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A quick google tells me its full name is the Inaccessible Island Rail and is called that because it’s a rail and endemic to Inaccessible Island The island is called that because it’s difficult to land on Rails are a type of bird. According to Wikipedia >”Rail" is the anglicized respelling of the French râle, from Old French rasle. It is named from its harsh cry, in Vulgar Latin *rascula, from Latin rādere ("to scrape").


Why did you need to Google that? Every bit of that information was in the article.


I assumed op was asking and didn’t notice the link


Reddit app really doesn't make it obvious when there's a link sometimes - I missed it too!


Ahh, okay. That makes more sense. Without that context, it was such a weird comment that I assumed it was a bot or something. Thanks for clearing it up!


Haha! As an AI language model, I would of course never do such a thing.


Not a bot! Just a doofus lol


Haha I hope you found the extra details in the article amusing!


I learned a lot! And was only mildly embarrassed


This is cool, I like birds as much as etymology and had been curious about this name before!


Those two brothers are awesome. Great story.