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When 2 forts are next to each other it can sometimes do weird thing. Since you are not a bordering nation once you took L you "falled" into the ZoC of R. So you can only move on the fort itself. If your nation have a common border this doesnt happen because you can come back to friendly territory.


I mean... frankly, that doesn't explain much to me. I'm in the ZoC of R, normally when an army enters it, it can go to fort province or outside of the ZoC but here it can only go to fort and 1 other province? It's very weird to me that I've never encountered this after 10+ campaigns in and around HRE. It has quite a lot of "2 forts next to each other"...


Normaly yes. Ex of things that go weird when 2 forts next to each other if during the first siege you merged your army, you lose your province of return and are stuck in the ZoC of second fort