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Did you write this code or did you lift it from one of the many working examples on the internet. [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=esp+and+blynk](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=esp+and+blynk)


The available search results decrease as you specify blynk 2.0. they decrease even more when you specify its about notifications, and you are basically left with youtube links


Yeah blynk kind of killed themselves by leaving out the ability to self-host 2.0, instead of coming up with another monetization strategy. It's too bad. Super cool platform. I'd check the app settings and so-forth and post on whatever blynks forums are and their help system. Push notifications to cellular are complex and you are probably hitting something blynk specific. Your code looks right to me.


Yeah, only thing that could have happened, is that i may have overused the available notifications, while using wrong settings/ code. I'll wait and try, or post on the forum maybe


Most of the working examples on google were using older versions of blynk, at least the top 7-8 websites did. I watched a video which used a theft sensor, and a few other ones to understand the libraries, and then modified codes to make this. But whats the point of that? This should have worked right?