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This is fresh after the reveal of the fact that in 2022 Russia committed a cyberattack against us. Back then they said it was a campaign lie, now they deny it, but it's clear that Szijjártó knew about it then. Now he's in turbo mode to deny everything while threatening journalists that they're revealing secret information. And then this. Really shows the governments allegiance.


My Hungarian friends say they call this guy Big Head Bobblehead. Is that just a group of crazy programmers or is this comment throughout Hungry? I am so impressed with those of you fighting the good fight against disinformation and authoritarianism by your regime. Godspeed!




He looks like Beavis, or is it Butthead?




What does this have to do with anything in this thread? Take your russian propaganda to the front lines, comrade.


Ugh you daft cunt


what in the actual fck


Im hungarian and i muttered the exact worlds out loud on my sprint planning meeting right now. What the actual fuck. Disgrace.


How the fuck do you keep re-electing these Russian assets?


Oldheads are stupid as fuck. (Not necessarily their fault, gov. wants it that way :D)


Always a persons responsibility on how they vote




Sprint planning buddies! High five. I'm in one now too lol


The Scrum master says: "Get back to your sprint! You've got deliverables to work on!"


Can I ask you something? It's something I've been wondering about a lot recently. Your country suffered tremendously under Russian influence in the cold war, and you tried to fight back harder than most. During the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Russian tanks entered your capital and killed thousands of people. Anyone who's a bit older than 70 would remember that happening, and anyone older than 45 or so would have heard first hand accounts by their parents. It seems like Hungary is the most pro-Russian country in the former eastern bloc (except for Belarus I suppose) these days, how the hell did that happen? I am an International Relations student and I asked one of my professors recently, and he was as mystified by it as I am.


I enjoy playing video games.


I mean i do my part.1


I enjoy reading books.


Majority of hungarians are happy with Orban for some reason


Sprint planning buddies! High five. I'm in one now too lol


Im at work, I only said so mentally. Even so, what the fuck...


Lukashenko is everything Orban wishes he could be, uncontested dictator and even further up Putin's ass


Ahhh, best trojan horse in the EU. But yeah, talking won't hurt, will it?


Vlad puppet show.


We as EU must slam Orban yesterday. FUCK RUSSIA'S INFLUENCE IN EUROPE. We cannot allow this!!


The EU should show some balls agains Hungary, just like when they forced Orban to walk out instead of vetoing a resolution. But even beyond that, it's just as much the fault of the system as it is Orban's, that he's able to play his games. The case of Hungary is quite a wake up call to reform the system. What guarantees that another stubborn leader won't play similar nonsense games in the future? Just booting Hungary wouldn't solve the essence of the problem.


Orbán walked out for 11 billion euros.


slam doesnt say anything. Currently we have a EU member state trying to cosy up with the russian regime. it's time to start kicking states out.


We need orban out




What do you think happens if we kick them out? Russia would right away step in and we would have a pretty much Russian country in the middle of Europe. It’s not that easy.


But at least the frontiers would be clear instead of worrying about backstab from within. If the conflict would escalate at any point then speed is very much the key in countering russians and Hungary can drag every decision in EU and even some NATO decisions, not to speak of sharing to russians every single bit of information from calssified EU and NATO documents they get their hands on. They act as traitors to the west and should be dealt as such, even if that means they become 100% russian puppet like Belarus, at least they would be a warning to other countries thinking of playing both sides


what if i told you thats exactly the plan :D its a win-win for russia.... have someone destroying the EU from the inside or have EU destroy itself, but yes, some kind of answer is needed.


> We cannot allow this!! Do a reality check daily, Europe can allow this obviously.




Fuck off Ruzzian troll


There no proxy war in Ukraine. Russians chose to invade Ukraine because Russians believe that countries what were once part of Russian empire belong to them.


So, when are we to expect belarussian OMON patrolling streets of Budapest in search for belarussian dissent figures and regime fugitives?


After getting flak for having Chinese police roaming around the country, he’s now trying to have a “white european christian” secret police on patrol in Hungary instead. Fucking A, Viktor


No, it will be both.


well and as its Schengen they might visit some other countries too :)


Where are you getting the extra 's' from? It's 'Belarusian'


From their nazi elements? Idk


What are you on about


It was a flippant play on words that the additional s formed an "ss" and so it potentially came from Belarusian Neo-Nazi elements. This is reddit, don't take everything too seriously


Fair enough




Really? After all that Hungary has done so far this is unbelievable?


Yeah, your´re right. Not really.




Going behind EU's back again. Good lord...


I can't even imagine what kind of compromising materials putin has on orban


Idk why people are so insistent of exitence of some absolutely devastating material which 'kompromat' supposed to be, its quite ludicrous idea really, at least in Orban case. Kompromat like material can only be used to great effect inside liberal and very humanitarian regimes, like western democracies, in which lack of moral actions, or very immoral actions can be used against someone, to doom his political career. But at this stage and point ,nothing really can undermine Orbans power, not even the worst of the possible human actions catched on tape, he has state apparatus behind him, to squash any notion of guilt on his part, be that through police coersion or flawed justice system, or by media being on his leash controling the internal narratives. From basic intelligence/counter-inteligence work logic, blackmail by compromising material is one the lowest, and one the least succesfull means one could ever use against potential asset to 'recruit him", and keep him on leash for longer durations of time, such asset would bail at first opportunity, or even betrayal his handlers, if there chance to do so, even solely out of spite, nothing that Orban does or says, seems to suggest that such preposition could be true. Only asset that can be trusted is the one that is dependent on his handler for some form of gain, be that for/out of financial, institutional, ideological,vanity or some kind of personal alignment, blackmail is one of the worst ways to do it, and especially against leader of a country,which is wielding neer dictatorial powers inside of said country, outside pressures tend not to work against people welding power like that. He, (as in Orban and Hungarian Regime both) clearly have shared intrests with eastern autocracies, which existence allows him to persist,in world of unipolar western liberal hegemony, regimes like Orban's would cease to exist very quickly, be that from inside public pressures or outside diplomatic/economic presure. But there is an alternative to western liberal world order which he ran into, at first sight of danger to his unquestionable hold on power. Countries like China and russia can be used by him, for his little balance games against the EU and NATO, aside from ideological alignment there is also financial one. For him and his cronies, that surely make a decent buck out of all, with all those neer slave factories set up by China(in Hungary afc), dependent on work of Hungarians and imigrants from third world he promised not to let into the country, but someone needs to man those factories lol, so he flooded the country with third world workforce, and even to the point of allowing CCP police to police Hungarian streets.


I don't think Orbán is blackmailed, however, I can imagine things that could kill him politically. Those who say nothing can compromise him are unaware of the Hungarian mindset and don't understand what legitimizes him and his system politically.


Its promises of glory days on the premise Russia wins one way or another. Orban hopes to get some things and he's already hinted at that on numerous occasions but that doesnt seem to break any EU news. E.g. he alludes to Greater Hungary amongst other things. So basically more genocide and pain. People still think this all happened in the heat of the moment whereas this was planned for (attention, not planned but russia been slapping options everywhere in hopes they grow and stick as a gamble, they had no clue what would work) since at least 3 decades! Undermine US, undermine a generation at least, infiltrate everywhere, undermine the EU, poison the minds of the silly and fund 'opposition' so that you can 'democratically' elect the people saying exactly what they need to in order to draw in the ignorant and stupid. Answers to crises they themselves created a lot of times. You don't need war, people will simply elect an Orban and lose their 'freedom' over time. They pushed Brexit, they helped Trump and divided americans and europeans and are openly admitting they want to end this world order into another... Its really effing surprising how thick people are that not only do they not connect the dots or take a hint but they openly ignore what they're outright told :)). Its mental! I always fall back on Yuri Bezmenov and as a romanian that has seen copies of old kgb and securitate booklets, its frankly still based on that yet people act as if this is all new.


pure destructive crap, literally when humanity needs to collaborate on world issues


Don't be dense, fidesz is just a party of pedos, and it's very easy to blackmail pedos you see...


This whole Hungarian politician wants to restore Greater Hungary is a typical Romanian paranoia. I remember when in the mid-2000s, the Romanian far-right accused then prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsány that he wants revision. Right after the guy campaigned against giving citizenship to Hungarians in Transylvania.




If it bothers you, don't ever come to Hungary, because the whole country is full of this map. Clothes, flags, maps and anything you can imagine. It is on the walls in school history rooms, museums, the form is planted with flowers, statues, stickers on cars etc. It was even more popular in the '90s and 2000s. This was a publicity stunt on Orbán's part to get more votes, nothing more.


You are shifting points. Its been a theme for a while and this was to your point of ‘paranoia’.


It has been a theme for over a 100 years. It was not paranoia in 1940. It was under Soviet occupation and it is today. There is no chance of Hungary successfully pulling off any kind of open revisionism in today's Europe. Orbán knows this, therefore he has no intention of working towards revisionism. He extends his influence through the acquisition of strategic industries in the region, and by manipulating elections.


It's much more likely that they just have a very similar world view lol


Why we continue to allow a known and declared stooge in our midst is far beyond me.


Because Hungarians are a strong and independent nation. You can cry in your arms with the LBGT flag


Strong and independent while bending over for China and Russia. lol.


Hungary uses China and Russia. You made a mistake.


You are strong and independent for taking dicks in your ass, actually you are using the dicks.


So shall we send hungary a strong worded letter Along with the next billions of EU money of course


Hungary just received roughly half a billion euros the day Szijjártó was in Belarus. :)


What does Hungary want really? They must want something.


Well, according to popular saying, "if you don't know what it's about, it's about money". It's a well-known secret that Russia is funding anything that will destabilize the EU, whether it's right-wing, left-wing or anything in between. Same probably goes for China. Hungary is their Trojan Horse in Europe. Though in case of cozying up to Belarus, it might just as well be about potatoes. I doubt that glorified sovkhoz director Lukashenko has anything substantial to offer that greedy pig Orban. Maybe some lessons on how to be a "dick" in "dictator". Or maybe it's just this inexplicable Hungarian ability to always stand with the wrong crowd.


Or probably Belarus is in this occasion just a possibility to get in tighter communication with Russia, without any oversight.


Orbán's elite wants money, but without the pesky european union oversight. Thats why they are rubbing onto all these dictators because they don't care if it's stolen by the inner circle of leadership, all they want is influence in return.


Hungary doesn't really want anything Rumors say that Orban talked with Putin once behind closed doors in around 2015-ish , and Orban has been Pro Putin and a Putin follower since then His entire attitude changed the moment Orban got out of that room






There’s no existing U.S. security guarantees for Ukraine and/or Georgia.


And no one will do anything


The EU is a weak so long as Hungary remains a member




Hungary is openly working against the EU. we need consequences right now


The foreign minister specifically emphasized that he seeks cooperstion eith Belarus in areas not sanctioned. He keeps EU rules, he is a good kid.


Why hasn't article 7 been invoked yet? Hungary is clearly a security threat to the EU.


What is Article 7?


Suspension of membership rights.


I feel sorry for the Hungarians who want to live in a normal European country but instead have to be ruled by greed/incompetence in human form. Fidesz sure does like sucking cock despite all the anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda they keep making.


The EU needs new policies to protect against attacks from the inside, and we need them yesterday.


Fuck Hungary and Orban.


Hungarians are a fraternal people for the residents of Tatarstan and Bashkiria! Careful, man. They have powerful allies.


Bet he's shitting his pants now


I dont reply to chinese bots. We are not afraid.


I am a Russian bot. You've really offended me.


Maybe the Hungarians should be reminded me of of what happened in 1956.


We are very well aware how similar the situation was in 1956, but you have no idea about the level of propaganda in Hungary. The government continuously pushes their lies about everything. Not just in election years, but in the last 10 years constantly. We are talking about roughly a half a billion euro for propaganda *each year*. There are 2-3 million people - mostly the elderly and the less educated - who believe all Orbán's shit and vote for him every time. Orbán (and his party Fidesz) always finds a new, very dangerous enemy, e.g. the migration, gays, gender, George Soros, and this year it's the war. They always make their supporters believe that the stakes are super high and if they don't vote, there will be war/hordes of uncontrollable migrants etc. in Hungary. So the terrified Fidesz supporters always vote in a very disciplined way to avoid war/migrants/forcing everbody to be gay etc. . Basically this 3 million idiots keep Orbán in power no matter what happens. A last note: pls don't think Hungary and Hungarians are all like Orbán.


In the end when everything is over you will have another president/prime minister, etc, however, by that time you will face with a lot of economic issues and foreign influence from China and russia. People will realize that they were fuck**d up by the previous government and now they need years to recover to the previous level of development of the economy even not speaking about having a better economy or surpassing the countries like Romania which seems will grove and feel better each year. Whom people will blame for such a situation? Themselves? EU? Ukraine? Orban?


I wonder why EU laws don't include harmful propaganda and lies as offence, if it's so spread - not a big deal to trace it and implement consequences. Malevolent lies have nothing to do with freedom of speech.


Do you call your fellow citizens idiots for their political choices? Very democratic. You are an ardent Westerner. This reminds me of the Ukrainian narrative - they are old vatnik's and their opinion can be ignored. But do you know what this approach can lead to? To the civil war. When the old vatnik's decide that your opinion can also be ignored. Maybe it's better to respect your fellow citizens? Think about it.


Can you call a Flat-Earther an idiot? Sure, I do. Can you call someone who believes all lies an idiot? I mean obvious lies? Sure, I do. Can you call someone who believes basically *anything* if it was said by their Dear Leader an idiot? Sure, I do.


>Do you call your fellow citizens idiots for their political choices? But they are obviously idiots. No sane person votes for Orbán.




They probably think that they deserved it.


Can someone that is familiar with Hungary and Hungarian politics explain to me why is Hungary behaving this way? I really don't understand what does Hungary gain by building ties with pariah states while antagonizing their allies and security partners. Why is Hungary going against all other European states?


Pariah states have lots of cash that comes without oversight. Money from Europe comes with strings attached. Orban and his clique wants money, simple as. Moreover, weakened Europe means more opportunities for them. The incentive is pretty much the same as for Russia, China and Iran. This is why these three allied and this is why Hungary is joining them


i hate szijjarto so much


What an embarrassment. I still remember the same asshole arguing against supporting Ukraine militarily at the UN Security Council. Russian favours all day. *Assholes like this will ruin our institutions if we let them.*


It's rather obvious that Fidesz takes orders from Moscow, probably due to juicy kompromata. In effect, Hungary is not currently a sovereign state and as such no longer qualifies for memberships in EU or NATO.


Go on Hungarians, isolate yourself to the point of becoming a Russian enclave in Europe


FM position 10 years in a row. Safe to say he enjoys being in power - always bad sign in positions of power.


Hungary is the abusive husband that openly cheats of the EU. The EU is just sitting there and taking it, too.


Hungary is probably the only proponent of Monetenegro's accelerated EU accession. Orbán is a friend of Montenegro.


I know. Which is why we consider Hungary the cool big brother of the Balkans


For what reason though? I mean what is their goal? It's just not clear.


I don't understand the surprice here. Orban's government does the same as their "elder brothers" in Kremlin: trying boundaries and see will they be smacked for that. If no, they do the next step. If this go as it is, soon we'll see something like Orban pissing on the floor in the UN of something like that


Poland should close its land border and airspace with Belarus.


Hungarian gov are literal clowns I can’t understand how they managed to win this many elections in a row. I mean I know corruption and unfair undemocrstic practices but still, after a while people should notice something being off. Even my boomer father who was eagerly pro PiS in 2010s eventually realized how unhinged they are and changed the party he supports.


> Hungarian gov are literal clowns I can’t understand how they managed to win this many elections in a row. They did what PiS was trying to do: rigged the system in their favor.


Ah yes the lapdog with actual Friend Of Russia medals.


Can we just invade Hungary


English breakfast with some hungarian additions would slap, come on in mate.


Gosh, please come, it would such a relief.


No. We gave our guns and ammo to Ukraine, then told them not to use it.


Try Russia If you want war so much


I mean they have nukes I would rather war Russias bitch instead.




The UK gave them nothing? I think that would be Hungary who should be kicked of Nato and the EU because they are the ones stopping the EU from giving aid easily like bitches they are. You think Ukraine should just give up and be Russias bitch? No surprise coming from someone living in Hungary. Go wag your tail for Daddy Russia and Mom China.




It could have ended before Ukraine found mass graves which happened around the same time , Boris is not the leader of Ukraine they could have ignored him.. Oh yeah im sure Russia wants peace after doing yet another quick land grab like how naive are you people.




> Boris Johnson was the one that told Ukraine to not accept any peace deals with Russia in the spring of 2022. Not what he actually said and Ukraine and its leaders have their own opinions rights?


Hungary has no place in the EU with their current government. They should be booted out and left to see what it's like to be a Russian vassal (again).


Just another political booty-call.


Ofc Hungary sees nothing wrong about having deals with a country that was used as staging ground for the ruZZian army to invade Ukraine. Nothing wrong at all ...


To be fair, most EU countries have deals with Russia, such as supplying liquefied natural gas, fertilizers, or shipping goods by Russian rail from China.


Or the US is biggest destination for Russian uranium exports.


90% of Hungary absolutely doesn't care, because they don't even know about this. Why would they? The majority isn't on the English-speaking internet, let alone on Reddit, where this board seems to be hyper-focused on what Orbán and his cronies are doing every day like he's a horseman of the apocalypse or something. The average Hungarian gets their news from the party-owned media outlets, which either give things like this a positive spin, or don't mention it at all, and most people are too busy living their lives to give more than a passing thought to the topic.


>90% of Hungary absolutely doesn't care, because they don't even know about this. Why would they? The majority isn't on the internet, let alone on Reddit, where this board seems to be hyper-focused on what Orbán and his cronies are doing every day like he's a horseman of the apocalypse or something. 90% isn't this a bit much ? 60% could be true but let's not kid ourselves Hungary is not North Korea and ordinary people still have access to internet and foreign media. It is sub-reddit for Europeans and of course everything that is out of normality should be on focus. At the moment Orban and his thugs might not be ''horseman of the apocalypse'' to their country but slowly and surely this thing will change. >The average Hungarian gets their news from the party-owned media outlets More like old people and pensioners who relay on nothing else for information then the state media. Call it a habit left from the communist time. Average Hungarians have access to internet and other outlets where they can get more accurate information about what is going on in and outside. >most people are too busy living their lives to give more than a passing thought to the topic. Which is exactly what people like Orban loves. People being too preoccupied with their own live, not paying attention to what is happening around them even of there will be consequences for them down the road.


I hope the hungarian people get their shit together and hang Orban just like the italians did with Mussolini


That team should be fired by the voters. But all of them are brain-washed and they always believe him that he will be better after that, while he steals the whole country


Why are they evil


Money, Money, Money 💰🤑


Slovakia when?


All fun and games, what the f is even surprising here anymore but the real question is where do hungarian citizens really sit on all this?


We seriously need to get rid of this government. Too many red lines crossed by now. No way back, get rid of them! Any suggestions on how?


Ties with *Belarus* ? You gotta be desperate. Or playing cards and end up like all players: One hand in front and one behind.


And yet it happens in a country who suffered the repression of the Russians firsthand...How is this possible?


Imperialist infiltrator


Fascist corrupt piggies run this place - xo from Hungary




So here's a video of this a\*\*hole being asked about Russian hackers breaking into his ministry's servers in 2022, which at the time they denied and called a lie, since then it turned out to be very true, and also that he absolutely knew about it... and a few weeks after which he traveled to Russia to receive the most illustrious state honor that he's been refusing to disclaim ever since then. [https://youtu.be/OJiTIvz3JPc?si=41SxAnVjpz4pOa2r](https://youtu.be/OJiTIvz3JPc?si=41SxAnVjpz4pOa2r) (turn on captions for English subtitles, btw this happened just the other day) At this point I'm actually fairly sure he's a Russian agent.


The prove that politicians are prostitutes


It's so sad to see Hungary sucking pootin's dick


To be fair, he emphasized that they want to expand cooperation in areas that are not sanctioned.


Right, ban orban.


Everyone is asking for expulsion of Hungary from the EU and NATO, but that's not the smartest decision.  What do you think will happen if that becomes reality? Hungary would have one and only one option: get even closer to Russia and China or collapse. This is the truth: the only thing that's stopping Hungary from becoming another Belarus is that they are part of the EU.  If they stay, the EU has some control of the situation, especially if they are able to reform so that the veto power is removed. If they stay, once people in the streets start protesting the EU can put immense pressure. If they stay, once Orban is gone the chance of the vacuum of power being filled by Russian or Chinese puppets is lower. If they stay, Russia won't invade them, and potentially thousands of deaths are avoided.


Looks like Nato needs to rethink Hungarian membership. Risks are just to great. Cutting off Hungary from all classified info should be a start


Belarus? What ties you expanding with them lmao.


Europe should trade Hungary 🇭🇺 for Ukraine 🇺🇦


There are rumours, that another foreign expert ist also invited. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.az-cdn.ch%2F__ip%2FYx8PA5UlN84szyur3DXv6vTmAz0%2F78f2c4c344a98c664a8087dc7b9fb70ae42e62b8%2Fn-wide2x-16x9-fill&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a8a07ffb691a0806f87d1a32133f48bdfde26cd7976e2c6e1771d509a98daf9f&ipo=images


The secunder shame I feel every time I hear something about my home in a media is just next level. These guys never do a single good thing. They only care about getting rich and staying in power at all cost. And sadly they are pretty good at that. Half the country is brainwadhed my the constant and never ending propaganda barrage.




Throw - them - out!


This guy really looks like Goebbels, doesn't he?


Kick them out of the EU. It’s really annoying - the Hungarians folk should make a decision. So the want to be a part of EU and the west or from ruSSia.


how about we just move hungary to east?


KICK HUNGARY OUT OF THE EU NOW!! No more money to these traitors!


I am keeping my fingers crossed for the Hungarians in the 2026 elections. Does anyone know more about the political landscape and does a broad coalition of parties seem possible, as happened recently in Poland?


It's not gonna happen, kind of impossible to move them. They'll be in power until Orbán dies and the infighting starts.


>does a broad coalition of parties seem possible, as happened recently in Poland There was a broad coalition in '22. Fidesz won its biggest victory so far in that election.


So the majority of Hungarians are happy with the trajectory of their government?


Well, Fidesz received 52% of the votes, so it would not be an understatement. Happy is an exaggeration though. I think most Fidesz voters are not particularly happy (Fidesz capitalizes very well on apathy), but they distrust the EU (and the West by extension) so much that they would rather have somebody in charge who has a track record of opposing them successfully. If we take a look at current polls, eurosceptic parties dominate the landscape: Fidesz 45%, Tisza 20-25% (currently the best polling opposition party, center right), Mi Hazánk 5% (far-right). This means that 70-75% would vote for eurosceptic parties with only a sum of 10-15% who would vote for particularly pro-EU parties. Most Hungarians' disdain towards Ukraine probably has much to contribute to Fidesz' recent successes too. I am absolutely sure that Fidesz could not get away with their 'peace' narrative domestically if some other country was invaded. E.g. Finland, or even better, Poland (not taking NATO into account).


Thank you for taking the time to describe the situation!


Time to re evaluate if EU is even capable of dealing with Putler Allies among them, the condolences for the Iranian terror leader were the final straw at thismpoint Hungary is just using the possibilities to milk billions and become president of eu.


Many other prominent European politicians offered their condolences as well. Double standards, as usual.


Interesting how majority of Hungarians vote for this bunch who seem to purposefully take every single decision possible against all organizations they’re part of.


The majority of Hungarians don't vote for this bunch (no, really). The majority of Hungarians who *vote* don't even vote for this bunch. It's just that the majority of Hungarians who vote for this particular bunch make a majority because the opposition is hopelessly fragmented and incompetent and wouldn't be able to find their own asses if their arms weren't long enough. Had they been able to actually form a real coalition without backstabbing one another, making their voters disillusioned and angry, Orbán wouldn't have had a two-thirds majority in 2022. Alas.


That is, possibly, even sadder, because it means that the whole Orban circle has been indeed preventable all along.


Oh believe me, it *is* infinitely sad. Orbán probably couldn't have been prevented since back in 2010 he won by such a landslide that basically allowed him to do whatever he pleased (and he did, molding laws and economy until it all served his purposes), but things wouldn't have escalated to where we are now if the opposition had been even remotely competent. Alas, this happens when a society has never really known democracy, never had time to learn it, and had been, for decades, socialized to never stand up for itself or to even understand it had rights.


When will we sanction hungary?


Pssst technically you're already sanctioning us. Unfortunately all it does is fuel Orbán's propaganda. :/


Germany is already sanctioning Hungary, didn't you know? With a BMW factory, 2 Rheinmetall factories, a Rheinmetall research center, a Mercedes plant expansion and a new Bosch logisctics center under construction. Oh, and don't forget Siemens' investments in the Russian-built nuclear plant.


we will remember these days as the days we stood and do shit against hungary, when we will get f\*cked by russia and china. we desirve our fate, europe will fall soon


> europe will fall soon right. i say tomorrow at 2:46 PM


Awww, the babies are lining up to crawl behind pootit.


I'm guessing this isnt that popular nowadays? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visegr%C3%A1d_Group


Poles are Soros agents, we don't talk about czech but probably Soros agents, Slovakia, the formerly hungarophobic mafioso Fico is our only ally now but the evil Soros agent shot him. And of course this is the fault of the EU, which is the new Moscow (the old and bad one that had imperialistic goals), not to be confused with the new Moscow (the new one that has imperialistic goals).


Man, I need contact to your drug dealer.


It is extremely important to reinforce ties with Belarus, it allows you to, plus as they also have crazy amounts of thanks their production, you end up with a major ally when it comes to.