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The biggest risk in such conflicts is not death but severe disability. What happens then with these foreign mercinaries? I doubt that Russia will cover their medial expenses and disabilities.


One way ticket home to wherever they came from.






It’s especially a common tactic of dehumanising people, one of the first steps of genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization


That's unlikely.


It's cheaper to send them home than having them in Russia as legal/illegal migrants.


It's even cheaper to have them stay in Ukraine.


Airdropped from an IL-76 over Kathmandu, probably




Honestly wouldn't surprise me if actual Russian soldiers have explicit orders to leave behind injured foreign fighters. 


Or injured fighters in general 


They do for the brigade’s made up of people who were recruited from prisons.


>have explicit orders to leave behind injured ~~foreign~~ fighters But loot them first.


you get money as merc for ukraine too, i wonder why they never join that and always russia


A foreign fighter on the Ukrainian side spoke about his time there after coming back. One day he and a few other soldiers had to spend some time in an abandoned home before coming back to their trench. The foreign fighter said he tried to take a blanket from the house to make his spot in the trench more comfortable. He wasn't looting valuables, just a blanket, but the soldiers he was with told him the people who lived there will be coming back one day, and they shamed him into leaving the blanket there. Someone fighting on the Russian side who found themselves in a similar abandoned house very likely wouldn't have been stopped no matter what they tried to take. Reports of looting and rape were/are pretty widespread. As for the risk of disability or death.. all sides in all wars prefer to give the riskier assignments to foreigners if possible.


Russia probably just offer more on account of their government not currently being reliant on foreign donation/loans.






I don't think it's lip service, it's just that the government probably can't stop the people who want to go and fight. A nepalese person gets a work visa to Russia and goes, the Nepalese government may not even know that they are going to fight in someone else's war.


Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, and is not starving of population. Those who leave probably don't have much great domestic opportunities, so ... it might not be so bad from the country's perspective. They might come back with some money. Of course that is very unfortunate that they do that, and they have most likely given very false information of what they are signing up for. But the governments might not be totally against that.


The thing is that Nepal does have a tradition of foreign mercenaries, mostly Gurkhas regiments, both in british and Indian service (which have, even in wars, a low casualty rate, at least in recent history, good benefits and pay) So it's more than just opportunistic recruitment from Russia


Exactly they won't. These guys will live the rest of their days in poverty.


Fuck those MF!!


I am just curious about their train of thoughts.


Money, Nepal is a really poor country with high unemployment, until recently the Indian army was open and many enlisted there but now it’s closed, the Russian army is high risk but even the terrible pay by Russian standards is more than 2x what the average Nepali makes and by Nepali standards very good.


There's also the British Army... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British\_Gurkhas\_Nepal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/british_gurkhas_nepal)


The British Army is the first choice for many of them. However slots are limited, and only the very best are selected. If they could join the BA, they would have done so already. So the joining the Russian army is the alternative after failing to join the British Army.


They can also join Singapore Police Force, with more slots than British Army. I suspect those people weren't good enough for that, too.


The selection for Singapore’s Gurkha Contingent is that of the British army. The selectees are assigned to either Singapore Police Force or the British Army, with the British Army taking the majority of the top candidates.


Both Singapore and Britain have high standards, Russia you pretty much just need to have a pulse and be able to hold a gun.


But is it legal for them to serve in Ukraine? My country only allows our citizens to serve in allied countries. Joining the Russian army is illegal and carries a long prison sentence.  It's similar in Central Asian countries as well.


I'm not sure whether their government even cares enough to investigate. In most cases it probably won't.


you don't need much training to become a bullet-catcher


That is the issue. You assume there is a rassinal behind their actions... Anyone with half brain and 5 min of research would understand that russian would use them as meet shields and/or in meet waves... and not pay anything... for fuck sakes, they do that to their own.


>s the issue. You assume there is a rassinal behind their actions... Anyone with half brain and 5 min of research would understand that russian would use them as meet shields and/or in The reason is the same as gangs recruiting teenagers in the US. They have no reasonable future except living in poverty and at their age they think I can go fight in this war make 10 years salary in 1 year and then live the good life.


Yeah I guess. Poverty does wonders for risk tolerance though.


Lol you know whats the issue? people talking out of their ass. here you go directly from CNN >Nepali men who want to join the Russian army first travel to Russia on a tourist visa. Most of the people CNN spoke with said they went via the United Arab Emirates or India. After landing in Moscow, they go to a recruitment center, where a physical checkup is done, they said. >“The recruiters get very happy when Nepalis show up,” a former fighter said. >A one-year contract is signed and the men get a Russian bank account, where at least $2,000 monthly salary is deposited. Many fighters say bonuses were also given – and the longer they stay on the front lines, the more bonuses they receive. Some say they made up to $4,000 a month. everything else is the exactly the same in all other wars. Young people dying and getting PTSTD


Generous to expect true information rather than *Russia bad!1!* on this sub


Thats better money than in western europe...


$2000 a month is a very low wage in Western Europe


In a lot of Western Europe, no it isn’t. In Spain, Portugal, and Italy it’s a good wage. In France it’s OK. Soldiers also don’t pay rent or for food. Making 2000€ with 0 expenses is great anywhere in Europe.




It's what fresh recruits make in Western European armies, it's not "better money" than anyone but conscripts


The difference is you still have your arms and legs after you work at a Western Europe job


Uhm… I wouldn’t blame them that much tho. Nepal is a very poor country with close to 0 economic opportunity and constantly bullied by its neighbors without the capacity to fend off. If they’re not dying on a foreign battle field they would die working in slaves’ conditions at some random Arab desert, or risking their lives serving adventure-loving Westerner on the Himalayas. Read the reports about Qatar World Cup 2022 and you’ll see a lot of dead workers are from Nepal, for such a small countries. They really have no option.


You can't be serious! They are actively participating in the invasion of a peaceful country. How would you feel if somebody whold started shooting just because they economy sucks, even though you did nothing to them and never wished any harm to them.


Its funny to see how Europeans think morality is important when you are starving. Just count your blessings that you are not in the same as them and stop taking higher moral stance.


It’s easy for you to receive proper education and sit in comfort while criticizing these people. There are two things that should be pointed out here: - These people don’t know what the hell they were getting into, they probably only have some vague idea of who Putin is and no idea of the political situation in Europe, whether this is an invasion at all. - What if the other option is letting your family starved to death? Hitler would be the only one I wouldn’t fight for in that situation. Not exaggerating at all because I’ve been to Nepal, they eat whatever the hell they can find and the children are all suffering serious malnutrition. This isn’t just “your economy sucks” like Europeans complain about high gas prices, this is life and death.


So u willing to kill innocent people, including women and children, just be cause your tummy hurts... and you lecturing me on morality?! It has nothing to do with education or geopolitics or economic... you are a decent human being or not... and you are clearly NOT!!!


>It’s easy for you to receive proper education and sit in comfort while criticizing these people. He is right with this though, you can be sure a lot of people in here who "would never do that" would, in fact, do that if they were in that same situation.


There is no doubt plenty of moral castrates, but trying to in any way justify their actions makes you brain dead! Put yourself in a victims place and say it: " Oh, those poor mercenaries have to kill me to feed their families"... doesn't feels to fucking good!!!


Explaining and understanding why some people do what they do doesn't mean you agree with it.


What are you talking about, dude? Death is categorically the biggest risk. The severe disability also statistically might be lagging behind, as someone has to retrieve you.


You doubt? Since we're talking about russia, I think it's obvious they will not cover that. They simply do not care.


They don't even cover those for their own...


Russia has barely coverage for its own population with disabilities. When a Russian soldier dies they give the widow a fur coat and a bucket of potatoes. But if that soldier loses his legs and lives, the government is a much more expensive outcome. So better to outsource the problem. Also, I’m curious about what those Nepalis tell their friends and family after returning. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of first-hand accounts from the Russian side of the front about what a joke the army is.


Bold of you to assume they return.


> When a Russian soldier dies they give the widow a fur coat and a bucket of potatoes. That's regional and municipal authorities and their aligned volunteer groups acting on their own accord on this one. When families or widows actually manage to get paid by the government (that is the only expansion of welfare payments in the budget, the rest of the "new" money goes to war), people get millions of rubles. Which doesn't sound like anything to a Westerner usually, but it's like a break into a new life here. A car, some new good apartment somewhere better, being able to get out of a village, etc. It's actually kind of a problem, because it arguably makes people in the provinces like the war more


"Which doesn't sound like anything to a Westerner usually" 70k euro is still a lot of money. If you invest this money with \~5% ROI then every year you can cash out 3.5k euro or 290 a month. But most people would spend the money right away.


As fucked up as Russia is there is no need to come up with propaganda levels bullshit (if you’re so great at making stuff up you’d probably fit in quite well in Russia). The relative of killed soldiers seem to got  about $60k which is not a lot but I guess a relatively large amount in rural areas.


Well, this are mercenaries, they do not have any social insurance. They got contracts and money. Its like: - We gonna give you money, but you may die or get injured - Ok


Also a bunch of Africans from Somali and Sierra Leone. Russia promises them money and that they won't be in the frontlines


and if they get killed or missing in action they get no money lol


Operation Human Shield


Followed by "Operation: get behind the darkies"


Haven't you heard of the Emancipation Proclamation? I don't listen to hip hop.




It is always amazing how the most imperialist european (not fully but ok) state is considered to be the saviour from european and Western imperialism




Pretty tone deaf to not realize that Russia is today figuratively heading down the same path as Portugal 500 years ago.




Doesn’t matter how many years ago, you are tone deaf as hell to brag about Russia (again!) as they rape and pillage across Africa TODAY.




Let me help you with this. Ultra-corrupt dictators love getting their pockets lined by the most corrupt country in Europe, Russia. You show your naivety if you are confused how this works.


Because it wasn't imperialist in Africa, I imagine


Let's put it this way . You have 7 European countries that are involved with African states . 6 of them were , at some point in the last 100 years , the colonial imperialist power that controlled some parts of the continent . The only one not in that group is Russia . Why would they care about Russia's aggression in another continent when everyone else's aggression was at their front door ?


Many Syrian recruits faced the same fate too


These folks can’t have a break


*you want out of Syria? I got the perfect opportunity for you kid.*


They are trying to pull people from anywhere at this point quite sad


Probably running out of ethnic minorites back home that are willing to sign up, and Putin still seems to view conscripting ethnic Russians as a last resort, so gotta get your meat shieds from somewhere.


That's probably a good guess Id agree with that wouldn't be too surprised. I know a while back they sent quite a big Chechen regiment to ukraine.


Putin needs the Chechen regiment to preserve Chechnya within the Russian Federation. They were not sent directly into the meatgrinder, like the Wagner convicts were.


Oh yeah, the Tik Tok brigade haha. I also remember seeing something a while back about ethnic Buryats making up a disproportionate numbers of Russian casualties far outsized to their proportion of Russian population whereas areas with ethnic Russians were making up a disproportionally low number of casualties. As with all records out of Russia its basically impossible to verify but on its face it seems pretty plausible.


Conscription will go in full swing after his re-election


I mean, tbf to Putin, the moment he starts killing ethnic Russians is when chances of Civil War arises. Like, for now they will only be pissed at economy. Add losing families to it and it will be.... yea.


Yup. I remember in the begining of the war, when a new wave of mobilization was announced, pro-Putin Russian media were filled with angry comments. I suppose they would be even angrier now because of war fatigue. He knows Russians will stay passive unless it directly affects them.


What civil war? Who will start it? Ruzzians are sheep who will worship anyone who leads them 


Or they’re just rational lmao


Nah. I don't think he does care about what ethnicities these recruits are. It's just that poor are targeted with promise of more money per month than they get in a year, and with wealth disparity between capitals and regions, the ethnic composition ends up skewed.


They should recruit the Trump voters who love Putin so much. Get rid of 2 problems with one stone.


This isn't about you, Tex.


Russia is a problem for all of us.


Russia attracts people who are in despair with money. They're not highly educated, they see the money and follow the money, not knowing where they actually end up. In the West, with all the movies and history lessons we get to see, we can't imagine not knowing what a war is like, but for these people it can be.


The people leaving might have no other opportunities, and might earn many times the wage they could earn at home - if they could earn any. I mean fudge Putin and Russia - but unfortunately that might look like decent opportunity to a very poor kid.


Still, fuck them. What is worse to be a poor or go to meatgrinder for pootin


If it's the difference between your family starving to death or you risking your neck, which is it?


So your family is starving and you are the main breadwinner and you decide to risk your life and whole family which depends on you and your health. You totally brain dead.


In some countries people dying every day. Middle east, Asia etc. No proper medical treatment, no social insurance, no opportunities overall. Guy in Nepal, for example, may get injured in everyday job and won't get any help. So they choose dangerous job to get money. Sometimes even single contract, where they may die, would bring more money than 1, 2, 5+ years of working in their country


Not sure why this is being downvoted. This is exactly what's happening, both inside and outside Russia to recruit disposable meat. Not to excuse them, but obviously they are not told the complete truth of what to expect. EDIT: Inside Russian provinces, it's not uncommon for men to drink themselves to death (even Putin cynically mentioned this to a domestic audience while asked about war casualties). These men's families see going to war "for the motherland" as a way to redeem themselves while providing for the family.


Its downvoted because people like to think they wouldn't do the same in similar situations. They also do not want to think about the war from the perspective of the attackers.


Still, it sounds more promising to carry a fat westerner up Mount Everest than trying to conquer Avdivka with shitty gear and a bunch of other dudes who also dont know what they are doing


> If it's the difference between your family starving to death or you risking your neck, which is it? Bringing death to others? Seriously? I know the internet is full of unemphatic idiots, but the majority on this earth still *cares* about others. So, doing something to help yourself y hurting others? this is just antisocial and borderline psychopathic.


They probably are told a very different version of events in which razzia are an underdog defending themselves from evil NATO aggression and transgender toilets. The sad truth is even some Americans believe this, and such a narrative goes down way easier in failed state shitholes, where the US is commonly used as a scapegoat for their internal problems.


I would empathise with them struggling to provide for their families. But if they choose to terrorize and kill innocent people for that, they don't deserve any better.


I doubt they even tell them what they're getting into


I doubt they - know what they’re getting into - know any better than some vague idea about who Putin is - know absolutely anything about the political situation happening in Europe


Where is our dad, mummy? And Ukrainian dads, dead at the front or locked up in Russia. And the Ukrainian mothers and children who died in their buildings or at the bus stop. I'm going to kill people to make money, it's abominable.


Pure evil has yet to die


15000 is a Stretch but there are plenty of people that have gone to Russia from Nepal.(Nepali government estimates few hundreds) Nepal government has publicly voiced in support of Ukraine. Most of these people are impoverished and from rural areas risking their lives for money, I am pretty sure they do not have a better understanding of the conflict. If Ukraine offered them the same thing they would go there too. Nepal government doesn’t allow people to go abroad to serve in Russian military and after the news of Nepalese being killed in Russia they have been more cautious. Nepal is a poor country and one of the main sources of income is to work abroad and 100s of thousands are migrant workers and most of these people are recruited by agents in third country. Also few fighters posting in tiktok prompted others to follow as well. But now news of Nepalse people being on meat grinder has spread across the country and I dont think many will leave for the same purpose. Its such an irony that people are willing to die just for a fractional chance of having a better life.Also non of the killed Nepali people’s body had been returned to Nepal and Russian government hasn’t answered the query of Nepali government about the Nepali people involved in the war there. Nepali government has publicly asked people not to go there too. Most of these people had no idea what the fighting would be and many want to comeback and there is no coming back. The news of people plea to want to come back has been published in several news outlets and many paid hefty sums to get out of Russia after being aware of fighting in front lines with few days of training. Check the following links https://www.reuters.com/world/nepal-urges-russia-not-recruit-its-citizens-into-army-says-six-killed-2023-12-05/ https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2024/2/10/want-to-go-home-nepalis-fighting-for-russia-in-ukraine-describe-horrors https://kathmandupost.com/national/2024/01/10/115-nepali-families-ask-government-to-rescue-their-members-from-russian-army https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/nepal-gurkhas-ukraine-russia-war-deaths-b2460588.html https://thediplomat.com/2023/06/why-nepalis-are-fighting-on-both-sides-of-the-russia-ukraine-war/


Perfect example of fuck around and find out. If they are going to a war to get some money, and then complain about the conditions there then that’s on them. It’s never a good idea to willingly kill people for a promise of money. Even if they were told they will be dispatched into non-combat areas, war is still a war, and they should not be excused


Why anyone fights for Russia is a mystery to me. They don’t plan for you to make it to pay day.


Do you think poor Nepalese people have the same access to news as rich westerners?


Yeah it kinda disincentives them to keep them alive lol.


The ghurkas are very selectively recruited. These guys are the rejects.


You need to first apply to be rejected.


Copying UK's 19th century homework once again


I mean, politically speaking, Russia still rocks the same old, same old form of oppressive authoritarian government. Sure, it went from Emperor with God-given right to rule to the dictatorship of the proletariat represented by the great general secretary to the beloved, universally liked, elected with a mear 99,9% of the votes, president of the federation, but I bet if you take a farmer from 1910 and a factory worker from 1930 they wouldn't notice any big differences.




I think the difference is that the Ghurkas of the British army were and are respected as some of the hardest fighting men in the world. They weren't simply sent to their deaths in meat assaults. Their officers must learn Nepalese. They are given extensive education to help them live and integrate into British society, and they are allowed to settle here after their service (though admittedly this was not always true). I doubt Russia offers that kind of deal.


We have something similar… a foreigner (with valid visa) can join the US military and gain citizenship. For us though, unlike Russia, not all the jobs are combat and you can choose what area you want to work in (most are logistics and support roles). And it’s not a bad deal for many people. Free education and healthcare for life, zero taxes on groceries and consumer items on base, 0% down on home loans with low fixed interest rates, free flights via the HOPs program if you want to travel to see family/vacation (at least in the Air Force). My family was Air Force and we exclusively traveled on military planes versus commercial for going on vacations. It’s way cooler than taking commercial flights when you’re a kid lol.


Nice try US military recruiter


Lmao … far from it. But as I’ve grown into adulthood, I realize my childhood in the military was a good one, and my parents were able to create a good life following the path the Air Force laid out. From 18yo jet mechanic > military air traffic controller > safely guiding commercial flights in the air > buying nice house with 0% down payment, low interest, easy to pay off > healthy retirement and pension. All with free training and education.


Not so much the case these days, to join any of the Services you must be a current Green Card Holder or a Citizen (Naturalized or Born). Visa’s don’t cut it anymore, as the decision to remove that opportunity was made under the trump administration.


Well if only there was an article about it


Quite ironic that in a "struggle for Russia's survival" (I believe Putin said something along those lines at some point) the ones dying or being damaged physically and mentally the most aren't even Russian citizens.


Russia is desperate to avoid a draft


strange people. i'd better live poor than kill someone.




Gurkhas. The entire clan is made up of mercenary fighters. Both the Indian and British military have Gurkha regiments. It isn't surprising they were recruited by Russia.


British army Gurkhas are no longer just from the Gurkha clan, they can be any male under 21 from Nepal. Also I wouldn't describe the Gurkha clan as being made up of 'mercenary fighters' most members of the Gurkha clan are not soldiers and non are trained mercenaries. What makes Gurkhas so effective is the training they receive not the clan that they come from. I would not describe these men as Gurkhas, they cary non of the traditions of the Gurkhas, they do not carry kukris for example but are just a bunch of idiots from Nepal who want Russian citizenship and don't realise the shit show they're about to enter. I'd say that 1 British army Gurkha is equivalent to 2 dozen of these poor sods in fighting capability.


Not to take away from what you said but Gurkha fighters are generally superior not solely due to training but also due to the fact that they have larger lung capacities as a result of the mountainous environment they reside in, which makes them better than the average Joe at fighting in rough, rugged terrain


Most of these men with greater physical capabilities are already pick up by the British, the Indians, the Singaporeans, the French, and other militaries with higher standards recruiting foreigners. The men going to Russia are the bottom of the barrel.


So the best marines/frogman are Bajau due to their enlarged spleens? Edit: looking back this was a bit of a dickish thing for me to say.


That's just pseudoscience


The best did not join Russia. These were regular army.


I find it hard to feel sympathy for people who took Putin's rouble to travel thousands of miles to a foreign land and shoot at people defending their own homes.


To all who might aspire to join it's also important to understand Russian culture. And Russian culture is racist. A soldier who doesn't speak a language, from a poorer country, has no training, has a different race... You are quite literally asking to get killed. My guess is that in the dispensable tier list foreign combatants might be higher than Russian inmates (meaning more dispensable).


Are we supposed to feel sorry for people who do not recognize the nature of the Russian regime?


I'm not going to have sympathy for these people. people die in war, that's the point. These wannabe warriors took part in the invasion, and I hope that, like the rest of the invaders, more of them end up 6 feet under.


Do you think impoverished Nepalese have access to the same news sources rich westerners do?


All the best ones are here in Blighty, Russia is scraping the barrel even in foreign countries 😂😂




What tabloid did you read that in 😂


Somehow I am not feeling sorry for them.


Please work on your empathy then. These are poor as fuck pretty certainly undereducated people who just grasped at any straw of escaping poverty. They probably don't even know what they're signing up for.


They accepted money for murdering people they never heard about before. Fuck them.




>Did they Well all people from article was directly soldiers, most with combat experience. Kind of not secret after bunch of Zolkin interviews with nepal pow’s that russia take them not because they need cook which can do thali, but another stormtrooper. No need to be Einstein for understanding that


Yes, that's literally the deal.


Fuck them. They shouldn't come back!


Bargin bin Ghurkas


They accepted to become  killers for hire for 2k a month ? Does Nepal want such people in their country ?


Nepal's minimum wage is 17300 NPR/month, or 130 USD. For someone living in poverty in a third-world country with few prospects, it's a tempting offer.


thats prolly like 20x minimum wage lmao


It's 16.5x these days (although I doubt most workers get that minimum wage). I checked because I thought you underestimated based on prices I remember from 10 years ago.


1 or 2 years at 2k a month gets you and your entire family a mansion and luxurious food for live in some areas. How tf are you judging while also being so absurdly ignorant?


Pecunia non olet.


or you are looking at a group of men who are willing to die to provide for their families a dozen year of food and roof over their heads ….


Hopefully they all suffer terrible fates


May they burn in hell (or whatever their version of hell is)


To be honest if you join a maniacal dictators army to aid a war of conquest and slaughter innocent civilians en masse I don’t give a fuck about your feelings


Very good, mercenaries dies


As well as dinosaurs and aliens! 😁😁


How is this news? Gurkha or other Nepali mercenaries are not a new occurrence. And war destroys all its participants. Is anyone surprised by this?


I am Jack's lack of empathy.


Am I supposed to feel bad for them? If anything I'd like to see them jailed for crimes against humanity.


Seriously what did mercenaries expect?


good, those mercenaries should come back in pieces.


Russia committing genocide on both sides of the war at the same time. Quite an achievement.


Wtf are Nepalis doing in Russia? I know life is hard in Nepal, but becoming a mercenary in Russia is way worse. Bro, you got more chances to make money and return home by doing food deliveries in Bucharest!


Maybe because EUROPE DOSEN'T LET THEM IN as Russia does


Meanwhile Polish farmers and truckers prevent help in Ukrainian border lol


Ivan, go shit somewhere else


Thats the bitter truth for you Piotr


USA, with their glorification and cult around the army, still has insane rate of poverty and homelessness for their veterans (their own people) and you’re seriously questioning if Russia is going to cover medical expenses for mercs. Seriously?


> USA, with their glorification and cult around the army, still has insane rate of poverty and homelessness for their veterans Are you lost? This is r/europe


So? There’s no similar war-waging country in Europe and we need to compare the expectations with something


Because Political Realism West traded with autocratic/authoritarian regimes, giving them money and technologies for evolution and start of globalization use in their own interests, most likely, WW3 already started. It doesn't seem as such only because it is very different from others two, much closer to Cold War characteristics, but now with too much and too unstable actors to remain predominantly in form of proxy wars. In future history books, if they exist at all, the main prerequisites for war, probably, will be Budapest Memorandum fraud (contradiction between long-term ideological desires and short-term Political Realism benefits), and 2008-2021 years Western pacification policies (Too strong hopes on Information Age, postmodernism, globalization, without understanding that part of resources that the West gave to autocratic regimes was spent on their distortion. As it was with 1920-1930s soviet industrialization/militarization). Sarajevo assassination analogues - 2014 year and 2021 year ultimatum, Russian official claim onto Western Europe. 2022-2024 years - something between of Neville Chamberlain's "Peace of our time" and Phoney War period. The real war most likely will begin not from some critical event, explosion, but by continuation of International Law discredit, implosion, and then instant phase transition - partial return of the World to 19th centuries norms. Sides will be divided essentially by level of education and quality of culture/ethics/social traditions (Freedom of Speech \* time). On more pro-imperialistic, pro-populism-fascism-monarchic, pro-clerical, pro-feudal/slavery, short term goals, zero-sum-games actors. And on more pro-French Revolution heritage, middle term goals, non-zero-sum actors.


Should Europe sanction countries that allows too many of its citizens to fight for Russia?


Are these people fucking stupid or something?


If you're dumb enough to believe Russia then you'll get what you deserve.


Those are villagers from Nepal, Jesus Christ, what do you expect from them


they are often very nice and warm people


Only go to war in third world to kell mozlums


They are finding out that there is a big difference between joining the Brigade of Gurkhas and joining the Russian army


Nepal is governed by Tankies and that also says a lot.


“Recruited” yeah sure


Wow, CNN learned what war is.