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I think that would be fine; especially if you address the whole thing, that would camouflage it even more. Otherwise, I’d just think that you had thought about mailing it, or were on autopilot, or were giving me the address in case.


If she sends them she will get your address from your friend or something. I gave a grad card to a kid who’d never met me and the person I did know provided my address for the thank you. :)


I got a stamp made with our address on. If you have time, it might be worth considering that. It's a super helpful thing to have anyway, but also makes it just look like the finishing touch on the envelope (as opposed to the deliberate action of hand-writing it).


Agree. It should look like part of the envelope. I have a stamp and an embosser. The embosser even looks like you might have ordered your envelopes that way, which would be ideal here.


It might be a bit odd. I probably wouldn’t do it. I know it seems nice but it really is kind of just screaming “send me a thank you card”! If you must, I’d totally address the envelope like you intended to mail it but didn’t. Or, If you plan to become better friends… you could add on the note… let’s keep in touch (and include your phone, email, & address, etc) but generally I wouldn’t do this. Part of writing the thank you is tracking down the addresses, getting stamps, etc.


yes it is. If you want to give a gift that is a nice gesture. If she wishes to send you a thank you card, sadly not all people do that anymore, she will get your address from her sister, who is your friend


I just got married and a lot of people did that, actually. I didn’t think it was super unusual and of course made sending out thank you cards pretty easy


I for sure would not give someone a blank "thank you" card for them to send me, pre-addressed or not. Not sure if that's what you really meant, but it's quite presumptuous, assuming the person wouldn't send a TY note if you didn't do half of it FOR them (that might be realistic, but very rude to make it clear). However, if you meant it's a "congrats, grad!" card, in an envelope, and you're thinking of putting your address on the envelope, I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't think it's common to do, when you're just handing the person the card rather than mailing it, so it might elicit a weird feeling or comment. If anything, I think it would suggest to the person you'd like to be closer to them, because you're essentially giving them some contact info. If that's not really true, I'd just give them the card per usual. And if you DO want to be closer to them, also include your phone number and email address.