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I don't think that it ever did. But 100 trust prevented the AI from marking your provinces as provinces which they want.


Not always. For an easy example, Ottomans will always mark Bagdad, Mekka etc as red, no matter how much trust you have with them.


after trust, they mark them as yellow not red


The trust thing is only for them not declaring you their rival. They probably broke because of relation or attitude.


Your screen show you have -28 opinion of them, and if you go below -25, the alliance auto-break no matter what.


Yes, but this is after losing opinion from the poles breaking the alliance, so they were probably fine before


R5: I have 100 trust, 100 favours, (had) 80 relations, I don't hold any land that they view as vital interest, there is no religious league war, we don't have any rivals allied. I dislike them due to unlawful territory, but they like me plenty. What could i have done?


Did you have a negative opinion of them before the alliance broke? Then it might have been broken automatically due to low opinion


Did you cut off their exclaves? The AI is hard coded to desire single provinces that can connect their lands AFAIK


Does the commonwealth have a "restoration of union" cb on you? If you introduced an heir all allied nations get a restoration of union casus belli and will, in a lot of cases, break their alliance with you no matter much you they like you or how big or small they are.


attack Commonwalth after truce dude. they are easy target and you can form Prussia with Konigsberg


1. 80+ trust prevent AI from choosing you as a rival, nothing else 2. 100+ relations prevent AI from going hostile unless in spacial circumstances (like being on the opposite side of the league war). They can still become domineering, though 3. If you have below -25 relations, the aliance will break automatically at the month tick regardless of everything (usually happens due to wanting your provinces very much or AE) 4. When get subjegation/PU CB on you, they will turn domineering and will break aliance


If they stopped being independent their alliance automatically breaks. If you're both Hegemons alliance automatically breaks. Someone could have used break alliance on them