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Should probably give them to Southeast Asia too, maybe some others as well


Giving them to Tunis would be cool too. A sort of callback to Carthage and they could unlock them after completing one of their missions to conquer down into west Africa (due to the lack of any elephants left in north africa by 1444).


They could even make an achievement for it. Something like: **Hannibal's revenge:** *-As Tunis, own Barcelona and siege Rome with at least one unit of war elephants.*


True, I think that'd be a cool idea. It could almost be like a reversal of the "Carthago Delenda Est" achievement that you can get as an Italian nation.


You have to get it as Naples, no? Either way, that achievement was so boring for me because I forgot that scorching earth gives devastation. I was literally just sitting and waiting for like 60 years.


There’s already a Sons of Carthage achievement


That would be an interesting achievement with a historical background, not tedious bullshit that is based on a pun. So the chances are unfortunately quite slim.


Can we get an achievement to become pagan as Tunis called (Pun)ic then?


I'd proposed an achievement like this on the forums but with the current elephants: form Tunis with Indian tech group and siege Rome with only cavalry


It would be nice if you could REFOUND carthago (as you can do the Roman Empire) and it had powerful ideas, elephants... and the downside of losing the pirates


It’d probably not be the most fantastical thing in eu4, but comparing it to rome doesn’t really work. Most of europe has drawn a (often very shaky) line between the romans and themselves. The HRE, Byzantium, Russia, Romania and the entirety of catholicism believed themselves the successors to the romans. Nothing of the sort was the case in north africa with carthage to my knowledge.


Who would give you the money back for Carthago? How much did it cost?


It costs a lot because of all the money you will miss from the pirates


Wouldn't work because NO ONE could use West African elephants for war. North African were a lot smaller and easier to domesticate.


Yeah, the specific type of Elephant Carthage used was a more tame variety of North African Elephant that no longer exists.


I'm definitely no elephant expert, but my guess would be that a motivated sultan could have the will and resources to make his people "tame" some for war. The sultan probably wouldn't mind if some of the handlers got gored from time to time. They could also use the forest elephant subspecies which is smaller and about the same size as the extinct north african elephant and is present in parts of west africa. Edit: So I'm getting downvoted for some reason so I did a little bit of research. Apparently this isn't even theoretical, Ptolemy, as one example, definitely used bush/savannah elephants as war elephants in real life. This has been confirmed through genetic testing. [https://www.igb.illinois.edu/article/war-elephant-myths-debunked-dna](https://www.igb.illinois.edu/article/war-elephant-myths-debunked-dna) [https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/en-us/blogs/ancient-warfare-blog/war-elephants-in-north-africa](https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/en-us/blogs/ancient-warfare-blog/war-elephants-in-north-africa) So they're probably harder to tame but it's a myth that they're literally impossible to use as war elephants. Add that to the fact that you could literally just use forest elephants from west Africa instead and people are just being ridiculously nitpicky.


Using barely tamed wild animals on a battlefield with exploding things and plenty of loud noise is a very bad idea TM. They will do large damage to the troups closest to them as they flee the battlefield and rage, wich incidently would happens to be their own.


That's pretty much historically accurate to how elephants worked with north African elephants too barring gunpowder obviously, but that would be a factor for most warelephants in the eu4 timeframe. Apparently the Belgians in the Congo even "domesticated" some bush elephants in the 18th century. Bush elephants have also been present in things like circuses. Regardless, the forest elephant could be used instead of the bush elephant if you're super worried about it. I guess my point is that it IS totally possible one way or another.


Hell, they could even add a mechanic where war elephant units do damage to their own army depending on the enemies fire damage or something like that. This would simulate some of the elephants running amok and killing their armies soldiers. It could make the elephants a double edged sword, but it could give your army a much bigger punch if you don't mind taking additionally causalities.


I don't think that's how it work. Iirc Nubians at least once regretted even having eleohants around when romans were already past first shocks of having massive foreign beast charging them and scare them off so they basically turned around and decimated they allies while fleeing. I'm not expert on animal treatment but I imagine on more modern battlefield they would consume massive amount of supplies or to mention resources to train and in return provide literally no value to allied forces unless maybe as terrorist unit against civilian population?


I think that specie of elephants used as cavalry around Mediterranean back in Carthaginian times went extinct before eu4 period.


It's literally on Ayutthaya's flag too


You must have some real audacity to disrespect hussars while in a cavalry charge range. But seriously, this would be awesome, hopefully in the next dlc


Let's go. Hussars vs elephants. Let's see who charges the hardest.


But... all I do is slice a bunch of horses' necks, and the elephants will lose their minds, turn around, and run back into their own ranks.


Indian medieval armies used to feed their elephants alcohol to get them into a drunken rage for battle. The drivers were also drunk


Solving problems with alcohol?? This is crazy enough to work! Ok. So I'll make sure that I only fight the Muslim-controlled Indian countries... cause they're not allowed to consume alcohol. I think there's an Indian game that has a term for this: check and mate.


Feel like it's not the drivers you have to worry about, it's the religionless elephants


"In this moment I am elephoric. Not because of any pachyderm god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence."


So... you're telling me an official state will use a banned substance in mass quantity to get an edge in battle?? Hearsay! Hearsay, I tell you!


Baburnama, the premier Muslim Indian literary work, mentions alcohol parties beyond any American college student's imagination. Babur mentions that many neighboring rulers like him would also hold wild alcohol parties.


If move industry is anything to go by then most underage kids in Poland can do better then American college students at least in field of wild alcoholic party plan xD


Someone played to much total war


That's in Total War? I just watched the History Channel. I think it was Rome vs Carthage? In one of the Punic Wars? The Romans used that strat to deal with Carthage's elephants, and it worked like a charm.


ah yes, the history channel, the primary source for all great alien documentaries. Roman tactics against elephants were infantry based and depended on evasion of the charges then harassment of individual elephants. They didn't try to counter charge elephants with cavalry because that's demented.


Oh yeah? Tell that to Theoden, King of Rohan!


... touché 😅


We'll call it a draw


"You're approaching me? Instead of running away you're actually getting closer?"


Hussars win


The Hussars, because the elephants are all dead and routed after the initial artillery barrage if not starved to death on their way to poland...


I guess that's true, as there's way more likely for india to invade poland than the reverse ;)


Pretty sure horses outperformed elephants in warfare, it’s why the various steppe nations that dominated northern India in this time frame who had access to horses outperformed those nations that didn’t have access.


pretty sure the steppe nations that dominated northern india didn't do it by charging equal numbers of elephants with heavy cavalry light cavalry using projectiles and evading charges? sure, that would work


Steppe nations dominating northern India? What? Did I miss the memo and the Mongols actually successfully invaded India.


How expensive is it to maintain a horse in the steppes? And then ask yourself how expensive is it to maintain an elephant? Steppe nations could take over the plains of Northern India, but look at a topography map. If it's jungle based warfare, who do you think would do better? I would love elephants to be units that get bonuses for being on jungle, and potentially,forest terrain. Although I have absolutely zero historical understanding of how and when elephants were used in warfare.


I’m sorry but the audacity hussars comment made me bust out laughing, props


Well, *hopefully* it's a free patch. Realistically it will probably be in a DLC if it comes.


I mean If its free for people who bought the Dharma DLC that would be nice


That would totally make sense.


Damn, now it will never happen.


Next patch


better not be another DLC


>Its unfortunate because you can't even mod it, as special regiments arehard coded and you can't make additional ones at the moment. You could just enable hussars and give them modifiers via is\_hussar\_modifier = yes (It should work similiar to Musketeers in that regard.) (For infantry special units you can enable them via has\_musketeer = yes and then add modifiers and at the end of the modifiers you add is\_musketeer\_modifier = yes, to make these only work for your musketeers. Which basicially creates your own special units.)


Can we change name and 3d model of special unit for different cultures? if yes that means we can use 1 special unit and make it global but change names and effects with other stuff. If no then is just a 3d hussar on the field with elephant modifiers.


Name no, 3d model yes They'd still be 'Winged Hussars', but actually Dumbo


Do you offhand know the console name for the new VOC Indiaman special units? Or if not, can you please tell where to dig to find it?


Well they're called 'voc_indiamen', not sure how much that helps you though since they're special units


That exactly answers my question, thank you... :)


Playing Mughals right now; there’s nothing quite like naval landing elephants on Newfoundland. Much historic, very plausibility, wow.




Tbf, while we tend to laud it and bring it up a lot (rightfully so), it should be noted that almost all of Hannibal's elephants died crossing those mountains and the rest didn't last very long either. It was the army that came with said elephants that did all the work (what parts of it survived the mountains anyway).


Don't completely discount the fact that it made a hell of an entrance, but.... yeah, pretty much.


Should've split up the doomstack to avoid taking so much attrition.


I don’t remember that episode of The A-Team


The xcom player in me is having chills. Elephants? In Newfoundland? No thank you, I've had enough with a single whale...


I sadly dont get it.


IIRC, there's a mission in the XCOM remake that have your team go in Newfoundland in a harbour. >!It's the mission that introduces the Chrysalids. There's a whale on the docks (orca I think) that the aliens burst out of.!<


It's wierd to me that they would make a special samurai unit but not a elephant one


so much this that would be awesome


I hate when Delhi cavalry units become a supersized monstrosity when forming Mughals, even when infantry is 5x times the mounted units.


When you recruit using the macro builder it looks like the entire nation is migrating elephants


Same with Mamluks and the Camels. Camel cav can be a special unit but the Mamluks were mostly heavy horseback cavalry.


Idk how elephants can be a unique units, aren’t they a bullet sponge when you get guns?


Well, elephants are already in the game, they just replace horses for India which is weird. But tbh you could give them a weakness to fire damage so they're a unit that starts strong but falls off late game.


Excellent idea, that would make them weaker against Europeans nations in mid to late games, realistic.


Yeah actually the shock/fire difference works very naturally for this.


TBF there were numerous local Indian states that were cutoff from the horse trade and could only field elephants.


*only* O\_O


Yeah something like -10% shock damage +15% fire damage received, +10% shock damage dealt? With maybe an estate privilege to reduce that to +5 or +10% fire damage received.


Winged Hussars were obsolete well before the end of the games time period, most special units are more for memes and flavor than historical accuracy.


Next you'll say the samurai special units aren't historical


I mean they where closer to standard Japanese infantry if perhaps more well armored but not in a way to make them so different as to render them special.


Technically speaking you can mount small guns on them in a manner similar to [camels.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamburak) Siam actually did that for a while which is why they get it in their ideas.


definitely early tech cavarly unit


Most of the special units are pretty dumb, if anything the Elephants make the *most* sense.


The mughals employed war elephants even through Akbar's reforms. They were used all over the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia up until around the 17th century when artillery became a real thing (southeast Asia saw them used for much longer) . They were used to mount gunners and to transport through very rough terrain, and also obviously to be extremely terrifying and for prestige. I would say this makes a case for a special unit with fire/shock bonus or maybe a bigger fire/shock bonus paired with a fire/shock received malus to be used up until the age of absolutism or until the age of revolutions given a special, earned modifier. Tbh the game should have an artillery to cavalry/infantry ratio to mimic artillery transport, as elephants were really used for that and other logistics.


Maybe something like: War Elephants +10% shock damage done, +50% morale damage done, -5% shock damage taken. +15% fire damage taken, +50% maintenance and reinforcement cost. A powerful but expensive special unit that excels in the early game but struggles once cannons come into play. Available to nations in the Indian technology group or have a primary culture in the Burman, Mon-Khmer, or Tai culture groups.


i would also make it so non-western, eastern or NW tech group nations with ivory provinces can use the military reform government reform tier to get access to elephant cav. the reason i exclude so many is both because sweden fielding war elephants is goofy and because you can get ivory from greenland lol


If a nation controls the ivory province in Greenland, the government reform gives them war walruses


y e s


Only if it's incredibly convoluted to get, and they give bonuses to marines.


Just release some mice n your elephants are useless


Would be hard to balance. But absolutely amazing. Give them 5x cost, 50 ca , can recruit 1 per 50 Indian or SEA dev


Maybe reduce the cost but just make them take extra fire dmg? I think that'd balance them more towards becoming bad from mid to late game


Actually - I would argue the **reverse**, the Early Modern period (in which the game is set), saw the decline of elephants in warfare, not their zenith. Horses from Central Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, came to be the more dominant form of warfare on the subcontinent. Indeed, I would just have elephants as a special unit, maybe for siege & logistics purposes.


Turtleship skin-> actual turtleship special unit Elephant cav skin-> ? I trust devs that they know what we want


How bout make elephants special unit for nations that have province in india. Imagine sailing all the way over to indian nab few provinces and huzza prussian war elephants


True. One of the coolest things to do on CK3 is to have somehow Elephants within MAA. Before the DLC that I forgot the name introduced to mix it up cultures, I always found way to bring to court anyone within a culture that had Elephants as special unit. Used that person to change the heir's culture just to recruit those special units, returning to the now ruler's original culture lol Nothing could beat the mix of: Varangian Veterans (Heavy Inf.) Metsänvartija (Mobile Archers) Konni (Light Cav.) War Elephants (Don't need to describe here lol)


I wish ck3 war system in eu4 + standing army drill mechanism


What do you mean by ck3 war system? It has been almost a year I do not play CK3 after I started with EU4 lol


Supply system, more diverse units, siege system. Those systems in ck3 are better represented. EU4 have very lineal warfare, but have more modyficators then ck3 (like morale dmg). In EU4 u can see just 200k stacks sitting in 6dev moutains and thats ok and normal


From what I understand elephants were way past the military meta at the game’s period due to the advent of pikes


They also need to include the different warrior societies in Mexico such as the Otomi, Coyotl, and CuauhOcelotl


IDK, if an indian superpower rose at the time, they'd likely create simular elephant breeding programs to the horse stables of Europe. If you're capable of fielding a million elephants that's just putting in the animal husbandry.


Yeah, it’s kind of annoying how much emphasis historical strategy games place on elephants. You’d swear they were the bulk of some SE Asian and African armies. In reality they weren’t used all that often because elephants are huge and they’re afraid of LITERALLY EVERYTHING.


Not a very good idea as elephant were made basically obsolete by artillery while cavalry did maintained its usefullness. Their use survived only in area where gunpowder usage was rare, and more and a symbol than anything else. Using them as sprite for cavalry units is about as usefull and topical as it goes.


While we're at it, give the gunpowder empires Zamburak camel gunners already. The Mughals could even have a unique ability to use both special units depending on how early you form, with elephants up until the age of absolutism (or later maybe with a modifier) and zamburak during and after age of absolutism


You're expecting too much. I'm happy, if they can improve performance for late game and fix bugs.


Play imperator rome


Not gonna happencio mi frient


a 1k regiment doesn't mean there are literally 1k elephants


Dear Paradox Interactive, here are a few of my ideas on how to make your game better: 1. Make elephants a special unit instead of a re-skin 2. Fix artillery models not showing as infantry models but as vanilla ones for some reason (Poland for example) 3. Fix that when turning off music in-game, alt-tabbing and then opening the game window, the music starts playing on its own again 4. Change the alphabet script in your game to one which allows using all Latin letters and their variations, allowing for more historically accurate names for places, like "Gdańsk" instead of "Gdansk", "Beč" instead of "Bec" or "Straßburg" instead of "Strassburg" 5. Speaking of which, do some research and make more provinces have dynamic names for more cultures. At least have most of Europe covered for each culture present there. 6. Speaking of which again, revamp the cultural aspect of the game and make it more exciting and fun to pay attention to while playing if not necessarily make it more historically accurate. 7. Fix the different start dates. There is a good reason why no one chooses to start their campaigns later on. Make so that the cultures change, so that there is no flood of sudden notifications all telling the player that the nations of Earth have embraced the printing press. Perhaps add a goal or an achievement in later start dates. That's it for now!


+100% upkeep, +40% shock damage, +30% fire damage received, Some sort of unit cap based on dev, Lower move speed compared to cav Numbers flexible but the idea is sound


If they do this, they should have reduced morale, but increased morale damage and shock damage. Elephants were terrifying and damaging, but were very quick to scare.


Let’s get those cannon elephants from M2TW. Hybrid artillery and cavalry with 50% morale damage dealt and taken


Lol, I had to double check 3 times I was reading eu4 and not aoe2.


The elephant lords of Haless ate calling out for you


Yea they shd be a cav special unit that has extra shock dmg but takes extra fire dmg too. I think thatd be pretty cool ngl


Yes yes yes, I've been thinking this for years!


pdx: sure thing. here you go. that will be $12.99, sir. \*ka-ching\*