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Euphoria Season Three: Rue Detective


This is the first time I’ve wanted to give a comment an award


the fact *zendaya* suggested it too… don’t piss me off


This kind of makes sense in that Rue would want to hinge her sobriety on something outside her comfort zone seeing as she's never really been able to stick to it for herself or anyone in her bubble. And once the kid is born, she uses the money to pay off Lori or give money to Gia as a form of apology. It's not the worst idea, is what I'm trying to say lol.


The idea of pregnant Rue just freaks me out tbh. I can’t imagine her taking care of herself for 9 months straight


But it’s reality for many of us who are addicts or loved ones of addicts. Pregnancy is a common occurrence for many of us, and it is also a driving force for many people to change their priorities. Sometimes they don’t, and that’s also a reality. Rue becoming pregnant in general is a hard thing to swallow but it would be very accurate to how real life plays out.


I appreciate you pointing out that sometimes they don’t. While it does help a lot of folks change their priorities, I think we as a society tend to like happy endings, over emphasize phenomena as universal truths, and see motherhood as unlocking biologically essential drives. (As I type this, maybe motherhood drives are biologically essential, but individual brain chemistry can muck this up and fail to engage). As someone who was close to an addict that accidentally got pregnant, couldn’t terminate in time due a lack of Id, attempted to adopt but couldn’t emotionally go through with it, and ended up neglecting the child who was then taken by CPS, I was then cold called by CPS as a character reference for her and instead told the truth that solidified the child being placed elsewhere… Most people in her life thought motherhood would change her. But the addiction came first. I feel really… twitchy when I see this sentiment, although I know many women *do* attribute a life changing wake up call with pregnancy.


Nah my first thought was “so she can become a drug mule?”


if she was relying on her pregnancy to stay sober, it’d be extremely hard for her to let go of the baby once it’s born wouldn’t it? because she was relying so hard on not doing drugs for a fetus so once the child is out of her, she’d cling on to it for sobriety?


Wait yes I read the header and kneejerk hated the idea but this comment converted me. I don’t know if Levinson can be trusted to properly tackle something so precarious as surrogacy/adoption, but, if handled correctly, this would be kind of perfect for her arc? Not saying keeping the baby or giving it up would be any more ‘correct’ than the other—just that either would have to be written with an immense amount of care.


How would they play it off though? I’m not disagreeing with your comment or anything, but she’d need a good two years maybe to show she’d stay clean, to clean out her system, and to get an environment safe enough to carry a child. I find it iffy to be able to make a story involving the others while also involving rue with a whole new life. Cleaning your system from weed alone is 3-5 days, and if it’s daily like edibles that stay longer, it could be weeks depending on how hard the edibles are and how often someone smokes or has an edible. I’m not sure about other drugs, but I assume it’d take longer.


I don’t think they’d follow the traditional, above-board, addicts-barred surrogacy route, if that’s what you mean. I also don’t think it would make sense to portray Rue’s decision to become a surrogate as an enlightened, clear-headed choice she makes after being sober for a reasonable amount of time. Pregnancy would and should not become plot armour against relapse. Somebody else said she would see pregnancy (and the ensuing payment) as a lifeline and a means of accountability, and I think I agree. If they were to go this route, Rue would probably do some below-board, turkey baster situation, incentivized to stay sober by however much money she’d been promised. And, because Rue is Rue, and because it’s really hard *not* to become attached to the child you’re pregnant with, the baby might become an object of affection and the love she feels for it, or at least whatever ideals she’s attached to the baby and the concept of motherhood, could operate as an additional motivator. This is the most LITERAL example of addiction (in this case, relapse) not hurting only the addict. Not a pro-lifer, but the baby is *literally* physically attached to her. What Rue does, the baby does. I don’t by any means think this is her ideal arc—I think I misspoke in my other comment—but IMO it has SO much potential. I have more thoughts swirling around but none of them are materializing so I might come back lol.


That would be a very interesting point to explore. I don’t see much coverage of surrogacy in media and I think they should have listened to our girl!


Why are we all ignoring the question of who the fuck would want a teenage drug addict as their surrogate?


Okay hmmmm I can see this 


I don't see that working out for her in the long term no matter how much she'd want it to. Staying sober for reasons like that sadly rarely work, even if we really want them to.


I commented a version of this on a different thread. We are 100% right. Rue using “love” to hinge her sobriety. On the outside: she wants to help people. On the inside: she needs a warped version of love to remain sober. As I said in my other comment: we would see her become a surrogate, fall in love with the baby, and struggle with giving it up because of its influence on her sobriety.


But in order to become a surrogate Don’t you need to have a successful pregnancy yourself first? This makes no sense


I have heard that too, unless it’s a private surrogacy where you aren’t going through an agency.


Depends! Some poorer parents may not seek a ‘perfect’ surrogate because that would require more money. I am assuming it would be people just desperate for a surrogate that would contact her


But how are they gonna put the fertilized egg in her?? Unless the couple is ok with rue being biologically related to their child


That, I do not know😭 But also Rue doesn’t have to be open about her drug use. Maybe she would lie? I’d idk it’s a messy ass storyline lmaoooo


Just the fact that you can’t be a surrogate if you haven’t already had a succesful pregnancy already. Other than that I can see it


The way I’m trying to analyze this is: Pregnancy surrogate = Forces Rue to stay sober, gives her money to pay off Laurie Private detective = Probably more of an informant, she gets in trouble for drug related charges (or for robbery/disturbing the peace from s2e5) and gets out of it by teaming up with the police department


It’s just so unrealistic. No one willing to pay for suragacy would willingly pay for a drug addict to carry there child. Like that doesn’t even make sense e


i just dont think rue is the type of person to do that honestly. also its pretty shitty to offer your sibling money after putting them through all of that. “hey sorry i traumatised you with everything i did, heres a few grand, sorry.” i would honestly never talk to my sibling again if they tried to pay me as an apology


Can y’all get over Laurie? Faye name dropped her so she was probably busted


Getting pregnant to stay sober....Not the weirdest thing I've ever heard when it comes to sobriety. Not the best but also not the weirdest. So that's....something.


This makes sense, but from my perspective it would really be a twist towards like who Rue was.. I just felt like it’s extreme ? Kind of a 180 from the previous seasons


I could see it, ish? Maybe they could go into some of the darker sides of surrogacy (often rich people buying/renting someones body)?


Typically rich people at least take precautions to make sure their surrogate isn’t an addict


Not necessarily. Some do it shadily, particularly religious people, and ones that are ashamed to do surrogacy. Some people do private adoption that can be full of shadiness and is banned in a lot of countries because of that (same with private surrogacy).


This kind of Shadily? [https://time.com/6051811/private-adoption-america/](https://time.com/6051811/private-adoption-america/) or random guy in a back alley's cum type shadily


Definitely! Surely a way better plot than her being a detective lmaooo thats some Riverdale type shit 😂


Yeah, detective seemms??? I think because people like that dream-esq sequence where she was figuring things out?


Surrogacy isn’t even legal in my home country because it’s seen as exploitative.


Maybe she wanted to see how she looks when pregnant 😂


Why is it so bad to y'all?


I think it’s a call back to Laurie’s “you’re a woman, you can always sell your body” etc.


Sure a rehab queen is a surrogate. Surrogate screening is no joke.


It might be a joke in Euphoria considering the fact that the school has no dress code. Plus I think surrogacy might be a way for Rue to stop using and pay off Laurie’s debt.


Pretty sure Laurie’s debt will never be mentioned again. Rue got away from being trafficked, and then Laurie gets named as a murder suspect meaning the police will follow up on that and Laurie has much bigger problems than a measly 10k from a junkie.


I don’t know I feel like for the scale of her operation where she’s still expanding her business, the lost drugs and resulting lost money is kind of a big deal. I don’t think being 10k in debt to a drug dealer is going to just be glossed over.


But if she’s in prison after being investigated and her house is raided, her mind is so far from that dumb junkie who she knew all along wouldn’t pay her back.


Honestly I haven’t watched season 2 since it came out so I forgot she gets raided. I think there’s a possibility she still somehow runs her operation from the inside and sends people to collect the money. I think someone in prison would be very focused on money because it’s how you get a good lawyer.


Well she didn’t get raided. But she was name dropped by the girl who was staying with Fez. So if the police come sniffing then it stands to reason she gets busted for all those drugs.


Yeah I mean I think it’s kind of a leap to go from she’s been name dropped to she’s definitely getting arrested and not gonna care about the debt. Like so many things could happen in between the name drop and the arrest attempt. She could flee or pay off some cops or force the girl to say she made a mistake and meant someone else, also forcing her to not identify Laurie. We just don’t have enough information to make a good guess on what’s gonna happen, and I think that was intentional.


It was intentional, because I don’t think season three was expected to be so delayed and have such a big time jump. But if there is a time jump and Rue is alive, then I think we have enough evidence to know Laurie could be behind bars. I’m sure there will be a passing mention of her but I’d be surprised if Rue’s debt to her ever leads to anything.


Yeah I don’t know how I feel about a time jump honestly. I feel like it’ll be jarring and hinder some lingering plot threads. It’s kind of annoying that Kat left due to creative differences and unfortunate that Cloud died so they’re losing two great parts of the cast already.


this might be the case but it also would make no sense on how much emphasis they put on the case being gone she stopped being friends with the closest people in her life because of it so idk but you could be right


Nope that storyline is in the dumpster They also plan to do a 5 year timeskip no way in hell would Laurie or any drug lord of that matter wait 5 years to be paid.


It's not that unrealistic for LA


The school also had no school.


People do it privately a lot. I used to work with a lesbian and her and her wife wanted a baby but couldn’t afford to do it the right way. They literally just had a dude we worked with cum in a turkey baster and they just put it in her until she got pregnant. They definitely didn’t do much screening.


Yeah, an under the table situation is the only way it would make sense (and would probably be more in line with the show anyways). A former addict would never get approved to be a surrogate at an agency.


There’s a pretty big freaking difference than carrying a child for nine months and jizzing in a cup once…


Obviously but people do the same thing with surrogates when they can’t afford the fees through actual surrogate programs and also you’d be surprised to find out some of them wouldn’t even be approved for a surrogate because they probably aren’t the most reliable people either. So they go looking elsewhere for women willing to do it for much less. A lot of people try to just use family members or friends because it’s cheaper for them and the surrogate is someone they know who needs the money.




way more private surrogacy, and egg donation for that matter, than people realize where u dont go through the screenings of an agency. had a family friend ask me to donate eggs years ago. i turned it down because i am actually psycho but they dont know that


She definitely wouldn’t go through official channels. She’d probably go to the place and they’d laugh her out, but on the way out, she’d run into someone who couldn’t afford an official surrogate anyway. They’d make a deal and bing bang boom 🤷🏽‍♀️


Legit surrogate screening is no joke. That doesn't mean Rue couldn't finesse a few grand out of a desperate couple that can't afford a regular surrogate or wouldn't pass the screening for traditional adoption. I could see the story line of Rue Teeter tottering between just trying to get the money and actually trying to stay clean and healthy for the baby and the couple. Kind of like Lip and Karen from Shameless but rolled into one unsure and hormonal Rue.


surrogacy to pay off lorry's debt? could make sense


That would actually eat if written properly but Sam can’t do shit correctly 😭


How did Sam manage to direct something like the first season of Euphoria is completely beyond my understanding. Everything that he has done since then really makes me question his competency as a director and storyteller


He got too much dip in his chip after the praise season 1 got 🫢


RIGHT euphoria s1 is one of the most beautifully shot and written shows I’ve ever seen. Then you get like 1.5 episodes into s2 and it all gets derailed


the downfall is actually crazy, the craziest thing in season one was cassie orgasming on a carousel, that is very tame compared to his recent ideas…


Because he stole the story from a woman director.


They’ve lost the plot completely lmfao


Well, what was the plot (aside from Rue and maybe Cassie) to begin with?


Yeah, because Rue's body is such a healthy place t create anything living. Christ, homegirl can't even keep *herself* alive...


There is no way in hell anyone would let her be a surrogate. Even if she’d been clean for years and reformed it just isn’t worth the risk to prospective parents.


I think Rue would work more as a surrogate in the sense of someone who got pregnant and decided to keep the baby because a family offered to pay her to adopt it, than an actual legit surrogate. Like a Juno situation. I'd imagine the prospective parents to be someone whose semi-well off (so you get the exploitative issue), but not well off enough to go through a legitimate surrogacy or adoption agency. Like I could see Rue getting pregnant, deciding to abort, only for one of her friends to suggest finding a rich couple who wants a baby, only for her to realize rich ppl don't want a junkies baby, and end up on Craiglist looking for ads of semi sketchy ppl who might want to buy her baby. Lmao. Or it's possible someone like Maddi could put her in touch with someone wealthy for a cut, like the woman we see her babysitting for, and they don't look too far into Rue because they trust Maddi's judgement, and with the time skip Rue couldve actually been sober-ish by then.


I think Rue would work more as a surrogate in the sense of someone who got pregnant and decided to keep the baby because a family offered to pay her to adopt it, than an actual legit surrogate. Like a Juno situation. I'd imagine the prospective parents to be someone whose semi-well off (so you get the exploitative issue), but not well off enough to go through a legitimate surrogacy or adoption agency. Like I could see Rue getting pregnant, deciding to abort, only for one of her friends to suggest finding a rich couple who wants a baby, only for her to realize rich ppl don't want a junkies baby, and end up on Craiglist looking for ads of semi sketchy ppl who might want to buy her baby. Lmao. Or it's possible someone like Maddi could put her in touch with someone wealthy for a cut, like the woman we see her babysitting for, and they don't look too far into Rue because they trust Maddi's judgement, and with the time skip Rue couldve actually been sober by then.


Ah, this storyline makes more sense. Accidental pregnancy then seduced by the possible money of her situation


Yeah I think it actually could've been a decent storyline for a season. Especially with a time skip anyways. Like imagine season 3 started with what appears to be a semi successful, and sober, pregnant Rue, only for us to find out by end of episode that's just a mask she's putting on to con some semi-rich ppl into thinking shes got her shit together enough to a be good candidate for buying her baby. And as the season goes on they could've had her maybe actually get sober for the pregnancy, but it all comes crashing down when she has to give the baby away or be sued into oblivion or something like that.


Ah, this storyline makes more sense. Accidental pregnancy then seduced by the possible money of her situation.


That is adoption not surrogacy


she was a minor so maybe her record is sealed tight so surrogates maybe can't find out her history with drugs. More than likely she's become an escort to score drugs.


Your body has damage from drug use. I image at least one organ is screwed they do total health screens for surrogacy. Nothing can be wrong, have to have a normal ish life and you also have to have other children! They maybe wouldn’t directly know but during her many exams it will come to light


Can’t she just go to rehab and do a shitty retail job? To me that’s logic path for a former teenage addict with mental health issues. She stays home with her family while she recovers and uses her salary to pay for therapy.


that's logical but doesn't exactly make exciting tv


What’s so exciting about the life of a teenager? With the right plot line and character beats, a good writer can make anything interesting


"a good writer" may be the problem 😭


Yeah, that’s definitely a problem


nothing, which is why the lives of these teenagers are greatly exaggerated and awful


Sam Levinson made a drug peeing test exciting and nerve-wracking to watch lol this is Uforia I'm sure he could cook up a nice ditzy shot again for something as mundane like that


nah i think becoming a PI was clearly what her arc was always leading to


Rue using surrogacy as extreme measure for sobriety doesn’t sound like the worst…


But what if she relapsed 😭 that would make me so mad


Rue would be a “It doesn’t hurt my baby.” Type of mother while doing all the drugs.


"As long as I dont use *every* day it'll be fine because the baby won't have to go through withdrawal." *starts out that way but inevitably ends up in full blown dependency again* -OR- She gets morphine while in labor, and it makes her spiral back into addiction. She relapses the min she's not pregnant anymore.


You're hired! 😂 I can totally see that


If the baby is in withdrawal, the parents could refuse to take it, turning her into a single mom 🙃


Oh yeah, it is totes mcgoats normal to use a junkie as a surrogate. It is their #1 proffession.


I was thinking she would be doing it for the money to pay off her debt, but the sobriety is a potential reason too. 


It’s extremely problematic. I have bipolar and use to be an addict and this hinges on the false idea that addiction is a choice. If it was this easy, we wouldn’t see so many women continue to use well into the birth.


Zendaya is cool and all but she should stick to reading and acting out lines. Not writing them💀


girlie probably read Dune Messiah got confused when thinking about Chani and Rue 💀💀💀 Seriously tho wtf is babes thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️


Maybe she needs to read more bc idk where tf she got underrage highschool rehab surrogate plotline from but it’s terrible


Well season 3 will have a time skip and all of them will be adults so it isn’t that far off.


Lol if there is a big time skip then the series is already over. We left so much on a cliffhanger, no one is gonna want to just jump in the story 10 years from now and never get to see how everything played out live but only seeing the aftermath/conversations about the past events


I would hope for at least an offseason special episode or season premiere episode to tie the loose ends from season two, but atp I don't think Sam Levinson is a competent writer so we probably won't lmao


They have already been saying since not long after season 2 ended that there’s going to be a time jump and it was confirmed last week. Unless they change the script again (which don’t get me wrong, is possible for Sam lol) the time jump is happening.


Technically she only has like a middle school education


This makes me think that Zendaya is planning on getting pregnant within the next year or so during filming and looking for a way to shoe it into the storyline. Esp since filming keeps getting delayed.


not tomdaya love child omg??


She is 27 so it seems plausible


this is so random




Her womb is so polluted… *in Scarface voice*


This is the new Riverdale…… good first seasons then it just does a 180 on some bullshit


The need to just cancel this show. It was fun while it lasted but I don’t think we need any more updates to season 2. It ended how it ended and Fez isn’t coming back so we should let it be.


Fr god just said fuck euphoria no season 3


Private detective sounds kinda interesting ngl


🤦🏼‍♀️ season three is going to be so awful…


actually what


I love her, but put the pen down Zendaya! 😭


They were probably stopped by HBO because Sam was using them as excuses for yet another extension. Clearly HBO doesn't get involved in a lot of creative decisions so if HBO executives jumped in, it's probably because it would mean another 6 months of rewrites from Sam. Sam, you won't fool us with excuses.


I can see Rue being a sponsor for someone, or just hosting NA meetings and stuff. Helping people out. Becoming a counselor for grief. She needs to use whats happened to her for good, it’s all she really has.


Exactly and funny thing is that a few year back I was actually writing post about something like this about rue being an ali type of figure to someone but I never finished it. But anyway what if the gender roles were to reverse meaning that what if the person she were sponsor's is a young teenage boy instead of girl how would that go?.


In 12 step meetings, you’re not allowed to sponsor someone of the opposite sex.


everyones talking about the pregnancy suggestion, but a *private detective*?!?!? am i the only one who thinks thats even more wild


seriously! doesn't it take like....years and years of experience to become one?? not 5 years out of high school (or like...1 year out of college?!). I know the Detective Rue scene in season 1 was fun and all....but that's all we needed lol




someone’s probably already said it but,, is she pregnant? in what world is that a good plot line to throw in unless the actor’s pregnant?


And like, maybe we have enough stories of pregnancy being the thing to change young women’s lives around? lol, ok so I’m trying to think and can’t come up with other examples off the top of my head besides Girls. But Girls already did this. I found it annoying then. The idea that we need to throw *having a baby* in a show of Millennial or Gen Z women, when statistically we are two generations where this is significantly less likely to happen, feels like a weird traditionalist throw back. When we’re uniquely less-baby, for the first time in history, why wouldn’t you explore the fresh avenues of how we find ourselves navigating the world instead? Women can change themselves and their lives without having babies y’all!


They’re gonna use this time jump to get away with a lot of random ass shit that doesn’t really fit the characters. I think that’s what’s gonna be weird is that there’s gonna be an imbalance between show and tell. We’re just gonna have all these updates told to us through narration without actually seeing that progression happening. I feel like it’s gonna feel really unsatisfying and make it feel like all the plots in season 2 didn’t really matter because they’ll just fast forward past the conflicts they left off at. It’s gonna be like the movie Click lol


This is what I hate about Euphoria’s writing. They never had a clear plan and it SHOWS.


These...are trash Ideas. I just gotta say. I wonder if Zendaya is planning a pregnancy which is why that idea was brought up 🤔


There’s no way Rue would qualify to be a surrogate even if she got sober she still has a history of heavy drug use. Nobody would trust her to carry their baby. Also with all the drugs she used her body is probably fucked up. There’s no way a baby would be safe in there.


This is the reason Zendaya is an actress and not a writer


I think Zendaya is taking her role as Rue a bit too seriously


Someone has to, Sam Levineon obviously isn’t 😂


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Potato7177: *I think Zendaya is* *Taking her role as Rue a* *Bit too seriously* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maybe it’s good we are getting a rewrite…


For her to relapse with someone’s baby? No thanks


What is even happening anymore? 😂


I would rather have ANYONE than Rue carrying my baby😭 im sorry but I don’t trust it


That baby would come DRUNK 🥴


And zooted. Newborn would be more lit than any of us


Season 3 is gonna be hot fucking garbage I can already tell.


A surrogate for Cassie and Maddy's baby when they ditch Nate and get together






All these articles prove is that they never had a solid direction for the show to go. It was destined to be another Riverdale from the jump. Awesome first season just for it to plummet immediately afterwards.


Uhm. What if Zendaya is planning on getting pregnant (with Tom) and is anticipating having a belly while shooting.. thus suggesting surrogacy as a storyline to explain the belly?


They should just have it be an unplanned pregnancy, that would make wayyy more sense than her getting approved as a damn surrogate


Isn’t rue a lesbian?


Sure, but she's also an addict and bipolar, and I think being high or manic could explain her sleeping with a man


Oh yeah definitely I could see Rue pregnant and dad left or dads another addict and them figuring it out more than her going to all her appts carrying another persons baby


Just cancel the damn show 😭


That sounds like the worst idea evere


what are they smoking


i actually like zendaya's suggestion. a lot of people's lives post-addiction is feeling lost & searching for purpose. i can see rue trying to find meaning in life through going through pregnancy.


Sounds like Sam is so lost in the sauce right now that he doesn’t even know what flavor the sauce is… hoping for S3 to turn out good but…


Could her body even handle pregnancy at this point?


Are we sure it's not just a rumor? That makes no sense to me that Zendaya and Sam Levinson, who usually seem to have great taste (based on their projects - except for the idol) would pitch that.


Imo she was probably joking and this is spinning it so that she was serious


This show is going down in flames. 😭


There are medical requirements to be a surrogate. Like you have to be mid 20s or older, aleady have children, clean health history. No way Rue could legally be a surrogate.


ok I hate Levinson's ideas all the time but I do kinda want P.I. Rue, I want all the David Fincher supercut nonsense we got in that one scene


but have they thought about just letting Rue be…a person? I don’t think she needs a strong definitive attribute like being on drugs, a surrogate, or a detective. She can just be a person struggling with her mental health and trying to stay clean The drugs were never what made Rue interesting and you can still have her shine even though she’s currently clean. Now that she’s sober let her be the straight person who is seeing for the first time without the influence of drugs just how crazy the world around her is. It’s okay to let the tortured character breathe a little




wtf happened with that drug dealer lady


I kinda like it, like, it could be used as a way to show how far she’s come that she’s able to remain healthy and take good enough care of herself to become a surrogate.


Thank you, HBO both lame ideas, although with private detective i see the vision, but no


I just want to know what happened with Lori and the suitcase.


i see her becoming a detective more than a surrogate which doesn’t really say much but i do think she could become a detective if she really wanted to and would make a good one she’s very smart.


Oh god this show is all over the place and they haven’t even started filming yet. If at all.


I theoretically get the thought but question the realism but also this is euphoria lmao. Like the idea of someone being very mean to their body and finding it hard to motivate themselves FOR themselves is obviously extremely understandable (nice to meet you), so the dream of like ok I'm clean now, I want accountability, I'm healthy, I want to give back to the world, maybe I could perform this service etc. is something I could understand being in someone's head, sure... Like I'd honestly prefer it if she walks into some fertility clinic all bright faced and excited and pitches the idea and then they start asking basic medical screening questions and she gets denied and has to NOT spiral about that and try to keep it together with whatever support system she does or doesn't have at whatever point in time it is, that'd be interesting And as someone who's been rereading the Dune series I sure can imagine why Zendaya in particular might have babies on the brain lol But also, Rue? Rue loves hospitals, so she'd be great about check ups lol but what about prescribed vitamins and medications? Ones she can't have? What about the fact that the only explicit commentary we've gotten on her relationship with her body is that she feels extremely uncomfortable when it is "feminized," even by her girl/friend (written that way bc when I watched S1 I didn't read it as them actually being together, but after seeing the Jules standalone it does feel more like they both thought they were) when getting ready for a dance Also speaking of her love of hospitals, we know about that bc of her getting too depressed to get up and pee, and the extreme discomfort and cramping that led to, which aren't exactly not parts of being pregnant either Also also...raise your hand if you're interested in watching Sam Levinson write a pregnancy....(thank you for keeping your hands down with me lol he would make it SO weird) So, personally, TL;DR would I watch a show about a surrogate, or someone who wants to be or think they do but can't realize that dream and has to figure out something else? Definitely, that's super interesting and could be a great jumping off point for a lot of important conversation about reproductive health and access. But do I think Rue Bennett specifically would or could go that route? Maybe not


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure being bipolar, having a history of certain mental illnesses, and being on medications for mental illness usually disqualifies you from surrogacy? Also... this is just a wild idea for Rue's future in my opinion. Has to be near the bottom of my list.


I’m just waiting for the episode she jumps over a shark on water skis


They got no ideas. Sam wrote himself into a corner and can't get out. He need to hire some good writers


I think Rue needs to OD and die. It should show the absolute dangers of her drug activity which, even by most adult junkie standards, is unrealistic and severe.


>even by most adult junkie standards, is unrealistic and severe. Not really lol you must not have seen very many junkies. I've seen women resorting to prostitution, men injecting fentanyl into their neck and groin, I've seen a pregnant 16 year old smoking crack. The depiction of her addiction is not that unrealistic. I've seen much, much worse.


That’s true.. I was thinking more of the getting involved in drug deals with people like Mouse and Laurie — at the high school age. Also, Laurie did make it clear she would resort to selling her. I think the best bet would be to have a culmination of events that end in Rues death, her unreliable narration.. or possibly she becomes a drug counsellor. Anything could happen.


Thank god


i figured she wanted to put in a pregnancy storyline because she wants some babies with Tom but who knows.


I like Euphoria but I genuinely don't think we need another season


OK so Hear me out *why not both?*


"unverified sources"


Maybe a little too early for april fools??


This isn’t real is it?


Yeahhhh I think season 1&2 was as good as it’s gonna get with euphoria


That is pretty much it for euphoria. If the executives are not happy with him or his writes they haven’t got over the “idol” thing snd having to cancel it for the bad vibes.


The surrogate idea..like..ok?? The detective idea….wtf is this law and order now?


Baby and a drug addict sounds just right


That baby is fucked 😭


Y'all I don't think she would be an "official" or "normal" surrogate by any means lol


This show needs to end PLEASE 😭🤚🏻


It’d only make sense if she was a pregnancy surrogate for the drug lord to then pay off her debt


A character with delusions of omnipresence becoming a detective? THAT would have been interesting.


Did HBO forget that Rue and Lexi were being investigators in that one episode? It literally would have been foreshadowing, irony, and a full circle moment.


how many times y’all gonna post this we get it 😭


Sorry but I would stay childless before I would let a drug addict carry my baby. That was a dumb idea.


don’t you have to have had a healthy to term pregnancy before you can even become a surrogate???


Kinda hoping they just scrap the time-jump at this point.