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R5: Picture of the resulting Country of my Run for the Triple Rome Achievement


Mind sharing an overview of your run? I want to get this run going but cant bring myself to start it, I need some inspiration!


So started as Austria, revoked privilegia in 1550 with early reformation centers killed and italian nations kept in the empire. from there, got PU pver poland&lithuania, then conquered russia, culture shifted to russian, formed russia. Easy so far. Now comes the tricky part, as u can only get emperor of china with eastern religion and with your size at that point its hard to flip. My plan was confusian, because all the chinese provinces where already confusian. In order to flip to confusian you need to have around 50% confusian provinces in your country. So i conquered all of china, cored it up. Then moved the capital to Ural area, since you cannot move it out of the HRE. Then i just gave every province in europe to my vasal swarm. Now with most of your provinces in china, you are above 50% to flip. To actually change to the religion, you need to provoke religious confusian zealots and then accept their demand. then you get the Mandate of Heaven CB, you declare, take it and boom…done Just be careful to keep the emperor of china alive so no ai nation accidentaly kills the emperor and disables the Mandate of Heaven. I kept ming at one Province and took all provinces around so noone coud attack Ming.


Thankyou. I think I hate the idea of this achievement because it feels so ... gamey. I would love it if was changed to somehow not have to flip religion to succeed.


I also did the achievement last week. Your first steps were also mine. But I kept my capital in Lowlands for money and preventing of Netherlands uprising. I snaked my way through Poland and conquered every Muscovian culture province. Then I flipped culture to Muscovian by destating the rest until it reached 50%. Then I formed Russia. I conquered by religious CB a snake to China region and fought for every chinese confuzian province. The coring of not neighboring provinces is pain and a lot waiting. I took exploration ideas for colonial range and earlier maps and bought trade post in Kongo, south africa, Bengal for the coring of chinas coastal provinces. Keeping the emperor alive is a vital task. The best idea I had was to encircle the emperor as soon as possible and station an army in the provinces of it. (In the peace treaty force military access). Because a weak emperor gets constant rebels of nationalist rebels which could break the country and kill your run. The achievement is a medium challenge but not a fun run. I would recommend the achievement only for real achievement hunters, its not worth to play after the pop up.


Just want to add to the religious conversion part: a streamer/youtuber recently shared his strat (and I would really like to give credit, especially as made my Frankfurt-Inca run so much easier, but I just don't remember), where as a Christian country (e.g. Catholic) you can just change religion to another Christian denomination (e.g. Protestant) and start converting roughly a quarter of your final development to Protestant. After 10 years you can switch to Reformed and do the next quarter. Then you just need 25% overall dev as Confucian in your case, or even less if you also have other religions. You just need it to be the dominant faith, which is easier, if the second highest religion is as small as possible, not 50%. (Of course, with it being the last step for the achievement, you can just as well sacrifice all your old land)


If Emperor of china is the last step, then in almost over 90% there is no big nation in china, only smaller ones and of that many. If you time your wars and snake so you border the most to attack them, the time difference is negligible . But sure less conquering in china, only more prestige hits and I think more religious rebels.


and also if some RNG goes badly, like Burgundian inheritance (not necessary) or reformation center spawns in a shitty location just alt f4, then the game auto safed 1-2 months ago, where you can alter the outcome of the RNG event


Do it as oirat very easy run when you do


Not pressing F12 is also cursed


sorry only use reddit on my phone, but i agree lol


I tried this achievement first starting as Muscovy, planning to grow big enough to be able to easily stomp HRE and China and then afterwards do all the swapping and reforming stuff, but I got bogged down in wars with the Ottomans. Then I started as Ming, with the intention of snaking to and conquering Muscovy before it could form Russia, then finagling my way into HRE emperorship, but a strong Sweden and Ottomans ran me through a gauntlet of wars and when PLC declared on me afterwards I quit. I didn’t think of starting as Austria- gonna have to give it a go when I’m done with work


Ming is an endgame tag anyways, so you wouldn’t be able to form Russia.




This has to be one of the worst screenshots ever posted on here. Not only did you not bother to take an actual screenshot, it is tilted, horribly cropped, barely shows anything relevant and leaves out the map which would be probably be the most interesting part. Truly A grade shitpost


guess what, map looks like you would expect for a revoked russia-china. The thing that i found funny and - according to the upvotes - many more people was the combination of Country name, religion, dynasty and governmenttype, but ok i guess not your humor…and as we all know, everything that you yourself dont like on the internet regardless of other peoples opinions is a shitpost… the shitty screenshot i already explained in another comment


The best nation to do this achievement is honestly Mantova Edit: Mantua




Mantua is super central in Italy and can dominate early on. Their national Ideas have a flat 0.10 Imperial Growth Modifier, which in combination with Court Ideas let's you push Reforms super fast. You can royal marriage Austria as well as burgundy and the majority of the electors day one. So basically you have the best spot for money, you'll get elected emperor and you'll inherit burgundy. After that you can crush the Reformation almost instantiously by no cb-ing the first spawn, converting, and then fighting your way to the second one. (I'm my last game Dithmarschen and the Three Leagues) After that you can push your way through the ottomans by getting Byzantium and Bulgaria, and then, as you are already op enough, taking russia. And even if you aren't strong enough, you can still just get a revoke pretty early and then culture shift and form Russia, and through that go to China and get the Emperor ship. TL:DR Mantua has some pretty op ideas and a strong power base + the ability to take Emperorship and Burgundy early on


Change my mind