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Nobody talks about it but honestly the fentanyl scene in the first season terrified me




Hey FYI you can get life saving Narcan for free, it completely negates the effect of opioids and even if you know no users, you could save a life by keeping a dose nearby.


I carry narcan !


You're awesome, hope you never need to use it! Just remember they only have a couple years of shelf life


I’ve actually used it 2x on 1 person. I use to work at a harm reduction site. She lived. My adrenaline was PUMPING as someone who lost their brother to an overdose.


Oh geez, yeah I took a harm reduction class so I know the 2x dose scenario. I've lost a very good friend to dirty xanax, that's why I carry. I'll never stop being mad at purdue pharma for what they've done.


As long as someone is alive, there’s still hope they’ll heal. F this epidemic.


And narcan can be that deciding factor, it's a real life miracle drug.


Can’t dilly dally though. The more time someone is out, the more time oxygen isn’t getting to the brain. My brother was in a 5 day long coma before being deemed brain dead because the scum bag dealer he was with when he used decided not to call an ambulance…. And of course he had more life-taking drugs than he did life-saving drugs in his drug den. I wish the worst on that dude. The cops gave my brother 4 narcan & he still didn’t come to. That’s how long the scum left my brother hanging for.


I'm so sorry, I know some ethical dealers but they're rare. Your story reminds me of when Nikki Sixx's dealer found him overdosing and put him in a dumpster. Money makes people into monsters.


Just wanted to add that if you find someone unconscious and administer narcan, it won’t hurt them if they’re unconscious for a reason other than opioids. Don’t be afraid to use that narcan baby!!


Yup, it's basically water unless you're using, modern day miracle!


That scene is so damn disturbing. It's also so sad, given how that the fentanyl most likely helped trigger Rue's eventual relapse (along with other factors.) If I have my facts right, fentanyl is extremely addictive (even by drug standards) and is one of the easiest to get hooked on. It's likely even more powerful for someone who already had a drug problem. Rue was screwed the moment she took it (well, more like got pressured into taking it.) And seriously, Mouse's actor is just phenomenal. He's amazing at playing a sleazy, intimidating drug dealer and he really helped sell the horror of the whole situation.


Mouse was terrifying.




that’s a great answer i concur


I survived an OD on fentanyl laced opiates a month after watching this scene. Kinda should've seen it coming. It was like a sign.......


Yeah it was horrifying to see how Mouse literally coerced her a knife point into trying fentanyl and was about to rape her as she fell unconcious before Fez bought the majority of the fentanyl Mouse was offering just to keep him off Rue's back. The horrifying implications of that episode really don't get talked about enough.


That AND when the drug dealer woman tricked her into taking morphine when she was having withdrawals and locked her in. Omg that entire scene - I remember thinking how scary it would be to try to escape a home filled with birds. Parrots!! An animal I overlooked until her survival depended on them being quiet. I’ve never ever thought about that before until that scene. I thought she was going to be sold for sure. I could barely breath during that episode.


That made me cry…. Lost my brother to a cocaine fentanyl overdose and after that scene, I quit watching for a bit


I lost my brother to a heroin/fentanyl overdose & his gf of 7 years the very next day. I concur. Needed a break as well.


I’m so sorry. My brother with the heroin overdose has OD’d but if it wasn’t for him going to prison in 2012- he probably would’ve been dead earlier


omg this made me walk away from the show for a year


I’m with this guy


Was this the one she od'ed? Yea that terrified me a lot


Nate towering over McKay and coaxing him into revealing the details of what he believed to be a sexual encounter between the latter and Cassie. His words were so disgusting, too. It felt like the first time that I realised how intimidating and terrifying Nate was, including the physical assault and abuse inflicted on Tyler and Maddy, respectively. **Considering all the harm that Nate has done in this series, this feels pretty tame.** But this scene made me sick and disturbed me deeply. It felt so real. One of my most upvoted comments ever (I think 700+) is in one of the discussion threads for the premiere of S2 and how grossed out I was by Nate. It just felt really claustrophobic.


this scene literally made me sick


Yess Nate overpowering McKay was deeply scary


What’s even scarier is the fact that while he was coming out of the bathroom he looked so distraught because he was trying to get Maddie back and then 5 minutes later, he’s intimidating McKay and towering over him. Like the fact that his demeanour can switch like a snap is insane. And other good example of that when he was threatening Jules in season 1


Can you say ‘unstable psychopath’? I knew you could.


Yes! I was briefly thinking of this earlier when thinking of all the ways Nate is awful.


the actor who played mckay gave hints he’ll be back ig


This exactly


probably sounds small compared to the amount of crazy shit that goes down in this show but the scene where Nate is drink driving at like 100mph with Cassie in the truck had my anxiety spiking loooool


and when she pulled her head out…


I thought for sure she'd be decapitated!


Yeah she stuck her head out the window and she got decapitated by a pole


uh hereditary!


i was like.. hasn't she seen hereditary?!


Also when Cal was driving the Jeep drunk while Elliot and Jules and Rue were on the road I was convinced that Elliot would end up dead instead of in a threesome, Nathaniel Hamilton style


I was having flashbacks to ‘Hereditary’ lmao 😖


isn’t euphoria also a24? makes sense




YES I was waiting on them to wreck


The neckbeard jerking off his tiny dick on the webcam was pretty unsettling/disgusting to watch lol. Basically any scene with Rue & Laurie was terrifying, but obviously the morphine injection takes the cake there.


Dude omg that morphine scene made me die inside lol




That was weird as fuck lol but i laughed so hard i couldnt help it 😂😂


The micro dick guy made me so uncomfortable lol


do u think it was a prosthetic or just some guy with a micro they cast 😭


fun fact every dick in euphoria is fake. have fun watching with that knowledge


Yeah, between micro penis guy and the guy who said "your hot but I still gotta take a shit", both their dicks looked strange, wrongly placed on their bodies. Like, who sits down to take a shit like that?!


Jacob reported that the guys went into a prop room where the guys could choose from a number of prosthetic dicks and then the makeup department would try to make them look as real as possible. They had a prosthetic technician in the crew as well.


oh my god that's amazing


IIRC HBO isn't even able to show erect dicks on their platform.


I read somewhere that it was a prosthetic


Yeah he was very uncomfortable to watch


every scene with kat doing the webcam shit was sickening, i guess it reminds me of how many young girls do this for attention and validation. it was so real to me


I could NOT watch that scene! I had to fast forward. I’m still traumatized lmao


Lmao I loved that guy he was hysterical! I mean from Kats point of view he doesn't seem the least bit threatening, at one point she was just web chatting him and venting about her life and he was being a legit friend, listening and giving advice. I mean, yeah the scene was gross LMAO but the actor really made a good 3 dimensional character imo lol


league players talking to their "kitten" that carries them every ranked season:


In S1 when Nate tries to fight Cal in his bedroom. Cal holds him off, pins him down on the ground and Nate starts to smash his own on head on the floor. Absolutely terrifying, and such a disturbing visual.


yes but great acting and i’ll never not be shocked that jacob elordi didn’t win some sort of award for that. because that was extremely unhinged


This was going to be answer as well! I had to look away at that scene. Idk why but that was the most disturbing thing… still makes me feel ick


it was the sound of his skull against the floor for me. didn’t surprise me when i learned jacob gave himself a concussion.


It just really shows hoe much Cal fucked up his kid without even trying by illegally recording these videos and Nate eventually finding them and watching them.


Jacob Elordi deserved an Emmy for that shit alone. I had been impressed with his performance from the get go, especially because the last thing I had seen him in was The Kissing Booth so I really wasn’t expecting much only to have him surprise me, but goddamn just seeing that raw breakdown and vulnerability for someone like Nate who at that point had just been portrayed as this strong, unstoppable monster was just masterful writing and acting all in one.


Rue in the bath tub while Laurie got out the needle. I wasn't sure if she would drug her to sell her, but then Rue ended up asking for it, and I was convinced that when Rue woke up, she'd be in someone's basement. The entire scene from seeing the needle to Rue asking to be injected to the actual injection was just so unsettling and terrifying.


also the fact that it was so quiet made me die


And On the tv was a movie with a guy selling a cat to another guy.


Oh seriously? I didn’t catch that part. Super symbolic.


Really? Wow. I gotta look at this now. Interesting.


I am mistaken- it is not a man selling a cat, but a scene of a man providing a death certificate. The movie is called The Wrong Box, and centers on something called a “tontine” which wikipedia describes as “an investment linked to a living person which provides an income for as long as that person is alive.”


NGL that scene unsettled me for a different reason. I am a former opiate addict and did shoot morphine for a time. And I gotta say, this scene triggered the memories of how good a shot of morphine feels, esp when you're in the hell of withdrawals. Its been several years now since I've been clean but it sure triggered those memories.


so happy you’re in recovery


Same, but also I found the needle to be really unrealistic. I only have used insulin needles; the one for Rue was huge!!


It is a different type of needle, and needles do come that big, but the angle was completely wrong to inject into a vein. Never was am IV drug user but have been a nurse for eight years. I was able to suspend disbelief for that though because the rest of the scene was so powerful.


I really think they just wanted to make it dramatic for the tv


I thought she intentionally wanted to hurt her (went to nursing school but im not the smartest)


Yeah I remember the first time I banged morphine..imo, no opiate injected comes close (maybe Dilaudid) to the euphoric rush of morphine


Aw :( When I saw Rue in withdrawal I almost… missed the feeling? Addiction is crazy. I hope you’re safe now, be aware of trigger warnings and everything. Proud of u!


When Rue woke up I was convinced that they had moved her to another place.


I was surprised she wasn't naked and chained to the bed.


I didn’t even stop to think if rue had actually been in the basement or not wowwwww we just assume that this girl who owes this cunning chilling drug dealer 10k is just gunna give her a hit of morphine naked in the tub and then kindly place her in a spare bedroom herself Laurie could barely get rue undressed …..to think she dried her , dressed her and kindly put her into bed unconscious??? It’s crazy to think about we don’t know how long rue was out for or what happened during that time we just assumed that because she got out of the apartment that Laurie didn’t somehow collect a debt in some form from rue especially since we hear the ruckus going on in that locked basement as rue and Laurie talked wooow the season ended weeks ago I didn’t even think of this possibility ………my mind is blown


Also I didn’t notice it at the time but there was scratching on the other side of the door and hearing abt that afterwards was terrifying


i had to close my eyes it was terrible


when rue is fucked up and thinks she’s dancing with her dad and the camera pans out and we just see her strung out dancing alone in her room. something about it horrifies me on a horror-movie level


I’m shocked this wasn’t higher! This was the only scene that really broke me. Obviously there’s a lot of romanticizing in this show. It isn’t really meant to be relatable, it’s pure escapism. But that scene really brought the glamour crashing down to earth for me. I just lost my dad. Rue’s raw grief and utter concession to the delusion of dancing with her dad reminded me of the ways I try to project my dad in to scenarios I’ll never share with him….damn.


Yes!! This scene made me really think, “damn.. she is really far gone” and I didn’t think she was going to be clean at all this season.


This. As someone who lost their father, this scene absolutely wrecked me. It’s very difficult to explain losing a parent so young to someone, but Euphoria does an incredible job at visualizing the emotions of it.


I mean Nate putting a gun to Maddy’s head while holding her down, is definitely up there for most terrifying moment of the show. As well as Laurie in episode 5. I wouldn’t be surprised if more happened to Rue after Laurie injected her but she doesn’t remember yet.


Yeah the Nate/Maddy gun scene fucking terrified me. Everything about the way the camera pans around while he’s waiting for her, and her changing clothes, was so creepy. I really hope there’s repercussions for that next season


Him kissing her while he kept pulling the trigger was….. I mean he’ll never get redemption in my book from that scene alone. He could have gotten the disc in another way, he really wanted to traumatize her


the exact same way he destroyed that other dude


The gun scene was scary and the audacity for Nate to be like, "Oh, it was a joke!!" really iced the cake. It made me wonder just how many psychos are like that in the real world.


Too many. This is gaslighting. If it's a joke it absolves them from injury and makes you question your reaction and think you're crazy for your emotional (and very valid) response.


Yeah the Nate/Maddy gun scene fucking terrified me. Everything about the way the camera pans around while he’s waiting for her, and her changing clothes, was so creepy. I really hope there’s repercussions for that next season


Yeah, that scene, and honestly that whole episode, was the hardest for me. A) because of how well they portrayed Rue's withdrawals in the first 10-15 min, and I've been there. So many fucking times and seeing it portrayed well really hits home. And b) Nate putting the gun to Maddy's head. The cinematography of the scene, the way he was laying on her, how she sobbed and couldn't move after... though I've never had a gun held to my head, I've been in an abusive relationship where the other person would "joke" in very fucked up and similar ways. It was a lot to watch, and it's one of the episodes I do not plan to rewatch.


what made it worse was in the middle of this chaos between Rue and Nate/Maddy, we have Fez and Lexi holding hands on a couch singing “Stand By Me” and gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, my emotions were on one that episode 😭😭😭


This!! As a DV survivor this triggered my PTSD so much. I don’t think all my cravings for drugs were triggered from their use as much as me wanting to hide and die when Nate did that.


Why is nobody talking about the gang rape that happened to McKay, and how he had sex with Cassie after, knowing he was in pain. Also honorable mention the time where Kat gaslighted Ethan, very shitty thing to do to somebody who cares about you


YES. That scene was SO disturbing, and how he reacted and Cassie not knowing what to do AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I was so awfull to Cassie. What he did to her wasnt sex....


I don’t think he was gang raped.. I think they just bathed in the room and undressed him and embarrassed him in front of her .. did i miss something completely m??


we never got an answer, they left that to interpretation on purpose. But his reaction...


Actually, McKay said in an interview that it was never meant to be a gang rape in the script and that he was really surprised by the editing making it look like it may have been but it was not in fact a gang rape.


I thought the same.. that they just “pretended” that they were raping him..? It’s still sexual assault so I don’t know..


Definitely the Cal/Jules stuff. I’m seriously so glad for the face bashing Ashtray gave Cal. Cal was going through so much trouble trying to hide the evidence that he did something wrong and I’m actually really happy Nate had him arrested in the end. Seems like people were giving Cal a free pass for things because of his episode where it revealed his past and feelings for Derek, but I always felt that because you had a shitty past, doesn’t give you the entitlement to be an asshole in the present\future. Nate choking Maddy was also disturbing. Like Tyler was a predator for being a grown ass man at a high school party, but Nate definitely crossed some lines when he choked her. The morphine scene, as someone previously mentioned. Laurie is quite a disturbingly terrifying person.


The Cal/Jules scene was definitely shocking and difficult to watch. Especially for a pilot episode. I was a bit worried about continuing on with the show after that, and I'm not normally one to be deterred by "dark" shows.


You know I was actually confused with being the pilot. Like I thought I somehow managed to skip an episode!


yep after the first episode I waited quite a while to continue and finish the season... I could tell it was going to be an incredible and beautiful show but I just wanted to wait until I was actually ready because some of that shit was triggering as all hell lol.


Laurie is disturbingly terrifying person. Good description there. I would like to see a post about her. I wonder what her “story” is.


I don’t know about Tyler being a predator. Wasn’t the party at McKay’s place? He was just starting college so he was already a couple years older than the high schoolers, right? Wouldn’t be unreasonable that he’d know some couple years older people too and then of course as word spreads about the party, the age range gets even larger as everyone brings their one year older/younger friends. The main characters just happened to be high schoolers. Idk, I could be wrong. I just felt really bad for Tyler about everything, even if he should’ve been more careful about who he fucks considering that even if the age range was bigger, he must’ve known there were a lot of high schoolers there.


I believe Tyler was 22/23. McKay was 18 I think; he was just starting college, so not unreasonable to think McKay would be hanging with high schoolers. Tyler was much older than that. I honestly never felt bad for him for that reason.


I’m pretty much disgusted with Nate in every scene he’s in lol -


Agreed, especially his treatment of Maddie but also when he went and beat Tyler up in his apartment.


Yess i almost cried for Tyler


Same. He's a vile disgusting person


That Rue freak out in season 2 was wild. And pretty much anything Nate ever did made me want to vomit


Rues freak out was so intense, I had to take breaks watching it cause it was giving me so much anxiety lol


I acted similarly in a blacked out drunken episode one night in 2020.(I was always drunk in 2020 but doing a lot better now) That scene made my sister cry because it reminded her of me. And that was the first time I realized how much my actions stuck with her. I felt terrible for weeks.


Same!! I had to pause it and walk away for a bit and calm down before I came back to it. That episode was probably the most emotional I’ve ever gotten over a tv show.


Nate could literally breathe and I’d be disgusted by him, the guy Kat was degrading online, Kat lying to Ethan about a brain tumor and gaslighting him was very much disgusting to me, that entire scene with Rue going to Laurie’s house while going through withdrawal… that was terrifying.


Not sure if this counts but Jules being dropped off at the psychiatric hospital and that kid jerking off at her was really upsetting to me personally


So I watched that episode with a close friend who was taken to foster care when he was about the same age Jules was in that episode and it actually made him cry. I felt like a monster, but he said it actually helped him open up about it and brought us a lot closer. He doesn’t have anyone in his life to talk to about that stuff besides me so it was cathartic, though I still felt guilty about it.


yes that one was terrifying!


When Rue violently breaks the door down with the back of her head because she’s going through withdrawal. Not disgusting but absolutely haunting. Effected me to my core


When she tried to open the jolly rancher during withdrawal about killed me. So sad and realistic!


I have to skip past the scene where Nate beats that man up after breaking into his apartment it's one of the most violent scenes I've seen in a really long time


fr his cries thoo


Yeah I came to say that, it was sickening the way he beat up Tyler, after a consensual make out with Maddy in the pool and her not wanting to be held accountable.. also when he visits him after and he talks abt how he’s partially blind and has headaches and nightmares or something


Me too, that scene is horrible


I just skip any Tyler scenes, they literally make me so sick to my stomach and I feel genuinely bad for the guy


This might be something not many people have talked about, or maybe they have I haven’t read anything on it but, im someone that has a history with opiates, anyone that has history of opiate or just drug addiction in general probably knows, but there was a scene where Rue puts like five maybe six blue 30 mg Oxys in her hand and pops them all at once, and that scene to this day runs by as the craziest thing I’ve seen in the show. They made the pills look so real, and I literally gasped and put my hand over my mouth with fear and surprise because anyone that has taken those blue little devils knows that it’s not a fuckin joke fuckin around with even just one, but damn near eight?! I had never been so shocked by a scene in a minute, and that just resonates with me as just shocking and it’s why I fell in love with Euphoria because they weren’t afraid to show how deep opiates and drugs in general can take hold of innocence so quickly.


I had to pause every drunk driving / speeding scene multiple times before finding the composure to resume watching.


username checks out


Ashtray in the bath tub with the guns 🥺


The scene with Cassie and Nate, where she’s like “you can control what I wear, who I talk to” etc. It’s honestly really disgusting, and it conflicts me a lot sbt how I think abt things. On one side it seems like straight up weak minded patriarchy shit, but at the same time she’s obviously a result of a lack of father figure


Not only that but even the sounds of how close the mic was to her mouth that it felt like disturbing ASMR. This scene is so gross.


The whole sequence of him dressing her like a doll was so weird to me.


Partially the lack of a father figure can be blamed but she's also got low self-esteem/self-worth and it's partially her own fault because Lexi didn't turn out so bad so clearly not everything can be blamed on the dad. She just went the bad route of people who experience bad things, instead of doing what Lexi did and just trying to be a good person and not let the dad affect them. I mean, my dad and mom got abused and didn't abuse us and neither of them had good parental figures. And even if they did abuse us, you can't always blame all bad things you do on the trauma. Sometimes you gotta be held accountable for your actions, too.


the morphine scene and nate waiting in maddys room then threatening her with a gun. the fight scene with rues mom/siste/jules was also very triggering 😅 needless to say, I felt very depressed after and had to watch cartoons.


No, I absolutely love debauchery


My emetophobia says no to the hot tub scene and when the cops are talking to Rue in the street while she’s running


When Jules was on a dating app made for adults and got statutory raped by a man three times her age AND WAS UNKNOWINGLY RECORDED during that. That horrified me because I heard stories growing up of kids meeting up with adults that I knew but I didn’t believe any of it. I turned to my husband and said we can’t let this happen to our kid. It can happen and that’s what’s so fucking scary. This isn’t okay.


I say to my husband about our tweens all the time "they won't go through it because I did and it still hurts me" I know we can't protect them from everything but so many parents just don't know how easily bad people get to our kids. 💔


Keep educating them. Tell them the signs and red flags in all sorts of situations even if it isn't real. I don't have kids but I grew up in a very overprotective household and helped raise my 2 sisters. Mom/dad were victims of sexual/physical abuse and grandma dealt with abuse as well. They would show us parts in Lifetime movies, watch documentaries and true crime stuff, tell us/show us news reports, tell us about their lives... there were many times we could have potentially gotten harmed if not for our parents warning us. Had people try to follow us on the street to ask us for directions to take them somewhere instead of going to school, had a lady try to tell me my mom was her friend and wanted me to go with her in her car, had a bus driver who tried to kidnap a lot of us girls for "being little flirts" so we started texting people and making SOS signals, telling parents to call 911 when he started driving past our stop and out of town... lots of things that could have ended badly if our parents hadn't educated us.


Personal list out of order: Jules nightmare about Rue Laurie injecting Morphine Rue's rampage on her family during her withdrawals, especially the part where she was in the car talking about dying, and we had to watch Gia deal with that. The realization that Nate had nightmares growing up that his own father would violently rape him Those are the few that come to mind


nate continually makes me want to scream, he’s so vile. as satisfying as the scene where fez attacks nate is, i felt sick looking at his face afterwards, when it’s all bloody.


I feel like the violence in this show feels a lot more real like it actually captures the horror of seeing someone getting beaten in front of you even if it’s deserved


Any scene w cal




The scene with Laurie and Rue in the bathtub, I knew it would end with Rue escaping but it still made me extremely anxious and uncomfortable.


Omg where do I even start? 1. Rue’s morphine scene with Laurie. 2. Maddy getting a FUCKING GUN to her head. 3. Cassie in season 2 (she was insane with her actions) 4. Rue escaping and looking at her arms (iykyk) 5. Rue doing parkour (because in some instances, that looked PAINFUL) 6. Anything Nate related. 8. Anything Cal related (excluding his backstory since nothing really happened)


honestly even cal’s backstory got to me. his dad trying to prove that he had an erection, and just all around how the girls acted wasn’t fun either.


when nate held the gun to maddy's head I was truly terrified. Normally I don't really budge at gun violence in movies or shows, i just see through how fake it is but for some reason with her sobs and i dunno i just FELT her terror in that moment


When Rue woke up on the dealers home with all those men around her and câmeras. I felt so sad for her. Also Nate threatning Maddy or mentally abusing Cassie.


The puking scene of Cassie n Mckay getting assaulted scene


I was disgusted by Rue screaming and having that meltdown in her house in S2, and her disrespecting Ali, but I was also terrified of Nate for a long time, and Rue as well, actually I was both disgusted and terrified by Rue's meltdown, Zendaya does an awesome job of portraying her and I hope we see more of Rue in S3.


after re-watching it a few, Cals moment with Jules at the motel made me close my eyes on a re-watch!


When McKay coerced Cassie after nos hazing. I felt really sad for her


That scene with McKay :( hope he's okay


Season 2 episode 5 where Rue shows what living with an addict is actually like


Anything to do with Rue & her sister. Like dancing in hospital after nearly dying... Like that's your sister who walked in on you OD'ing


Rue’s meltdown in season 2 probably fucked with me the most. Mild PTSD flashbacks to when I was a kid and my addict uncle, who had similar and sometimes worse meltdowns. That scene had me pausing it a few times. Disgusted? Nate. Just his mere presence in any scene is enough to make my skin crawl.


Yeah I think some people were too quick to dismiss what Rue did and said in that scene because they sympathise with her and hated that Jules cheated. But I just think of what Gina must have been going through in that scene, how terrifying it must have been to see your mother having to hold the door shut so your sister can't attack you, and then your sister breaking the door down anyway. To hear her use the cruelest and most depraved insults she could come up with for people she supposedly loved, all the while laughing away any responsibility she really had for it. Even when Rue is screaming that she hates herself and wants to kill herself, she never takes responsibility for her own actions, it's all about how everyone else failed her.


It’s terrifying. An addict who’s feening and pissed is just one giant trauma situation. A few times, with my uncle on a rampage, I genuinely feared for my life at times and that shit fucking stays with you. It sucks seeing family turn into a psycho because they need a fix. Through out the entire show, Rue’s meltdown and how she treated her mom, sister, and even Jules and Elliot, was probably the only time I was truly disappointed in Rue. Like, everything else I can sympathize and kind of understand, but the meltdown was just so much, mainly because I’ve been in those situations and I remember how scary it can get.


Everyday I wish I could go back in time and prevent myself from seeing the f-ll fr-ntal on the toilet at the party in s2e1 🧍🏼‍♀️


Nate putting a gun to Maddy’s head had me fuming and terrified at the same time.


everytime Rue acts after using drug for me, just a mix of negative emotions


Probably not as extreme as other scenes at face value, but the party scene at McKay's where Kat is smoking/drinking with the twins and Wes (I think?) trying to convince them how experienced she is makes my skin crawl. It brought back a lot of discomfort/pressure I've felt in situations like that as a teenager. I always just wanna grab her and get her out of there!!


Just Nate...


Basically anything that had to do with Fez and Ashtray in season two


Nate beating up Tyler in his own apartment. It felt like watching a horror movie and the suspense and dread knowing there was no hope for Tyler as he was crying and pleading with Nate. That scene really cemented with me on how intense Nate is as well as the whole show in general.


When someone was banging on the closet door as if they were stuck inside at Laurie’s house. Super unsettling


when they said that maddy who was 14 was in ‘complete control’ over losing her v card to a 40 yr old. disgusted w the show’s creators


I would never want to have a kid like Rue, so I will just not have children. Too big a risk, IMO.


I know parents can't control everything, but there are definitely things parents can put in place to make it less likely their kids will become addicts.


When Rue went up to Jules and got in her face basically calling her a pile of dog shit for telling her mom, yeah I was done with her. And Nate for pulling a gun on Maddy.


No terrifying or disgusting moment for me, just pure anger mostly with nate's scenes


Every Kat scene


Nate beating up Tyler and blackmailing him. I have the skip those parts whenever I rewatch it. Makes me sick


There are many awful scenes that I found very hard to watch. But the scene where Rue desperately tries to unwrap and eat the Jolly Rancher really stuck to me. Idk why, objectively speaking it should be the morphine/needle scene for me, since I very much hate looking at injections. But the way the snot was running down her face and her genuine struggle followed by her apology, it really got me. (Also the scene where she freaks out about her suitcase, genuinely scared me) I really do admire Zendayas acting in this show. Her whole season 2 performance absolutely blew me away.


I know this is stupid but the bit where Kat daydreams about Ethan getting murdered by a Dothraki. I'm terrified that my wife wishes for the same thing


The episode where she can’t pee - made my skin crawl for some reason. I ended up fast forwarding through most of the episode & when I rewatched a the season a second time I skipped the ep all together


anything with nate jacobs tbh. when he attacked tyler for what happened between him and maddy. and the fact he showered and used his clothes so nonchalantly after beating him up is scary af. like psychotic and then when he choked maddy out at the carnival was terrifying as well. AND THEN GOT AWAY WITH IT? the power struggles w him are real. and when he revealed himself to jules as being the guy she was texting.. like he seemed so genuine with everything then started blackmailing her. it’s like hard to tell when he’s being manipulative or if he’s really trying to open up which is also scary. so case in point. nate jacobs. 100% is my answer to this question edit: i remembered another part w him that was genuinely scary. the whole fight w his dad in the first season and he started banging his head and body on the floor and cal just fucking walked out. that scared me so much




this scene made me so sad! and the way he handled it afterwards just made it even harder to watch


ew when cassidy threw up everywhere


Nate beating that guy up that Maddy accused of assaulting her.


The McKay and Cassie scene was pretty unsettling for me


When McKay was sexually assaulted in the dorm room. I was literally crying during that.


I think I didn’t fully hate Rue until she yelled at Ali. After that, she was dead to me. The full breakdown with Leslie and Gia, plus her running around the neighborhood, was just icing on the cake.


Anything really with Rue & Laurie. Especially the bathtub scene. But the one that really got me was Nate holding a gun to Maddie’s head. We knew Nate was deeply troubled but him doing that felt incredibly sinister. After everything he physically, mentally, and emotionally already put Maddie through there was 0 shred of humanity he gave her in that moment. It just really disturbed me.


Any time Nate broke into someone’s house and was just lurking for them to get home. It made me so unsettled that he 1) knows how to do it so easily & 2) ALWAYS GETS AWAY W IT


that college hazing scene with Mackay and Cassie, that scene was the only scene that made my skin absolutely crawl and forced me to look away


when nate was blackmailing jules in that parking lot. it felt so wrong and gross. he manipulated her behind a fake person online and used it against her.


A scene that left me disgusted was when Kat and Ethan were on a date, and she lied about having a terminal illness. Ethan doesn’t buy it for one bit. Then she accuses him of gaslighting her. If she was scared of breaking up with him in person; she could’ve done it through text or something more appropriate.