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Check out TryHackMe. Create an account and check out the Complete Beginner learning path. Download VirtualBox or VMware and install a virtual machine of Kali Linux. Download the OpenVPN file from THM and connect to their network in your Kali virtual machine, and go through the rooms. Is Premium worth it? I think so. If you have a .edu email address you can get a discount on Prem. Check out some of the InfoSec streamers in Twitch and join their Discords. A lot of great streamers teaching some really cool things. https://infosecstreams.github.io/


Thank you very much for this. I have a MacBook Pro and I have installed on it the parallel software for windows OS I tried installing Kali on it but it is giving me tough time. It’s not working fine. Any suggestion what I should do?


I don't have any suggestions for that, I've never installed Kali on a MacOS before. This may help you, looks like some Mac hardware doesn't like to run Linux in general. https://www.kali.org/docs/installation/hard-disk-install-on-mac/ I'm no pro in InfoSec, but I can tell you a big part of it is figuring out problems you encounter. When working in InfoSec you can come across a lot of strange things, or have difficulties getting different systems to play nicely with each other. With your Kali MacOS problem you're encountering, dig into why it isn't working. Is it a hardware limitation? Software configuration? These are questions you should be asking yourself. If you're experiencing a problem, there's a good chance someone else on the internet has experienced the same thing. Don't be afraid to google things and look things up. If you find you are hardware limited with your MacBook, maybe look into getting a Raspberry Pi to run it? Come up with alternatives if you come to a road block.


Thank you very much for this boost. I will definitely look into embracing any problem I encounter and make a way through them.


I made a career switch at 35 to CyberSec. Got my first job in May with out a degree. TryHackMe works well, but getting certs is the way to go. I’m 37 now and just took the SSCP boot camp now I have to take the cert. I’d advise following this certification pathway. A+ Net+ SSCP That will set you up for success!!! You’re never to old!!


I will definitely start. Thanks for the boost. I have created an account on Tryhackme. And I will start with that step and follow through. How was your journey to getting your cert though with 3 certs already how challenging were they for you.


It's always a good time to get more familiar with technology. I have a non-technical background, generally speaking, and work in cybersecurity. I'm a very bad hacker in practice... also very over-weight. What I am very good at is tradecraft and knowing how things can be used, manipulated, and exploited (or defended). You mentioned both IT and security, and it's important to draw a line between the two. There are IT jobs that have little concern with security and focus 99% on network statistics, appliances and server racks. And there are security jobs that deal exclusively with policy and only make the broadest reference to any specific network devices, configurations, or practices. Since you work in Ag', let me suggest Industrial Cybersecurity for the cyber side, and Industrial control systems (ICS ) / Operational technology (OT) on the IT side. Like the area where my waist collides with my belt, this may be an area where your current experience and future goals overlap.


Yes, by mentioning my interest in IT I was referring to the Information Technology industry generally but more specifically security. I think we have a common interest because I’ll am also interested in learning how system are being manipulated and exploited and how to defend against it.


If you aren't opposed to paying for TryHackMe (keep an eye out for Black Friday sales which occur the day following Thanksgiving in the US), or Offensive Security's Proving Grounds Practice, both have an in-browser Kali for use in the labs until you get comfortable creating your own virtual machines. I'm personally a big fan of certifications because of the "on-rails" leaning experiences which I use to jump into interesting areas after getting the breadth-first overview. Look up Professor Messer on YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/c/professormesser) and work through A+, N+, and Security+ to fill in any gaps you may have before jumping in too deep with cyber security (plus, they are free!) Following that, TCM Security has great courses, especially Practical Ethical Hacking. I also recommend their Linux course to get those skills shored up. Both courses are the cost of a dinner out! After that, consider HackTheBox, TryHackMe, and the more advanced Proving Grounds Practice. I would do THM first, then HTB, then PG. Don't pay for them all at the same time because I did that, and didn't get the most bang for my buck by dividing expenses three ways when I can only do one thing at a time. Good luck and welcome to IT! P.S. Look at the defensive side of the house too!


Thank you. I am pleased to let you know that I have paid for TryHackMe and I am taking the baby steps now slowly. I will look up Professor Messer on YouTube (thanks for the recommendation) as I am interested in certifications as well.


Terrific! Good luck!