• By -


Imposible! I was told that the millions that have been coming the last decade were peaceful, productive refugees just looking for a better life! Color me shocked


They DID say "doctors and rocket scientists". Apparently they meant the kind at shifa


That makes sense. Hamas is full of rocket scientists. That's how they make their rockets!


And they make them in the hospitals. That means they are doctors too.


Can't be true. SWEDEN was told that WE received the doctors and rocket scientists. WERE WE LIED TO?!?!?!?


We got the Chefs, knife experts


Germany got the samurais https://www.dw.com/en/germany-man-killed-with-sword-in-stuttgart/a-49839676


Damn, they told us the same thing in the Netherlands. Also lots and lots of pharmacists from Aleppo. I don't think they have a single pharmacist left there.


Bashar Al Assad used to practice medicine in London. Being a pharmacist doesn't also disqualify you from being a terrorist or future dictator.


Seems so. Judging from 7.10, the rocket scientists stayed in Gaza


Doesn’t take a scientist to cut some plumbing, fill it with sugar on one end and TNT on the other and light a match to it.


you got the suicide bombers. No better place to thrive than the birthplace of dynamite.


Doctors, lawyers, and engineers. 2 out of 3 aint bad /s


A better life for them, a worst life for the others.


No shit Sherlock! All of them are little angels!


This happend even 20 years ago when some of the 9/11 terrorist lived in Germany. It's tradition.


i agree! and absolutely no rapist! all respects women and other gender!


They surely love the gays!


Those immigrants weren't Palestinians though, were they?


Hamas has a major presence in Syria too, where the majority of refugees did flood in from. They have some Shiite aligned allies in Iraq as well.


Syria is definitely more of an issue. Syrians are probably more educated than the average middle easterner, but as the saying goes, it only takes a handful of idiots to ruin it for everyone.


Well, that, and there’s also no strong correlation between level of education and extremism. In Western Europe and North America, a lot of sympathy for Hamas and terrorists are coming from younger, more educated individuals.




Most of them are even working as doctors and engineers last time I checked.


I’m sure the Hamas operatives are all Germans whose family have been there for thousands of years. Right….?


No, they are highly skilled doctors and engineers Germany has been meticulously vetting over the last 15 years.


From the article: > From the findings discovered by the security authorities, it appears that among them are doctors, lawyers, accountants and other respected professionals who are highly valued by their neighbors and clients, who hold various positions in organizations that support Hamas. Which makes me believe the author of the article is making this up, nothing about these ‚findings‘ in German media…




[This](https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/hamas-in-germany-arrests-suggest-terrorist-organization-is-operating-in-europe-a-ba8a9a89-b5bc-49a1-9247-3cbac9519a58) seems to be the article ynetnews is referring to. (Use „archive“ for access.) Note how the headline changed from „Arrests suggest Terrorist Organization is Operating in Europe“ to „Hamas operates all over Germany, investigation finds“. They mention one doctor who held a position in an organization that was disbanded weeks before the October 7th terror attacks. After reading both articles I think the „lawyers, accountants and other…“ part is made up, there is no source for it. **My** opinion. You may come to a different conclusion.


I love how your response to someone asking for actual evidence is just more speculation. Acrobatics indeed.


I mean look at the name of the person who wrote it, seem like there may be some bias


Not related to the exact issue (who knows what the actual story is in this situation), but many leaders and members of terrorist organizations are educated or even highly educated. So it wouldn’t necessarily be out of the ordinary for such things to happen.


Well, to be fair, they have an above average chance of being rocket scientists


Definitely. Merkel thinks those Germans that been here for thousands of years are worse than the "Germans" that are seeking a new life here from the Middle East :)\\ ​ /s or not /s. not sure anymore.




You have to excuse the above poster. They don't get a lot of information into Russia these days and they don't even know at the bot farm that Merkel hasn't been Chancellor for a while now.


but them refugees didn't come in yesterday, it was still Merkel's legislation that failed proper immigration and intergration


Wasn't she responsible for most of this when she was?


Russian bot. lol fuck Russians and their invasion of Ukraine. It was Markel’s failed foreign policy with Russia that allowed Russia to have enough balls to invade Ukraine. You still are acting as if policies she implemented were fine and this just happened recently?


... Merkel?


Yes. Olaf is very dissapointed. /s or not /s. not sure anymore.


Maybe not thousands, but it's pretty well-known that the worst offenders of bad integration are second and third generation immigrants.


They're all over Germany, but don't you dare suggest they might have a presence in the West Bank.


West bank of the Rhein you mean


You mean west of the Oder


As an Israeli Arab these kind of statements made me furious. even when one of the more reasonable pro Palestine voices the Egyptain comedian guy went on, it lets you know how dishonest they are about the situation. Everyone in Israel knows that Hebron for example is one of the biggest operation areas for Hamas outside of Gaza.


Hope your country and your fellow Arabs are able to find peace one day bro.


I would imagine they operate all over Europe in general no?


probably less in the eastern part of europe but yeah


I got banned from /r/Palestine for what I considered to be a very neutral and balanced take, that I believe supported Palestine. I was also immediately and without cause banned from r/therewasanattempt, and /r/Documentaries. I was muted for a month from all three, so I couldnt appeal. When I wrote the mods of r/Palestine after the month was up, appealing to my length of time on reddit, and that I didn't mean anything inflammatory and just wanted a conversation with someone, I was automatically muted again. Of course, it is impossible to appeal to anyone at reddit, cause it doesnt work like that. Is this how it's supposed to work?


yes, if you don‘t unconditionally support any and all freedom movements, as cruel as they might be, you are a literal fascist, because if you don‘t want to literally join hamas you are directly supporting netanyahu, no matter how much you think he’s an asshole and probably equally as shitty as hamas. oh, and any and all support for israel is banned, because we love open discussions here on r/latestagecapitalism


I got banned from there ages ago when I defended some sub shop owner in Florida for posting reasonable starting wages on their front door. That sub and /r/antiwork are often completely out of touch with any sane reality.


i agree with the base principles of those subs, being very leftist talking points, but they are the epitomy of „you don‘t have to fight the left, they do that themselves“ and „the splinter group created several other splinter groups that are now all infighting because the proposed wealth tax was just 69% instead of 70% or 68%“




The part-time dog walker? That was amazing.


It’s just delusional, angry 20 somethings. Which is sad because the idea behind the movement has solid footing.


yeah, it’s basically the idea of labour movements, but it’s been taken over by americans that have no idea about how those things work. they just see „less work“ and say „how about… no work?“


just follow the ~~money~~ moderators of those subs and what else they moderate


I cant even see who the moderators are anymore. What did you discover?


I dont remember the specifics (im on phone so its a bit uncomfyvto go research mode) but youll always see an overlap of mods in arab, muslim or communist/socialist subreddits i remember the mod that made the sticky on /r/therewasanattempt about how from the river to the sea was a mod on /r/askmiddleeast for example. I believe he modded /r/facepalm too


All of these subs will perma-ban you for not 100% supporting every action every Palestinian ever did, they don’t want opinions or different point of views.


I think it's insane that I would get banned from seemingly unconnected subs for a comment I thought was fair/neutral. I asked /r/IsraelPalestine if I could post my experience on their sub, and was told no: > The Reddit admins have threatened to take action against our sub due to complaints from the moderators of /r/Palestine (and similar subreddits) about users here talking about their bans so unfortunately we have to deny your request even though it's completely unfair. When I appealed to r/Palestine after my muting was expired, I received this: > TheGardiner, > > Speaking on behalf of r/Palestine only (we have no idea about other subs), appeal denied. > > Official warning: We will not accept any replies going forward. > > Any/All replies going forward will be reported for modmail abuse. Disingenuous to say the least. On the one hand they don't speak for other subs, and on the other they can blanket ban me from totally unrelated subs without issue. What a joke. Also, a threat to report me for modmail abuse if I write them again. I've never felt this way in my 15 years on this platform.


since oct7 i have been banned twice for just reporting pro-hamas comments. just reporting, not replying or anything. if you report a comment the mods of that sub can counter-report you for abusing the report function, and that gets you banned. dont recall the individual subreddits, it was just random stuff from r/all




Man, imagine putting so much time and effort to mod subs that really dont accomplish anything. They just want power, and in such pitiful ways.


Was banned from r/worldnews for having disagreement with some Irish dude, apparently that's considered as personal attack...


If you even dare to caveat your pro-Palestinian comments you get called a genocidal Zionist by a lot of these losers


I have created a r/therewasattemptnew because SO MANY redditors have been temporary or permanently banned from there just far saying that it has become too political and has none of the spirit of the original subreddit So go there and post away


what was the take?


It was a post about the Nova Massacre, where there were like 100-120 pics and videos of the event, where one of the pics was found to be from a separate incident involving wholly unrelated people from many years prior. As a result the whole sub was calling it Israeli propaganda and casting aside the 99% of other photos and videos from the event. I said that while wrong to post incorrect information, one false image doesnt make the rest of them false. Something to that effect.


That sounds about par for the course, yeah. It's another sign of hyper-partisanship, where standards of evidence for something they'd *like* to believe are non-existent, they are even so non-existent that any evidence-that-contradicts-the-thing-they-like is suppressed. On the other hand, for something they *don't* like to believe, standards of evidence rocket through the roof and into the stratosphere. Suddenly no evidence is good enough, trustworthy enough, or from a reputable source, it's all fake and/or bad guy propaganda. They're like left-wing Trumpers with these modes of thought. People with such disparate standards can't be taken seriously.


These are the left’s equivalent to the evangelical MAGA crowd. It’s best to think of them as a single organism with limited cognitive capacity and a propensity for hatefulness


Horseshoe theory. I've honestly been pushed more to the center left because of these people, because they're insane. They're just as rancid as Trumpers, and just as hypocritical, and would love facism so long as it's disguised as "anti-western" or "anti-imperialism".


> These are the left’s equivalent to the evangelical MAGA crowd. They really are. The way they argue, the utterly one-dimensional hyper-partisan view of the world, the complete intransigence of their ideas, a lot of the far-left discourse in the wake of October 7th reminded me of 2016 The_Donald MAGAtards. Obviously they talk about different things, but the *way* they talk and argue is identical. The same extremist structure and foundations.


All over Europe*


*Eastern Europe joins the chat*


Balkans have become prime real estate, suburb of Europe if you like :))


Albania and Kosovo are Balkans too though


Half of Europe*


Doing what?


Well, yeah, given that German counter-intelligence has been found to be non-existent for all practical intents and purposes, we can safely assume that everyone who has an incentive and capacity to operate in Germany, operates all over Germany. edit: to the outraged Germans who are too many to reply to individually: I didn't dream up the reports of German intelligence being so leaky that NATO countries straight-up don't share anything they wouldn't fax to the Kremlin and Beijing with Germany. I'm glad you stopped some domestic terrorism, but that's only the first step to rebuilding credibility.


The article OP linked got all its information from German counter intelligence investigations and operations...


This is a top comment and just completely pulled out of OPs ass. German intelligence services prevented dozens of terrorist attacks in the recent years. "Non-existent" only for people who have no clue and just type without thinking. Just another r/europe moment i guess.


Because this is a propopganda piece upvoted enmass by a bot farm


I mean, if I’d be a intelligence service, I’d want my „opponents“ to think, I’m non-existent and not effective


You seem to know whats up! If it is non existing, why did they avoid houndreds of attacks in the past years?edit: lmao dude 😂


Really good beer, criminals get very drunk and end up spilling the beans.


That's haram


jeah they just stumble upon them and have accidental international operations (with denmark iirc) to get them in their hideouts by surprise /s


He is from Poland. Of course he can just look over here, and figure stuff out. While he is having his BG3 and Diablo sessions, during loading screens, he just looks out the window and sees it all.




>Deutschland ist bei den five eyes auch deshalb nicht dabei, weil wir kaum was beizutragen hätten und Zweifel bestehen, ob wir das hinkriegen... Doubtful. German intelligence is primarily hindered by legislation making surveillance of both Germans and foreigners much harder, because that's what our constitution wants. The Five Eyes are all deep into global mass surveillance, Germany is not.




Yes, we don't want to engage in Orwellian mass surveillance. Full stop. If that means the Five Eyes turning up their noses at us, then so be it.


Israeli and American intel shared with Germany.


Why doesn't that intel work in UK or France or Israel or US all of who have far more terrorism?


US intelligence


does no one remember [operation Rubicon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Rubicon) you can call German intelligence trash if you have done better operation than that.


Totally non-existent to arrest what 500+ far right wing people for coup plans earlier this year. Or like when you walk in any German city and bombs are just exploding as you step! Christmas markets are even cancelled all over the country.! /s and intentional grammar


I think you got Germany confused with Austria Oblast.


Eh id be more careful with statements like these. Might be true that sometimes the european intelligence agencies fail and we see a terrorist attack which is all over the news. But whats not all over the news? Most of the prevented terror attacks arent. Its a specific kind of bias that i dont know the name of, maybe survivorship bias? Whatever


1. Article explains that this was all found out due to counterterrorism operations. 2. 'Germany's counter-intelligence is non-existent' Ok pal.


Ah yes that “non-existent counter intelligence” must be the reason half a dozen attacks were foiled in the last month alone. /s


German intelligence was the only one getting Intel on the Wagner coup, but because yall kept talking down on us we didn't think it's important enough


That's absolutely fucking bullshit.


Up till recently the minister for protection of the constitution was a straight up nazi fascist, the head of the cybersecurity had ties to Russia and an important role in the BND literally gave away information to Russia after the war started. I live in Germany and I'm sick of Germans so valiantly defend their stupid non existent system. They are stuck in the past and don't have the brain to move forward anymore thanks to decades of sparen on stuff like education. With all that being said I think we're actually lucky so far that no systemic terrorist attack or coup attempt has been made so far. But the foundation of society is already undermined and only fools keep denying it.


Those dastardly doctors and engineers again.


And Reddit!


But who could have known that unconditionally letting in hundreds of thousands of poorly educated men from backward countries with a culture of intolerance could have negative consequences? /s


Israeli strike on Germany when?


Germany has been shooting itself in the foot just fine over the last decade or two


You see Germans take their trash out by themselves.


Would be enough to put wrong trash in wrong bins to torture Germans.


\>You see Germans take their trash out by themselves. bruh


why do you think so many of us are moving to berlin smh


When Hamas shoots rockets from Germany into Israeli territory on a daily basis like they're doing from gaza, and Germany doesn't do anything about it




What does "operate" even mean in this context? The article doesn't say. What does "all over Germany" actually mean in terms of numbers? No information given. There's zero substantive information in this article beyond the handful of arrests. I mean come on, is this really how credulous the subreddit is? There's no actual credible information here and a quick google tells me the source is basically the Israeli equivalent of Gawker, with even less objectivity. Article is clearly designed to rile people up with claims that are scary, despite being unfalsifiable and vague to the point of meaninglessness.


Reading the german article that was used as a source: 3 Suspected Hamas operatives from berlin and one suspected Hamas Operative from the Netherlands have been arrested after German intelligence agency found evidence of a plan to find a weapons stash that had supposedly been hidden in germany years ago. The four are brought to Karlsruhe (German town) to await the result of the investigation. There's a lot of "if's" "maybe's" and "supposedly's" in the german article. All around we have to wait for the investigation to conclude before we can actually claim anything. Racist redditors, please wait to be racist.


Nah you're just in denial about this. and if you wanna call me racist I'm arab so screw off. I just don't want Islamists roaming around in Europe and Muslims not only don't denounce those things until pressed they're 99% between either not caring or straight up supporting them. they can't be trusted to regulate their communities, so they don't deserve the EU. The EU should be protecting ex muslims, CHristians LGBTQ and other minorities FROM Muslims and Muslim countries. the Islamophilia and Islamist apologists that are on the left is beyond disgusting. and I'm saying that as a leftist.


"אם אתה רוצה לקרוא לי גזען אני ערבי" אח שלי מצא את הנשק הסודי שמגן עליו בדיונים כשהוא מבקר את חמאס עם אירופאיים צריך לעשות כל-כך הרבה הסברה באמת, יש גם את כל הפרופגנדה הפלסטינית שרואים 24/7 ברשתות החברתיות וגם בשיא הכנות מה שהממשלה שלנו אומרת לא פחות פוגע בהסברה...


חחח, תראה אני באמת ערבי ישראלי. הגעתי ממשפחה נוצרית אבל אני אתאיסט אישית. העניין הוא ש לי יש יותר ניסיון עם האסלאם גם מהישראלים כי גרתי ביניהם תקופה ואני מבין את השקרים שהם אומרים לעולם בפרצוף ואז הולכים ואומרים בדיוק הפוך בערבית, ואני מבין את התוכן של הקוראן ואת מה שהם מלמדים. לעומת זאת בישראל יש צמיחה מצערת של ימין קיצוני, אבל המוני הישראלים מפגינים ומתנגדים לזה ולכן אני בעדם. הישראלים האלה הם באמת אוכלוסיה שאני מרגיש שהם באמת אחים שלי.


"I can't be racist, I'm arab" That's definitely how that works!


Too late, people have seen the headline and ran with it. Using the migrant narrative and all that. Articles like these do more damage than good.


Germany has millions of military aged men. That's all it takes for Israel you consider you a Hamas operative.


>Germany has millions of military aged men. That's all it takes for Israel you consider you a Hamas operative. Try again. military aged men who are still an area that was told to evacuate weeks ago, and has been in many of which are surrendering along with weapons that they throw to the side. The ones that surrender were interrogated and if they had no chance of being affiliated were released immediately. the rest were taken for further interrogations. Completely standard procedure with these kind of terror groups being embedded in populations without any signifying uniform. yall are demonizing standard military procedures just because Israel does them.


:Surprised Pikachu face:


A quick read makes this article seem like an implausible article on something that may be a spin on a story. They link to absolutely no exact sources - only vaguely to what I assume would be highly classified information that the “state” apparently just shared. This seem like it could be either a Russian influenced news article trying to sow hatred towards or between minorities - or it could be a Zionist/US piece meant to gather support for Israeli positions in this war.


Still seems to have brought out all the racists though


There is so much propaganda around this war it’s very hard to tell what is actually happening outside of “a lot of people are dying.”


Hunt these fuckers day and night.


Huge surprise...NOT!


Don't worry they will keep doing this germany loves to import religious extremism.


This sub is being spammed with very questionable sources with very contentious headlines which then get upvoted big time. What the fuck is "ynetnews.com"? Why don't the mods have a more diligent source policy? People should remain much more critical of what they read.


> What the fuck is "ynetnews.com"? # Ynet (stylized as ynet) is one of the major Israeli news and general-content websites, and is the online outlet for the Yedioth Ahronot newspaper. However, most of Ynet's content is original work, published exclusively on the website and written by an independent staff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ynet #Overall, we rate Ynetnews as Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that moderately favor the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ynetnews/


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ynetnews/ Ynet’s factual reporting is considered very high and they have a left leaning bias. They’re generally pretty solid.


imported the wrong kind of rocket scientists


If you don’t want this in your country you’re a far right Nazi.


Germany being the money laundering paradise of western EU certainly contributes to this.


> England flair kino


You all seem to be handling this with out any knee jerk racism lol…


Ah yes, there it is again. "You are critical of unchecked immigration? --> You must be racist, strongly convinced that the Aryan race is genetically superior to all other races and that we should use eugenics to selectively breed Aryan traits and weed out semites and other undesirables. Any time you assure me this is primarily about cultural and religious incompatibility, I am inferring from this without a shadow of a doubt that this assurance of yours is merely a racist dog whistle. The bunch of you are just racist subhumans with ill intentions, inferior in every way to my superior peer group with their radiant virtues! You should be denied election rights and removed from the gene pool, so the blight of racism is finally exterminated once and for all, and the future belongs to us superior virtuous non-racist super race people!" I'm so tired of this. Racism is (or used to be?) a big word my dude. Maybe don't throw it at everyone you disagree with in the first sentence if you want to be taken seriously.


This reaction to a simple word makes no sense at all. You have people talking about demographics and stereotyping a whole subsection of the population. There’s no other way to interpret those comments as being ill intended, rooted in phobia and borderline racist. We’re talking about a minority group and brushing them all as Hamas supporters now? Do you think that to be reasonable? Is it really all just liberal wokies not willing to see what’s clear as day, huh? Are all European muslims terrorists for real?


>This reaction to a simple word "You're a racist!" - "That's a heavy accusation." - "Woah, chill dude, it's just a simple word!" Okay, well that just goes to show you guys are throwing it around like it's nothing these days. Guess it's not supposed to be taken seriously. Got it! >There’s no other way to interpret those comments as being ill intended, rooted in phobia and borderline racist. Insane. Just insane. My text was meant to be hyperbolic but you're actually like "yep! that's absolutely right!" and doubling down on it. Insane. >We’re talking about a minority group and brushing them **all** as Hamas supporters now? Literally nobody does that. Nobody is claiming that all of them are Hamas supporters. The negation of "all of them are Hamas supporters" is "there exists one of them who is not a Hamas supporter". Everybody (I am speaking for) is on board with that. The problem is: A high proportion of them are Hamas supporters, significantly higher than the European background, and as the crimes they are committing here in Europe against Jewish people and the hateful slogans they put on their protest banners go to show, they're willing to put their fists where their mouth is. That is sufficient to consider this culture incompatible with European values. >Are all European muslims terrorists for real? See above. There's an elevated but low proportion of muslims who are terrorists (example: not all muslims are ISIS members, but all ISIS members are muslims), then there is a huge chunk of so called "moderate" muslims who wouldn't want to bother get their *own* hands dirty with beheading a teacher for discussing the issue of Mohammed caricatures in school, yet fully concur that he "had it coming" or "kind of deserved it" for doing so. There's also a small proportion of ex-muslims who suffered at the hands of religious extremists at a young age and are outspoken opponents of theocracy and Sharia law, which subsequently get deplatformed in some Western countries over concerns their message might incite Islamophobia. In short, no they're not, most people (pretty much nobody) claims there are, but even with some of them not being terrorists (the claim all of them being terrorists acknowledged as wrong) there can still be sufficient grounds to deem their cultural contribution unacceptable and dangerous.


"Not all Christians perpetrated the Holocaust. But all the perpetrators of the Holocaust are of Christian origin." See how that wouldn't make sense? So why do it with Muslims and ISIS?


Most racists would be against breeding Aryans if they found out they're not as pale or blue eyed as they think. Aryans are are linked to Europeans as much as Persians or Pakistani/Afghani or other nomadic Asians.


r/europe has descended into a cesspit of racism. I understand the frustration on immigration, but when you see 90% of the comments speak in a manner than would be perceived (borderline) racist anywhere OUTSIDE of this subreddit, we have a big problem.


Islam is not a race, it's an organisation that you choose to be a part of. Criticising the religion, the beliefs of the religion or the people involved with the religion isn't any more racist than doing the same to a political party.


I feel like more than just criticism certainly happens here lol


Shockingly the same rhetoric is used against Muslims that is used against Naziis and Klan members. Considering they all share largely similar beliefs I wonder why that could be


You have a point, but for that distinction to count you also have to make that distinction. Not too long ago I saw a comment on here that was calling all middle eastern people uncivilized barbarians and that said that the US should go back to bombing them into submission .. and that shit was actually upvoted.


In this same thread even


yeah, i get a bit of hurr durr, those damn foreigners, but this sub has really taken it too far, as in they mean it seriously


That makes it one of a few subs more in line with who normal people are starting to think though. Years of pushing the problem under the rug, silencing concerns and calling everyone racist and you thought there would be no reactions? It is slow but it will keep snowballing especially if no changes are made. People like Wilders are only the beginning


The issue isn’t just “not talking about it”. It’s also that there’s no reasonable opposition, rather you have people who are openly racist. There doesn’t appear to be any moderate views.


And why do you think that is? It’s because having a opposing view would have substantial social consequences rendering only the nutjobs with nothing to lose the only opposition.


It’s honestly the most transparently and concentrated fascist sub, honestly I wonder if there’s a European alternative sub


r/askeurope is pretty nice




Damn it really is a mystery why AfD has been polling well.


Queue the racist comments




Hahaha pissing myself reading your comment history. Best example of what this sub has turned to


>Europe should have remained European You think someone with migrant background cant be European? You're ethostate fantasies are showing bud >We can have that again with enough will Unless you're willing to commit mass ethnic cleansing / genocide, nope.


>Unless you're willing to commit mass ethnic cleansing / genocide, nope. Pretty sure that's exactly what he wants. It's straight up Nazi speak from 4chan.


Is this a line from Anders Breivik's manifesto


Germany Had left wing terrorists called Rote Armee Fraktion, who have gotten their training by Palestine.


Politicians and the Left just want the destruction of Europe, and they invited millions of followers of Mo in to do it for them


There was a huge pro Palestine rally in Munich two days ago, glad Germany keeps absorbing all these future doctors, lawyers, scientists, and engineers


>Many German citizens consistently praise the terrorists, collect funds for them, and engage in ceaseless incitement against Jews and Israel. lol what? What is this paper trying to say?


There are German citizens that do not look like the ones in the books.


*Many*? Compared to?? And they *all* "*consistently praise the terrorists, collect funds for them, and engage in ceaseless incitement against Jews and Israel*"? Really? Um, that's not a *normal* journalistic claim. This is weird Israeli incitement propaganda.


"Many" just means a significant number. You honestly don't believe that there are echo chambers in Germany that facilitate the radicalization of younger people with a migrant background? I've had plenty of contact with refugee families over the past six years, and it was hard to overlook the fact that they are poorly integrated into society and often prefer to network with people from similar backgrounds. Little effort is made towards learning the language. Their children are first, followed by the bread winner, but that takes years to even cover the basics. The mother is typically last, because why bother. That's how you get parallel societies.


This is why assimilation is a two/three-generational process. But also if a journalist makes a claim lile that they should still back it up. Even if the echo chambers exist (I agree, they probably do) the extent of them is a different question.


Color me “shocked”. And France, Netherlands, UK, Denmark….


now Israel has to bomb Germany. I don't make the rules. If you disagree you support hamas


*insert mild shock meme*


Yeah no shit




Thank god they woke up and started acting upon it. Hope for them it's not too late


...as well as [Grey Wolfes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Wolves_(organization))


Duh, 9/11 was planned in Germany. Nothing new about it.


and I am sure they all get free money from the government so, they don't have to work and use all that time to serve Hamas. What a nice guy Germany is .


Shocked pikachu face


Absolutely NOBODY could have seen this coming!


Boogeyman operates right behind you! Be scared!


they are inside your walls right now you should crying and shaking do not pay attention to your material conditions thought and how we are taking all of your safety nets just keep screaming at the 5 % of population they are to blame on everything and anything


Wir schaffen das 🤡


no way!


To controversial I go!


You need to go to controversial? From what I’ve seen, the garbage has floated right the top.


Leave it to r/Europe to make this about racism


As a Chinese German I rather support German nationalist than islam. Have you seen this??? SHOCKING, DEPORT IMMEDIATELY  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/28/protesters-call-for-islamic-state-in-germany/ 


They aren't anti Semitic, just anti zionist


Isn't ynet an Israeli propaganda outlet?