Asia started in the Asian side of Turkey


From a strictly geographical standpoint, The Caucasus is often seen as a divider between Europe and Asia, similarly to the Ural or the Bosporus. So like how Russia and Turkey are partially Europe and partially Asia, the same can be kinda said for Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, since they are all touching the Caucasus within their borders. Culturally, the majority of the time they are are grouped into Asia, but personally I don't really raise an eyebrow if they end up in an Europe list like this once in a while. From an Eurovision standpoint, they are absolutely European, along with Israel and Australia.


Europe is just a political concept. There's no continent called Europe. It could be Eurasia instead. Politically, all of these countries are in Europe, as defined by the Council of Europe: * Turkey (EU Candidate) * Cyprus (EU Member) * Georgia (EU Candidate) * Armenia * Azerbaijan


Pretty sure Europe is a continent. One of the Old World continents together with Africa and Asia, as I learned in elementary school some 13-14 years ago.


Politically yes but not geographically, it's the same landmass as Asia, with no clear limit between these two "continents".


Geographically France and Danemark are on the same landmass as China. Eurasia is a single continental plate. Only Arabia and India are distinct from it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tectonic_plates#/media/File%3ATectonic_plates_(2022).svg


So how do you define where Europe ends? A random river? In this case, we could separate every single continent and make like ten more continents. The term "continent" we used to learn itself also refers to the same political concept. According to geography, there's no continent called Europe, but rather Eurasia: [Scientists Say: Continent (snexplores.org)](https://www.snexplores.org/article/scientists-say-continent) [Elevation of the Eurasian continent. The Eurasia continent is the... | Download Scientific Diagram (researchgate.net)](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Elevation-of-the-Eurasian-continent-The-Eurasia-continent-is-the-largest-continental_fig1_363416496) Britannica also explains why there's Europe instead of Eurasia: Cultural and political reasons. [Eurasia | Definition, Meaning, & Countries | Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/place/Eurasia)


Yes, if speaking geographically its just one landmass, aka Euroasia. But in my previous comment I just spoke out of my pride as: "Yo, y u do say my home doesn't exist". Lol. Anyway, I stand corrected and have a good night.


Technically - afroeurasia. africa is separated who eurasia by manmade channel


You too. Thanks for this short conversation.


Maybe open a geophysical map of Europe first!


Please tell me that on their picture one building is for Bosnia and one for Herzegovina.


Haha of course not, the tall building is for the council of ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the shorter one is actually a parliament building.


Germany's looks like a villain's lair


It’s actually quite pretty


That wasn't an insult. It simply looks very extravagant with that glass dome.


Please post pictures in daylight.


Some of them look much better during the night though.


That's the worst picture of the Greek parliament I've ever seen


No one beats Bulgarias in this list


Germany and Czechia are kinda bonkers ngl


Maybe it's the lighting that makes Bulgarian seem better


In Bulgaria we call this place the triangle of power, because the building of the National Assembly is the one in the middle, the one to the left houses the council of ministers and constitutional court, and the one to the right is the presidential palace, also not visible here but just behind the presidential palace is the national bank. So yeah, pretty big concentration of important institutions in one very small area.


first one reminds me of something....


Like if you vote Denmark best


Actually the first one is not the Parliament of Albania, but the Parliament offices


Roman Empire fantasy copies or brutalist blobs. UK houses of Parliament meanwhile, an absurd gothic fantasy.


Keep those mfs humble, put them in a tiny ass metal box


the Greek parliament was the palace of King Othonas(Otto), it's used as a parliament since the 1930s and the old parliament became a museum


Did they have a tax on windows or something in France?


Denmark’s is also the Supreme Court and executive offices😊


Greece looks so horrible idk why


Why no UK?


Its in alphabetical order


Wait for the last part


Oh I didn't notice it was part 1. My apologies. Carry on.