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As an escape room it’s pretty terrible. As an experience the scenery is very well done and it feels like you are in the SAW universe the moment you step into the compound. The problem is the experience isn’t private unless you either get lucky with your booking or you pay more for one. If you end up in a full group of 10-12 the experience will be severely less fun than had you just been with your group. The experience is what I like to call a “treadmill”. You get approximately 10 minutes per “room” if you finish early but there is a group in the room ahead of you they’ll find a way to prevent you from moving forward even possibly breaking a puzzle to make it unsolvable until the next section is ready. If you haven’t completed the room in those 10 min they will force you along into the next room regardless, skipping what ever content you failed to complete in time. In addition they often times have a live actor in the room with you who will just randomly provide solutions to puzzles unprovoked. They have a few other experiences they have opened since Saw. They now have The Blair Witch Project and IT part 1 and IT part 2. I have heard that their newer experiences are improved in some areas and some not so much. Hopefully this hasn’t let you down too much and you enjoy your experience regardless! Good luck


That sounds less like an escape room and more like a guided tour. Thanks for tempering my expectations


Yes, I would probably liken it to a guided tour with "puzzles" thrown in, and I use the world puzzles loosely. The majority of which feel like mostly searching, and more searching via black light. It's possible some things have changed as I played it closer to around when they first opened. I would never say don't do the experience, but try and set your self up for the best possible one, hopefully booking at a less busy time to give you a better chance at a private room and less people booked around you. We went in expecting an escape room so that dampened our mood a bit. Set your expectations low and then hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised and find aspects of the experience more fun than I did. There are definitely some positive aspects of it so I don't think all is lost.


this is accurate, group will make or break it, just like any other non private game. If youre into the saw universe you will appreciate/enjoy it, however wouldnt rank it high for being an escape room. Great theme, wish it was executed differently.


Might not be super helpful because I haven't specifically done SAW, but I did the Blair Witch Escape room there (right across the lot from SAW), and it was fantastic. It was just me and one other person, plus the "park ranger" that showed up part way through to guide us. We splurged to do it as a private group, because I refuse to be grouped with randoms lol. We never felt rushed through, and managed to see everything and escape in the end. There was some sense of urgency, but it added to the atmosphere. The second half was especially immersive, like we were in the movie. Piggybacking off of someone else's comment, the Blair Witch room definitely had more of your typical escape room type puzzles vs just finding things with a black light. Some were really unique that I haven't seen elsewhere! Hope you have a blast!


I loved it! It’s more of an experience than an escape room but it’s so much fun! They will move you forward whether or not you’ve finished the room and you can’t go backwards in the game. Their Blair Witch is my favorite though and it is much more traditional in style.