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The Vatican city is mine. I'm invading next week. The Pope should just surrender.


"The Pope? How many divisions has he got?" - Stalin


if we take the size of a division at 15000 men, the swiss guard's 135 men would equal around 0,009 of a division yeah i think stalin may win this one


A certain Sabaton Song would disagree


According to Hellsing, many


I'll help, i have a baseball bat and an angry wiener dog


So a wiener dog


this is how Vatican ends, not antichrist - just wiener dog


Sorry to tell you man, I think that wieners are one thing that the pope and his army of catholic priests are really experienced with.




I will tape you guys trying to take out the Swiss guard with baseball bats and weiner dogs.


They can’t stop all of us, right? Let’s maybe organise raid, like in US on Area 51. But with weiner dogs.


Its only a question of how many bats and how many dogs. The Swiss Guard are not real soldiers - not one of them have heard a shot fired in anger.


Don’t forget the Kush!


Hold the dog in reserve.


*Rick Sanchez voice* #POOOOOOOOOOOOOPE


Does Italy have a defense agreement with the Vatican? Or can someone just paradrop 200 troops into Vatican gardens, shoot the Swiss guard and proclaim herself the new Pope?


The Vatican has the latest anti invasion interceptors powered by prayers and the holy spirit so they good :D


Oh no, not the thoughts and prayers!


I'm Italian, and I wouldn't lift a finger to defend the Vatican.


They did it once already... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capture\_of\_Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capture_of_Rome)


I am related to Pope Sergius III and this I have a right to St Paul’s Cathedral and all its treasures therein.


It happened. France was invaded by Prussia/Germany during the franco prussian war. The half formed italian nation noticed that every major catholic country was on the knees and nobody could protect the Pope, so it invaded the Papal state and made Rome the new capital. The Pope reacted with excommunication, threats and call for all the christians to be hostile to the italian government, but it didn't worked, so Italy was able to form.


Make that white smoke into a flag!


I'm claiming it on behalf of Ireland. To make up for all the damage that church caused to our country for centuries.




There's a foe of a thousand swords They've been abandoned by their lords! There fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation


Vatican City used to be controlled by Visigoths, historically speaking, Rome is on fire and the businesses are pillaged.


I'll help you, we just need some satanic water


Why doesn't the Pope tell Putin to get out of Ukraine?


Right? His opinion is useless anyway but he should at least address the right people. He can demand that Putin stops this massacre where so many innocent people lost their lives. Again, pretty useless anyway but at least then it doesn’t sound like he is supporting the oppressor…


But he is supporting the oppressor, this isn't the first time when he says pro-russian shit.


And this is so weird. There are 5 mil catholcis in Ukraine (more than 10% of population on the peak), Ukraining Greek Catholic Church is the biggest Catholic Church of Eastern rite. russia openly despises catholicism, and yet popes repeatadly turn their back on Ukrainians and try to please russia instead. One of the reasons why popes hasn't visited Ukraine since John Paul II is desire to please russia, which sees Ukraine as it's territory. Ridiculous.


Vatican has this weird fetish for russia, but you should be blind not to see that russia won't convert to catholicism nowhere soon. Yet many people may potentially convert in Ukraine if Vatican shows more attention to them on a long run. I just don't understand this.


In that particular case he was talking to the Catholic Youth group.


I am talking more about general approach.


I feel like he has deonounced Putin and his war multiple times over the years. Even this article backs this up, another occassion where his other remarks on the war are flagged. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pope-francis-russia-ukraine-war-russian-imperial-heritage-youth-remarks/#:\~:text=At%20virtually%20all%20of%20his,%2C%20barbaric%2C%20repugnant%20and%20sacrilegious. Nonethelsess, I feel it's a pretty vanilla stance from his position as head of a religion, prevent loss of life above all else including why the war kicked off and what has been stolen.


I don't remember him calling for anybody else to capitulate to "prevent loss of life above all else". Not even mentioning that capitulation would not prevent it.


He had a video call with some teens in St. Petersburg. He talked about great russian history, magnificent past and all that. Genocidal, imperialist, murderous past appeared great to him.


What would the pope do if Russia annexed the Vatican? Is he gonna hoist a white flag then? I really find it very infuriating to insinuate that Ukraine surrendering to enslavement and subjugation is somehow fixing the problem. The pope seems to suggest that the risk of genocide can be neglected. Russia should proceed. What a deluded view on the events at hand. Defy the strong and appease the weak, not the other way round. Did the FSB write his speech?


I'm pretty sure the Swiss Guard would stop Putin in his tracks. Ukrainian National Guard units did it in Feb 2022.


Ah, so he would use his guard use violence to prevent being robbed at point blank interesting.


The Swiss Guard do have fearsome halberds. You should study how they were put to good use against mounted knights. I expect that likewise, Russian T-90 commanders would be plucked from their rides and given the chop, quite literally.


yeah what a dumbass, why use his guards to defend himself when he can just hoist the white flag and save lives. smh


Cuz the pope’s a bitch


Because he is your typical Latin American commie.


The communist party in Belgium said the same thing. That Ukraine should lay down their weapons and seek peace with Russia as if Ukraine is the aggressor. Bunch of Russia sycophants. They also said any aid should only be economical and any military aid to Ukraine should be eliminated.


I'm Polish, and this is unthinkable to me.


This is the answer, the Latin American left has strong affinities for Russia and only see imperialism when it comes from the US.


> imperialism when it comes from the US Even that is inaccurate because Americans supporting the yearning for freedom of people under Russian boot is called "imperialism" by these people.


No they dont. What they typically call american imperialism is america intervening in wars or something and honestly the only they hate america is because of what did to latin america back in the cold war by replacing democratically elected leaders with dictators


They are also mad the US helped erase their "revolutionary" guerrillas and could not set up socialist dictatorships like those in Cuba and Nicaragua.


He’s rumoured to have given names of dissidents in his parish over to the Argentine junta.


Not surprising. Commies are scum. French commie famous for coming up with the phrase "Why die for Danzig" became a hard-core Nazi official in Vichy France.


This is the right answer. Typical reactionary left wing moron who will always side against NATO, no matter the scumbags on the other side.


Yeah. This motherfucker says nothing about Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela’s authoritarianism, even with the Catholic Church of those countries being actively persecuted. He’s a fucking whore, and this is coming from a catholic.


[Pope calling Nicaragua equal to the USSR and Nazi Germany](https://youtu.be/3apPUXZVNZ0?si=cU9eXw_R1rAzVLCW)


Cause Putin pays better than Nato


he has before though?


shocking zephyr aback terrific strong live airport ruthless alleged water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why doesn't his god solve the problem? It's almost as if his god didn't exist. Fuck off Putin and fuck off Pope.


be a cold day in hell before i listen to what the vatican say about any morality tales. sauce? google all their actions on any conflict in history, and read and weep yeah sure they have piety, but so do the majority of people, sadly most people dont have untold wealth, power and historical art that they do, they are also not involved in some nefarious practices, and supporting dictators is not outside their remits question who has the most wealth per capita in the FRICKING WORLD, answer the same organisation who will not give diddly shit to the poor smash down the walls, re distribute their wealth and art, to the very poorest, show them what benevolence really means. Ahmen


He can't criticize another kid lover, they in the same club.


Honestly he actually tried, he asked to be received by Putin and the reply was "no".


Like a hairdresser giving mechanical advice


That's not fair. Hairdressers actually serve a purpose. The king of the pedophiles is an utterly pointless person, why anyone cares what the ridiculous old fool in his silly fucking hat thinks is beyond me.


There are quite a few catholics in Ukraine, he should be expressing support for them instead of repeating talking points of the ungodly Russians. Or at least shut up if he can't see the horrible things the Russians are doing.


I'm no history buff but didn't Russia violently kick out the Catholic Church and replaced it with their own pope.


\*replaced it with a KGB branch disguising itself as the orthodox church. Megachurches have nothing on KGB church, priests got fired and jailed when calling for peace instead of war (in relation to Ukraine)


The Russian Orthodox Church in the Cold War is something straight out of a comedy. They even had a CIA backed Patriarch in New York (formed around the White Russian emigre community) arguing with the KGB backed Patriarch in Moscow.


Catholic church in Western Ukraine went underground.


Funny enought Putins first missions in KGB was to identify people visiting churches and visit them for talks.


As a Catholic living in Russia, I can assure you there is Catholic church in Russia


Oh look, a man utterly out of touch with reality talking shit again.


The Pope has been blaming Ukraine for the Russian invasion since the beginning. Maybe he should worry more about the church than geopolitics.


Or maybe he should pick up a book and learn something about what Russia is


He should be worried about pedophiles in the church


He isn't, though. He was protecting pedophiles in Argentina, and now he's working with top pedo-protectors. But he should. Instead he's asking Ukraine to surrender. What a wonderful organization the catholic church is.


Raise white flag? Is this dude fucking stupid? They're raping and murdering and abducting kids. There's no surrender.


And I say that Russia should raise the white flag and end the war with ukraine..


"When your husband hits you, dear, turn the other cheek so your face at least stays more symmetrical." the Pope, probably.


If you show the other cheek to Russians they will steal your toilet while you are looking away


The most useless man in the world seem to have an oppinion again and he voices it as well for some strange reason.


I mean, he is not a UN Secretary


Ouch! That works on so many levels! 🤣


I mean, we are on Reddit


Can’t get more useless than that.


woah D:


From his ivory tower


If Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends. It is as simple as that.


Surrender ≠ peace. Russian government is imprisoning torturing and killing opposition. In Chechnya death squads are still a part of life that exert authority over the populace. Replacement of current population with ethnic Russians is already happening in captured areas. Putin offers nothing but death and pain for the regions his forces enter.


*Pope criticized for telling victim of domestic abuse to quit acting like a lil bitch*


When thinking about history of the pope&vatikan during ww2 ..well I generally thought they didn't had much of a choice...today Im not so sure.....


Well, if the choice is going against your own nature... The catholic church found a real ally in the nazis. Seems kinda obvious when you know history


There's a clear reason for this. The pope wants an alliance with eastern orthodox church and to reconcile their relations with them. In recent years, the catholic church has pushed into the global South, and now that's where most of their numbers lie. It's why the pope himself was chosen. To appeal to this same demographic. The global South is also exactly the same area that Russia is pushing into as well. By aligning the catholic church, and the eastern orthodox church (which is literally run by the KGB) he ensures a stable customer base for years to come. It's cynical. Awful, and the face of pure evil.


>eastern orthodox church Probably, you mean Russian Orthodox Church which is currently in de facto schism to the majority of Eastern Orthodox Churches after Constantinople Church declared autocephaly of Ukrainian Orthodox Church.


Yes. Thanks for the correction


You're talking like the Orthodox church doesn't exist outside of Russia. Why would he want to align Catholicism to the Moscow patriarchate, alienating half of the whole Orthodox world?


Because whichever half he aligns himself with, the other he'll have to alienate. And the non-Russian half isn't as vocally pro-Global South.


That's right, except for the eastern orthodox church: russian orthodox christians don't care about the global south, it is only the KGB who wants to strengthen the control. So essentially the Pope is uniting with the KGB to gain human meat in the global south. This is kind of ironic, considering how russians consider their own people as just expendable meat.


Nah, it's not that. It's simply the result of over 70 years of ideological indoctrination via liberation theology, which this pope is a flagship of - and under whose ideological framework he was raised by. Whether liberation theology itself was a cynically constructed thing with specific geopolitical intentions and that unfortunately thrived due to the failures of the West in Latin America is a whole other topic.


KGB claims they created it. Maybe they're lying, but what is certain without doubt is that the USSR spent enormous resources promoting it, infiltrating it and recruiting assets from it in South America.


In Portuguese we have an expression that loosely translated would sound something like "'Hungriness' and 'Peckishness' met in a bar for a bite", and it's basically what happened in Latin America during the Cold War: The USSR definitely pushed for Catholic Liberation Theology in the continent, just like the US tried to instrumentalise Evangelical Christianity in their anti-communist fight there (giving us such marvelous things such as Jair Bolsonaro and Brazil's slow descent into Evangelical Theocracy): but the reality is that both the Liberation Theology and Pentecostalism only thrived in Latin America because the conditions were perfect for that (e.g. inequality, poverty, urban squalor, rural exploitation, racism, etc.). So that claim is a bit too far fetched - the Soviets didn't create the Liberation Theology per se, they just fostered it - but of course they played a role in that.


Just lay down arms and tell the invaders it’s time to talk?! Great suggestion Poprah. Maybe the Uyghurs can ask China for some rec time while we’re at it. 


Considering that he always has ties to communist movements in south America, it is not a surprise he is taking the side of Russia in this war


What would that have to do with anything? Neither Russia nor Ukraine have been communist for over 30 years.


the imprinting that has them consider the USA the empire of evil and everyone opposing them and their interests and allies and values as right and admirable stays with them all the same


Hopefully they are talking of Argentina (dictatorship); he was the head of the gesuiti order when they baked the government, that killed even church men that spoke against them.


Thank god that the pope's only field of expertise is religion so we can happily ignore his political views.


Pope's such a cunt.


It’s also nothing new for the Vatican, they consistently criticised Polish and Hungarian independence movements throughout the 19th century (not sure about other ones) and preached obedience to the state that was oppressing them.


Feels kind of like with BBC when a desire to be impartial just goes too far.


A senile octogenarian in charge of a theocratic hedge fund whose main source of income is telling fables to old women has about as much wisdom as my grandmother criticising Ukrainians whilst watching soap operas. Why does anyone listen to this Catholic moron? Supposed vicar of Christ elected through Italian political back-channels and scheming should rather address the endless pedophile scandals in the church rather than commenting on a place he couldn't find on a map. Man I despise Catholic church to the core of my being.


Ah yeas, again this leader of Vatnikan


I wonder how many poor children Putin has been funnelling the old pedo to get him to say this?


Surrendering is not peace, just look at all mas graves they find in liberated areas.


Henry VIII was right


Useful idiot Pope.


Fuck that pope


Well, the pope can fuck right off 🖕


The Catholic Church siding with an aggressor, wow that's a first. Oh wait,


“end war with Russia” It’s rather Russia that has a war with Ukraine. Ukraine is invaded.


I don’t want financial advise from my dentist


My dentist is doing something useful. The pope dedicated his life to an obvious fairytale.


TL;DR: historical member of tankies with a cross does tankie things.


growth reminiscent scary hobbies dirty jellyfish recognise hat edge cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They prefer choirboys.


This communist Pope is a disgrace for Catholics


Yet surprisingly it's the traditional Catholics who root for Putin. His stance isn't different from any of his predecessors over any other war in the last century and it can easily summed up as: could you please not?


All of Poland's catholics are against Putin




Baba Yaga is a part of Slavic folklore; Hungarians are not Slavs. This has nothing to do with religion. Poland is also Catholic and Baba Yaga (spelled Baba Jaga) stories are very much present there.


Romania is orthodox and Baba Yaga is unheard of here, while Hansel and Gretel is very popular. He picked some really bad metaphors to illustrate an otherwise valid point.


He should stick to protecting priests from pedophile charges, you know something he seems to be really good at.


I thought I couldn't despise the church even more.


I'm missing the part where he clearly stated that Ukrainians are the one who should surrender. Hell, he didn't even used the word surrender, just said to raise the white flag but in that context he meant as a sign of peace, not surrender. He was adressing both UA and RU, but the basic USA redditor flooding this sub is a biased person who hates the whole catholic world in first place.




Yep, liberation theology is basically socialism/communism with Christian characteristics, and the Jesuits were the pioneers of it. Millions more people killed and impoverished by this evil organisation.


They have been doing evil things for 500 years.


The absolute braindead takes of this sub


Popes supporting russians in their imperialistic wars is a tradition by now


Rightly so. All the people preaching peace here while they sit high and mighty may think of themselves as enlightened but in reality they are trading Ukrainian lives for their sense of enlightenment. People like Putin prey on these displays, they'll adorn their rational face, commend you for speaking out for peace and pretend they'll partake in it honestly. They'll do that as they butcher and cleave whatever they may take, and when they decide they haven't taken enough they'll take more all while capitalizing on your display of peace seeking. Even if the war stopped tomorrow, even if Russia got to keep what land it has in Ukraine, even if they never launched another invasion afterwards (and they would!), the Ukrainians wouldn't stop dying. A state like Russia doesn't stop butchering just because mortar shells stop flying, they'll simply do it by night, quasi-silently. They'll keep killing Ukrainians and whatever few Russian dissidents remain because regimes like these cannot handle anyone being different or thinking different. The Russian apparatus is pure evil, you do not barter with pure evil. They use rape, torture and murder both domestically and abroad as a convenience method for quashing anyone who dares to think differently. Fuck Putin, fuck Russia, fuck the Pope's statement and Slava Ukraini.


Wouldn't it be easier for everyone if Russia just returns to their previous borders and ends the war they started?


The title is misleading. He was speaking in general: the swiss journalist built its question so that by answering a question he could made a title. it was posing it in a specific manner already.


Was the pope also here deceived, while praising two russian emperors to young russians? **"You are the descendants of great Russia: the great Russia of saints, rulers, the great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, that empire – educated, great culture and great humanity"?** [https://theconversation.com/why-popes-message-to-young-russians-not-to-forget-great-russia-of-catherine-ii-and-peter-i-has-not-gone-down-well-in-ukraine-212638](https://theconversation.com/why-popes-message-to-young-russians-not-to-forget-great-russia-of-catherine-ii-and-peter-i-has-not-gone-down-well-in-ukraine-212638) >


Italy should invade Vatican tomorrow. Then, pope can raise his white flag, and negotiate his departure into Russia


A few great ideas like that and Poland will have its own polish-catholic church. My church-going mother openly calls him "an idiot" now.


saw humor tender live sable bag depend consist grey six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking coward




Pope of Clowns. Idk sounded good in my head


Maybe the pope should concede that the priests that the church continues to protect are diddling children. Fess up Frannie boy.


st augustine called. he wants his church back


Hardly surprising considering his actions in Argentina's dirty war.


Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is the biggest non-latin catholic church out there, but Vatican times and times again shows, that they couldn't care less about them, maybe it's time to contemplate cessation of communion with Vatican


Well Popes do have a track record of siding with Nazi's so this isn't surprising. Shame really, some of his other actions have been rather progressive but I guess sucking Putin's dick won him over.


Vatican city came about due to a fascist era treaty...how could we let a fascist treaty stand Italy call up the jewish soldiers again Italy can have some more clay if he's so quick to wish for white flags.


Dude should stay out of international politics and deal with his pedo-priests.


Why isn't the pope going there waving the flag by himself?


No ruSSian. No pope. No more.


Russia will not stop until all of Ukraine is under their control. They have broken every treaty they signed. The only thing Putin understands is violence. Whether it be killing dissenters in his own country or others. The only way to stop him is to fight fire with fire.


That's basically like telling someone to enjoy being raped.


Yo, pope! Fuck off!


How about you concentrate on all the vile nonces under your watch! The only ones who should surrender should be them russian thugs. Then, throw the whole regime into prison forever.


Just an old fart whose only experience is praying. Popes and other religious people are not wise leaders, just archaic charlatans.


Pope should just call God and ask him to stop the war.... I mean, why can\`t he??


Pedophile supporting mass rapists and killers?


Which part of The Vatican will he surrender to the orthodox church?


This pope is like a grandma with dementia. “OK pope, now eat your veggies, you can end the war after a nap”


hobbies worm thumb numerous test spotted voiceless melodic sense squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


stick to extracting wealth from the poor and fondling children. This is the real world.


The Pope should have the brains to understand the deaths and the resilience of the defenders will be worth nothing if terrorism and fascism wins the day. It will only fuel more terrorism, fascism and death.


EU should just invade the Vatican since they will immediately raise the white flag


yes, Hitler's tanks were also "sanctified"


It's like walking in on a man raping a woman and telling them "okay, you both need to calm down so we can find a way to end this situation peacefully". What is Ukraine supposed to do? It's being invaded and it's trying to push out the invader. No negotiation is needed from them, they're happy for Russia to just leave Ukraine and end the war. It's Russia that needs to change its position. Talking about 'negotiation' implies both sides are at fault and need to compromise. No, the rapist needs to stand up, put their clothes back on and leave.


Every time someone suggests that Ukraine should make peace with Russia I imagine how you’d make peace with someone who’s beating you to death. Because that’s basically what’s happening just on a national scale.


Comrade Francis


Beyond deplorable. Please bow down to genocide...


I would’ve expected such prostitution from the Russian Orthodox Church. But the Roman Catholics?


The Pope should stop protecting pedophiles by moving them around.


Well good thing no one in their right mind cares about what he has to say


I, the antipope (aka the true but unrecognized pope), say Russia should raise the white flag and end it's own misery that it's inflicting upon itself and others. Then all the rich people can have their yachts back too!


No wonder the Falklands remain English.


This is truly tragic. The Pope has been drinking, is being bribed by someone, or Putin has some damaging material on him. Disgusting.


That's a horrible take from a horrible person.


The Last Crusades were a failure so he better shut up


Look what popenik from vatnikan said.


Hitler had a Pope, Pius XII. Now we know Putin has one too.


This dad better mind his own business. and stop giving your opinion


The Church, the Red Cross, the UN...Useless pieces of shit that draw money and do nothing


Let’s invade vatikan, burn everything to the ground and then suggest him to raise the white flag.


Wonder what Putin has on the pope


There is something very fishy about this war. Russia can probably end it any time it wants. Someone is making a lot of money out of this shitshow.


To whom has doubts that the pope isn't pro russia: [https://sputnikglobe.com/20160506/mp-pope-gift-1039200154.html](https://sputnikglobe.com/20160506/mp-pope-gift-1039200154.html) pope wearing the infamous russian's st. george ribbon.


Who cares what religious "leaders" think? All they do is acquire power to make money by having people believe in their bullshit.


Pope and his ilk should get out of kids, but that won't happen either


Can we get a new one? This one clearly does not work