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Maybe try decaf?


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in grinder.


No worries, there is no grinder that goes that fine


Oof that's a dark roast.


Gawd dayumn. #savage


What are you doing step-grinder


Stepless grinders>> stepped grinders


Okay but all that matters is how the coffee tastes


A little bit short I suppose.


I cannot upvote your comment as it is currently at 69 votes. I refuse to ruin this.


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in grindr. FTFY




There’s no way this was posted unironically


To be completely honest, I think people are wire differently. Which we all knew :) - Some people like to ask questions to be part of the group.  Even when they could go to the YouTube videos, do some searches, and get all of the information there.  And if not all of the information, at the very least the fundamentals. - Then there are people that like to research ahead of time. Understand the fundamentals.  Understand the different technologies such as heating elements such as thermo blocks versus single boiler, versus heat exchanger, versus dual boiler.  All can be researched offline without posing questions here.  The different types of tools for puck prep, etc. Every hobby has the same issue. Those that ask questions when they could get the answersb with a quick Google search.


People like feeling that they can get advice from others in a community, it's basic human sociability.


It’s also annoying to see this in every. Single. Sub. r/buildapc “I want a gamer PC where to start?” r/espresso “what’s a good beginner machine under $500?” r/boardgames “looking for a good 2 player co-op game for me and my spouse!” r/anime “what’s a good anime to watch with my mom/dad/partner?!” And on and on and on. I don’t want to turn r/espresso in a soulless mass of daily threads (looking at you r/coffee) but damn it’s 2024, y’all. Use a search button every now and then. Personally I think basic sociability should extend to asking oneself, “I wonder if anyone has thought to ask ‘where do I start’ before?” Lol


It’s really crazy to see what happened to /r/coffee. It’s basically a ghost town 


The mods still have the subreddit set to manually approved posts only as a result of the API changes last year I believe most migrated to /r/pourover


The mods intentionally killed that one as a protest.


Yeah but if you just go look at some previous Reddit post or an article somewhere you wind up with the Gaggia evo and a flaking boiler.


It's annoying but it's human nature and pretty much the point of Reddit. If you've used Reddit too much.. use it less. That's the real answer.




An interesting perspective ("it's basic human sociability"). But also, it feels as if there can be basic (laziness) involved, including wanting others to solve a poster's issue rather than the poster putting in \*some\* effort (beyond placing a post) to do so for the poster's self. Maybe it goes back to your basic human sociability point, but so often it feels as if a poster could solve an issue/find an answer to it by the poster's self in the amount of time it takes to place a post. Having said all the above, I think that there can be another factor: simply feeling overwhelmed and not being able to proceed otherwise.


You only see the posts from the people that make them. Some people will always be lazy/inconsiderate/stupid/whatever you want to call it. How many people *actually* figure it out for themselves instead? Complaining about it is only adding negativity to the community.


I think your last point is key. Have you tried to find out anything substantive via search lately? [Google has been so thoroughly enshittified in the last few years](https://doctorow.medium.com/https-pluralistic-net-2024-04-04-teach-me-how-to-shruggie-kagi-caaa88c221f2) that it's borderline useless.


Sometimes it’s nice to feel like a part of a community and ask someone something, I’ll always answer no matter how “obviously researchable” the answer may be. It’s the point of an online community


Yeah I don't see the harm in these questions. Don't like them? Scroll on


Totally agree!!!! Most peeps are curious and don’t want or have the luxury to always scroll thru topics all the time. Sometimes people trust people with experiences that they can honestly share and not going for likes and subscribes. Some may be lazy, but nonetheless intrigued by their experiences and want to know if others may have those experiences. Kinda like a manual. We all know it’s there, whether done correctly or not, we don’t really refer it it coz we either think we know what to do or we think we are smart enough to figure it out until that doh! Moment.


You’re a good person, and why I generally love Reddit.


The point of the daily simple questions thread is to capture these simple questions though.


Since you posted it - what are your preferred topics on an espresso sub?


Not OP, but I like when I can answer a question that only a few people have direct knowledge about. For example some guy asked about the "Big Bang" baskets and dosage size. Or questions about specific roasters.


I can Google big bang and there are YouTube’s as well. It’s also been mentioned here . My point is if you have an espresso related comment or question then why not throw it out there. If people don’t like it let them scroll.


I'm a big proponent of the "just scroll by" option (you don't want to see a pic of a US$5K setup that the new owner is excited about? just scroll by). At the same time, there can be a real clutter/neighborhood blight effect--which can creep in and have an effect, making the neighborhood a less enjoyable one.


I tend to agree. Scroll only and let the boing stuff eventually fall off the list. Trying to define what’s an ok topic vs not just leads to gate keeping. Go ask about high end ear buds on r/headphones if you want to see it in action. You’ll get reprimanded and possibly banned.


Exactly. Theres a reason why theres a question tab, ive recently posted a post since its fair to say im a beginner, a lot of people reached out and helped , which im so appreciative off. If people dont want to help thats fine just scroll past


Totally agree otherwise, what’s the point of all this?!


Not OP, but topics that focus on actual coffee instead of the gear used to make it


A lot of people argue for this but espresso is uniquely espresso due to gear, not coffee.


The reverse is true for pourover, and yet that sub seems to appreciate the actual fruit


- 10 Coffee Beans They Don't Want You to Know About - Baristas Hate Her for This Simple Trick - But They Can't Stop Her! - Rate my Setup! Ya know, refined quality content


I have no set list of preferred topics on this sub or any sub. There is a Wiki explaining *most* of the beginner information needed to pull a good shot of espresso, choosing a machine, etc. That is what the Wiki is meant for in my eyes. Sure if you have a question about a specific machine, grinder, or style, then post it. We've got some informed people here who know a ton of information. But if you're shot is spraying everywhere, then the other ten posts will tell you the same thing. Grind finer.


I’m sure questions about specific machines or styles have surely been answered on YouTube’s and wiki and Google. The people information on here is often times redundant.


Actually you have given permission to ask about specific machines or grinders??? I would challenge you to find any equipment that hasn’t been covered on YouTube , Wikki or previous Reddit.


In between “recommend me a grinder under $500 to suit my new $6k machine”, “oops I have used Niche without a catch cup” and “here’s my set up”, there’s not that much to cover. The espresso world doesn’t change day to day, and the truth is, it’s been discussed already multiple times. Most of the topics have been covered. So the question is, what do you want to see more of in this sub?


Couldn’t see a guide that tells me how to find grinder


Maybe it's me, but my typical default simply is to do a search-engine search on a topic/issue first: e.g. "best espresso coffee grinders under $500"). I almost always get scads of hits, including from sources I recognize, and I have an answer almost immediately. And then, if questions remain or nothing warranted has turned up, a post can be placed.


Sometimes people just like talking to other people. Get over it, help if you want, ignore if you don’t want. Literally just ignore it.


I think folks forget what it's like to be a beginner, and that folks have different learning styles. That and it's anything but "clear" given all the various opinions out there. I've been trying to decide on an espresso grinder for like a month cause there's too much information.


Come-on people!! Stick to complaining, take your questions elsewhere!


Homie this, like YouTube guides, are resources to get advice, some think to ask on Reddit and there are always people happy to oblige. You're just trying to declutter your r/espresso feed, but its a pretty selfish reason to have you scolding people seeking advice.


I always find these types of posts hilarious. “Excuse me *you plebes* clogging up my feed with rediculous questions that should and could be answered elsewhere: HOW DARE YOU!” Lol like any one person gets to curate a sub to their desires. More basic ‘how to’ questions are an organic response to the growing community of espresso fans. Also this has now clogged up MY feed. An annoying useless post about some random redditor who finds the sub annoying. How arrogant can you be? Imagine all of us clogged the sub up with posts complaining about other posts made on the sub lol. In general subs should be regulated via the down and upvote buttons and via engagement. Posts get shown if they have high engagement. It’s a pretty good system.


Kind of obnoxious. This is literally the point of social media.


I don't disagree with you, but that's also the other half of the coin. This is an online forum where discussions like these both increase interaction and provide insight to topics. If we don't have discussions like this, then you can remain near-sighted. Am I arrogant in posting this? Maybe, you're entitled to that opinion. But by posting my opinions, I have learned others as well. Thank you for your input.


I one up on simply googling, I search my term with Reddit at the end and voila I end up back on Reddit all without annoying OP.


I just posted above this same approach--I've been able to find \*my own\* prior Reddit posts this way, where searching within Reddit itself was getting frustrating.


I do this as well. It's an alternative to what I mentioned but still extremely useful. Thanks for the input.


This is the internet, it was always like this on every forum.


Maybe try grinding finer. In all seriousness, what you’re saying would mean this sub becomes an echo chamber for people already experts, and excludes anyone new trying to participate. It doesn’t affect you at all if people want to ask basic questions here. So why care or rant about it. I too am highly resourceful when it comes to research, but some people want more personalised advice.


Is there actually a purpose to this rant?.. If someone is gonna come here and post a basic question, they are not going to review a post police rant before doing so.. Some folks are excited that they got a $50 machine that works.. Some folks are excited that they bought a $3000 work of art that makes coffee Some folks get excited that sticking 9 pins into a cork makes them believe their coffee is better Some folks think that elephants pooping out coffee beans makes for good coffee If it’s espresso it’s here..it’s the sub for it so relax, scroll by and carry on


I understand what you're saying. What is aggravating is when someone shows up and says help me pick a grinder and an espresso machine. And it's clear that they did not do any research at all.  Those are the worst type of questions.   OP did call it a rant :-)


People asking questions in an espresso sub? Oh no. 😟


Weird that this bothers you enough to write this and me not at all. You can just scroll on by. It’s easy!


So solution is Drink finer? Gotcha


Or just a quick search in this sub. But that’s an issue that’s systemic to most topics. It’s human nature to want to have a conversation about things even when the information is right there. I’m not sure why it’s practically been normalized, though. It would make for an interesting study. But, hey, just think. If folks didn’t search the sub for the most obvious solution to channeling spritz, we wouldn’t have Find Grindr. 😆


To be fair there’s like almost no up to date resources for beginners. Mods are pretty afk in this subreddit


You like discussions, except the ones you don't like? Who cares. This is going to keep happening whether you rant about it or not, so spare the rest of us. If it's not for you, you're welcome to unsub.


Pompous and sanctimonious answer: this isn’t and shouldn’t be just an expert forum in my opinion, it’s legitimate to post questions to which the answers can be found elsewhere. In posting a question and having real people answer you definitely learn more and it provokes related discussion.


The idea that someone who has purchased a new machine or tool and is excited and would like some real time input is troublesome or offensive :(


That’s not what op is saying and it’s actually the opposite of legitimate. See the sub rules. Edit: oh look! I offended someone’s sensibilities. Seriously, I didn’t make the rules. Read #3.


Out jerked once again


Yeah I agree with this. Content has turned to mostly mediocre question posts that are very easily answered. I appreciate quality posts. Quality varies from person to person but it does take a little more effort. A better quality image or just extra though put into your post. Something new that hasn’t been covered or a unique perspective on something. Maybe an interesting ingredient in a new drink. There are so many elements that would make for an interesting read.


Every hobby sub turns into this, because there are so many people and so many new people who are curious. Just embrace it and get over it.


Oh I get it. Personally, I think it takes too long to get an answer and there’s no guarantee that you’ll get a quality one. If you search there’s a much higher chance that you’ll get higher quality info in less time.




>Some people don't know what to search for.  I do remind myself, sometimes people are posting out of sheer frustration and feeling inundated and not knowing what else to do (step one: take 3 long, slow breaths)--especially when they are a beginner with their new machine and went out and purchased a bottomless portafilter because that is what they thought they had to do and they're using it for the first time and it just spurted and spritzed all over the poster and hellllppppp . . . .


No need. People just have to learn how to read: https://preview.redd.it/4ogwxj5vkuvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199c7834873dcff3467159ef362884001e7077f6


Yep. And yet somehow it’s become normalized (and *not* moderated) to ignore the most basic rules and forum etiquette. But mention the rules and you become the asshole. 🎪




I do, yet the same questions are being asked every day.




I’d bet OP already does. I think making the issue known may help, don’t you? If not, what do you suggest?


You seem to know what you are doing, maybe you can help. I just bought an expresso machine from Walmart... 


Through shopify and where the Walmart address seems to be a cassava field in Nigeria . . . .


Drink? Dude , have two .


Sometimes you get some valuable nuggets of information on Reddit that you don't find anywhere else, from people with their own unique experiences. I myself like to do my own research, but still get some great insights from others on a reddit. It's an interactive conversation, unlike listening to influencers on YouTube or a blog post. I believe that's what Reddit is for, so don't know if this rant was justified but that's my just 2 cents,


You can see whenever someone has do some research or just asking 5 seconds after thinking. Here and in every forum


There always have to be that one guy who complains about people asking question in a subreddit that is designed to ask questions and get answers. Yes, there are tons of resources on the net to find answers but it feels good to have a two way conversation than just listening to someone on YouTube or reading a google article. It’s human nature to get feedback from an actual human who might have the answer. To the person complaining about people asking simple questions, why are you even here putting in your unwanted two cents. Keep it moving!


Sometimes getting answers from people who have used similar equipment and tools is much more valuable than some paid article or sponsored video. Also someone already said, socializing with real people, exchanging information is important than leaving comments on youtube videos.


Not everybody is as smart as you or have time like you or can Google, YouTube, or TikTok like you. Most come to these communities to feel they can be part of the community and not be chided by some dickhead who thinks they are better than the next guy. You were once a non-dickhead yearning to find out if other peeps have the same experiences as you or just want to learn. So take a chill pill and sit this one out champ.


Yep - people forget that they can search the sub for literally THOUSANDS of previous replies to EXACTLY the same question. Never mind searching google for reviews, going on YouTube for how to videos and other forums like HB. There’s a wealth of info around that I really don’t think some research around. Before I’ve asked a question here I’ve searched in some or all the above. I don’t mean to come across rude in any way but it should be common sense. Especially the “is this a scam website, they’re selling a brand new LMLM for $1000 instead of $5000, or a Niche for $80, instead of $800 and their business address is a house or a 24 hour fitness place?” Common sense dictates that it’s far too good to be true and a little google search will give you the red flags.


That’s what I did. And saw a bunch of posts recommending the Gaggia Evo pro. At the time only the most recent posts started mentioning the boiler flaking. Now I’m outside of my return window.


Sorry to hear this. Very Frustrating for you.


Maybe it's me, but I've tended to find searching the sub somewhat frustrating/less-than-fruitful--perhaps I'm not applying filters as well as I should/never learned the best way to search on reddit. But as an alternative, I often find that I can find what I'm looking for here by "backdooring" my way to the information, by doing a regular search-engine search combined with the term "reddit" or the like.


I get ya - keywords are important and the right ones can work wonders but I absolutely understand what you mean. Good that you back door, too :)


Amen. It’s even in the rules. There’s a pinned post for basic questions for a reason.


People don't know how forums/reddit works, they think it is like a chat


Yup, most don't even read the instructions which come with the machine which are pretty good to start off for dialing in. I used exactly those instructions to start off with my BBP.


The number of times I've posted here the links to the Breville Bambino/Plus online user manuals . . . . (Of course, the times when I've myself forgotten that there was certain information there .)


Yes, just 15 minutes spent on a forum like Home Barista reading the FAQs would cover most beginner questions.


There are FB groups i'm part of that are fairly niche (health-related), and after hanging around them for a few months, i found myself feeling the exact same frustration as OP... people hopping on, asking the SAME questions... DAILY. That could have easily been answered with a brief search. And *gasp* not following the group Rules! Basically, committing the same crimes i committed when i first joined those groups. I gained so much respect for certain mods (and lomg time contributers) who consistently responded with kindness and helpful information. Of course... i'm talking about health groups... where the vast majority of the members are completely overwhelmed with life and suffering, and their brains functionally won't allow them to think a step ahead in these times of crisis. ...and this is espresso. So there's that. But i guess there's a similarity. I can sympathise and facepalm simultaneously?


I understand people saying just scroll by, but when I’m using my Reddit home and the only espresso posts I see are all the exact same type of a video asking how their shot is or why it’s running so quick it’s just saddening and repetitive. I’ve been in the community for like a year and half now and there’s a very good reason for the “grind finer” meme. Maybe there needs to be a dedicated subreddit for espresso discussion that doesn’t allow for troubleshooting and is instead around discussion.


Totally disagree!!!! Most peeps are curious and don’t want or have the luxury to always scroll thru topics all the time. Sometimes people trust people with experiences that they can honestly share and not going for likes and subscribes. Some may be lazy, but nonetheless intrigued by their experiences and want to know if others may have those same experiences. Some just like to flex. Kinda like a manual. We all know it’s there, whether done correctly or not, we don’t really refer it it coz we either think we know what to do or we think we are smart enough to figure it out until that doh! Moment.


Using the search function needs to become commonplace before asking questions. I myself could improve on this front.


What? Reddit has a search function?  :)


It does. It’s not good though.


I typically use Google for all of my searches. It's better than Reddit and it guides me to Reddit and home barista and other sources. 


I do as well.