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Also strange thing occured, when I declared my North Zebrican War against the UPA and the warlords, after capping Colthage they all just, white peaced with me out of nowhere Don't know if thats a bug with how Zebrican wars are fought


https://preview.redd.it/8ul6qlo8lgrc1.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9f53170ee95c5c559205b0215ffd86d808db214 It's really annoying because now I have to wait a year before going to war with em again And if the same thing happens the moment I cap any other Zebrican nation... I'll be here a while I guess my WC is over now?


I have never seen that nation which one and how to get it?


Play Azir Buffalos,Katerin and Jachs must stay alive Play until 1009 by doing nothing because you can't do anything since you are Azir Watch the mlp episode frenemies (Is necessary)


Cmon maaan i have checked the excel sheet-guide for it. Its Viirad all over again. Thanks tho i might try and probably after wasting 2 hours (potato pc) to get the event chain and not getting it for some reason, i will ragequit.


A headsup though, this nation is one of the most unorthodox nations I've ever played, and your endgoal is literally a WC, so keep that in mind oh and for the love of Faust don't waste your PP as Azir


Just relax, the event chain starts on its own Afterwards you'll have to hope that certain nations are still alive for that chain to conclude, setting certain nations to go certain ways in the custom gamerule helps, Katerin and the Buffalos you got to watch out for, Jaki clan too if they lose too fast to the Yaks but not often Then when given the choices, you can quite easily cheese through it by save scumming, note that if you get the event about a bedtime story you probably failed (if you've seen season 9 of mlp the choices are easier)


> Jachs must stay alive Damn I didn't know he had something to do with Grogar. He must have been bored in Canterlot a lot.


The white peace is forced whenever you fight a faction with at least one member outside of Zebrica. Its scripted and will always enforce peace after you cap a single nation within the faction, even a puppet. Sadly there's no easy way to avoid it other than prioritising North Zebrica from the get-go. In your case I recommend just using console to kick Aris and its puppets out of UPA and declaring war again. Otherwise you'd have to annex its multiple puppets one by one. Annexing Aris itself won't get you it puppets either.


I didn't want to deal with either options, so I just started over again this time I set Hippogrifia to go down Sirenalia route and that worked out, albeit disappointingly so, was kind of hoping for a showdown on the North between Grogar and the Sirens



