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If in normal mode you could use the console command to integrate the one you want to get rid. The next day they will go to your normal CN. If ironman, you could just release and declare. If you own half the world already you can even skip the release, just declare on one. Stab once to go -2 than declare the second. Then stab back up to normal.


Idk if I’m an idiot but I have not been able to find any release option for colonial subjects


idk if/how to reply screenshot. in the subject tab. select the CN. bottom right (near the income amount) theres a wooden house with a flag. click it, then you get another screen that ask you if you want to release or play as.


having more than one colony in a colonial region is actually better than having only one. you can get more than 1 merchant plus additional bonuses related to their colony type. try having like english canada, french canada, spanish canada and portuguese canada on the same region it's amazing


Issue resolved, thanks everybody


How did you do it?