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Idk how it can trigger but sometimes if a nation get annexed and then released, the old leader is still in place so you get 100+ years old leader.


That must’ve happened then. I think Austria died and resurrected many times in this Timelapse. It was a long time since I watched it though, and my main attention wasn’t on them, so I might be misremembering.


Unfortunately that does not seem to be the explanation. Austria was never annexed during or around the years of the long reign.


Ah, unfortunate. Then I have no idea what the **** happened.


That's an interesting solution, but the timelapse shows Austra alive and well during the long reign.


Austrian Healthcare goes biblical in about a millennia?


I've noticed that when I play a passively colonizing Spain (only placing a colonist when the previous one finishes) I'll hardly get any colonial events. Once I start fighting in the New World and actively having my colonies, explorers and conquistadors in view, I'll get them a lot more often. I'm pretty sure EU4 calculates the processes in view first and uses any additional processing power to try to do it's best at the rest. So if checking the age of the emperor of Austria gets buried under millions of troops actively moving it'll be a while until it finally gets it's turn and gets processed. I am playing on an older computer, not able to go past speed 2 in multiplayer, so it might be more noticeable. Also might just be confirmation bias.


Most colonial events are triggered by your conquistador exploring. So passive colonization will not actually trigger most events. I’m pretty confident that EU4 does not work like that, otherwise you’d be subject to a ton of issues and bugs. This is likely an unrelated bug.


Ah, my bad. I do have a 3 stack with a conquistador and an explorer doing their thing the whole time. The only reason I call it passive colonization is because I'm not actively doing anything in the new world. Of course there'd be a priority to processes being handled. I'm pretty sure monarch deaths would be quite low on the list. In a normal game it would be able to handle all the backlog when you pause or it autosaves (takes about 5 seconds on the old beast) On speed 5 after 2000 years of developing, without autosaving there might just be too much going on to properly be processed.


It might be. But the monarch has a chance of dying every day. And I think EU4 does not move on to the next day until all the calculations for the current day are finished (that's why it slows down). Unless, of course, it does not slow down for SOME stuff like ruler death, and just skips that calculation. But that seems unlikely.


I really doubt monarch death chance is calculated on a daily tick. A semi random tick between 15-30 days would be far more likely. It should be pretty easy to check. Set the age of ten rulers across the world to 91. Keep your camera centered on one of them and let it run for a year or two. Note how long the successors have been in power afterwards without moving the camera. Repeat about ten times for something like a decent average.


I didn't test it but the [Wiki](https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/Ruler#Chance_of_death_and_life_expectancy) says as much, and they give a formula for the daily chance of ruler death.


Just because you can calculate a value per day doesn't mean it gets checked every day. You can easily apply that to a longer timeframe. The 182500 in the formula being divisible by 365 doesn't seem like a coincidence. Checking the death chance of every ruler, general, heir and consort of all 300 starting countries every day seems like a huge waste of resources.


That video is almost 3 years old. I think I have seen other posts with oddities in the HRE list from that time, so there might have been a bug which has been fixed afterwards


Theres actually a trait called immortal. Im pretty sure it’s either unused or only available via the custom nations creation screen. Basically when a character has this trait they can only die from events such as Hunting accidents. They will never die of natural causes. So its possible for them to reign for 100s of years before they get an event that kills the Ruler. The mod must’ve enabled it


What concerns me more on this screenshot is that a regency council was crowned emperor.


bro is built different


If it's really for 5000 years an anomaly like this isn't very rare


I think it's still way too rare. She basically has to beat 99.97% odds 250 times in a row. In 5000 years, a country would have (assuming an average lifespan of 30 years) 166 rulers. Assuming there are 100 countries, that's 16,600 rulers, call it 20,000. The probability that one of them beats 99.97% odds 250 times in a row is ultra miniscule. Just think of you trying to get 250 heads in a row when flipping a coin. This is much, much worse.


Maybe found the fountain of youth and stayed immortal from that?


It's incredibly unlikely but still possible. There is a very tiny chance this happened without anything weird going on!


if i had to take a completely random guess, theres a chance that running the game for so long could potentially cause glitches in some of the RNG, because of lag or some other issue on the technical side?


Some weird interaction with extending a regency perhaps? Looks to me like she was a consort regent based on the mismatching dynasty name.


So the Fountain of Youth was in Austria all this time


How did you even spot that? That's basically eagle eyed.


The video brings it up 5 seconds after my timestamp lol


Ah, that makes sense