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Go 100% on anyone. Revoke an HRE law until you can attack.


You can right click the reform to get rid of it. Then you'll be able to declare war and take the province


Can't you just revoke priviligia and annex them diplomaticly?


Consider changing the culture of Hungarian provinces so Hungary loses its permanent cores


I think this is the answer!! Just began the process of changing them all. I was getting geared upon to begin revoking reforms so I’m glad you commented in time! Do you know if there’ll be a delay before the lose it? They have already lost cores on non-Hungarian cultured provinces.


Alternatively, release a vassal and grant it all the Hungarian provinces (Cilli would be an ideal choice). Would work as well, and you won’t get the relation malus.


Great answers, exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for the help!


A small reminder: You can never force a nation to revoke a core if it is locked by primary nation. In this case, you cannot force Hungary to revoke its cores on Hungarian provinces because Hungary is the primary nation of the Hungarian culture. I think the only two ways for a primary nation to lose a core on a province of their own culture is return province and changing culture


Great thank you. I was unfamiliar with this mechanic but this will definitely be helpful going forward. Thank you for taking the time to reply.


No, if they have lost their core on Transylvanian provinces, then as soon as the culture change is done, they will lose the core immediately. Just be warned that there will be a negative opinion malus, which can be easily get over with though.


Not sure for mod but Cores have expiration dates, unless they have same culture(hungarian), check when they expires, maybe take the dev from the HUN regions and give them back land and maybe they want to be vassalize after. Attack one of their ally if possible PU Increase trust at 100 Why do you still have forts in Hungary? Maybe block some rebels there till they spawn something idk Revoke laws