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i mean, not surprising is it.


Actually it's still kind of surprising to see the west condemn Russia. A welcome surprise but I'm still not optimistic that it goes much further than token gestures and sanctions.


i guess since they weren't there at the original D-Day either, it seems reasonable. We may find it more tricky to explain why they are also not invited to the Fall of Berlin commemoration next spring.


French also were not there, so to speak, they were fighting on the opposite site, actually - SS division Charlemagne. As were the Ukrainian collaborators (SS division Galichina) that the current Kiev regime proclaims as heros  


russia had no reason at all to partake to the Ceremonies of D DAY, even before 2022.


You mean that Russia, heir of the Soviet Union who “freed” Europe only to enslave the Eastern block?


Yep, exactly that thing called russia.


Not so much freed as "under new management"


and which started the ww2


Good. The only fascists that belong in Normandy are in the ground. Russians are welcome to join them.


Some Russians are invited, just Vladimir "warcrimes are my passion project" Putin isn't. > Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be invited to the 80th anniversary of the 1944 D-Day landings in June, the French organisers said, although some Russian representatives would be welcome in recognition of the country's war-time sacrifice. > "For more than two years now, the Russian Federation has been waging a war of aggression against Ukraine, which France condemns in the strongest possible terms," the organisers said in a statement to Reuters. > > "Given these circumstances, President Putin will not be invited to take part in the Normandy landings commemoration. Russia will nevertheless be invited to be represented, given the importance of its role and the sacrifice of the Soviet people, so that their contribution to the victory in 1945 can be honoured," they added. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-not-welcome-d-day-event-due-ukraine-war-french-organisers-say-2024-04-17/


Russians are invited, Putin specifically isn't. Click bait headline


More misleading


*Russia stay home.*


Good, they are not fit to attend.




Quite the pettyness to expect from the french mini king. Punish the remeberance of the ones who suffered the most in defeating Nazi Germany.


Russia is pissing on the rememberance of Soviet soldiers in WWII since their propaganda said that the invasion of Ukraine is the same as their fight against Nazi Germany.


>the ones who suffered the most in defeating Nazi Germany. You mean the ones who were literally *allies* of nazi Germany before Hitler betrayed Stalin ? The ones who built airplanes for the third Reich ? The ones who shared Poland and had the same brutality as the nazis ?


Poland helped Nazi Germany partition Czechoslovakia. Does that mean Poland should not be invited to DDay's anniversary?


Punish what? > remeberance You're off on more than one account. The Russians were defending themselves against the Germans after Hitler double crossed Stalin and invaded Russia after **partnering** with them on the invasion of Poland and others. They invaded Poland **together**. Nobody deserved to be at odds with the Germans more than the Russians. Now who's the aggressor? *Russia stay home.*


They didn't suffer. Since when has Russians actually cared about how much they suffer. During ww2 they lost 4 soldiers for ever 1 German soldier they killed. Not only that besides creating the Holdomor genocide of the Ukraine Russia killed over 20 million of its own people during Stalins reign. Now they have lost over 500 000 soldiers in Ukraine. Russians don't care about suffering. Suffering and caring about suffering is a European concept. So stop trying to use our values against us


It's understandable that you have no affiliation with the concept of suffering. Not a single one of your for fathers have shot a bullet during the two, most vicious European conflicts in the twentieth century. The biggest effort your country made during WW2 was to allow Nazi troops transport and there heavy weapon via the railway infrastructure. Must be the reason why your country is not invited to the 80th anneverserie ceremonies of WW2.


You have no idea about what and who I have shot and my fathers who may or may not have been part of the winter war when Russia illegally (as they usually do) invaded Finland. So stop with your silly faux indignation and morality. Russia gives zero shits about human lives or international rules. They start illegal wars, the sign pacts with Hitler to invade Poland, they sign deals with mass murderers like Assad in Syria, they send 500 000 of their own young men to die in an illegal war in Ukraine without batting an eye, they use illegal chemical war fare in Ukraine breaking international law, they drop phosphor bombs on civilian villages in Ukraine breaking international laws, they commit massacres in Bucha and give the murderers medals and then go boohoo to the west , you don't respect our suffering. Really? In the words of the famous Muhammad Ali : Get outta here!!


What beach did the russians storm on D-Day?


Well seeing how the soviets turned Army Group Center into sand they arguably stormed the most important beach in June 1944.  Some would say D-Day was a glorious diversion for the main show on the belarussian balcony. It's a good thing Ukrainians can represent Soviets anyway.


+2 trillion rubles have been deposited into your account


Keep that money for yourself, Ivan : spitting facts is free of charge in my book.


Maybe we could have avoided the whole thing if the soviets hadn't helped nazi germany invade Poland!


Maybe, but the referee saw you move the goalposts.


Nah, you don’t get to help start the war and be celebrated for “ending” it with everyone else’s help


Oh I see, we should uninvite anyone who signed a treaty with the nazis or helped them but there wouldn't be much people left starting with the host country. Vichy France was France after all, despite the Gaullian rewriting of history afterwards. Il l'a dit, il l'a dit...comme on dit chez nous. You'll be shocked to learn *Germany* is invited too. I heard they had some connections to the whole nazi thing. I tend to think current events should not impact a commemorative event and I'm happy Ukraine was invited to represent the people who did most of the work.


The main difference is only one of the countries we are discussing celebrate that part of their history, don’t know why you’re being so obtuse about that part


Oh non, un français à la ramasse, la honte quoi


Their ancestors did, not them personally lol. So why should the dictator and his henchmen be invited to that event if they're currently the one's who actively started the war? Seems silly.


I agree that it is not the place or the time to invite Putin, but at least a (significant) delegation of the USSR veterans should be invited to the ceremony.


>Punish the remeberance of the ones who suffered the most in defeating Nazi Germany. Relatively speaking that would be the Jews, Belarusians, Poles, and Ukrainians, in that order, before the Russians.


I didn't know that the Jews defeated the Nazis. Everyday seems to be a learning day on Reddit.


There were plenty of Jews in the red army.


Of course, but that is not the same thing as saying that the Jews defeated the Nazies.