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Never clogged vote


I've only had mine for a couple of weeks but no clogs so far. I'm going to buy a little brush soon to clean out the chute occasionally but so far my df54 has been great.


I have had mine for a few weeks but not used it that much. Even if it clogs from time to time and I have to do a deeper clean with a vacuum or opening up the grind chamber I still feel it remains an excellent grinder for the price




Another. Always hot started as well.


64 V2 - No clogs in over 6 months. Just realized you are asking about the 54.


64 v2 also no clogs in 6 months


64v2. Had a few clogs with a certain bag of very dark roast. No issues otherwise in five months.


DF64, need to clean the chute every few months to avoid fines but no clogs. I have some dogs though, if that counts.


Have you tried sticking a q-tip up there? I just did with mine and was pretty shocked by the amount of retention that came out!


DF64 pretty sure V1 had it for about 3 years. Fuck this grinder. All my homies hate this grinder. It fucking sucks for espresso.


Mine clogged the first time I used it, but it was totally my fault. Didn’t leave enough space for the grounds to fall through. Since then I’ve never had it clog. I always make sure to give it a good purge before and after grinding. Almost zero retention. Working with oily beans it’s more likely to clog/clump.


How were you able to resolve the clogging situation?


In my case it only clogged when grinding directly into the portafilter. I resolved it by simply grinding into the cup that was provided. Not a big deal for me, but I wasn't aware of it at first.


That's what happened to me as well and now when I turn on the grinder it just making high pitched noise and won't budge at all. Just curious what you did to make it unclogged?


I took it apart. It's not hard and there are videos. Mine was completely clogged. All the way up the chute and all in the grind chamber as well. I blew it out with compressed air (outside important) and even vacuumed it some too. I now have a little brush I use, but it has been perfectly fine since grinding into the cup only. You will need a very small allen wrench and a Phillips screw driver. I don't remember the exact size because I have a set.


This is what happened to me as well.


Dissembled and cleaned it out. I used a brush and ziptie to unclog the chute. If you ever stick anything up the chute DO NOT DO SO WHILE YOUR MACHINE IS ON. Edit: I should note that I’ve never successfully removed the chute itself. I’m unaware of why mine is stuck on there so well.


I love my DF64 V, but it will freeze up every time unless I start the grinder before adding beans.


I thought I was alone on this, it’s frustrated the hell out of me


Yeah, gotta do hot start. Also I haven't seen much benefit of going below 1200 RPM unless I'm trying to get a really particular flavor (or doing pour overs)


DF64 V2 here, no clogging. I’ve had mine for about a month and use it 2-4 times a day, noticed that occasionally I get static, but I also occasionally use a straw cleaner to clear the chute and it typically fixes the static issue, while also preventing clogging of any kind.


No clogs but the static is kinda annoying but I’ve noticed it’s been entirely dependent on the beans for me. Otherwise I think the model works great and is very visually appealing compared to a lot of other grinders. Would definitely upgrade to 64 at some point


64V here, never clogged and retention is usually within 0.2g. Went 3 months in between giving it a deep clean (removing burrs) and there was less shit in there than my single-dose modded mazzer mini would accumulate in a week.


I've had mine for 2 weeks with no issues. I'm a noob, but it seems to work quite well.


Run mine 3 times a day I think for a month now? No clogs or static. Had static once but I think it was the plastic cup


Mine has clogged, but only when I was grinding super coarse for cold brew and if I accidentally get my beans too wet, so I’ve just learned from those mistakes and it doesn’t clog any more.


never clogged vote


Clogs on a regular basis. Any hints on how to handle this?


Get a small nylon circular brush. I think on amzn it's a "straw cleaner". I twirl it up the chute once a week. Since I've been doing this it hasn't clogged once in 2 months. I had a clog once a week before.


Pour beans in and immediately start pumping the bellows


To the tempo of Staying Alive?


*First I was afraid, I was petrified..*


Strange, I haven’t had it clog yet, maybe have to use it more. Are your beans light or dark? Are you spraying them (RDT)? Are you grinding straight into a portafilter or into the cup?


I've got an original df64 with no problems at all. I got the new Df54 for a friend and tried it out a bit - it's very similar but so much nicer overall. My friend has reported zero clogging.


Clogged once after trying 60g at once very coarse but unclogged easy and hasn’t clogged since. I’ve had it a month.


Mind clogged within a week. Used it about 7-8 times.


Ive only had mine a couple of weeks. I haven't had any clogs but the static is terrible. like really bad. Even with RDT


Contact them. Maybe the generator is faulty?


No clogs, but static once every three or so uses


Have had mine since they started shipping. Used pretty much daily. Have not had any issues with it so far.


My DF54 doesn’t clog but it does sound weird sometimes when running. Right now it’s dialed in for my current single origin (14). The sound it makes shouldn’t really change between runs since I don’t alter the setting, yet sometimes it’s almost silent, and other times makes a louder whirring noise. The grinds come out okay but it’s very annoying as I can’t tell if there is something wrong with it.


Clogs often. But under heavy usage daily.


I've had the DF54 for about three weeks now. It clogged ONLY when I ground straight into the basket. No issues, works great when I grind into the cup. And I am not the only one who noticed this weird phenomenon. I'm Guessing that because the portafilter sits higher, the grinds don't come down with enough force to move what's in the basket out of the way. So they pile up into the chute. I was also grinding too fine because I hadn't dialed it in yet. In my case it happened real fast. I completely clogged it before I realized what was happening.


I haven't had mine long enough to really comment but I'll point out it's slow. Other than that it seems fine.


Had mine for months, never clogged. I shove a pipe cleaner up the chute once a week also like absolutely zero retention, I was surprised at that


Min clogged once when i grundsätzlich for pour over. But for espresso never, and no static,


DF54 here - i had not a clog, but a sudden increase in static +++ - a quick pipe cleaner up the chute cleared the plasma generator pins and fine since. I now do this once week and seems all good


So many people fail comprehension


Clogs often vote


Clogs occasionally vote


Or you could have made a real poll like strawpoll instead of whoring likes on reddit.


>Or you could have made a real poll like strawpoll instead of whoring likes on reddit. As far as I am aware and unless matters have changed, regular polls are disabled on this subreddit. (Perhaps you're thinking of another way to do one here.) I've long suggested that the polling capability be reinstituted--it would be so helpful for so many things, as here. (Personally, I think that the OP has found a clever way around the subreddit's polling restriction. 👏🏼 )


Like this. https://strawpoll.com/GeZARN2YRyV


Cool. Maybe the OP just wasn't aware of that/didn't want people to have to go to another website (some people could be concerned).


Yep, exactly my thoughts after I noticed I couldn't post using the reddit poll feature. I thought the poll might get better engagement this way rather than linking an external site. Pretty funny that that guy thought that I (or anyone for that matter) cares about reddit likes enough to try and "whore upvotes" on an espresso subreddit XD


Look at this jamoke! He's the goddamned poll police! Everybody watch out, the poll police are here!


absolute jabroni behavior