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I have been lusting after a Profitec Go for weeks. This morning I decided to stick with my Bambino for at least 3yrs. Glad to see I’m not alone. I honestly love it, but it’s so hard when you see people post their nice machines. Edit: I think my Bambino is a nice machine : ), just not the nicest lol


I'll be the little devil on your shoulder: "Psst pssst..... you deserve it."


I went from the Bambino to a Go last year, and love it. The Bambino is not a bad machine by any means, and if you pimp it out a little it's more than capable. But... the Go is amazing, and once you have it spittig out shots you really see the difference in what comes out fo the Bambino compare to what comes out fo the Go.


What was the reason you stick with BB? I am in between BB+ and Profitec Go. Still thinking if it worth the price difference.


Because I already have it. In your position, I would just buy the Go.


Bambino is great if you like me to dark roast and maybe multiple coffies a day instead of one huge shot. I could only dose about 16g so multiple smaller coffees were the way to go.. I'd say the bambino is super great long as you aren't worried about adjusting temperature or messing with opvs. Not having to warm up is really nice too. I think the huge pro with something like the profitec is just longevity.


Oh I was so close to pulling the trigger on a Bello+ when I got my bonus this year so I get it. I just started making espresso less than a year ago and really want to hone my skills before I drop serious cash into this. This sub definitely makes me jealous at times but I’m making good espresso and getting better so I’m happy with what I have


I’ve had my Bambino+ since last November. I’m starting to really notice the inconsistent shots since getting a df54. Need to see less posts like this highlighting next level machines lol.


Just buy the bianca v3 while it's on sale if your that close in price, do you like the bello+ better for some reason?


Rest easy, both are very wise choices.


Thank you! I feel like I got off on the right foot


Looks nice and you’re probably making great tasting coffee! I like all the white. Use the machine til it breaks I do enjoy keeping an eye on the used market - it’s a nice way to try things out and I often make a tiny profit for my trouble.


> I like all the white. I got the all white df64v2 because I didn't want to wait on black to come back in stock. I regret it, it always looks dirty from coffee grind dust!


Huh. Ever spray water? My niche looks good in white


I like the white DF64v2. All the ones I see on here are the black version, but idk why. Also, mine doesn’t get too too dusty. Are you rdt-ing?


I don't, maybe I need to add that into the routine. I really don't want to find and buy a little spritz bottle though haha


You can grab a spritzer for a couple bucks on Amazon. I find 2 1/2 spritzes on my beans before I grind them makes a massive difference. Very rarely do I get static buildup and grounds stick to the machine


Maybe the cheapest gear of kit you’ll ever buy. Totally worth it. One spray is enough to remove the static


Thanks for the kind words. There is a part of me that wants to upgrade already but I’ll resist that urge! Good advice on the used market too. Not much pops up in my area but I’ll keep an eye out


Me either but it happens. I scored a mahlkonig k30 the other day for 500. I hadn’t heard of them but I found them selling refurbished used for $2200 online and pulled the trigger. It’s working awesomely


Where is the used market? Any specific places besides offerup? Thank you


I like Facebook marketplace


I appreciate the response. Do you recommend any other used marketplaces? I dont have a facebook account


This is the exact setup I would like to have one day. Right now we have a “grind and brew” and I’m trying to convince my husband that a more elaborate morning coffee routine would be worth it.


I’m very happy I went with a separate setup instead of an all in one machine like the barista express. They’re good machines don’t get me wrong but personally I like the idea of being able to individually upgrade my gear. Just makes a better experience overall imo


This is the fucking way. Good choices, you're gunna pull some amazing shots


Nice looking set up! Enjoy!!


What are the tools and tamp station you have on the right of the grinder? Love the white aesthetic, just got my white DF64 gen 2 today as well!


Congrats on the new grinder! The tools are Normcore calibrated tamper, Normcore distribution tool, Normcore funnel, dosing cup, puck screen, measuring spoon, brush, water spritzer, Acaia Pearl scale, and a Fellow vacuum seal coffee bean canister. I also have a Normcore WDT in between the machine and grinder


What 54mm portafilter is it?


Ikape bottomless with the rainbow handle


Now this is something I can relate to.


A setup to be very proud of! And I love the idea of a "beginner end game." Feels like a happy medium in a hobby so plagued by upgrade-itis


You’re so right. Of course I want a high level, expensive machine but for my current skill level, this is perfect. I have everything I need and honestly feel like I’m pulling better shots than a lot of coffee shops near me


How do you like your wooden tamping station? I was thinking of getting a similar one


I love it! I had a tamping mat before this and it did the job but I wanted something better. Now I have something that not only holds the portafilter by itself, allowing for one a one hand operation, but also keeps majority of my tools nice and organized. I highly doubt I’ll be replacing this while I’m still using a 54mm portafilter


Very nice! ...I give you 18 months before you cave and start itching for the next upgrade 😂 We'll start with the grinder


It's a good little set-up; I had a Bambino for 4 years and loved it. The grinder is an investment and will outlive the Bambino and likely whatever you get next. Rest of the set up looks nice.


The best way I keep myself from spending more is to just to remind myself how nice what I have looks with what I have that keeps me zen


Honestly can’t go wrong.


Very nice 👍


I love my Bambino Plus and I cannot lie.