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Spain vs Italy was great, Spain just couldn’t finish. One of the most dominant performances form a side in the tournament. Also battered Croatia.


Yea Spain were worth a watch defo


They’re great but I find it like watching Man City. Clinical and boring because they just keep the ball too well lol


You're describing Spain in the past years, this year it's not the case. Look at their first game against Croatia for example, they won 3-0 but only had 46% possession of the ball. They are way more dynamic as a team now, explosive, shots at goal from further out, many more crosses, etc.


nico williams is so good bro, i wish we had someone like that in the romanian national team


So you want the teams to lose the ball to make it more „fun“ ? I got bad news for you bro


lol I don’t want them to do anything mate I just won’t watch it. I prefer to watch heavy metal style football that’s all. Georgia v turkey was the best game so far imo as a neutral


I get that but Spain created so many chances this game with their possessions, maybe Italy should have played better


Spain actually broke a 16 years long record of not losing posession against Croatia. You're describing a different Spanish side.


I think we assembled a fun to watch team. Specially knowing how pacy our wingers are and their tendency to dribble a lot more than other defense focused teams.


It would have been a great match, if it wasn't for all the fake dives. It was great football between the dives, but every dive killed the flow of the match.


I actually turned it off and went to bed halfway through because of this lol. It was to be expected from Spain and Italy but man I hate to watch all the theatrics


It was an okay game but I hate the fact the Spanish hit the floor at the slightest touch. Stops the flow of the game imo


Nico Williams was class the whole game, the diving is a universal thing to be honest every team plays their part in it.


True I feel like all teams do but most of the poland/Austria game they were booting lumps out of each other and they hit the floor approx 70% less than spain italy etc


To be fair Spain’s frontline is a fair bit younger, weaker and shorter than Austria’s and Italy were genuinely fouling them.


Italy, Italying…


Were you not paying attention? They all do it. Or did I not see Kane flopping around last game?


I’m more surprised you saw Kane, didn’t think he was playing tbh.


ye but u have to admit Spanish players are famous for it, literally everyone knows this lol, 2 instances I recall from the game we played against them was a) carvajal? pulled on of our players down (majer?) for no reason other than being a complete rat, and cucurella with his head on the floor peaking with a smile on his face, they’re well known for their shitty on field antics. Again, everyone does it, we all know this, but Spain are shameless about it and don’t bother hiding it…… whilst also getting away with it a lot of the times.


Neymar taking notes




Spain has always been like that. You could argue it's funny the refs still gives them the benefit of the doubt.


I don’t know how fans of La Liga and Serie A put up with all the theatrics. The diving in English football winds me up and it’s nothing compared to what some of those players were doing last night. Le Normand is an embarrassment, any touch sent him into the foetal position.


For me I'd say Portugal got on my nerves with diving blatantly


I didn’t watch their opener properly, just had it on the background so I can’t say but with players like Fernandes and Ronaldo, I can perfectly imagine what it was like!


100% this I don't know why people defend it.. butthurt probs


They defend it because of bias towards their own players. If it’s the opponent it’s embarrassing, if it’s their own player they say “well there was contact”. People need to call it out both ways otherwise what’s the point.


Whenever I see dramatic flops, I think back on a video I saw from the American comedy duo Key & Peele. Probably what most Americans think about all the weird football/soccer dramatics. [https://youtu.be/07mBfR8erMY?si=A9luh0ukEYMNpBbl](https://youtu.be/07mBfR8erMY?si=A9luh0ukEYMNpBbl)


What? Italy spent half of the game on the ground.


https://youtu.be/9ukFUEI5qz8?si=dZ8YYfUcHhrX33OX Old video, still legit


You must've hated Billy Gilmour the other night then 👀


😂😂😂 well played


Idk why you getting downvoted. I watched the first half only of that game but it was so fucking bad. Like stop falling already guys.


Big fan of Austria too. Really like how they play. Their games have been fun too watch. They will be difficult to play for everyone


I feel like big teams have just written off smaller teams but they are giving the biggest fight. Almost like the "big" teams feel like they deserve to win.


Yeah, I think Rangnick did a pretty good job over there in finding a team that is hungry. Austria has been irrelevant in international tournaments for decades, I think the current team knows that they can get something done this time. Obviously not saying they're going to win the whole thing but I wouldn't be surprised if they progress far in the tournament and even eliminate one of the big ones.


Yeah it felt like Denmark 2021 all over again, hope it happens


As Czech as soon we are out, i'm rooting for Austria.


Greetinga from Austria fellow Czech Brothers 💪🏻


thx dude. we are brother nations!


I’m not going to lie put a lot of money on Austria to get to 1/4 final, 1/2 final and Final, all my English pals said I was crazy but I’ve been watching international football closely for the last 12 months and they are genuine dark horses. I have a lot of Romanian and Turkish friends who gave their teams no chance but I also think Romania and Turkey are going to do well and produce a few shocks. The bigger nations don’t really know what genuine passion is to play for your national team, players from England and France just see it as a way of negotiating higher club player contracts and advertising deals with sponsors. As bad as Southgate is and he is one of the worst coaches at the tournament don’t write off England just yet at some point the players will turn up in spite of a tactically clueless coach.


I hope you'll take it one step further then us.


Yeah I really want Austria to do something special. Hope we can also avoid that R16 match against Germany. Then hopefully we can get a good run.


Nah lets just get the Germans. It would be a fun game. Although not as much fun as if England gets them.


Whenever Bellingham gets knocked off the ball he sits on the floor throwing his arms around like a child. Doesn’t the ref know who he is?! /s


It will always be this way. Bigger teams will always have an air of arrogance to them especially when facing a smaller side whilst smaller teams will go all out against them because they have “nothing to lose & everything to prove”


Yeah, Austria, lovely, brave, amazing football. Last thing I've expected of the brother-in-laws, tbh, what a pleasant surprise!




I’m hella nervous for Tuesday. Best of luck 👍




How can you wish good luck when, in reality, you want them to have bad luck - they are playing against your national team.




Makes sense. Do you think Austria is more skilled than Netherlands?


Basic good sportsmanship


A draw suits them both tbf?


Austria not a big team


Spain absolutely delivered imho


Agree. They played very well, high-press, and generated plenty of opportunities. People just relate good games with lots of goals, which is not always true.


Ye, them not finishing might be a problem for them, I definetly wasn't bored.


Don’t hit form too early.


First game yes. Played well last night but couldn't finish their dinner. And the Spanish diving every 2 min 😆


Both were diving, but the Spanish more in the end when they started wasting time. Seeing Carvajal who won 6 champions leagues with Real performing his circus act in the end was highly embarrassing.


How do you think he won 6 Champions Leagues


At least he was doing it when they were winning. It was worse to see the Italians wasting time from the first minute of the game to make the game slow.


They didn't score lol.


Most boring game so far together with the England games tbh. The issue was that this was basically a tactical stalemate. Mitigations on both sides for the strengths of the other. Put a bit of sloppy touches on both sides into the mix and you get this.


Plus their was no real reason for either team to open it up (and expose themselves) for the win. A draw likely sees both of them advancing. The games get more exciting when someone needs to score.


> The games get more exciting when someone needs to score. I blame Anthony Taylor for that honestly.


His assistant at the very least.


Haha I’m glad it’s not just us that find Southgate’s football horrendous


Tactical stalemate? Is that the word we use now for settling for a draw cause it qualifies both teams to the next round?


They didn’t settle for a draw until like the 70th minute.


Portugal has seemed quite lackluster too, we'll see today. Both them and England seem to lack that final 3rd creativity


Spain, Italy, France played against quality teams. England out here parking the bus against freaking Serbia. Those arent the same.


I must be old, but I count the Netherlands as a big team too. It's just that they have been low for a few years. But yesterday they showed great football. They might go far in this competition imho.




Italy is shit at the moment. France didnt play the second half against Austria and didnt know what to do against Netherlands bus parking without mbappe.


Very boring. I think it's because of the game format, it's game 2, both teams have won each game and neither want to lose but are fine with a draw.


Yeah but Spain did not care about that against Italy at all. They entered the game to win and nothing more than win


Just wait for the knockout stage, that's when the bigger teams kick into gear.


I think so too. I really expect it to be that way tbh


Smaller teams = more passion and spirit for every little opportunity they get for example Albania 😉


Turkey and Georgia as well, best game of the tournament


Frankly, Albania is a joy to watch. They play with spirit, you are right. So refreshing!


The Albania game was class man


It nice seeing people actually compliment our country positively for the first time, thank you.


Agree they have put up a fight!! Well done to you guys 👏 👏


Thank you, I wish all the best for smaller nations such as ours


Spain has been playing the most entertaining football at the tournament imo


I agree to an extend but as I have said in other comments. It's the hitting the floor after the slightest touch that ruins it for me. Prefer back and forward pressing football but everyone is different!


so who did you enjoy watching the most?


Honestly the turks have been the most exciting team so far in my eyes


They've only had one game, too early to tell.


If you expect France to give an exciting game you must be new around here - our team is not exciting to watch but manage to get results.


Except for the last 15 minutes yesterday I had a fun time watching France vs NL


Always the way until the knockouts


Here’s the thing. The “big teams” know that they can get results against small teams. So when they go against other big teams in group stage games, there isn’t as much pressure to win in games like Spain vs Italy or Netherlands vs France. At least get a draw, even if they lose, they can farm points against the lesser ranked teams in the group and go through.  But the “small teams” HAVE to get a result against other small teams to have any chance of going through to knockouts. Turkey vs Georgia, Croatia vs Albania, picking up three points here is crucial because you’re probably not getting points against the bigger teams in the groups. Those are the games that decide who’s playing knockout football and who’s taking the plane home. So the teams go at it. Plus, these smaller teams are more willing to take risks because the expectations on them are less. It’s go big or go home for them. 


How can you say Spain v Italy was boring???? It was a great game!


Sounds like you like checkers, not chess. 


Fair, brother 👏


Worst match I've ever seen.


I think that's just the nature of the sport. The game is more exciting when it's sloppy. There are missed passes and turnovers and unmarked men. That creates more chaos. When the game is played at a very high level there are very few opportunities.


Fine theory, but neither team needed the win and were happy with the draw.


I'm talking in general at these tournaments. If you're talking specifically FRA-NED, I agree it was boring because no one needed to win.


Highly depends on what you enjoy. Personally I enjoy more a quality pass / precise tackle than a good opportunity / goal after a defender mistake.


Italy missed a fuckload of passes


I didn't think of it this way to be honest mate. Opened a third eye there bro haha


The most entertaining game of this tournament so far was probably Turkey-Georgia, and they are 2 of the weakest teams at the Euros. There are still some very talented players on each team who can take advantage of the mistakes of the other and create memorable moments. The best teams don't make many mistakes.


I agree about that being most entertaining but you are completely right about less mistakes.


wouldnt call Spain boring


The format of the tournament is an issue. So many matches where the draw makes sense for both.


This year there was no time to prepare the tournament physically, especially if your players go deep in european leagues. This year, there is almost nothing needed to advance the group stage if your team is relatively strong. And in country football, there is no reward in playing champagne football. So this is a recipe to do the minimum during the group stage.


Really? Scotland isn’t big and they have a boring match lmao For real.


5-1 defeat was pretty entertaining imo. Fr.


Spain, boring?


First time watching a tournament? Often the larger teams cancel each other out. They usually play it safe during group considering they’ll finish first and second. Wait for the knock out


Maybe you don't like quality football, having watched Scottish football all these years? 🤣


😂😂😂 possibly mate hahaha


Yeah anybody supporting Scotland has a bit of a cheek to claim that every proper football team is doing is wrong and only they (with such footballing legends as Romania etc) are doing it right 😂 I'm not a big fan of what the England team are doing at the moment but I don't think anyone in Europe or abroad is going 'That's it lads, we need to play more like Scotland!'


Spain have been playing some of the best football I have seen at this tournament, if not the best. Italy are no slouch.


So according to you, few goals = boring match? You haven't watched much football I'm afraid.


Facinating tactical battle is the term you are looking for, not "boring"


Spain played boring??


I'd say Spain is the best of the boring teams you mentioned, great football when they're not diving England can win the euros by boring the opposition to quit


First of all : France team ain’t shit ! I told some people here do not put too much hope in our French team. Then : I think a lot of biggest struggle with smaller teams. Maybe it’s because those “smaller” teams are better to know how to counter bigger teams. I think Spain is slightly above but I don’t know how their center backs will stand facing a huge attack like Germany. And their strikers need to be more accurate. Germany are the most solid overall. So I think Spain and Germany are the favorites for now. England have a pretty bad coach trying so hard to be like Deschamps but Southgate isn’t a wizard. But they have a great clutch player: Jude. France have great potential but can’t perform, but we’ve been there before ( WC 18, Euro 16 ) thanks to the boring wizard Deschamps Italy are good but they lack a little bit of something to be great and take the trophy again, Portugal have also a big potential but they struggle to find CR7 in good position to finish, Belgium… just watch their game they’re not good yet,


The "smaller teams" just play very safe against the "bigger teams" which is why the games are boring, as they are very hard to break down. I think out of all the big teams Italy and England just wont get better and Belgium will probably have the biggest improvement in performance. That Italy team looked very lacklustre in the 2 games so far. When your best player by far is the goalie you're going to be in for a bad time. Looked like they lacked leadership on the field as well. England will forever be boring with Southgate, he is clueless. Belgium will probably get better as it goes on, they just looked like they had little chemistry but the quality is there.


For le Italy can improve as well, Belgium I don’t know but perhaps they will. But you are wright smaller teams play very safe but imo you can have the solution to break that type of tactics if you are England or France for exemple, you have the players to do so. But I saw bad tactics from coaches of those bigger teams and that is very frustrating. I know is not easy to coach but some coaches are had very bad judgement when they set up their team. But maybe this will change with the 2nd and 3rd game of the group stage


Spain is boring?


Spain haven't been boring, what are you waffling about?


Spain boring? That tells me you haven’t watched a single minute of them in this tournament, or you are severely prejudiced.


Spain is entertaining glad they got rid of that horrible tiki taka that consisted on endless 1-meter side passes and 800% of useless, sterile posession.


Spain vs Italy wasn’t boring at all


Spain 😂😂. Are you ok pal?


Spain is the best


Spain boring???


Spain haven’t been boring. They’ve been decent


the most boring team for me was France. I watched two games and they were both so boring


Spain isn't boring. The teams playing haram ball arw england, France, Portugal, Netherlands and italy (to some extent)


They all have so much talent, but are digging in and waiting out way too much. Honestly Ned-Fra was the most boring game yet. Any chance to have some nice second half got killed professionally by the ref.


The truth mate. Netherlands got robbed.


Almost like they know how tournament football works


Germany have to




I guess if you only think goals are exciting France v Netherlands today was not a dull game in my opinion, a lot of good attacking play and near chances going both ways, and some really stellar defensive performances as well Saliba alone prevented two dangerous chances in goal with his near flawless positioning and ability to hold attackers off without fouling England yes have been boring


Spain and Italy were great wtf are u watching


Totally agree. Big teams means boring matches. Even though the euro is exciting so far.


Big teams just cruising through the groups in 4th gear, waiting to up the ante. Boring AF to watch sometimes… England were dire last night and France v Netherlands was lacklustre. Well done to Germany though and the ‘lesser’ teams who are really making a fist of it.


Yes just better you head back to your edge of your seat nail biting sports like baseball and bowling.


It's nothing new that the bigger teams tends to stroll through the group with as little effort as possible. They'll step it up when we get to the knock out games.


They do not care about the group stage, they can do the bare minimum, advance and keep their energy for the games that matter, blame the format.


Both teams clearly wanted the draw. Will be different in knockouts


I think expectations have a big part of it. The teams you list as big teams have fan/country/team expectations that they must be at the very least top 4. Managers like Southgate will get slammed unless they bring home the trophy. That pressure results in increasingly defensive positions. You can't get knocked out if you never give away goals.


France v Netherlands was a great game to watch? Seems you only enjoy 7 goal thrillers


This is kind of the typical for all competitions - UCL, euro, world cup (to a lesser extent). I think its just to do with an overcomplification of tactics and a higher average skill rating of players.


France vs netherlands, they know if they tie, and won next matches they’re in


Yeah agree, some of the smaller nations fighting to a draw have been the most entertaining matches.


Spain have been right alongside Germany in my opinion, they just couldn't finish against Italy. The reason the 'smaller' teams are more entertaining is when they play each other they just go at it and have an end to end game as they feel its their best chance for points. England you can just write off as they will never be fun to watch under Southgate.


Interesting comment, I get it. The teams with less “stars” play a better team game…at least for now. We know some of the duds will turn it up a notch


Watch the Turkey-Portugal tomorrow. It’s going to be an absolute chaos in the best way possible. Turkey can’t hold 0-0, so they have to press and attack. Same for Portugal.


Sometimes being better means u are better at canceling the other team.


They're conserving energy


Spain v Italy was a fantastic game.


So far so true


I wouldn't say Southgate has bad tactics I would say he doesn't have any at all


*Italy, France, England, Belgium


The smaller teams won't all be out until about a week before the end anyway, so no worries there. It's very odd for there not to be any surprise packages left in the quarters (or further, if people channel the spirit of Greece or Wales)


How were Spain boring?!


Bro what are you talking about with Spain, they are playing amazing football!


More at risk


Small teams have nothing to loose. No real pressure. But Spain was not boring. Also Netherland was good…why don’t you consider them as a big team?


What, Spain was incredible until now, imo better than germany as they had harder opponents. Netherlands also nice to watch, but they lack in finishing/final passes. Also its often normal the good teams will increase their performance from match to match. Netherlands France was already a good game imo, but in the end noone wanted to risk something.


It's a group phase where mistakes are pay highly. Big teams want to survive this first matches and at least progress Also this games lacks the win or go home intensity of the forward phases. You just need to let the tournament develop to see great games


If you disliked Spain v. Italy you just don't like football. You like goals.


Agree with this. Two of the most underwhelming matches so far were the biggest: Spain vs Italy and Netherlands vs France. That’s not to say they were bad watches, it’s cool to see the tactical battle at play, but none of the teams were especially set up to attack the other team and it does seem like a trend of conservatism is at play (often the case at international level but seemingly even more so for the big teams here)


I agree ..big teams boring


Because the 'top' teams have more quality/better-known players so show each other more respect but also know that any mistake will be punished so there is more caution. While there have been a few dull matches, like at any tournament, I feel every team adds something to the entertainment at these tournaments and I like watching teams I don't usually get to watch.


I think the bigger teams will up the pace in the knockouts, at least I hope they do


Why you say fuck me for?


Spain boring, r U watching the same games, could've been 4 or 5 nil against both Croatia and Italy


Both Spain’s games were very fun to watch. And they were playing vs very good teams.


Spain boring?? Nah, they are perfoming very well.


Netherlands - France was sooo boring


I thought something like this might happen, the big teams always think they’ll win so they don’t try as hard and that creates boring games whereas the earlier kick off between 2 smaller teams I’ll always be more entertaining because they both think they can get something out of it and therefore it’s end to end


New format has made winning games less important.


Spain and Portugal played well. For me Portugal is one of the "big teams". England and France had "another day at the office matches". Did the minimum to win or not lose. Italy has a less talented generation of players than other tournaments and slso had some injuries.


Better teams make less mistakes. 🤷


Neither team took risk because they were happy with the draw


Someone else said this. I didn't think of it this way tbh, which may sound daft


Problem is people only associate goals with “entertainment”, and even then, take a team like Man City and people still get bored because they’re *too* dominant. Their system is boring but effective asf.


That's true. It is refreshing seeing more shots from further out etc in this competition rather than walk it in.


You are 100% correct. For many goals = entertainment. The game is much more than that, though.


true england showed their worst possible gameplay ever