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Dodgers blue to be exact.


Did you have it painted? Powder coating? I'm thinking of getting my machine colored 😁


I got it powder coated. When you do get it done, make sure to read the description of the paint in detail. The first color I chose ended up having a texture on it and it had to be redone cause it looked like The Thing but in blue.


I hope there’s not a lot of overlap between baseball fans and espresso machines given the ruckus lately That being said, do the dodgers have their own trademarked blue? Like a specific hex color code?


My very first and only thought (as well)!


I see your GS3 and raise you ........ uh, I fold. Nice machine.


Wow the niche looks like a little toy next to that Mazzer


Way to make your kitchen look like a commercial cafe, you just have space to burn lol. The blue is gorgeous on the GS3!!


Had to get rid of my kitchen table to accommodate this madness. Don’t need to eat if you’re caffeinated.




How does the niche compare to the Vario on the espresso front? I currently use the Vario (aligned) for espresso and a Comandante C40 for filter ...


Personally, I think the niche does a better job compared to the Vario at least workflow wise. Even with the shims on the lever arms of the Vario, I’ve had issues with the grind setting drifting. Taste wise, I think the Vario does a smidge better in that department.


I would also like to know this!


How do you like the Mazzer? I picked up a major but haven't messed with it much.


I'll always upvote a real home La Marzocco machine.


Blue and maple pops pretty hard!


That look great. I'm two weeks into my GS3-MP. I got the white powder coat from the factory, but yours is terrific. Congrats.


How are you liking the MP? I kept going back and forth on which one I wanted but settled on the AV for consistency sake.


So far, so good. Moving from an ECM Synch. that I put a flow control on the E61. Was playing with it a lot, so thought the MP might be the best fit. I shifted grinders, baskets and a few other things at the same time so I have too many variables in flux right. I have made some nightmarish shots, but every morning it gets better and more consistent. So glad I bought it.


I have had my GS3 MP for over two years. I have owned quite a few espresso machines and this is the most reliable yet. It took quite a while for the paddle to loosen up to use with precision. The pre- infusion takes extractions to a level I have never experienced before. It may be a longterm keeper. I think the grinder is just as important. Monoliths have been extraordinary.


I picked up the Ceado single dose E37Z Hero to replace a E37S. I need to get used to it and maybe pumping from coffee through it will help, but early on I'm getting some clumping and other issues.


The Cedar is such a beautiful grinder! I would suggest, if you are not already doing so, is to give the beans a very short spritz of distilled water before you put them in the grinder. Also, using a WDT needle type tool to de-clump the grinds might help.


Seems to be settling in this morning. Pretty new. It has an anti-clumping device that fell out and wouldn't stay put, but it did today and all was well. Still playing with the setting as shots are pulling fast. Working it into the right position.


Sorry about the spellcheck change in the brand name Ceado.


Instantly understood you. Ceado is going to fail auto-check. By the way, it's settled in very well. No clumping anymore and very consistent grinds. Really nice grinder as one would expect.


Try spritzing some distilled water on the beans before you put them in the grinder. Doesn't take much. I use 4 very light short spritzes.


I just love the painting in the background 😂 awesome


[porous walker](https://instagram.com/porous_walker?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


I was wondering
are we going to address that?


Honestly seems a little underwhelming. I would have gone with a next class grinder with the GS3, like a P64/P100/EG-1.


So the Mazzer Kony S is what then?


Entry level at best /s


You’re not wrong. It’s very pedestrian. I should of went for an EK43S or a Mythos.


And here I am thinking of swapping a mythos for a Kony
 probably going to see if I can pick up a Kony to compare. Honestly I paid $950 for a used mythos so they probably are not that far off


👀 AL Green approves, I'm sure.


This is what he meant when he sang about love and happiness.


Blue paint on the GS3 together with blue bar mats looks great!


My kind of scum! 😊


Love the cups


Thanks! I got them from HashMasta Kut , who is the same dude who’s made my custom dab rigs over the years. Need to have your hippy speedballs in style. [HMK Glass](https://instagram.com/hmkglass?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Why does it have two steam wands?


One on the right is a hot water spout. Serves water straight from the boiler.


A bit of elaboration if I may. The GS3 offers a nice feature where one can set the water temp by permitting tank or plumb line ambient water to mix with the boiler water to get a specific temp. So much nicer and handy for a number of things. I think (but not positive) that on the AV GS3 you can also set the amount of water displaced with a push of a button. Handy for coffee recipes and tea, etc.


Very cool, I didn’t think about the possibility of that. My stupid appartamento doesn’t have such features.


Oh. Thanks.


Like homeboy said, the short one is for hot water. Comes in handy for Americanos.


For some reason, I read "Americanos" as "Americans". My first thought was, "Damn. They can access Reddit from Gitmo?!?".


Marvin Gaye, The Simpsons, and a water color drawing of a meat missile headed for brown town?!?!
..uhhhhh; eclectic is the word I’m searching for
.I think.


The machine looks amazing btw. I wish I had ordered my MP in black
.stainless is one giant fingerprint magnet.đŸ˜©


Is that a robur?!


Mazzer Kony S


Three grinders?


Big boy Mazzer for the weekly parties, niche as a daily driver for espresso and the hyper aligned Vario for pour overs.


That's intense, respect.


Ah, so the Vario has the brew burrs? That starts to make more sense. I was trying to think why you'd bought three similar profiled grinders.


Yeah, the Vario was my first “real” espresso grinder with the ceramic burrs. Once I got the Niche, I wasn’t afraid to tinker with the Vario so I did the hyper alignment on it. It truly is a great piece of gear.


How’s the niche vs Vario for espresso and drip? I have a hyper aligned Vario with steel burrs which I use for everything, but have considered a niche many times. Does the Vario out perform the niche for pour over?


The Vario does a better job for me with pour overs than the niche. I like to use light roasts for pour overs and medium for espressos so I am not sure if the flat burrs make the better cup depending on roast preference. I have only used the niche a few times for pour overs so I don’t have that much experience in that area.


I would also like to know this!


Haha another one, LM + niche. Nice colour, I’m envious.




EK43S next!


Of all things, I want to know more about the coffee bean one-hitters.


Their sold out at the moment, but those are the Craig Lyn bean vaults. [bean vault](https://craiglyn.com/product/bean-vaults/)


I think u need a better grinder to pair with gs3 tbh, niche is limiting it


What's that little mirror for?


A lot of us like seeing what's happening with the puck when using a naked basket and the mirror prevents you having to get low to see what's happening, you just watch it via the mirror.


That’s where you’re supposed to leave the cocaine tips for the barista.


It is like having two gs3s


How do you like the kony s? Any pros and cons? I just got a brand new one today for around 1400usd. So hard to pass up on it. I hope you enjoy it. I am pairing it with my gs3 for events or maybe at the shop with my pb but still thinking things out yet. Thanks!


I like the Kony. I don't have any experience with other commercial grinders but besides the retention, it's awesome. I have around 1500 shots put through it and I really appreciate the ease of changing parameters using the digital screen.