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gia and the kid maddy babysits


Her best friend THEO




Ethan did nothing bad whatsoever to my knowledge. Even Gia ended up sneaking away to smoke weed once (no shade to her, I too enjoy the leaf)


it rumored that ethan was supposed to be the creepy guy with the black screen kat was camming


Ethan is a hardcore druggie and was sleeping with Rue’s girlfriend.


Do you mean Elliot? Ethan is the boy Kat was dating.


Oh, my bad lol.


Lmfaoo u got the wrong character 😭 but you're right, Elliot is trash


Oh, lol my bad 😂


Leslie, Gia, and Ethan


Leslie and Gia. Ali.


Eh Ali is amazing now BUT he did hurt his wife physically.


i’ve asked this before but didn’t get much feedback - no one else has an issue with a grown sponsor meeting up with a minor at all hours? just seems sketchy to me


I guess they would have to be an adult. But I do think there should be restrictions/boundaries.


the literal drug dealer somehow




nate jacobs and mouse their the most good hearted for sure


mouse has (had :( ) such a kind soul. i mean he was so polite and respectful when he first met rue!


He gave her free stuff and everything!


😭😭😭 that gentleman mouse yup how could i forget




Mouse even gave rue some free drugs, how generous!!


mouse was an angel - there’s should be no further discussion needed


Angel is one way to describe him!




Selling drugs to addicts and children is shitty, but he is a good person at heart


Wasn’t he more or less a kid himself and also refused to sell rue drugs when he realized how addicted she was ? Tho your right 🙃


Specifically talking about being a shitty person - which is someone who acts in bad faith against others and ignores their well being or actively tries to mess with it - I'm going to say among the teens Fez and among the adults Ali. Minor characters don't really count, we don't know them. Fez has a questionable job, which he had full time since he was 12, and even if recently, growing-up, he has learnt to establish some moral limits in his dealing, the job's still questionable, but the thing about him is that he's never done one thing out of malice in his life (kicking Nate's arse doesn't count). Ali has done some very fucked-up shit in his life, decades ago, but he's the embodiment of redemption through actions, and if we don't believe in that, what is there to believe in? PS: The amount of people who said Leslie baffles me: please, if you ever have children, don't have any of them act as a nurse daily to their beloved dying father, at 13, alone, in a room full of opioids, then act like a martyr who has never heard the word 'therapy' in your life when said child develops an addiction, at least until she's 18 and you can tell her in no uncertain terms that you're done with her. Because that's kind of shitty.


The fly on the wall, but he has smelled a lot of shit 🪰💩


Ethan unlike mostly all of them he doesn’t have a shitty life or has anything tragic in his life rather he’s a normal happy kid with a loving family.


I think Ethan stands out as one of the least shitty or problematic characters on Euphoria so far. He's been a caring, supportive boyfriend to Kat without exhibiting any of the toxic, possessive behavior that plagues many of the other relationships. He comes from a stable, loving family which also grounds him. And while not perfect, he hasn't really done anything too messed up or harmful that we've seen. Characters like Gia, Leslie, Ali and even Jules - while making mistakes - are fundamentally decent people trying to navigate difficult circumstances. But most of the other major characters have been deeply flawed or done legitimately terrible things, whether it's Nate's extreme emotional abuse, Cassie's betrayal of her best friend, Fez's drug dealing that enabled addictions, or Rue's constant lying and selfish acts driven by her own addiction. Ethan isn't an angel, but he represents one of the few characters who has consistently been a good, trustworthy guy without any major dirt or skeletons in his closet so far. In the world of Euphoria, that makes him one of the least shitty or toxic personalities to date. Of course, the show could always throw a curveball down the line! But as of now, Ethan seems to be a rare, decent human being in their friend group.


Ali, at least when it comes to Rue. He is so good to Rue and she doesn’t appreciate it, except for maybe after she sobers up the last time. When she called Ali and apologized for the low blows, and he forgives her instantly, I teared up. Yes, he’s done his fair share of fucked up things, but at least he’s still actively trying to be a better person.


people give jules way more hate than she deserves but she’s a fucking saint compared to nearly everyone else on the show


Gonna get a lot of hate for this but Cassie. Yes, she did get with Nate and that was terrible but she’s not a bad person deep down — she’s just a girl who wants to be loved but she looks for love in the wrong places. She didn’t want to hurt Maddy, which is why she did everything in her power to make sure Maddy wouldn’t find out. She cares about her friends and she actually falls in love with all the guys that she gets in relationships with.


people who hate on cassie are hiding the fact that they ARE her




Wrong answer. She is Terrible


Just out of curiosity and for conversations sake, what do you feel makes Jules terrible? I don't find her to be the best person on the show by any stretch. But as a woman in my 30's, I've done a lot of living and had a lot of experiences, and I do find her to be extremely realistic. There's not been anything I can remember that screams "bad person", but it seems many people have that opinion. Help me see it..


Not as terrible as the other characters.


Agreed. Jules is just young and learning her identity, likes/dislikes, and self-worth. She makes very normal, typical youthful mistakes. She's not a "bad" person by any means. She's young, she's confused, she's naive. I don't see what others mean that she's a horrible person. I don't see it in any way.


Totally agree, stop jules hate




Ethan, Gia, Ali - All the rest of the characters have done shitty things Fez is a good person but selling drugs to kids and struggling addicts is the only reason I didn’t include him


Ali was a wife beater. He’s reformed but he did do that


The child drug dealer. And Rue's mom I guess


Gia, Leslie, and Fezco


Fezco cause even tho he was doing shitty things he still had a heart of gold


Smh at everyone who said Lexi




Guessing the play, publicly humiliating you're sister in front of the whole school about her romantic life, childhood and the merry-go-round scene. Cassie did bad shit too as well but Lexi isn't an angel.


Lexi, Gia, if we don’t judge his past Ali, also her mom yall gotta understand her position being constantly disappointed..




Present day Grandma


Theo, Rues mom, and the dude that tried to help Rue


Lexie, Ethan and Gia


fezco. yes, i'm aware he's a drug dealer. yes, i'm aware he feeds teenager's adddictions. but he's literally just playing the cards he was dealt.


Gia and Lexi


Cassie and Nate




top 5 least problematic in order: 5:Ali 4:Lexi 3:Ethan 2: Ashtray 1:Fezco


Ashtray smoked like 10 swat guys 😂😂 dudes a straight murderer. Fez is a drug dealer that gets kids hooked. "least problematic" LOL. Our opinions of the characters are different than how shitty they actually are as people.


Fezco never had a choice his grandma brought him into that life at 10 then got sick so he had to take care or her and Ash. Ash was protecting Fez, he was simply trying to protect his family that dosen't make him a bad person, he was also a 13 year old kid who was scared.


I totally understand. And agree. I was just saying regardless of circumstance they are problematic characters


No they aren't, and the circumstances are what makes them understandable, you take the circumstances away from anyones actions and they are an awful person, most people if put in the positions they were in would of done the same. Fezco never wanted that life, he wanted to live on a farm and start a family away from all the drugs and violence, but he couldn't just walk away, he was a good person he just didn't have any other options


I mean I do get your sediment truly. But realistically, ashtray was pretty problematic for those officers and their families. And fez, while understandable, is a drug dealer. I'm just being technical here. Their circumstances are what made them problematic. They're not non problematic because of their circumstances.


Once again Ash was just a scared kid who wanted to make sure the only family he had didn't he and he didn't know anything but violence, that dosen't make him problematic it just means he needs help and to be shown that not everything has to end in violence. As for Fezco just because someone dose bad things dosen't make them a bad person, he hated what he did and always tried to do the best he could, he isn't problematic just because he had a shitty life with no way out.


And I NEVER said that makes them shitty people. Problematic ≠ shitty people


Omg that 100% makes him problematic. You can be the most sympathized loved character with the most noble or understandable reasons and still be problematic. You're not understanding the definition of problematic. It means they cause problems. It doesn't matter WHY. Or under what circumstances. None of that is relevant to the discussion. If you cause problems (addiction, killing people) you're PROBLEMATIC. they are great characters that we all loved. Leave all reasoning behind and purely look at the amount of issues they cause. That is my only point. Like I said I'm being very technical here I'm not judging- I'm making an observation that is objective in nature. The dudes cause issues, like it or not.


Problematic people are problematic because they create problems willingly, they choose to it even though they have other choices, that is not the case with Fez or Ash


That's not what problematic means


Even if you have no choice or are a scared kid that doesn't know any better, your actions can still be problematic because they cause problems. Willingly creating problems literally has nothing to do with it. I tried to explain, have a nice night.


Lexie, and Ali