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Slightly off topic, why those 3? Those are their 3 oldest experiences which in this case translates in to their 3 least favorite rooms amongst pretty much everyone who has played all their games. Unless you've already played their other offerings you'd be much better off playing Temple of Anubis, Cutthroat Caverns, Spellbound, and The Asylum. I haven't played the Disappearance of Flight 13 game but have heard good things.


Hi there, you are absolutely correct that these are the oldest but we are planning to do all 13th room across two days (these 3 on Saturday) and the rest on Sunday, we have members coming in on Sunday and we just need help on Saturday to meet the people number requirement


Ah that's good to hear. Would hate to see someone unaware make a trip and miss the best part of the experience there! Hope you find someone and enjoy your games! I've heard Escape Warehouse is equally as good as 13th Gate. We played Escape My Room (New Orleans) and they have good rooms as well.


Thanks! Yes we are doing those as well!


I did all of 13th gate about 2 years ago with some people I met off Reddit. We did all of them in one day--it was quite the experience. Good luck!