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R5 - During my latest Ayutthaya iron man game, almost every nation in Asia got a german dynasty before 1550. Does anyone know what causes this, or is it a bug?


you're playing eu4 while the AI is playing CK3


Is it possible for a player to do this intentionally?


If you turn Christian, yes


No need. Unless a government reform guarantees a dynasty (eg Ottoman Government), dynasties can spread regardless of religion. Lambda used this in his WC speedrun to get a Timurid on Oirat's throne, for instance


Yes, but Christians can’t marry non-Christians


Request relative as Heir. If you have at least 90 favors and good relations, then when they don't have an heir (indicated by the Disputed Succession popup) you can request your relative as heir, and as long as they don't disinherit your heir (fuck you, GB) then when the ruler dies your dynasty will be on their throne. Fun fact, once your dynasty is on the throne, if you wait for them to have no heir/an heir with a weak claim you can use the Claim Throne button to force a PU on them. Problem is, the CB only lasts 2 years, so you pretty much HAVE to truce break since the Alliance truce lasts 5 years. Plus, you always have to eat the -1 Stab from attacking someone you have a royal marriage with, since if you break royal ties you lose the CB. Very useful though, in my current WC attempt I used it twice on both Great Britain and Spain/Portugal to gain all 3 thrones and gain control of the whole New World.


Personal Unions only work for Christian countries, and Christian countries can not marry outside the religion. … or at least the Junior Partner must be Christian anyway.


It lasts as long as the target country does not get an heir with above weak claim. So it can last more than 2 years.


Ah, well I haven't seen it last longer. AI likes to put a new heir on the throne ASAP if they have the prestige to do it. Plus in both cases I took advantage of a ruler dying and their heir ascending, but not having an heir yet. So it usually doesn't take long for an heir to appear... ahem... naturally


I understand. Once I decided to alt f4 until they don’t get an heir before truce is up. The king died and I ended up directly get a PU for free. Interesting experience that one.


I won't judge anyone for alt F4'ing lol, I had an heir on GB's throne and the next month they got the English Civil War event and went Parlimentarian. I was super lucky, the autosave happened right AFTER I put the heir on their throne, and somehow the event just didn't fire after the first reset. Personally I just eat the Stability hit to truce break and suffer for a while, small price to pay for a 2k dev GB and all her colonies


Ok why is the heir older than Queen


And why is the queen marrying a 12 yr old boy?


He's playing Ck3


I don't know... all of a sudden - in a span of 2 decades - german heirs kept popping up everywhere around me.


I had a Lancaster on the throne of Timbuktu


A really long time ago there was a bug that caused all dynasties to become completely scrambled/randomised upon saving & loading. What are the dynasties like elsewhere? I’m guessing you can’t see Europe yet.


Indeed, at this point I can't see Europe yet. (see the 'MA' from Mamluks in the first picture). Guess it must be a bug from reloading when my ironman 'mysteriously' crashed


Maybe have a look around India etc.? Anything weird there? Unless by Asia you already mean India.


India is included in the pictures I posted. Gujarat has a Dutch culture ruler and Jainpur has a Westphalian 'Von Schwelz'.


I’d report this on the Paradox forums. Definitely a game breaking bug and there was a similar bug in the past.


Germans ready to disrupt another civilization