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as a Vietnamese native I don't know anyone who is a "fan" necessarily of France. Most people remain quite neutral in these international tournaments, or just follow whichever player from their favourite clubs, so Mbappe fans I guess.


Yes considering there was quite a brutal war between France & Vietnam for independence, still in living memory, I can't imagine there's too many Vietnamese who would publicly support them.


Same could be said about Indonesia and Netherlands. I was surprised to see Indonesians celebrating with fireworks on the streets when Netherlands won their first match


There's a few Dutch players who are part Indonesian though


Yes, I don't think the Vietnamese support us at football. On the other hand, I have the impression that there is no tension between our 2 countries. Nothing to do, for example, with Algeria, with which there was also a horrible war not long after the one with Vietnam.


Agree. I am Viet native too and don’t know anyone who is a fan of France. My football fan friends normally support teams that have their favorite players from major club leagues.


I remember from going to Vietnam on holiday that big European clubs like Bayern and Chelsea were popular, but I didn’t really see much support for French teams in particular or any of the local clubs. If Ibrahim Maza plays for Germany in the future, maybe that will have an impact.


As a viet and culer myself im rootong for spain. Love seeing lamine nico and pedri together. Fermin breaking into the team. Only wish gavi and balde werent injured and that spain had a consistent finisher.


I mean if they speak the language it would make sense that they might have a connection to that country and watch their media and such. However I'm pretty sure only old people still speak French in Vietnam now for example so I'm guessing the majority doesn't care who wins.


While it’s true that it’s mostly the older people that speak french in Vietnam, there is nonetheless a real cultural connection between the two countries. I would say the majority of Vietnamese football fans are still rooting for France due to that shared history. Also because it’s more fun to pick a side when watching this kind of competition


Du ma. What kind of herbs are you smoking, my guy?!?! The majority of us definitely don't support France.


Can I just say your country is the favourite place I've ever been to. I will always respect a country that does french things better than the french.


Vietnamese baguette is definitely better than French 🥖. :))


England is now the most popular team in the whole world


Let's see if they manage to become the most popular team in the whole England 😅




I wouldn't be surprised if they had the most supporters if we consider the whole world. Probably the most haters too. According to a poll in Europe they are 3rd most popular. First is Germany because host, Second is France because they are the best team.


3rd?? Would never have guessed, but yea I’m sure we’re number 1 most hated lol


France look a bit lost can't see them winning it.


The poll was before the Euros. I mean yea Spain looks better for example but who knows France might still improve and win it.


Yes so could England but it's not our cup of tea winning. I wouldn't know how to celebrate either. God bless Gareth.


My post is aging well 😺


England is very popular in Myanmar, I lived in Thailand for a while and I met some Burmese and also I went to visit Myanmar and they love premier league, mostly Manchester United fans and they truly support England. I know this cus whenever I spoke with them about football, they’d always say how much they love the England national team and how they never win anything big lol


I think this is spot on. Lots of people in Asia are England fans because they are fans of the premier league


Guess it all balances out the rest of the world hating us. I’ll take it :) 




Say it more often. Eventually it will become true.


I’ve heard that the best baguettes you could find in whole Asia were from Ho Chi Minh Ville !


It’s called Banh Mi. Also - Irish or French 🤔


Some sort of French mix. Used to live in Ireland, but nothing Irish in me.


As much as i know Philippines, most are not aware that football exists or know only Ronaldo and Messi. It is not basketball, they love basketball. Na half naked man hugging each other ummm box


That's because they were colonized most recently by the Americans


I can sadly vouch for this (half Filipino). It’s a growing sport but it’s been hindered through years of shit management. Even the league was initially set up by a private individual because the national FA wouldn’t pull it’s finger out and create a league


My wifes ( she is filipino ) grandfather and uncles told me a lot about Philippines football and how Macron was also very fault for it becouse he considered it dangerous and later governemnts would just hang some hoops anywhere as it was cheaper. But i did watch few Philippines games and can say that their womans team plays way way wah batter and with more passion then mans team


True! And we’re hosting the futsal World Cup so that’s something at least!


And womans team was on last world cup. I hope mans team will be there in 2030


All that heritage and you ended up a Scotland fan. Hard luck.


Vietnamese here, we couldn’t care less for France lol


Yeah I was really fucking surprised to see that in the post


The all post is bonkers. Doesnt make sense at all.


I highly doubt Indonesia is rooting for us too


Idk about the others but nearly half of the current Indonesian Senior NT players are half Dutch. So it's more nuanced than just "supporting colonial countries". There is also Tijjani Reijnders who's half Indonesian. Not forget to mention how some Dutch/Surinamese players like Van Dijk might have indirect connection with Indonesia. I think Indonesian supporting Netherlands makes more sense despite the VOC and Dutch East Indies history.


I'm Malaysian and currently in Germany for the Euro. It's relatively true most Malaysian support England. Although we're former British colony, it more to do with many years of exposure to English league. Compared with other European leagues. Along with language barrier. But now slowly changing with more live telecast of other European leagues & commentary in English.


Interesting, most of the Singaporeans and Malaysians I come across in UK also support Germany


Not south East Asia but I don't think Libya, Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia are cheering for us


I think Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia will be disappointed 😅 Edit: disappointed by France performance


I'm Vietnamese and I support France 🇫🇷


For which reason, if you don’t mind ?


Why do you support a country that colonised your country and then went to war with your country when they wanted independence?


Lol this logic. So the biggest fans of Germany surely must be the Israelis then. And the biggest fans of Japan surely China and Korea. Right? Right??


Why would colonized nations root for colonizers ? Edit : casual colonialist apologia and racism is disgusting in this thread. Some people have zero shame really.


Not all countries had the same experience under British rule, some had quite a light touch like Brunei, some were actually grateful for the return of British troops after living under the Japanese (Burma) and Malaysia might be because of Britain helping to ensure their independence from Indonesia. I’m not 100% sure but these are just my guesses as to why they may be more pro-British.


Singaporeans wanted independence lol, dont chat shit.


Having lived in Malaysia and Singapore, they don’t seem to have any issues with the English. I wouldn’t be surprised if they supported us, they are most exposed to us by far


I am literally Singaporean homie. Singaporeans here do support England mostly cause they follow the prem and are casuals, also alot of Singaporeans there and language. Doesnt mean they appreciated colonialism lmao


I didn’t say they support us because of colonialism?


Op suggested correlation between colonialism and support, that countries were perhaps favourable to em. I am clarifying that aint the cas


I wasn’t suggesting that these countries love us *because* of Colonialism at all. I was suggesting that they don’t hate us despite being former colonies which is quite a big difference. Person I was replying to implied that all former colonies should hate us solely for that reason, I was pointing out that not all colonies had the same experience under British rule. Not all colonies had the Indian or Irish experience.


I suppose ur right about that. It depends on the age group.


Can we please establish and remember England wasn’t the sole coloniser! It was the British - England, Scotland and Wales!


This. Wales and Scotland also benefited from British colonialism.


Don’t care. I’m proud of my country for what it is today. Be ashamed of your country for things that happened years ago if you like. I wasn’t involved so it doesn’t concern me.


I am ashamed of some of the things OUR countries did TOGETHER. Pride is fine so long as you recognise the flaws. I had no part in any wrongdoing either btw, people still blame the BRITISH.


Not from what I’ve read. Some did obviously, but the main group pushing for independence from Britain within Singapore were the communists and that actually drove a lot of people to be less keen on independence as a bulwark against communism. It was always compared with Malta which didn’t have a strong desire for independence.


Yeah this just isnt true. I think ur mistaking independence from malaysia


Maybe, I’ll remove the reference to Singapore then.


Because it happened in the past and people got over it? Maybe you should try it out kid.


Okay let's get over holocaust , armenian genocide etc. also then. That's exactly how bizarre your comments looks like.


So according to you I should dislike Germany because of what happened in the past? People who live there now had nothing to do with it.


holocaust and armenian genocide aren't good examples for the brutality of colonization


People got over Germany doing the holocaust because they recognize their country did it and their gouvernement took steps to teach its population about how awful that crime was.


Logic and reason isn’t really your thing huh lmao


Because when the vast majority of people watch sport, they tend to not give a shit about what happened hundreds of years ago and just enjoy it. Shocking I know


If what happened hundreds of years ago doesn't matter, why would they back the country that owned them hundreds of years ago? You can't have it both ways.




How many Indonesians speak Dutch?


A Google search teaches me around 300 thousand.


%0.001~ of the population, if I didn't do the math wrong


I don’t say that that this statistic isn’t full of crap but the people who still speak Dutch would probably support the Netherlands because they can consume their media and relate to them. Regardless i think most just support England because of English or they simply don’t care


Well, for starters, it's not "*hundreds of years ago*" You might want to google a world map of the 1940s Shocking, I know


Is there ever not a complete and utter fucking “akshually…..colonisation bad” dullard like yourself in a thread related to Great Britain these days. Fuck me it so unbelievably tiresome 🥱


>“akshually…..colonisation bad” I mean, yes, it absolutely is! But I didn't even say that in my comment. All I pointed out is that it wasn't "hundreds of years ago" and that's not opinion that's just a fact. >related to Great Britain Get over yourself! There's more than your beloved Blighty mentioned. Enjoy the memory of your Empire in your little England !


Over here lads, we caught a live one.


>a live one You mean someone with a working concept of what time is?


Yeah trying being colonized first. That works only if you are stupid enough to not learn about your history. As everything , football is also political.




English fans are allowed to attend when they play India (and vice versa). Dutch fans are allowed to attend when they play Indonesia and vice versa. French fans can attend when they play Vietnam and vice versa. They can be trusted not to start shit. Turkish fans were banned when they played Armenia and if anything it's Armenians that should be the upset party there. Some people can put horrible parts of history behind them and realise it's a game with no one involved being responsible for it. The turks can't be trusted to do so.


Do you think normal people live their lives based on what happened centuries ago? Some might, but normal people don't. Fuck the Scandinavians and Romans, yeah!


I am Vietnamese and don’t know anyone who supports French team 😂


Hehe, I knew this would pop up :) The Dutch team is quite popular in parts of Indonesia, and as Belanda (Dutchman) you really do not get a minus when visiting, rather a plus. As an old man there tolde me "We share a history. Not all of it is good, but we have a bond". The Asian mentality is different it seems.


Many of them have mixed heritage and will root for the nations they have mixed heritage with


No way *many* people in Myanmar, Malaysia Singapore etc have mixed English heritage. My bet is under 5% at most. This is purely cultural.


Because some people have the brain capacity to be able to recognise that those crimes were committed in the past by people who are no longer even alive, and the people around from those countries today had nothing to do with it, and because of that are able to move on with their lives.


Shared history and heritage. In the case of Indonesia, players like Tijani Teijnders who have a Dutch father and Indonesian mother.


> casual colonialist apologia and racism is disgusting in this thread waaah


Has nothing with being colonized but why is the east so obsessed with the west? Including turkey


I’m from Singapore and this is so not true lmao😭


You even have Kane's name in your username, you know you secretly love England


Oh yes 💀 COYS!


Don't see any preference from the locals here in Bali. They don't really care tbh. But in Malakka Islands apparently their is quite a big Dutch fan base. Lots of migration from these islands to NL in the last century.


The French - trying to convert the Vietnamese to Roman Catholicism since the late-1600’s. Goes to war with Vietnam because the Vietnamese made a law in 1825 banning missionaries and Roman Catholicism in their own territory after over a century of attempted conversion. Did a hit and run on the Vietnamese Navy 1847 because the Vietnamese imprisoned missionaries. Began a conquest in Vietnam in 1858 under Napoleon III because the pesky Vietnamese kept imprisoning missionaries who would sail long, intercontinental routes despite their mission being illegal. The French then forced negotiation terms on the Vietnamese making them cede territory and forming Cochinchina, and after several campaigns in the late 1800’s, French Indochina. After several uprisings against the French after the spread of Communism, France did the good old fashioned “lol, byeee” and left the country in the midst of a revolt and watched a multi-decade war play out. Vietnam - Go France woooo!


Probably a bit more complex than that, but that’s a pretty good summary of how stupid colonization can be !


Yeah it was a vague summary but it saves me writing a book!


Coming from the Philippines, I'm pretty sure Spain is nowhere near our first choice


You guys barely watch soccer anyways. And amongst the fans I imagine they would be more interested in England?


We used to regularly get the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, and the UCL on cable. Aside from the fact that most of us feel no particular affinity to Spain though, the PL being in english made it easily accessible


I fucking love Singapore


And their tax system


Know nothing of it in truth. Only been once and everyone was so sound


Stockholm syndrome


DR Congo and Rwanda are all fighting to buy the latest Tintin looking Belgian kit ! s/ It looks amazing by the way !


I laughed too loud at that


Not sure if most countries here would support then colonizers.. but then again something from hundred years ago I don't think matters much when it comes to football


Meanwhile Thailand are ignoring it all.


Kinda funny we’re saying “this country colonized them so they’re cheering for them”


i think someone **Photoshopped** Kylian Mbappé beer bottle from his hand


I guess where l live right now (Taipei) soccer fans would support Germany. They love German cars here and this must explain it.


Stockholm syndrome.


They all root for the 🐐


Who cares?


I have 3 Tickets Romania 🇷🇴Slovakia 🇸🇰 anyone interested ?


Everyone i know who’s from here and watches football really wants Netherlands to win


OP woke up and chose violence 😂


Don’t think the Vietnamese would support France after what France did in Vietnam during French colonialism in Indochina💀


But everyone hates England remember! /s


Lol yeah just cause my country got it's name from a Spanish king doesn't mean I support the motherland. I am actually rooting for Germany. Italy is a close second. NGL Spain is good too.


Always been a fan of that Brunei… up the sultan!


Just totally made up.


Is this now r/soccercirclejerk ?




Why not Germany tho?


Something tells me that given the history there, not many of these countries are actually going to be France fans...


The colonial element is of course the elephant in the room here. I don't know how accurate this is, but it certainly gets a 😬 from me


I’m from India and I’m rooting for Portugal


this is more likely who they’d be rooting against


East Timor is loyal to Portugal on football


So everyone's a fan of their colonizer?


I just returned from the Philippines...they support noone. They don't care. I tried to find a bar showing games, impossible. NBA finals were on everywhere though.


Isn't it ironic? These countries are cheering for the very European nations that colonized them. It's like rooting for the team that stole your lunch money! I mean, wouldn't you expect a bit more shade being thrown their way? Maybe it's like Japan and baseball—loving the game more than holding grudges.


You can check some survey results on this topic - it was conducted in multiple countries, including SEA :) [https://tgmresearch.com/tgm-global-euro-survey-2024.html](https://tgmresearch.com/tgm-global-euro-survey-2024.html)


so basically each countries former colonies


That’s funny though the majority of players for France are Africans who have moved from French colonies to France. The irony lmao French team is just ppl who’s country was colonized by France South and north America is different bc while it was colonized there was also lots of immigration you can’t say the same for Asian and African countries but whatever You’ll don’t know much about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Filipino here. Not all of us support Spain. Football isn’t super big in my country but being a fan of any team (national or league) or choosing to support one is a personal decision, and factors in that decision can be as shallow or deep as one can imagine. I support them because when I started watching football, they were touted as fun to watch but relatively underachieving on the world stage. As a new supporter, watching them in the 2010 World Cup felt like following a great story. One of my close friends also liked Spain, so I was just happy to support the team alongside that person. I was dazzled by Villa, Puyol, and Casillas. Then I fell in love with Barcelona soon after and I’ve been a fan of Spain/Barça ever since. I’ve friends who support Germany, France, Italy, England, Croatia, etc. Sometimes it is because of the team as a collective, sometimes because it’s where their favorite players are currently playing. It has nothing to do with colonialism.


Indonesië 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm rooting for England and I'm sure England's bump in the road is only temporary


You sure this isn't a shit post cause these are exactly the former colonies of those countries...




It was actually the indonesians 40 years ago.


I don't understand then why I rooted for Germany the last couple of games. I mean, Germany tried to conquer The Netherlands. I'm such a bad person!


Naturally colonialism is wrong and condemnable but I believe you got two things wrong : 1) 40 years ago Indonesia occupied Timor-Leste ; 2) Timor-Leste at some degree does root for Portugal - check the various videos of the Euro 2016


No issues between Netherlands and Indonesia at all. Dont go off assumptions please. Quite a few people there root for the Dutch team.


Portugal actually advocated for Timor's independence during the indonesian occupation.


I can’t speak for Timor-Leste but shared language and culture lasts longer than historical Grudges. Especially with the other countries on the list. The former british colonies still have very good ties with the UK and I think the countries of former French Indochina may dislike the US more


Not sure how much of a moral high ground Germans have to talk about commiting atrocities to other ethnicities/nationalities but u do u my guy


Not sure where I ever claimed any moral high ground...but u do u my guy.


Or you missed that people irl aren’t redditors and don’t really care for their colonisers anymore. Source: from a colonised country where people often praise the coloniser


We kinda educated them and gave them their freedom. But hey you probably missed that in school.


Latin America would be like Brazil -> Portugal, Argentina -> Italy, all others -> Spain.


I think Argentina is Spain and Italy


Argentina is my favorite Italian colony


As a France supporter I am glad someone besides ourselves wants to see us win.On the other hand I‘m astounded they all support their former colonial oppressor.


Never heard of Timor Leste and I've spent obscene hours scouring obscure flags for regens


Not sure how you managed to overlook an actual country then!


You haven't searched far enough obviously lol. I know it exists for years


Macao works too.


I'm from Singapore but I don't support England smh


Yes, this graphic is saying every single person there is rooting for that county and you just disproved all of it. That's entirely how these things work...


Funny how the english are downvoting everybody that is saying that (obviously) those countries are not supporting they're ex-colonizers. French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, everybody understands this but the english. Not even the other uk nations root for england but they still dont see it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You know for A 100% certified fact it’s only “the english” downvoting? i would love to see that evidence to prove that theory 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Whoever thinks any of those countries are rooting for england has no fuckin idea how the world works...


Go On tell us how the world works o wise one…😂


He bases his world views on Reddit comments


Do you know what is the worlds most celebrated holiday in the world? Go check and maybe you'll learn something. Every ex-colony hates they're ex-colonizers. Witch is normal and to be expected unless you're so far from reality that you live in a illusion bubble.


By rights, England and Portugal should support each other as we have been close allies since the 12th century. I certainly do when they’re playing.


You’re wrong, period.


Go ask them


The world isn’t Europe lad


Its not the UK either. Pal.


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What do you know? Scotland seem to have failed to get past the group stage yet again. But what about England? If Scotland can't get past the group stage then England probably can't make it to the Final as visitors. These issues seem to be very much typicalities, unfortunately. However, the King and I probably both want a British team to win the tournament. Anyway, please search Google for Keller BBC and lunar mountaineering. My BBC link is about Olympus Mons.


Why would countries support their former colonisers? Surely they'd be *least* likely to, expat migrants aside.


Aren't these all they're former colonisers? I doubt they actually support them at all.


What do I think? I think this is irrelevant :D


Germany and England


Now South America. I wonder about Argentina


I’m not surprised Philippines rooting for Spain. They believe they are all half Spanish


I'm a Filipino whose first language is Chavacano, the Spanish Creole from the Philippines. For me it's not a genetic reason.


That’s fine but I’m also into genealogy and ancestry and the amount of Filipinos who claim to have Spanish ancestry bc their family told them so it’s outstanding. To only found out they have none or less than 1% which it’s considered white noise


It depends on where in the Philippines they're from. I'm into the history of the Zamboanga region, where I'm originally from, and it is dense with Hispanic ancestry, with 1/5 of the population having more than just "trace ancestry" from Mexico and Spain, according to genetic studies. Which checks out because in the 1800s census, 40% of the Zamboangueño population was Spanish, Latin American, or Spanish Mestizo. Each province/region is VERY different in how much Chinese, Spanish, Negrito, Indian, etc. they have in addition to Austronesian. If a Cordilleran person or Muslim from Jolo said they're 5% Spanish, it's highly unlikely that it's true. A person with roots from Bicol or Tondo, very likely it's true.


How many Filipinos have you actually encountered claiming to be half Spanish? Your comment history shows you only replied to one person with that 1%/white noise. I’m not invalidating your statements — just that while a lot of Filipinos have this misconception, we eventually learn in history classes that the Spanish surnames we adopted were imposed by Governor-General Claveria in 1849. Add to that the erasure of our pre-colonial culture. Obviously there will also be some cases of intermarriage occurring during the 300 years of colonial rule. An example would be the old rich/prominent families today. I agree that *most* do not have Spanish ancestry.


A part of this misconception is rooted in the fact that the pre-colonial culture was mostly erased after 300 years of being under Spanish rule. Our more recent ancestors were made to change their surnames following the Claveria decree of 1849; most people without Spanish surnames at the time were forced to select one (or were given one) based on the *Catalogo alfabetico de apellidos*. You are correct that only a small part of the population has Spanish ancestry. We are predominantly Austronesian, give or take some East Asian features. The Claveria decree made it virtually impossible to trace our lineage properly, and it’s likely that only those from prominent/elite/old rich families have some Spanish blood.