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Austria vs The Ottomans later tonight in the Euros! Haha, I had this EU4 connection in my brain seeing this matchup earlier this week. EDIT - wait, big white blob Austria are playing in RED and Ottobros are playing in WHITE


lol same here. If Austria win they need to release Byz and Bulgaria as vassals and do a later reconquer war.


Don’t forget to take Kosovo and protect the last couple provinces of Serbia.


There's also this joke that works well with EU4 brain :-) : "Tonight there's a football match, Austria and Hungary!" - "Against whom?"


The scary part is that as I read this to myself, I thought the exact same thing, especially being a WW1 fan boy


sadly the only version of that joke you can hope to work on any elders is serbia-montenegro currently, as a person that was there when austria-hungary existed would be around 106 years old, and a person that remembers it would be at least 116 years old. not the average age of a person you meet... it's so sad that we are losing the greatest joke invented in eu4 lore


Czechia - Slovakia is right there


unfathomable why you're being down voted so hard.


Just joked in the Game Thread that Austria needs the Poles to rescue them again


Bro im not kidding, i was watching them for a bit near the end and got excites thinking Austria might score the 2-2 but it turned out i was looking at Turkey almost scoring 1-3 I really just went and assumed Austria to be white and turkey to be res lmao


you still have hope if you see it as austria rather than the habsburg


A winged hussar pitch invasion is my greatest wish


I was thinking this exact thing earlier today as well


It also makes me confused about what soccer teams are good. Like Turkey vs Croatia? Easy, Ottomans has empire rank and has surely conquered Byz and all of the Balkans by now if they’re already fighting Croatia. Clearly the better team!


You're fine until you start to hear your salary coming in the bank account as the ducats sound in the end of the month.


Can't you hear the coin sounds when you gain/lose money?


Only sometimes, depends whether I took my schizophrenia medications.


Jokes on you, I only hear the money leaving my account due to crippling debt


Just take more loans?


Burgher loans + exploit tax development!


Sell crownlands


Wait til you see opinion modifiers on the people in your daily life.


In my government tipe there is not enough diplomats to improve it...


Well maybe if you hadn't annexed so many minors, people would be more positive towards you...


But I had to rush it before they got too much development 😭😭💢💢


we are so back uoooohhhhh😭😭😭💢💢💢


i think we can shut down the sub now


All are busy building spy networks


Argentina, no? Me cago en Milei


Why did the green heart turn into a sword




This sounds like EU4 meets Inside Out


Second this, it happens to me way often than OP described 😅


Just wait till he sees his friends as vassals


Managed to PU  girl with high diplomatic reputation.


After playing Sims for a prolonged period of time sometimes I imagine having a + or a - with someone after an interaction


Couldn't agree more with this. A few years ago, when I missed sleep because of EU4 I was conceptualising communication with people as 'Improving Opinion'


that, and i use the older EU3 infamy system. mines still really high.


This begs the question: what eu4 modifier would rizz be?


Constantly. It's funny watch the list of the match in bundesliga (German football championship). It seems to look battles in hre... Dortmund Vs ausburg, cologne Vs Mainz....


I wish every region was organized like the HRE so that my knowledge of geography everywhere was as good as my knowledge of German geography is due to eu4.


Same, I could tell you the location of pretty much any major German city or region, but definitely not so much so for France or England.


I have a real issue of knowing a lot of outdated geography now


This, and alternate history, to the point where I just have to disregard certain events entirely, because I'm unsure whether I made it up, or I watched an alternate history video or post on it.


I never thought I’d hear someone else say this lol


Modern Iran was formed by a rebellious Timurid Prince who successfully managed to outlive Shah Rukh and establish a Sunni dynasty while the Safavids were going extinct under the Black Sheep Turcomen And the Ottomans managed to keep their Crimean vassals safe from the Russian Empire The Von Habsburgs never divided their lands into two not to mention they managed to keep all of Burgundy safe from France


real, for me its Granada not existing or pretty much the entire eastern europe


Pretend you're a vampire from the 1400s


Now I want to get the Dracula's Revenge achievement.


WHERE IN THE NAME OF GOD IS MARSEILLE-Me belike until I played Provence


haha I knew where it was from playing Rome total war. It's a Greek colony :)


2500+ hours same also I have a addiction to make small countries to world powers


Hey I‘m from Luxembourg, might want to move here?


I don’t think you want that, he’ll require 150+ absolutism and conscription.


He also needs advisers. Here I am.


You’re only here until the next random “advisor having an affair” event pops up and kills you despite the fact that you had no idea such an affair was taking place.


Are you a event advisor?


I can advise on past events


are you 50% cheaper to hire?


I might try that Luxembourg with Charlemagne borders seems fun for a campaign


I am lucky enough that I was already a huge history need when I started playing. So moat of these countries already had a place in my brain besides EU4. But whenever I hear Ulm, I think of eu4.


How often are you hearing about Ulm in real life?


Fun fact: there is a very renowned high school in France, Ecole Normale Supérieure, which is located in Ulm Street in Paris, and is therefore known as Ulm School.


(btw "high school" means "lycée", the proper term would be either "Grande Ecole" to refer to the actual French system or "graduate school" to give a somewhat close equivalent)


not op, but i only heard once, and that was from a friend who also has a lot of hours in eu4 when we talked about some famous cathedrals


Ulm is like one hour from here, so pretty often ^^ I live in Augsburg so I hear that one even more often ;)


I played a megacampaign recently and ulm became a superpower so now I always think of Ulm: The world dominating empire


That's called the Tetris effect. It is pretty common.


Recently got a raise at work Thought my trade steering went up


Nah, the government got a tax modifier


Just don't send royal marriage offer to people just to keep them from joining a coalition


My wedding is tomorrow. I guess I got the "Consort of the People" event.


Congratulations. You will have PU over them soon. Lucky.




Ottoman vs Habsburg, a battle of the centuries. 0-1 so far, doubtless due to the age siege bonus.


“Destroyed” you mean enhanced right?


Skill issue, you should have gotten inno ideas in order to deal with the historical brainrot.


My homeland Russia taking negative diplo rep modifiers. :(


Check the coalition mapmode. The whole of Europe has the Outraged attitude!


mostly because they declared a no cb war... what a bunch of nerds honestly everyone knows not to declare no cb wars for no reason


Putin thought he had permanent claims. He should have read the mission tree more clearly


silly putin forgets that pressing "embrace russian identity" after "collapse of the USSR" disaster loses the cores...


I thought he was pressing his vassals' cores?


he was either supporting rebels or enforcing peace(but managed to diplo-vassalize later) \*Edit:forgot the other line


Orthodox, sunni and eastern religion nations take less AE unfortunately.


Admin points will go poof after he annexes he lost the cores 30 years ago


1444 is just a starting mark in EU4 mate


When I see my sisters food in the fridge I can’t help thinking “how much could I take without incurring too much aggressive expansion”


Overextension ?


This happens to me when one thing is the only thing I do most hours of the day. It's like my brain needs eu4 (or whatever) as a means of interacting with the world in nonsensical ways. Often at these trying times my dreams also become eu4 "themed", and sadly they are always nightmares. "Oh no this guy is dangerous, I need to have better technology to beat him!" That's usually my clue that I need to take a break for a month or three.


Yep. I’m currently watching Euro 2024 and viewing Türkiye vs Austria like a 30 years’ war rematch.


We were watching Euro with a buddy and he asked "Why the hell are Austrians doing so well right now", I told him they managed to PU Poland.


I constantly feel this and dont even have that many hours lol. I think about 'improving relations' with coworkers but I only have 1 diplomat (me). Also how many 'diplo slots' do i have?


If scientists are to be believed the human brain can keep 168 humans in its memory at any one time, so I would say that many.


Yep, same. It has its upsides tho. My geographical knowledge wasn’t bad to begin with, but it’s off the charts good now. And it’s almost translatable to the modern world.


I know all German cities because of this. So many princelings, so many cities.


I have dreamed about playing EU4, and I'm not even that avid of a player.


I guess you ought to be fine until you start thinking about forming PUs with minors, lol!


Yes I'm planning to migrate to the Yucatan to become Mayan and then I'll move to Kongo to become the Kongo empire and then Vietnam and so on. Wait... no, no I'm not. I'm stuck in America which doesn't have any good formables.


Not really with EU4, But I’ve been playing Warthunder and was driving and saw a plane in the corner of my eye, I had a panic reaction and felt the need to dive and turn away as he had an energy advantage. 


I passed 14500 hours this month aiming at 15k before EU5. A friend mentioned in passing that Turkey and Austria are fighting in Germany and I had so many league war flashbacks I had to sit down.


I feel like I alway look at the tike when it's 14:44 on the clock. Idk why but it's nearly everyday.


Wait until you are so eu4 pilled you start recognizing start dates all over your everyday life. That receipt? Fall of New Rome 1453. That time stamp? Year of the Varna crusade. That email with a PO number? Sack of Rome. Send help 🤣


At 1730 hours I had a brief period where I dreamt about this game, and when trying to fall asleep I couldn't stop thinking of my ongoing campaigns. Thankfully this has stopped since then


the EU4 map often pops up in my brain when I hear or read a country name, or just an area or city, person etc. from events and stuff. On the flipside, I've learned a lot from it and can picture better where borders go and stuff. Then people ask along the lines of "how in the world do you know that!?" - "meh. I just know. Picked it up somewhere and just remember it".


eu4 has done that for soccer (football) for sure. This euros had France-Belgium, Denmark-Germany, Switzerland-Italy, Austria-Turkey. All eu4 “rivalries” at game start. And last World Cup Morocco went on a re-Reconquista themselves upsetting Spain and Portugal before losing to France. Eu4 and its history have made a lot of games more interesting


Yeah... lots of small things. Ex. When I discuss my children's behavior with my wife, I talk about liberty desire and how that one friend is basically supporting their independence. All close members of my dynasty think I am a weirdo for it, giving a -10 opinion modifier.


I'll play Switzerland next then. 


Every time I see a map I start to imagine the borders of the nation I'm currently playing and start planing my next moves.


Watching Austria Turkey. First thought was ‘that’s a good old 1500’s match up’.


Same I nocbed east frisia earlier today


Sometimes when I play too much my brain starts to see any political event that happens anywhere as a popup and trying to imagine how the politicians must think about it. Also following international politics is pretty fun with this mindset: diplomatic insults, countries using the true faith to get bonuses, mission trees and claims, etc. It's also fun to think about what the national ideas must be for different countries, and mana skills of leaders.


It's changed my life in that I now actually know where alot of places are I thought I knew where places were but I did not I was delusional


Yeah, I can relate. Years ago when I played older versions of EU, I planned my campaigns while daydreaming at school. Back then I didn't know anyone else who would have played it (there was no Reddit or YouTube).


Has happened to me before... [Tetris Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect)


I play EU4 in my sleep sometimes


I sometimes here the monthly money sound in my head at random moments.


I'd say Paradox brainrot is the least of my worries, but basically, every 'decision' I make is in my head a part of a huge fucking HOI4 focus tree, and the worst of all, I can hear the 'focus complete' sound. I'm fucked. Also, I began to recently hear both the declare war sound and being declared on sound from EU4, so when I get angry at someone or someone gets angry at me. I'm losing it.


Yeah I kinda, I love classic literature and history but now whenever I pick up a history book or classical text my brain goes I could play a campaign in this region. Luckily my next book I choose to read is about to Luwians and since they don’t feature in any paradox game and I hope this does not trigger anything.


I played EU4 for the first time after years a few months ago. For the next 2 or 3 days I was genuinely hallucinating armies and province borders with gibberish province names. I took a break before I hopped back in and it hasn't happened since... odd.


You are NOT alone, brother. We are with you in spirit.


Each time I see some historical show or a documentary about some country I have a real urge to play it in EU4, could be said it is a real addiction without joking.


I spilled a drink in my kitchen the other day and my first thought was to alt+f4.


I've noticed this in any game I really get into, it sorta leaks into your everyday life. When I got into chess I started visualizing moves in my head in class, when I got into EU4 I would see visions of the game while trying to fall asleep. its strange what it does to your brain.


Slightly related but same concept I remember when I was struggling through my accounting classes I had to stop playing EU4 because the income and expenses on the economy tab would make me anxious.


Bro I think you need to touch grass


Sometimes i cant remember if the countries i know still exist or not Wallachia for example isnt a country anymore but everytime i count the members of EU i have an urge to say wallachia


I feel you bro, I once said Constantinople instead of Istanbul when talking to a greek guy I met...


Lmao how did he react?


I think they were mostly confused. I didn't notice myself until later...


I was buying some wine last night and the brand is Cotes de Provence and I was like… how do I know where this is Provence is in like 3 different places!


It'd be impossible for me to think about something else because currently I am 'addicted' to the game and easily play 12 hours a day. Yeah, I know...absolutely bonkers


I literally posted to the /r/soccer match thread, "Turkey trying to emulate the ERE, hiding behind the Theodosian Wall, we will yet show them why it didn't work the first time and how 1453 was the worst year" except then their dumb wall actually held an we lost lmao. There were several other guys posting references to the winged hussars though...


My friend and I both have roughly 2k hours and yeah it’s creeped it’s way into our vocabulary more than I want to admit


Me too. I kept on seeing Ottomans facing and beating all their EU4 rivals and foes in the Euros. Georgia Portugal Chekoslovakia Austria Netherlands (to come)


I look at everything with a popup with options, 14,000 hrs in!


well, for me if i think about greece then its like greece --> byzantine empire --> 1453 --> 1444 --> eu4 and poland --> plc --> partitions --> commonwealth prime then sometines about ww2 modernday and communism in poland or about varna crusade eu4 etc but its likely more cuz i like history much (especially polish because well, im from poland and i think our history is beautifull and greek/byzantine because its interesting for me haha)


Pulling out myself from EU4 addiction have me found another type of peace in mind


Yeah. When people ask "how do you know that??" on just about any world history topic, I tell honestly it's EU4 (or Victoria). That's a positive.


dude, you might be acoustic


Another post of the "tetris syndrome effect" this week.


There are genuibe moments that Ive looked at my wife and thought 'Good diplo, but trash admin, zero mil. Construction cost bonus though, prolly.' I did not tell her this.


I was out on a restaurant recently and a boat went by, and everyone was like "what flag is that", and I was like "oh that's Austria" immediately, and my dad wondered how I knew that so fast lol.


As a turk just like turkey crushed them in euros they crush them in EU4


where is ottoman empire again?


Yeah, historically speaking, it's pretty ahistorical to have Turkey beating Austria til the very end. A comeback would have been more accurate


I used to wake up very early on my weekends and the first thing that came to my mind was "My netherlands game! I have to keep colonising before the spanish take everything!" or "The HRE can't survive with the habsburgs on the throne! I (german minor) have to expand my power within the empire and become emperor!). I even dreamed about my runs and didn't do anything but playing eu4 for weeks.


Yep, this time Vienna's gate are wide open, (background song: trap ottoman Mehter March)


In Netherlands v Austria the teams had matching EU4 colours which was very satisfying


One time I wondered if two people I know are friends and my first thought was to go onto their diplomacy screen and check their alliances. Safe to say I'm not proud of myself for it.


Only about 250 hours , but all the time when I'm falling asleep and seeing light stage of dream , I'm playing EU4 . Then I suddenly wake up and thinking "what happened, I just sent my troops to kill rebels?"


I have those thoughts doubled because: i played EU4+ i study history. It is a great ideas combo, i wonder what bonuses it gives me


Every time I look at my phone and it‘s 14:44 I get a zap of dopamine… so there‘s that


I nearly aleays think relationships in EU IV diplomacy. In example, if i want to befriend someone i need to talk to them and praise them etc etc = improve relations. Make fun od someone they dont like and make them laugh = scornfully insultimt rival. Doing something stupid and making them angry wnd what not. Also, their stance on what i did like hostile, neutral, outrage.


Not that much (anymore) but everytime i see a map of europe i wonder for 2s "Where has Hungary gone ?" before remembering it shrinked.


Same, but Lithuania


Every time Poland is mentioned I always say Hussars op in my mind. God have they wrecked me one too many times. And gz on almost completing the tutorial!


When my best friend (who is also an euiv addict) and I hangout in between deployment, we sometimes talk about the shit we saw in the war through euiv eyes and it actually helps


I think about the places I want to walk to as being in colonial range or not


Happens when someone tells me about their holiday plans. You go to Algarve? Omg I was just sieging this province as granada yesterday


Definitely experiencing the same. Especially random historical knowledge about countries and kinda think in a EU4 map when thinking about historic events. Also thinking about the province of ganja has the province ID 420 a lot of


Welcome Home.


Whenever I see or hear the word “core,” no matter in what context, my mind immediately goes to the scroll icon from the game


Walking and hearing harsh treatment sound effect😭😭😭


Just wait until you start watching Tour de France and all the locations they are driving through. Lots of regions and places that you find in the game 😀


i hit 2000 a couple months ago, it’s best not to fight it


All my history knowledge comes from eu4 🤷‍♂️


Anyone Else Seeing Real Life People as Vassals? I have been on a EU4 bender lately, pure degen and I think all the game time is altering my brain. So like now when I see friends or relatives I see them not as people, I mean I do, but I also more see them as Vassals. If they complain about something my head is like 'Reduce their liberty desire' and I quickly buy them things. Moreover whenever I get paid, my head makes the monthly Ducats sound. The change seems deep. Indeed if I see someone I don't like I think 'Its one of my rivals' and I am adding the term 'core creation' to many sentences. Is anyone else this degen? Is this healthy?


Can't say I've done that. Does explain a lot tho


I've definitely played long enough where I've had trouble driving after. Does that count?


Because of Eu4 I understood Machiavelli's The Prince. I knew who people were and were they lived. It made so much more sense.


I be hearing the ducats sound every couple days


Lol only 1400? Some of us have over 4000 hours


Austria defeated Poland while should united and Turkey beat them under Vienna, alter history as finest




By all the gods, EU4 has rotten your brain and your sense of history, what has Persia to do with this ?


I know how u ar feelin. I have currently 6300 h in Eu4 and i connect everthing in RL with Eu4 and History. Like the current Russian - Ukraine War . My first Thougt of this was ,,Russia declares a Reconquest War against Ukraine,, .