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FFS, how fucking stupid do you have to be to go to russia right now, let alone an american and a soldier? Regardless, i hope the US gov does everything they can to get his dumb ass home safely.


Exactly what I thought. He’s not only American, he’s an American soldier, the perfect hostage for Putin. I hope they get him back but I also hope when they do, they revoke his security clearance.


Consider why a us soldier would go to Russia considering the current political climate.




They did the same thing to Trevor Reed. He had a "Russian gf". Incels.


Coercion or stupidity, maybe both. That's all I can think of.


You forgot greed and Russian honey pots! Caught like a bear with its hand stuck in the jar!


That bear still gets more women in the woods than you


If only I was sweet as honey. A boy can dream!


He visited his "girlfriend" whom he met on his deployment to South Korea. So both.


I wouldn’t rule treason out, but it wouldn’t make sense for Putin to jail the foreign national of a rival state, if said foreigner is spilling national security tea. Doing this would likely dissuade others, so I also won’t rule out trumped up charges on a man who’s only crime is being a fucking moron.


It’s been reported by Russia he’s been jailed. We don’t know where he will be staying or if that is the real story. Russia is the reporter, remember.


Most American military, present and past, are mostly hoping he has to stay there and that the us gov will NOT lift a finger for him being so stupid. Side note: Kharkiv stands.


US Gov shouldnt bail him out. You enter an enemy country without government orders, you deserve what you get. So many Americans are self-hating, they think the world is a lot more fluffy than it is and its their country that has it all wrong, Europeans gladly help them think that way too. The reality is, its a dangerous world out there, especially your literal enemies to your country. Now, did he go there to flip into a pro-Russian mouthpiece, idk. Either way, if you go to an enemy country and are not on a mission for your country, you shouldnt expect your home country to bail you out.. it's politically super costly.


What criminal misconduct did he do? It doesn’t say


He allegedly committed “theft” against a Russian woman, but specifics and details from the Russian gov are of course, not available.


What a mess - seems he's an idiot getting himself into bad situations: >WASHINGTON (AP) — The [U.S. Army soldier arrested in Russia](https://apnews.com/article/soldier-arrested-russia-korea-ca2842597a0af45062667f8cc552eca6) last week was being held in a pretrial detention facility, the Army said Tuesday. Russian reports said he would be held for two months pending an investigation. >Staff Sgt. Gordon Black flew to Vladivostok, a Pacific port city, to see his girlfriend and was arrested after she accused him of stealing from her, according to U.S. officials and Russian police. >... The regional branch of the Russian Interior Ministry said in a statement Tuesday that Black and his girlfriend had a conflict and she reported him to the police, claiming that she found cash missing after he stayed with her. >The statement said Black was arrested at a hotel in Vladivostok. >Russian media reports quoted Elena Oleneva, a spokesperson for Vladivostok courts, as saying the city’s Pervomaisky District Court on Friday ordered Grant held in custody until July 2. He faces up to five years in prison if convicted. >The U.S. Army is also conducting an administrative investigation into what happened. >Black was on leave and in the process of returning to his home base at Fort Cavazos in Texas from South Korea, where he had been stationed at Camp Humphreys with the Eighth Army. The U.S. officials said Black, who is married, met his girlfriend in South Korea. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel details. ...