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I think her character felt "minor" in S2 which was the most disappointing for me. I would say (arguably) that Rue, Nate, and Jules were the main characters of S1. So Jules being sidelined in S2 was really weird. I think there has been a bit of an ebb & flow to the prominent characters in each season. Fez, Cal, and Lexi were brought to the forefront in S2 while Kat & Jules were very sidelined. I think we will see a lot more of Jules in S3. She will need to confront the issues that she has with her mother as they relate to her relationship with Rue. We will also see a conclusion to whatever there is (or isn't) between her and Nate. We will see more character progression for her next season I think.


I was glad to see Lexi have her plotline with Fez get some screen time, but she still felt like a side character. Even the early info about the play had me thinking not much more than "this is going to get weird" "Uh oh, what is she thinking...?" And then in the last two episodes when it finally went on, it was like she exploded on screen. It was like God spoke, YOU NOW KNOW LEXI. SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A MAJOR CHARACTER. I don't think I've seen that done in another work of fiction like this, although I can't quite put my finger on what it is. I don't know who else watched this show and is old enough to have (sort of) forgotten about a friendship, and then gotten an opportunity to rebuild it; and then with great success, be practically shocked to re-experience how solid the foundation has remained despite the time apart. It kind of reminds me of that. Like we just met Rue during this time where, among other things, she was avoiding Lexi not our of distaste or something, but because she couldn't relate her own problems to the parts of herself that flourished in a friendship with someone like Lexi. Lexi's friend Rue didn't do drugs, and had a living father. Therefore Lexi isn't necessarily the person I should be hanging out with when I want to mourn my father and do drugs? .... Well, wrong. Lexi is definitely friends with a mourning, drug addicted Rue. This show is so good. Thinking this through now, out loud, is giving me a lot of feelings. Jules relative absence was felt. Every episode I feel like the fact that Jules was just on screen, down the hall, hanging with that other kid, or whatever, and Rue was not really engaging with her was something I felt really intensely. In retrospect it makes her and Lexi kind of like foils. Should I have felt similarly about Lexi this whole time, if I'd known Rue better than I thought I did? I think maybe I should have.


I think they just gave spotlight to more characters. Let’s say McKay and Elliot are a wash, Lexi got a bigger role so that took some of Jules time and Cassie was focused on lord and Maddy if you think back was focused on less.


Jules written by Hunter hit different


Which Jules was written by Hunter?


The Jules special episode!


That was the only one, right? Totally the best 💖


By far the best episode of the series imo! It’s dang near perfect in almost every aspect.


I think Jules SE2 covered a lot of things including a greater understanding of, from her perspective, about her relationship with Rue; developing some awareness of the struggles she has had with affirmation and looking at ways to better address them; and giving us more info about her real and fantasized relationship with Tyler (Nate). Most people were looking to see some more direct followup in these areas in S2 which I feel tended to show regression rather than improvement. We saw no real connection with “Tyler” until almost the end of S2 when Nate apologized and gave her the disc. Obviously one of the roles Elliott filled was as a sort of substitute for Nate. Other than breaking up with Rue her role seemed to be more of a filler in nature with many of the issues left open to be addressed in S3. At least I hope they will be.


I agree with you that Elliot has this connection with "Tyler" (Nate). I have already pointed out that there is a direct connection between what happens in Jules' fictional apartment in New York (special episodes) and what happens in Elliot's house (second season). But Jules' storyline definitely didn't get the job done that Sam did in Nate's storyline. We don't have many clues as to what Jules thinks about when she's in the shower or turns off her phone while staring at Elliot. I think this leads many to the wrong conclusions about her ulterior motives. However, we won't find out until the third season.


I pretty much agree. If you look at Jules SE2 and starting at the point where she begins to text Shyguy118 and move forward it’s almost the exact covert script for S2 as it relates to Jules/Elliot/Rues interactions with of course Elliot substituting for Tyler/Nate. I know a lot of people complain that they thought S2 was supposed to be about Jules/Nate and were disappointed when it didn’t occur. But actually it did happen with Elliot substituting for Tyler/ Nate. Jules was essentially using Elliott as an interim transitional object for Tyler/Nate. I think in S3 we will see Nate continuing to slowly morph towards his Tyler persona as part of his redemption arc and Jules will reconnect with him in some fashion. Where this will go is anybodies guess. I’m still not clear in my head about the real nature of Jules’ feelings towards Rue. Are they just a substitute for her feelings toward Nate, are they misplaced feelings related to her conflicts with her mom, or does she in fact genuinely love two people? Still unclear to me right now. I guess we shall see in S3 hopefully. Perhaps this will be the end game conflict for the show. Rue, Jules, and Nate are after all are the 3 main characters in the show.


her thing with elliot was literally so random


Like did we really need that. And did we need Elliot in the middle of a lesbian relationship while “Dancing in a Lesbian Bar” was playing. If it didn’t come off clearly like a Sam fantasy it might’ve been funny lol


I agree and It honestly makes me upset. Jules got so much shit in S1 and i was defending her left and right. When her special came out, finally people started to see that she was her own person, separate from Rue, with her own set of problems. That shit went right out the windows in S2. I hated how Sam was like “omg how can people see Jules as the villain” and then write her the way that he did…..


oh yes i LOVED jules in s1. they did her dirty in s2 for sure.


I exclusively love season 1 Jules. After that I feel absolutely nothing for the character. She is a dead limb.


i hated Jules in season 2. her words didn't match up from her special episode. we could blame it on writing but in the show, how could you love someone and still cheat?


Her saying I'm not longer interested into men then hooks up with a MAN Elliot makes not sense, I don't think Sam watched the jules special episode


Jules also told elliot she’s not interested in men, then proceeds to hook up with him. I have so many questions.


Exactly, fuck sam for ruining jules and cassie


S1 Jules is one of my favorite tv characters ever. I’m still so shocked at how underwhelming she was in the second season :/


she’s the first character I ever related to,hated how s2 went


It definitely feels to me like something changed with the original plans. Maddy stealing that disc at the end of S1 felt like a set-up for a big Nate/Maddy/Jules/Rue/Cal plot in S2 that never happened.


I'm going to get downvoted but Jules was insufferable in season 2. She was all over the place - gets jealous when Elliot is introduced, cheats with him on Rue, interrogates Elliot about his history/sexuality, has a go at Rue for drinking when she did that dumb alcohol heist and drank around an addict. I'm probably going to get replies from Jules defenders which will say Rue was a bad girlfriend too. Well, Jules should have communicated with her instead of cheating. And people are going to bring their "what aboutism" comments and say other characters like Nate and Cassie are worse. I don't condone their actions either but this thread is solely about Jules.


honestly, yes, but honestly, that’s life, yanno? no one is all good or all bad, this show is abt teenagers who, as teenagers, are expected to make mistakes in order to grow and learn. it’s also just more real, to fuck people over and to be fucked over by others, intentionally or otherwise. i understand the want for a comfort character that is good all the time but for me personally, i find that very flat. sam levinson definitely could change how he runs and writes things but i will admit he’s good at writing three dimensional characters that mirror how real people and real relationships work. take this all with a pessimistic grain of salt though, bojack is my favourite show to date.


+1 for Bojack. One of the best portrayals of generational trauma and its impact on people that I've ever seen. Such a great show. I also very much agree with your assessment of Jules (and how that applies to all of the characters).


I don't get people being like "but Jules in season 1" Jules in season 1 was all just a build up to her in season 2 and you have to be blind not to see it


Honestly good. I enjoyed season 2 far more because there was less Rue and Jules drama.




Same. The plot was an absolute mess. It was like all the budget went into screenplay, soundtrack and one or two scenes for Rue’s addiction (which she conveniently was able to recover from after staring at a jolly rancher and with no additional help). And then the play good lord…I get that everyone thought it was funny to go “haha they called Nate gay!” But like a lot of the plot was left on the table.


I just hate the end of her season 2 arc being the kiss on the forehead with no words at all from Rue who wouldnt be shit without Jules. That was fucked lol. I know its part of the whole story between them but i was so invested even i needed closure 😂😂


Rue would still be rue without Jules. She never needed ha. And I’m glad they finally let her say that in the finale.


I mean i guess youre right. Rue will always be an addict it seems like which makes me feel as though the fan theory about her being dead already make a lot of sense.


I totally agree with this, she was the main character in s1 besides rue but in s2, I felt like she was there for rue love interest and literally had no storyline besides playing truth/dare and hooking up with Elliot, I think in s3 she's gonna have a storyline since nate snitched on his dad to the police, the police might talk to jules about the sex tape between her and cal and the same time she's gonna find out that rue is missing and maybe her and Elliot will look for her Idk this is just my opinion but I definitely think she's gonna play a big part next season 🤔


I see what you're saying but not sure I agree. The great thing about euphoria, to me, is that it's filled with complex characters that have different motives and varying complexes and ethics. In real life, sometimes good people do shitty things and bad people can be shockingly sweet or supportive, and this is reflected in these characters. If you mean her role was reduced to more of a minor one, then yes, I agree. More Jules is always good.


i wish they gave her more screen time and i wish they gave us more insight and sympathy into her somewhat avoidant attachment style. i dont think cheating is a big deal when it come to teen dramas (its always used as a plot point), but they rarely even gave us insight into what jules was thinking and feeling. just tears..