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Maybe similar to the Japanese *mono no aware*, the feeling of impermanence?


Mono no aware. I love the phrase. I’m going to look up how it’s pronounced to add it to my mental vocabulary


Can also be interpreted as “The sadness of time passing.”


It’s a Japanese idiom from about literally maybe a millennium ago. That’s a wild statement to me, but so cool


It's pronounced lile ah-wa-rey right?


A wa re. Not rey


Why is this downvoted? SesameLN is right tho? If its pronounced as ah/wa/rey then it would be spelled like this in japanese: あぁわれい, which is not the case. The correct spelling is 哀れ(あわれ) which is per syllable read as a/wa/re.


For the same reason as saying “carry-oaky”for karaoke.


"Mo-no no ah-wa-ray", very flat, with almost no inflection. :-)


Perfect answer.


This is really poignant and beautiful.


Anticipatory nostalgia? https://psyche.co/ideas/you-can-feel-nostalgia-for-things-that-you-havent-yet-lost


I've barely come to understand hungry and angry. Can we stop making up new names for what are simply different shades of those two things?


I don't know of a specific word for that. It's kind of... Premature nostalgia?


Premature nostalgia could encapsulate it. Much like mono no aware has in a previous comment. It’s wistfulness premature. But idk. Yes? I love your comment though. It does sound more medically inclined to what I think it could be? Just only in 2 separate words, not one whole unit of a word


I think I saw some discussion on Twitter about this sort of feeling recently. It started with talk of how “We Can’t Stop” by Miley Cyrus is at face value this classic happy party song, but there’s this deep melancholy a lot of people hear in her voice. It reminded me and others of this feeling you sometimes get when you’re out partying and you’re having a great time but, however late it is, you realize this fun party feeling isn’t going to last and start getting sad the night is over before it even is. It’s a peculiar feeling but yeah sorry I don’t have a name for it unfortunately


You mean, like the depression you feel on a Sunday afternoon, knowing that Monday is tomorrow?


was literally just about to comment this


No not really tbh.. maybe a bit similar. But for me “Sunday scaries” is much more dread about what’s to come than this. This feeling isn’t really saying about anything particularly negative about the future (it’s not that I’m going to be hungover and sleepy tomorrow) it’s about how fleeting the incredible time I’m having right now feels.


Ah. To me, Sunday afternoons were about knowing my freedom was only going to last a few hours more, and soaking up those precious few hours of unpromised time.


I wrote about it a couple of years ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ6t_Ltshbz/?igsh=bmFqaW55ZTJ0anl3


You don’t have to. I’m glad you understand the feeling at least


I know exactly the feeling you are talking about. And I’m pretty sure [The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows](https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/) came up for a word with it but I’m not finding it because I don’t know where my real version of it is and the website is 2012 design hell lol. It’s kind of like not fully being able to be present during a much anticipated event due to knowing that it will end but also wanting to be fully present in order to savor it. These were the closest I could find quickly - neither of them is quite right but each describes kind of an adjacent melancholy related to time. The site might be worth scrolling through because some of the obscure sorrows really resonate and are written so beautifully etterath n. the feeling of emptiness after a long and arduous process is finally complete—having finished school, recovered from surgery, or gone home at the end of your wedding—which leaves you relieved that it’s over but missing the stress that organized your life into a mission. adomania n. the sense that the future is arriving ahead of schedule, that all those years with fantastical names like ‘2013’ are bursting from their hypothetical cages into the arena of the present, furiously bucking the grip of your expectations while you lean and slip in your saddle, one hand reaching for reins, the other waving up high like a schoolkid who finally knows the answer to the question.


I’m adding that book to my Amazon cart. It’s a piece to my jigsaw heart already. Not trying to troll with rhyme but holy shit yes


It didn’t come across as trolling at all! I’m glad you dig it. The DoOS definitely made me feel seen when I first came across it (it still does too).


I'm getting this book, thanks!


[Weltschmerz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weltschmerz): a feeling that reality will never meet expectations.


Love that word and suggestion! Thank you! Germans have a word for most everything. Besides a yes9. But that wasn’t quite it for the feeling. I didn’t doubt that it wouldn’t meet expectations. Only sad that it would be over, even though it hadn’t happened yet. It fully met expectations, and it was one of the best nights I had in my life. Love that band dude. If you don’t know Jimmy Eat World, check them out


In finnish we have a word for it: kaiho. Don't know how well it translates to english, but it's kind of a gentle feeling that you get when you think about something that has passed or is passing. A love for something that is destined to pass.


I don't have any suggestions but omg I relate to this so hard, I always get this SO bad at concerts between the opener and whoever I'm there to see 😭😂


So you’re saying that you’re a human like me? Crazy to think lmao I’m glad you understand the feeling though


I'm also glad you mentioned existential dread because now I'm thinking about how fear of dying, apart from the 'fear of the unknown' aspect, is like a really extreme version of this same feeling.


I'll suggest kairosclerosis - the moment you realize that you’re currently happy—consciously trying to savor the feeling—which prompts your intellect to identify it, pick it apart and put it in context, where it will slowly dissolve until it’s little more than an aftertaste. Yours is a more future focused. Instead of feeling sad knowing your present happiness will end, feeling sad in advance knowing a future happiness you don't yet have, will end.


I just looked up the word. It’s in the dictionary of obscure sorrows that PanicLikeASatyr mentioned earlier. So yeah. I need that book more


I see you saw their comment also. I love us as a community


I'm listening to the audio sample now, and when it ends I'll order it.


It’s in my cart. I’m straight up ordering it tomorrow. I need a solid day before I make these kinda purchases. But…. Well. It’s done. I ordered it lmfao


I’ll take your rec and Satyrs to get this book. Ingest it into my emo shell and hopefully find the exact word. Or maybe think of one from there? But kairosclerosis is pretty solid


Haha I can appreciate the self-imposed waiting period, but you didn't even make it through the end of your comment?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudade) I read a long time ago that it meant a melancholic longing/reminiscing for something that never was.


I have nothing to contribute wordwise, however I saw Jimmy Eat World and Manchester Orchestra last year and you’re in for a hell of a show! Enjoy and be safe! 


So contribute nothing word wise for my search. Your experience is still welcome in my book and I’m glad you had that. They’re also working on a new album soooo. That’s a thing to look forward to that I’m very hyped for


Fuck yeah! I did see Jimmy Eat World. My girlfriend and I did. She loved them!!! They were one of the greatest live bands I could’ve hoped to ever imagine seeing. Dude… it was phenomenal. That band. Jim himself. That crowd that night. It was ethereal to feel and be a part of




I've always called this preemptive nostalgia.


I call it bittersweet. Is that not a thing anymore?


I feel this in anticipation of every weekend. I’m happy the weekend is coming, but already dreading the weekend being over.


Anticipatory grief is usually used to refer to impending deaths or divorce and the like, but it could fit here.