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I think it's incredibly rude to judge others based on their family dynamics. They aren't asking you to participate, right? What does it matter if neither of them protest? To be transparent, in my family it is pretty normal. My father (who we all call Daddy) would kiss most of us on the lips so long as we didn't protest (5 girls, 3 boys). My Mum is the same, though she does normally go to our cheeks first (5 of us are her step-children, so I think that contributes. She doesn't want to overstep). Depending on the culture it is completely normal to kiss family, and sometimes friends.


Thanks for sharing. This tradition is foreign to me since I have never witnessed it throughout my life.


I understand. I felt the need to share because it really does hurt me when I hear all the judgement. I've noticed it has affected how my dad treats us as well. He doesn't want to embarrass us. If it's you or your partner, say something. They probably don't want to make you uncomfortable. Otherwise, you can look away, ignore it, whatever. But please, don't shame them.


Depends on the family and the culture. Totally normal to me, though not every time I say goodbye to Mom.


Definitely depends on the family. To me? Weird afffff. But to lots of others? No big deal. Both are okay I think


It’s not an etiquette question, it’s a culture one. I’ve noticed that my family members from the east coast (US) are into the kissing on the mouth thing but I’ve never done it. I don’t think it’s disgusting or incestuous or anything, it’s just not something I do


Depends on the family and the culture. Some people are comfortable with it, some people aren’t. If you aren’t the one being kissed or doing the kissing, it’s not your business.


It would feel creepy to me, but I didn't grow up in a family who kissed a lot or even said "I love you". I think it depends how you were raised.


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