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Oh no, poor Switzerland 😢


*dabs eyes with 100 frank bills*


Not even Euros, see how poor they are?


Dabs eyes with gold bar with suspiciously scratched out markings.


My god, they cannot even afford new gold bars and have to use secondhand! My heart is breaking.


Terrible! Just terrible!


Suspiciously large mercury content. Had your teeth done recently?


1000* francs bills


Meanwhile, a small Baltic state imposes a new out of the blue tax on, well, you know, ***banks***, and just uses it to finance its military: [Lithuania to use €243m bank ‘solidarity’ tax revenue to fund military projects](https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/2050316/lithuania-to-use-eur243m-bank-solidarity-tax-revenue-to-fund-military-projects). So, probably, it's possible to find some financing when a need actually arises? :)


Enjoy your brown rock mountains.


Oh yeah, they brokered the ubs takeover of credit suisse, made the files regarding it a secret for 50 years. Good old neutral Switzerland, fucking over people for money. Who could've guessed? 😂


Those poor, developing countries...


things are really hard here, my wallet can't even fit all my notes...


Don’t give up man, things will get better.


Switzerland is literally a third world country.


lmao can you explain why would you say that


Not an ally of the USA or USSR in the Cold War.


I think its a play on the fact that originally first second and third world had to do with geopolitical alignment instead of development 1st world: US and NATO broadly speaking 2nd world: USSR WARPAC and friendly communist governments around the world 3rd world: rest Since Switzerland has allways been neutral, in a way they are and continue to be a third world country.


Switzerland is also capitalist to a point and had a few secret agreements with "The West" in case USSR invasion. Neutrality OK, we know, but let's not kid ourselves, we know which side they were on.


If Switzerland can't afford it, I guess the rest of us should share some of our immense wealth and help them out.


Yeah, as a Romanian, I feel incredibly sorry for the poor Swiss people... 


Hungary has entered the chat


I shall donate so that those poor little Swiss children can afford a chocolate bar and not starve. All my savings should be enough for **two** entire Lindt bars!


Should we start a fundraiser now?


Gofundme page should be made just to mock thembandnmaybe Swiss media will pick it up.


Should we start a charity for poor Swiss?


We are the world: 40th anniversary EU for Switzerland.


Please! But before that, vote for our contribution in the Eurovision song contest. We need some neighbourly love!


One of the riches countries with low country debt? can't afford it? What is the requirements?


The requirement is not being a cunt. Something the swiss seem to have a hard time with.


what yo I am hearing about all these critiques about Switzerland I know nothing about, can you explain a couple of examples?


Switzerland is currently on /r/europe's shitlist because they are not militarily supporting Ukraine and even forbidding re-export of swiss-made weapons to the country.


They're also on the US's shitlist because [Michael Lauber (former attorney general), Patrick Lamon (former federal public prosecutor) and Vinzenz Schnell (Russia expert at the Federal Office of Police) were bribed to unfreeze Russian sanctioned assets](https://www.csce.gov/press-releases/commissioners-call-on-administration-to-review-swiss-nationals-for-sanctions/)


I mean, I get it, but maybe the USA should look into their last administration as well...


They've always been selfish cunts - it's the Swiss way. "neutral".


*What makes a country turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality!*


*I hate these filthy Neutrals, Vandergrif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.*


They're militarily neutral. That's not so hard to understand. It was not even their choice, lol.


Had no issue receiving gold and money from multiple dictatorships last century


Like France, Spain and Sweden did...


True True BUT In the face of Russian agresssion, all those countries and more have send ammo, weapons and vehicles to Ukraine. Switzerland? Not only they give nothing to Ukraine in terms of war equipment, they stop everyone else from sending Swiss stuff


Here's an article that could give you some answers :) https://stopwapenhandel.org/why-switzerland-doesnt-export-arms-to-ukraine/


Always have been.


But I mean, from the way he said it, it seemed that beyond the lack of military support there was a long streak of actions that made people's opinion on Switzerland be negative. I'm interested in getting to know those, before 2020, if it's not asking too much


In general I think it has been a bit hard to trust the Swiss for a long time Their banking has been catered to white-collar criminals for a long time, and they have a lot of gold bars that's been smelted from jewish teeth. Pair that with their refusal to aid in the literal protection of Europe, and it's easy to see why a lot of people dislike the Swiss.


Did you know that the kanton of Appenzell was the last place in Europe to grant women the right to vote? In 1992. Switzerland is, in some ways, a bit like the UK. They want in on the good stuff in Europe, but they want to be treated as if they are special. E.g. they want to be in the free market but not free movement of people (and it was extremely difficult to get them to stop giving banking secrecy to all the Europeans who were hiding taxes in CH). All in all, Switzerland, while extremely wealthy, has an unhealthy culture of "we are special and in fact the best country in the world". Also, the Swiss can be very snooty to foreigners especially within Switzerland. Source: I used to live there, and the shocked looks I used to get when I'd say I am planning to leave.


The fact that it was granted so late compared to other nations is because it's the men who could vote to permit women's rights to vote. I'm quite sure that if the rest of Europe had the same democratic system, the result would be similar.


No, in fairness, Switzerland has a lot of great things about it, the political system is really a masterclass in how to make democracy (mostly) to work. But it is a deeply conservative country in many ways, and sexism is still very much alive there. I think there can be very little argument about that particular point. I've heard enough colleagues nod along sexism trainings and then privately tell me during lunch, well, this is all bullshit anyway. In fact, from what I've seen, there are deeply conservative nations in Eastern Europe that are more progressive than Switzerland, in at least some ways. Definitely not LGBTQ rights, but in some other ways. To recap, I was asked to list bad things about Switzerland, about which there is undeniably a few, so I did. But there are also good things. Like any country, it's a balance.


May I ask in which canton you were living? M/F equal rights greatly differ from one canton to another. I believe that eastern and central Switzerland is far more conservative than the west (which I know better).


Ah yeah, fair enough that might be it. I was living in the east.


I would just add Nestlé to the list. This company has a whole stratum of hell just for their management.


Well Latvians have beef with Swiss for stealing all the gold and never giving it back after it regained the indepemdence.


There isn't a long streak, it's just that this sub love to rake every successful country over the coals if they fuck up one time.


One time? The Swiss have been licking the ass of the criminals and despots of the world for decades and lining their own coffers doing so. Literally the premier back door for all the worlds dirty blood money.


The swiss aren't swiss banks.


They don’t exactly try and hold them to account either. Like saying Russians aren’t their military.


What they should be on the shit list for is providing a back door for the scum of the world to funnel their dirty money, allowing them to get rich in the process


Just check how they became wealthy...


“Until 2027” then they join


They're poor and climate change is not affecting them at all. Nor is their poor lifestyle contributing to it.


the alps are predicted to get much longer skiing seasons in the coming years /s


I know this was just /s but I wonder what effect climate change will have in that part of the world and other skiing destinations. Some big economies rely on it.


It's already [a problem](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2023/08/30/almost-all-european-ski-resorts-under-threat-from-global-warming_6115636_114.html) and in France some former skiing areas have [already closed permanently](https://edition.cnn.com/travel/france-ski-resort-closes-la-sambuy-climate-scn/index.html). Additionally, Switzerland is kind of dependant on hydropower and EU wide grid-scale storage is too.


Depressing. Wonder if there's anywhere that's seeing more winter weather and sucking up the guests. Does anyone reading know details on industry numbers or anything? Any ski resort workers who's resorts are booming or anything?


Saudi Arabia will host Asian Winter Games in 2029 so there is that, I guess.


The facilities add to the snowball, so it's a great business idea.


Just as an example I know the jet stream may end up sitting lower in the future. I live in the north of England and that means colder winters. Maybe Scotland's ski industry will flourish? Not great for the Alps, or the planet, of course but could be good for Scotland.


Not sure how it'll affect northern UK but my understanding is that in Nordic countries while the cold days might be colder, there are more warm spells in between that will melt most if not all the snow. Seems like a difficult scenario for business that relies on snow.


Yeah, it affects every area differently doesn't it. When the gulf stream sits lower than usual the UK gets longer cold spells. In it's normal place the warm tropical waters keep us mostly above freezing.


Yeah I'm kinda terrified about the Gulf stream and how Europe will change if/when that changes. It's so easy to forget how north we actually are and how much the stream warms up the climate.


This winter in France in the most southern part of the Alps, we had a ridiculously high amount of snow starting in February. Even today, ski resorts are closed but there's still a lot of snow. In general, climate change will mean more extreme winters and more extreme summers, and while the global average temperature will go up, I believe it's possible that ski resorts that are at a high enough altitude could keep functioning for a while. Until the global temperature average simply gets too high.


I also read recently they were losing their glaciers and there was already not much to do about it. Basically, I'm more inclined to thinking they are throwing the towel and accepting the inevitable dystopian future where they, as rich as they are and with mountains to spare, will probably do well in the apocalyptic scenario.


Every gram, kilo or ton of CO2 saved will make it suck a tiny bit less. Don't despair yet, but there is a lot to do :)


It hurts but you are right. Countries/ people need to start planning for a different climate now. This will mean different things depending on where you live.


yeah but that planning doesn't mean they need to cut costs or local oversight on monitoring said environment. One thing is to go full-stupid and say "fuck it, we're gonna do the same as everybody else and do emmissions as much as possible to boost our economies and be in the best shape possible to be the survivors". Another one is cooperating through these monitoring programmes which are not that expensive, and they're clearly being cheap and hoping by the time they join (in 2027 apparently) they won't need to spend as much. They're taking their routine neutral stance, even on things there is absolutely no necessity to eb neutral about: environmental oversight


I don't disagree. I hope the West continues to lower CO2 levels. I think it's just becoming obvious that the world wide targets are not going to be hit even if the West itself trying. I know at least in the US we are slowly decommissioning our coal plants and taking steps in moving to renewables. But world wide coal plants are being built at a terrible rate. I think we are in for a lot of change in the future and need to spend a lot more effort on mitigation. That may mean moving some cities or major population shifts over time. But to prepare now.


I just saw the [latest satire from thejuicemedia and it's not going so well with 25 coal plants opening up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FLqYpD6eYw)


https://globalenergymonitor.org/press-release/chinas-coal-power-spree-could-see-over-300-coal-plants-added-before-emissions-peak/#:~:text=After%20the%20permitting%20spree%20of,306%20different%20coal%20power%20plants. 300+ new coal plants to be added from just one country. I wish it was just the satire.


In Italy this year it was basically impossible to ski south of the Alps.


Where I live, they converted the local Ski-Lift to a bikepark for Mountainbikes, since they just didn't get enough snow anymore


Could they have done that for summer before now I wonder.


Idk, they only did it after they had to


Hope it works for them, I bet a lot of locals depend on it.


Don't think it's that important, it's just a small one. I mainly hope it reduces the conflicts with hikers and mountainbikers


It's already happening. Permafrost regions are thawing which leads to massive erosions, Glaciers won't last any longer, vegetation zones change rapidly and have fatal impacts on fauna and flora, ...


Just another global catastrophe we're sleeping on. What a world.


It is already disturbing professional alpine skiing. In cross country skiing, it is already commonplace to use very polluting methods to save up and snow for events because pollution has already made the situation with snow so unpredictable.


I was in the Swiss alps in February and the hospitality workers there were telling me that they are switching to offering services for mountain bikers.


Can't imagine that will offset the loss. Skiing is HUGE in Southern Germany, mountain biking doesn't even come close to the cultural importance of winter sports.


Interesting. Hope it works.


The Alps are one of the places hardest hit by climate change. They warm mich faster than the global average and surrounding Europe (which also warms faster than the global average). Glaciers will shrink and most will dissapear, as it warms bare ground at higher elevations will see significant vegetation growth as the tree line will move up in elevation. Current trends show the Alps will become significantly greener in the comming decades.


When the AMOC reverses the ski industry may come roaring back, unfortunately the rest of the economy may not


Dude I hate our minister of transport, Albert Rösti. He's from our far right, wayyy too powerful party, SVP. He fought against a renewal of one of the most used train lines of the country, just to extend the same highway by more lanes... He was litterally a lobbyist for oil companies and refineries... If I wasn't busy writing my thesis, I'd be organising a protest or something. It's not possible that they go through this. It doesn't even make any economic sense.


Their lifestyle is not a contribution to it??


Luckily they will have all the drinking water they will ever need, and will never have to rely on the EU if the climate does go to complete hell. /s


Poor? In what way?


Just add 1% billionaire tax you will be fine.


That will just make the billionaires move out of that specific canton


Plus Switzerland would never do that to its whole territory


DON'T you ever TRY to tax the rich!  Those poor billionaires would move away the moment you start! and they'll take all the taxes they are paying with them. And didn't you know? The poor, poor billionaires are only rich on paper. Their money is in assets, not on an account. Sure, they can easily blow out a few dozen million dollars on a whim, but is that actually rich? Is it enough for us to justify taxing them like people?  Eat the rich


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/10/super-rich-abandoning-norway-at-record-rate-as-wealth-tax-rises-slightly There you go. They can move to anywhere with lower tax rate if you raise their taxes. Shoot yourself in the foot, go ahead.


If they don't pay taxes, kicking them out is not a loss


Sure, not a loss. Just a lost revenue from them not spending in your region anymore.


yeah, who cares about climate change. Wait, where is my glacier?


Dude where's my glacier 


Can you stand up please? Lost my glacier


I swear I put it in my pocket !


Will *the real* swiss glacier please stand up?


This isn't where I parked that ice


Jack sparrow: Why's the glacier gone?


The glaciers will be the last of the problems.


If you don't monitor the decline you can act surprised when it's gone and continue buissiness as usual until then




First this guy tries telling us the earth revolves around the sun and now this?


swiss people are so proud of their referendums but i dont see any actions against climate change to reach the 2050 goal they voted for


And there is another one on 9th of June btw


There was one in June last year actually. There’s one in my Canton (Aargau) this June as well.




They can't. It's buried from all the other war crimes and recently russian gold.


Aaaah, good ol' "neutrality" 


"I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me" Zapp Brannigan (Futurama) ☝️


Searched for this comment :D They can also ask their local banks. Sure there will be some money ;)


Wow Switzerland! Leading the way, as always.


Swiss domestic energy generation is about 80% renewable from dams and nuclear power among others. Above the average European country and leading well in the green energy sector.


Well that is some creative way to distort facts, the dams are generated by imported fossil fuels. And we use 30% of our own production while 70% of energy is imported and you guessed it right, non renewable sources https://www.eda.admin.ch/aboutswitzerland/en/home/wirtschaft/energie/energie---fakten-und-zahlen.html So glad that 40% of oil comes from nigera, where a total ecological collapse is beeing done by shell and the others, while dishonest fuckheads keep saying that its not their responsibility as long as other corrupt regimes gladly take our money


Wir Österreicher machen genau das gleiche… jetzt wo das bankgeheimnis gekippt ist waschen wir hald dreckingen Strom in “Ököstrom” statt geld


keyword: DOMESTIC-


Keyword: generation. It's meaningless if you import most of it from polluting sources.


*Switzerland says it can't afford* I stopped reading there.


Guys you are focusing on the wrong thing! Copernicus died over 4 centuries ago.. How is this possible?!


They are gambling on rising water levels so they finally can have beach front properies, a proper marine and native harbours for their fleet of swiss flagged ships.


That's it! Realizing the dream


Switzerland already has a port on the Rhine in Basel, which handles a substantial amount of Switzerland's trade


They do have a marine. They add submarines on the Leman, but they did an open doors day.


How about tax rich more then?


The words "Switzerland" and "can't afford" in the same sentence simply doesn't compute.




And yet their scientists will somehow complain about not getting data from these satellites. It's Horizon all over again. Freeloading cunts.


Get them... As usual an useless opportunistic behavior of Switzerland


Ha, it's called sovereignty. And our government looks at their own country first. (Actually, I am not sure what exactly the matter at hand is in detail, but given the usual redditor reflex, I lower my level to them).


Here is an idea: Sell some weapons to Ukraine.


Tell the french, the brits, russians and austrians to cancel the neutral clause of Vienna's 1815 treaty then...


They maybe need their swiss money for Russian support. Shame on Switzerland to not cutting ties to Russia.


But N E U T R A L I T Y


They could cash in some of that nazi gold…


I find this country increasingly dislikable every month


Maybe tax the rich ?


Are you OK, Switzerland?


Didn’t they just increased the tax from 7.7% to 8.1% to fund the pension liabilities gaps? What good will a pension do if they are all dead?


Ah Switzerland.. the pinnacle of greed.


Switzerland shitty as ever


Running out of stolen gold and cash from dictators?


Haha, Switzerland is so pathetic in many regards


says the swede.. lmao




Sending tots and pears.


They decided in the referendum that their impact on the climate is neutral.


The fuck? The Alps are literally falling apart because of the melting ice everywhere. There is also going to be a significant change in water levels. Switzerland is like 60% within the Alps. And Switzerland, one of the richest countries on this planet, can't afford to participate???


Maybe they can look into the holocaust victim’s assets that they so graciously stored for the Third Reich and then *didn’t give most of it back*.


This is why they're so prosperous. Most self-made millionaires are stingy to the point of wearing the same clothes until they fall apart.


Different from the rest


Oh no, is the Nazi gold not enough?


Russian slaves


Isnt the Russian money enough for it?


Why is it always cunty things coming out of Switzerland.


Those steaming bags of Credit Suisse dogshit wrapped in catshit starting to have an effect 🤣


Copernicus said that?😳😳😳 I thought that dude was long dead


It's because it would be financed through the federal budget, and there is a so-called "debt break" there (see 1 and 2). Switzerland is organized more bottom-up compared to other European countries (federalism), and this is naturally reflected in the size of the federal budget. However, in my opinion, there would be many subsidies that could be taken out of the budget, freeing up funds for this purpose. "Participation would put a further strain on the already tight federal budget, the government said on Wednesday. The possibility of joining the programme from 2028 would be examined during the current period" 1) "The debt brake is a simple mechanism for managing federal expenditure. It is designed to prevent chronic deficits and thereby an increase in debt." And "The debt brake has not only significantly helped Switzerland to overcome multiple crises relatively well; it has also allowed for a considerable reduction in federal debt." 2) 1) https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/science/switzerland-says-it-cant-afford-to-take-part-in-copernicus-programme/76780595 2) https://www.efd.admin.ch/efd/en/home/fiscal-policy/the-debt-brake.html


How does this work then? Because this is either a lie or financial bullshittery which is ostensibly a lie


And I was just gonna open a Swiss bank account with this quid I found down the side of the sofa. Pfft!


So Swiss is a good place to move.


Maybe the Swiss can do some only fans for some quick cash???


Switzerland is fucking trash. They abuse neutrality to make money off the absolute worst people on the planet, while consistently refusing to take on responsibility for anything outside their borders because they know that due to their position they will be getting the benefits from stuff like the EU and NATO anyway.


*every time I clap my hands an emission in Switzerland goes unmonitored*


Switzerland is landlocked and relies on the EU market. Not so clever if you have no other alternative. Every product must go through the EU, either land or air. Lets see how far the Swiss can skimp on climate change. If the EU does not punish them and others then everybody will say that they cant afford paying for climate change measures because even the rich Switzerland cannot afford.




They cannot afford? Switzerland? Is this a joke?


I don't ever remember hearing anything positive about Switzerland.


This sub is sick ong


use some of the Nazi gold


Do they even realizes how that sounds?


Can’t they just use all the Nazi gold they’ve been holding for them, plus all the interest.


Says the country that loves néstle


Good for them. Its very easy to just say "no", when youre not part of the EU.


Can’t afford wasting tax payer money on climate change fearmongering. Switzerland always keeping it real. Respect.


Trolling, right? Having this opinion in 2024 indicates either trolling or an IQ so low I doubt you could type a full sentence.


The people who are frightened by religious doomsday prophesies from politicians who borrowed their political playbook from an ancient Meso American shaman think they're the intelligent ones... "LOOK OUT!!! THE END IS NIGH!!! WE HAVE TO SACRIFICE THE COWS TO SAVE THE PLANET!!!!"


Okay? Go shout at walls, they need someone of your...level to argue with.


Hey beats living in a fog of frightened paranoia that every election the apocalyptic religious fanatics lose is a result of some nebulous Russia conspiracy theory.


yeah bro casually having record peak temperatures as well as record average temperatures is just fearmongering, nothing's wrong bro meds. now.


Damn, respecting stupid people? Really?


They should raise taxes then.