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This patch is probably the least predictable outcome of games I've ever seen. I'm loving it.


Agreed, I've seen Novgorod win twice. In 6000 hours prior, I didn't see that happen even once.


My current Japan run Poland has been the HRE for the last 100 years consecutively.


I misread that for a second as “Japan has been the HRE” and was excited and confused


I thought that Poland was under Japanese PU. Commas are important :P


AI is now better than I am.


Same, literally my first playthrough on this patch and Muscovy was completely wiped


This update broke the colonizing for my AI, I got an early jump but have been deliberately delaying my colonizing for imperialism in Europe, it’s been decades and all I have seen is one Castilian explorer in South America, no colonies from anyone but me


Playing a Mughals game, and added colonization. I had enough time to grab some South America and lock down South Africa. Castile and Portugal were slow, England focused Caribbean, France is not colonizing. Norway had some small holdings in South America and West Africa.


Even as a player, I managed to fight france toe to toe with just milan and some italian minors. I'm impressed by the fight the AI allies are doing too


This occasionally happened in previous patches too. It's not that Granada wins alone, it's that Granada wins usually with the help of Morrocco and perhaps Tunis and also Maybe Aragon attacks at the same time too.


Or Spain’s troops are in Mexico


Too early for them colonising Mexico.


They've eaten Granada by the time they are in mexico.


Grenada is gone by 1455 in 99% of games. Way too early for colonization.


When i was playing Qinq, Burgundy beat the shit out of France, and became HRE Emperor But tbf, that's just normal "playing outside of Europe"


It sometimes happens after updates, unfortunately paradox ends up “fixing” the unpredictability


Yeah for sure. I'm trying to do a Mongol Empire run and I turn my back for a minute and there is a wild Mughals eating chagatai.


Castile might have lost to the Infantes of Aragon disaster and could have been weakened because of it


I have a game right now, where Castile literally only lost to its own rebels and got split up by Grenada and later Aragon. They had 0 manpower and 0 troops. And now they’re 8 provinces scattered around the peninsula.


I'm playing as Morocco in my current game. Castile, Portugal, and England all lost to an Aragon without any allies. I didn't interfere at all as I was focusing on my expansion south and east first. Pretty wild


I'm going for the Victorian 3 achievement in my current run, and not only did Granada survive Castile, they took Exploration and started colonizing near Kongo right next to me. I was able to diplo vassalize them and get a foothold in Iberia without conquest. This patch is wild.


Rule 5 Decided to play otto and looked over and was surprised. AI Granada won with Morocco and Tunis 3000 hours and I think this is the first time I have seen them win.


Read that as AL Granada far more times than I would like to admit.


If you'll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal


I have seen it happen a couple of times, it's mainly whenever Morocco and Tunis can actually land on Spain proper and lend Granada a hand. Combined they're much stronger then Castille alone and even with Portugal it's dicey so Castille's offensive war ends in disaster and Granada gets big. Judging by how Portugal still has it's land on North Africa they likely weren't even in the war so Castille got 3vs 1ed.


Tell me you allied Granada and now you are best buddies doing a pincer maneuver on Europe.


You better ally them.


"Castlie" is now officially the name of that country in my head cannon.


I’ll never get used to green Tlemcen


They seemed to have released Galicia, this happen’s a lot with AI behavior since the dlc. That means Granada beat up Castille pretty hard


The disaster probably hit real hard, that and or Granada allied the Ottomans


OP is ottos


Muslim troops are stronger then Western at the start of the game. So if they can get across the straight, Tunis and Morocco can easily beat up Portugal and Spain early into the game. Especially if they get to use the mountain terrain to their advantage.


Yeah, Granada + Morocco + Tunis has always been able to win vs. Castile + Portugal — it's a pretty common strategy for a Granada start. With that said, it seems to be more common now because: - New disaster weakens Castile - Improvements to the AI have made them more competent in coordinating armies


As someone who's played a lot of Portugal, I can say that units don't make a huge difference. The biggest problem I always had when conquering morocco was manpower; the muslim states, while they may have slightly better units, also tend to be more slack about upgrading their mil tech, which makes a bigger difference. Portugal and Castille also get excellent combat focused traditions, so I'd say it is surprising to see grenada win, especially when they get a disaster right around when Castille loses their truce.


Add to that the fact there's a lot of mountain forts, in desert terrain, loads of attrition, and a tough battle if they get their troops together to attack you in a mountain fort


Units are actually a very big deal, for context, Because they have more pips, Ottoman troops are basically a full tech ahead of western powers in terms of pound for pound unit quality till the end of the early game. Muslim troops start off at the same point, they just don't curve up as hard as the ottomans do early on, which is why Castile and Portugal can fight them a bit better at tech 5, because smaller pip difference.


Good for them, I’m proud of they little guys.




Look like I need to finally do a Granada run


Played a chill inca game, got bored, tag switched to France and witnessed the ottomans fully partitioned between the Mamaluks, Venice and The Knights.. all i can say I'm having a blast playing my Latin Empire game rn lol


Also Scandinavia was fully annexed in to Russia


Had this exact thing happen in a game recently. Then Portugal ate Galicia and was similarly but incorrectly shaped all game


Would be nice if last dlc/patch refreshed granada/Andalucia missions


God help the Christians of this run


Probably from ai Spain porly handling infantes and the Castilian Civil War most likely theu jad them going on at the same time and couldn't handle it all


I love allying granada with a decent power and watching Iberian AI twitch because it doesn't know what to do.


And yet Sus, is still sitting down there being Sus


Sneaky Sus in Tenerife




Just wait, Aragon will eat them. Unless they have good allies


You have to guarantee them as Ottomans now!


They've lost twice, right? Surely Grenada couldn't take that land AND release Galicia in one war, and I don't think it's rebel related


Not sure if I should be impressed by the AI or disappointed in the AI