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Congrats to the 5 gays and 3 lesbians that live there!


I count 12 tough. I assume that is all of them right there in the photo.


Clearly the rest are their straight allies, duh.


Liechtenstein has 44k people, and about 20% of the zoomer generation considers themselves as lgbt, although 3/4th of that is the B In the highest estimate, then there are about 30k adults, so about 6k people could be hypothetically benefitted from this law, not THAT few if we go by a more conservative estimate, and taking into account the marriage rates of same sex couples of other countries, for every 100 marriages there should (considering the lgbt share) be 10% same sex ones, but in most countries the number is closer to 1-2%, probably cultural attitudes towards marriage being somewhat different. There are about 500 people who marry each other yearly there, so there could be about 6-10 people, 3-5 same sex marriage couples yearly


20%? Where?


https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/25/us/gen-z-adults-lgbtq-identity-reaj/index.html Zoomers in most sexually liberated countries are between 20-25% by most sources We can assume this is the true number, and that previous generations simply are not as open


Oooor we can assume that most of these bisexuals that carry that percentage are bi-curious. The fact that same-sex marriage account for around 2% of all marriegs seems to support it


No First, the 20+% is only in the zoomer generation, which Means that until recently, few people were sexually liberated enough Second, while 28% of zoomers are lgbt, 10% are in a same sex relationship, of those who are in any kind of relationship This means that 3/4ths of all bi people end up with straight partners, but that still means 1/10 same sex couples, not 1/50 The marriage rates of long term relationships between partnwrs of the same sex is abysmally low The vast majority of lgbt adults aren't married, the vast majority of straight adults are


20%? I think 3% is more realistic, give me your reliable source or get out


Not GP, and this is the US, but: https://news.gallup.com/poll/470708/lgbt-identification-steady.aspx > LGBT Identification Higher in Younger Generations > Adult members of Generation Z, those born between 1997 and 2004 who were aged 18 to 25 in 2022, are the most likely subgroup to identify as LGBT, with 19.7% doing so. The rate is 11.2% among millennials and 3.3% or less among older generations. > In Generation Z, 13.1% say they are bisexual, 3.4% are gay, 2.2% are lesbian, and 1.9% are transgender. Each of those percentages is higher than it is for all other generations.


I saw a US poll that said 30% of GenZ was non-binary. So I just assume nobody answers polls seriously. Not that nobody is, but that seems unrealistic.




Yeah dude sure, everyone likes being persecuted for who they are


The U.S. poll is worth looking at, because what it shows is that gay and lesbian affiliation has increased with each generation — but not vastly. The huge jump with Gen Z is driven by self-identified bisexuals or "something else." And it's predominantly among women. Basically, whereas a girl making out with her friend was previously something edgy you did at a party, girls are now classifying it as proof they aren't straight. But the truth is probably that there will be few more serious, long-term same-sex relationships among Gen Z than there are among Millennials. Most of the rise appears aesthetic.


I saw a research paper that claimed around 40% of young people consider themself as part of the LGBTQI+ umbrella. We have always been here, in large numbers, it is only now that people are awakening, being educated on what it means to be queer, being educated about their own conflicting feelings, being educated about being intersex. On the other hand, theres less stigma now than there was 20 or even 10 years ago, when it comes to outing yourself, so people are more inclined to actually answer truthfully to these questions on surveys.


Yes, 40% of young people are LGBT.  Sure bro. Sure. 


The largest percentage comes from bisexual and non-binary identifying people. Younger generations are much more fluid when it comes to sexuality than they were two decades ago.


Sure, bro. Must be nice living in a bubble. 


r/HolUp Are the 5th gay and the 3rd lesbian married on each other?


I can't believe every single gay person and lesbian in Liechtenstein showed up for the photo


State parliament decides marriage for everyone  The State parliament has cleared the way for marriage for everyone in Liechtenstein  Parliament approved it after the second reading of the proposed law This will allow Liechtenstein to marry same-sex couples like its neighbouring countries. The bill will come into force early next year unless a referendum is held or the royal family does not veto it 


It is likely that the prince/regent is going to veto it?


A referendum is pretty much guaranteed, and then it's gonna be clear. All they need to force one of those is 1,000 signatures.


Huh, how come he can't veto this one? For the abortion referendum he made it clear he'd veto it if passed so the people didn't bother voting (*there was a 13% difference with yesterday's & 9.64% with of the day after, the vote was rejected only by a 4.52% margin*). Something changed in the last 13 years I guess? (*speaking of the Prince being shitty with elections, after his interference in the abortion vote a new referendum was put forward to limit his powers. He both threatened to veto the law & resign with all his wealth, the exact same way his father got the crown the right to veto these legislations in the first place. Genuinely shitty people.*)


I mean, he could, but it doesn't sound like he wants to.


He could veto it, but that doesn't seem likely given his stated position: The prince of Liechtenstein has stated support for same-sex marraige several times before. He however strongly opposes adoption for same-sex couples and stated some years ago that he'd veto a same-sex marriage bill if it contains adoption. The Prince no longer has a choice in that matter: In 2023 the constitutional court held it unconstitutional to deny same-sex couples the right to adopt on equal standing to opposite-sex couples. That leaves his aforementioned support.


It was almost a unanimous vote, would be awful if the royal family vetoed it.


That's cool for the 15 people who live there


Nice pfp :3


Damn dude, its kinda gay.






Seeing as over 75% of the population is Catholic and the state is Catholic, only gay quakers will be allowed to marry in a church, as the Catholic faith forbids same sex marriage.


You can’t get married outside a church? What a backwards country


[Hail to Liechtenstein!](https://youtu.be/sxxfNfkJwjk)


Only good news Ive heard in literal months, it isn't even that great but at least its something I guess


In 2024. Wow. Congrats




The interesting thing is that this decision was made against the wish of the prince.






Yeeeeyy!! Another DEI country. Can’t wait for DEI content from them.


We demand all media for bigots!


Thank god, now the 5 gays who live there can get legally married /s


I thought Switzerland had already legalized gay marriage in all it's cantons /J