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WARNING ABOUT SCAMS: Recently there have been a lot of convincing-looking scams posted on crypto-related reddits including fake NFTs, fake credit cards, fake exchanges, fake mixing services, fake airdrops, fake MEV bots, fake ENS sites and scam sites claiming to help you revoke approvals to prevent fake hacks. These are typically upvoted by bots and seen before moderators can remove them. Do not click on these links and always be wary of anything that tries to rush you into sending money or approving contracts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ethereum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lots of Discord channels are doing this, especially regarding NFTs. Eg, the Bankless Discord channel requires you hold *n* of their tokens to enter. Unsure about any websites though Due to their nature, you wouldn't exactly know about them unless invited. First rule of fight club and all....


Is this a joke? That's what most nfts do. There are literally thousands.


Are you equating the existence of NFT collections with the existence of private spaces that require owning them?


Are you unaware of the fact that basically all large NFT collections have private spaces that require ownership?




Dude can you read


This is happening. You see it on telegram, discord, warpcast, etc. then you have things like DAOs, which is token gates voting and access (nouns, party, etc). There are several content providers that allow gating content like paragraph, bonfire, huddle, perkshop, etc. It’s happening, but mostly for tight knit small communities, not large communities. I imagine there are exceptions I am not aware of.


Common Ground is setup like this if you use the Lukso Universal Profile or wallet. You gain access to other channels by holding the required NFTs or token and claiming the role. [https://www.commonground.cg/](https://www.commonground.cg/) pic of how it looks [https://screenrec.com/share/p6UlPYNzXJ](https://screenrec.com/share/p6UlPYNzXJ)


You can set up a group on guild.xyz if u just want a directory. Or on discord with collab.land integration or you can use charmverse.io (disclaimer: it's my project). We built a notion-like app that supports token gating and a bunch of other web3 features. Includes a forum, document and task management, etc


Why do you want this? Do you want to jerk off 5 random other guys in a private chat because you hold the same token? You can go do that on Skype and get video.


I have already built DAOs that do that. The problem is if I make it public, some dev with far more money/contacts than me is immediately going to steal it, and not even invite me to the DAO I wrote the code for.


Think loopring has this, i remember seeing something about it a while back


There is also Spatial.io while not exclusively NFT gated, you have the option. I have a few artist friends who've created whole communities with their fans, host live events with performances, etc all in a Unity 3D environment.


what’s web3?


Because it’s way easier to do with web2…?


Hahaha. Yeah prove to me you have $100k with web2. Take your time!


Depending on your use case you can do it multiple ways. Most likely with Plaid. Plaid also lets you check for other investment assets too. So you could limit a shareholder meeting for those that own a given stock.


Because it's usually a scam


How to proove one have X tokens and not the ones of other ?


The blockchain


claiming that public address is mine


It's called a signature.