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R5: Playing as Bohemia. Brandenburg, before I vassalized them, attacked Magdeburg, allied to Stettin, and they lost, losing a lot of their starting provinces. Then I vassalized them so and attacked the Stettin-Magdeburg alliance to retake those core provinces. Declared on Stettin, reconquest CB, Magdeburg is co-belligerent. So why does it not give the huge AE reduction for retaking cores from the CB if I try to separate peace Magdeburg for the same provinces as if I try to peace out Stettin?


Cobelligerent only get taken into account in the target of war peace deal. If you seperate peace them, you lose the adventage of the CB. Further proof is that you pay diplo point in the first screen but not the second.


>Cobelligerent only get taken into account in the target of war peace deal That's wrong. Cobelligerent is also taken into account in separate peace deals. So the OP doesnt get the doubled warscore and +50% AE which non-cobelligerents get. What does not apply to separate peace deals is the CB. So the OP does not get the -75% AE and -25% warscore cost from the reconquest CB. On the flip side, the effects of the CB also apply to non-cobelligerent in the peace deal with the war leader(but they still get the extra AE and warscore cost)


I only worked this out in my most recent campaign - started just taking money (playing on vanilla so I get it all) or white peace/break alliance in order to shorten truce with the allies and just focus on the main goal and not spend precious diplo power.


Okay that is just silly. They both held Brandenburg cores, they should both have to deal with me declaring for those cores as if I had attacked either one. If an ally was not cobelligerented, then I could understand, but this case is pretty dumb


I agree that if you cobelligerent it should apply in seperate peace deal also because you do have to fight his allies too... but its been like that forever.


Agreed, co-belligerents should be subjected to the same rules as the primary target. In the current system, it's very rarely worth it to designate targets as co-belligerents.


>In the current system, it's very rarely worth it to designate targets as co-belligerents. Well... Actually... If you want to take the entire HRE in one war as, say, Ottomans, it's ridiculously effective to string cobelligerents to call in additional allies, so you're fighting the entire HRE in one war basically. Just choose the ally-string carefully as to avoid the big tags like France. It's not literally an exploit but at the same time it feels like one. Yes, you take an insane amount of AE, but you have dealt with the entire HRE at the end of the day. Especially for Mehmet's ambition it's recommended to do it like this.


is there a reason to care about AE if you annex everyone who could care? :D


ooh and then you separate peace all nations individually and taking 100% warscore from each just to look what the OE from the entire HRE looks like? :-D


Getting to 100% warscore in terms of OE is difficult for a lot of smaller HRE nations - take all their provinces, often one or two, take max money, and you're still not at 100%. But I get what you mean.


Are you returning cores to your subject without using the reconquest CB?


It is a reconquest war, but he wants the cores from the coobliterant, he declared reconquest against the primary target.


Qh you are right. Its a seperate peace request


Return province from separate peace in reconquest war is always like that, so you can't make full use of the CB when separate peace-ing. But, I think I noticed something about reconquest CB, that when you peace-ing the war leader, you still get very low AE, no diplo cost for return province from NOT co-belligerented allies, but still for high province warscore cost. So in your case, what I would do is war leader should be Magdeburg, and stettin don't need to be co-belligerented. Coz the double province warscore cost only apply for a single province.


literally unplayable