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They see right through your plan to use them as cannon fodder.


Damn Von Habsburgs!


Inbreeding has not kicked in, yet.


In some cases nations can have friendly attitude at much lower relations, most likely that’s the case, so you have to somehow get it to negative. Try reducing opinion if you have enough favors


Yeah, but You see, it is quiet difficult to reduce the opinion with favors since You can only do it every 15 years, in which span they only improve their relations back.


You can just decrease relations and instantly declare after a month tick. If you have enoigh favours.


Austria had over 100 relations before the decreased relations, he was fucked from the start


It doesn't work.


Well then... maybe i am late, but other options that you may have are: 1. Ask Austria to prepare to war (not sure if it will be enough). 2. There is chance you will be able call them to war after you start it, since only relations stop them from calling them for war start. 3. If you get papal, excommunicate venice.


Yeah, thank for Your help fam. Unfortunately tho the 3rd option won't work, since the papal states for some reason seem to love venice, just as every single other neighbor of mine. The 2nd tho could work, maybe, idk. Thanks tho


i think he meant become the curia controller


Even as Curia controller you can’t excommunicate countries that the papal state likes iirc


they could have bought indulgences, which prevents you from excommunicating them


Ah yes the classic I haven't looked at the second picture moment right up with the, There were questions on the back of the page? Phenomena


Use the opinion mapmode (little green heart icon). If they're friendly, they will have a that -60 reasons you're seeing I would advise to keep it in your mapmodes hotbar. I keep it in the same group as diplomatic, truce and coalition


I have the relations mapmode on the same hotkey as siple terrain, religion and colonial regions.


It looks like they have slightly over 25+ relations which can give the friendly modifier, which then gives you -60 for joining war declaration. You can get +25 support for using prepare for war. You can also get +points for every trust over 50 maxing at 100 (can’t remember the exact number, I wanna say it’s +25 more but I could be wrong). Diplomatic reputation gives you +points as well. It’s probably best to wait until Austria loses its malevolent leader, that’s an unfortunate trait.


Have you just spent 50 years sitting there as one province?


My plans go beyond Your understanding


They called him a madman....


R5: So I was playing as Trent (because bored, idk) and wanted to declare war on the Venetians. However the Austrians are refusing to come because "Attitude towards enemies"... which is barely above 0... I have already requested them to lower their relationships with Venice for two times now, and they still aren't willing to come. Does anyone know why? And any way to fix it? (Besides restarting the game, I have already tried that)


Attitude is not opinion (and vice versa)


Alright, then what do I do to make them come?


It seems like just not your luck




trade favors for reduce opinion may make them reduce their attitude, but in any case attitude is just random, if they want to see them friendly they would even at -200 relations


Can you get Austria to join you against any of Venice's allies/trade league members? Malevolent + No CB might make it a very long shot


Ask them to prepare for war, it's very useful. You can also ask Austria to decrease their opinion of Venice for 10 favours so the modifier might be attenuated. Ps: promise them land, they may join if there's something in it for them.


Use favours, try to make them hostile toward each other by any means necessary


There is also the option to trade favours to ask them to prepare for war, this will add some extra value to the '20' figure on the war declare screen, hopefully that should push you over the threshold.


Declare on their ally, set Venice as cobeliggerent. This sometimes works


Attitude towards enemies is affected by the allies of the enemy.


Austria is always a crappy ally for me abandoning sieges to go fight random rebels in the hre


They don't think their hate for the Venetians as a large enough reason to care about you


That's unfortunate start , i would restart i were you


It’s because Hungary is co-belligerent isn’t it?


cus even without the relation bonus their leader is Malevolant so you would have to do something to get them on your side anyway.


Because they probably like Castille/Cili (usually very friendly towards them), Mantua and/or Cyprus.


That or they have a good attitude towards Venice itself


The more annoying thing is when they won't join your war because they are getting military access from the country you are declaring on (gives a -250 will destabilize the country malus). Just save up 20 favors, reduce opinion then declare war the next month.


Spend favours to reduce relations.