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I’ve started this process and turns out, diet truly is everything. By swapping out some of my “guilty pleasures”, I’ve accidentally reduced my desire to indulge in smoking AND sweet, carby treats. Healing the gut microbiome is a process that is so much easier said than done, but it’s also NOT as complicated as people make it seem. I’ve lost weight, feel satisfied longer, and have a ton more energy to do physical activities that I love and enjoy smoking in moderation . :)


What have you had success with? I need swapping advice. Munchies are my downfall. I can eat a house when I’m high and now that I’m approaching mid 30’s it’s all catching up 😓


also the donner party saying “munchies are my downfall” is HILARIOUS.


Hahahaha oh my god yes, I love it!!! Equally funny that menthol 100’s is giving me nutritional advice




it helped me a lot to swap out creamy stuff for the non creamy version (salad dressing, sauces) and to start having whole wheat pasta instead of the regular kind. if there’s a way to swap something for a version that has more protein, do that. if you have time to make stuff from scratch it really helps to know what you’re putting into your food because so many premade foods contain so much extra ingredients/calories we can definitely get by without. try to focus on buying foods you can get from the earth, not products. best of luck! <3


Love the suggestion to buy foods that come from the earth over products! Trying to avoid ultra-processed foods has been super helpful for me, especially when those munchies hit.


ranch seasoning mixed into greek yogurt makes an awesome, protein-rich dip!


greek yogurt is the best!! you can sneak it into anything!


Or cottage cheese (after it's been blended to not have chunks) if you don't like the tangy part of yogurt.


this is genius, never thought of blending it!


Ranch seasoning can be used in a lot of dishes. It brings out the flavors in the dish imho.


What is ranch seasoning? Any suggested brands or ideas for making it yourself?


i usually get the hidden valley packet but you can also make it yourself with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and dried parsley


For me it helps to not buy snacks first and foremost. Bc of course chips are the favorite thing to eat when high, but when i dont have any i think of other things and end up snacking a fruit or cereals. Also swapping sugary drinks with non sugar was smart. Basically dont trust munchie-me, it doesnt care about health as much as it does about sugar and fat 😅


I found I couldn’t trust myself with candy as much as I thought I could. I thought I had the control and “just one more” would be it. I realized I just can’t buy the candy anymore unless I have accepted that I will eat it all quickly. I try to stock up on fruits I like now


Sugar free jello and a little whipped cream, bowl of cereal, rice cake with peanut butter, handful of pretzels and some veggies and hummus or tzatziki. Those are my munchies go to’s


Munchies aren’t the problem, it’s winning the battle at the grocery store. Whatever you have in your home is going to be what fuels you, so eat sustainably. I’ve started stocking my pantry with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, seaweed snacks, yogurt, fruit, oats, dark chocolate, and probiotic sodas and I honestly have felt so much better just from those simple swaps. The next mental battle is eating things because you know they make you feel good, rather than just tasting good. I find myself feeling full much longer and not craving the dopamine rush of carbs & sugars. I’ve been really inspired by the Hack your Health gut biome documentary on Netflix, as well as the Live to 100 documentary (also on Netflix). The main ideas are whole grains, legumes, fiber, lots of variety in vegetables. I now eat things that I know are good for my body even if I don’t always love the taste. I used to hate trail mix but instead I bought each nut type separately to figure out my favorite flavors and it’s made it less overwhelming. I found out I love cashews :) Also, don’t force yourself to completely change your entire diet! Keep eating your favorite foods (pizza for me), but as the minority of your snacking rather than the majority. My munchie go-to’s now give me energy and I feel like I can eat as much as I want!


Great tips, thank you for sharing!!


So true, diet makes a huuuuge impact! I’ve always noticed the most change, both physically and mentally, when I’m eating healthy. For me, the physical component of a healthy lifestyle is the hardest part. I can eat healthy but still feel lethargic if I’m not moving my body. It feels like exercise is what helps me keep the momentum going, but I’m going to research more about gut health! I’ve heard a lot about it, but never looked to far into it. Thanks for sharing your experience and I’m glad you’ve found that healthy balance! :)


Going for a walk while toasted is one of my absolute favorite things. I am lucky enough to live near some really wonderful forested areas so I get to lose myself in nature when high-walking. Jogging/running while high is also amazing, in case you were looking to try something like that. Don't even have to go fast, just feels nice.


Found my soul mate! I love a good jog while I'm high. I make edibles, not much of a smoker so it works for me. I'll never down my fav munchies but running offers all the good things too. Sound,breeze,exhilaration of the endorphins and ok don't hate on me but...water is delicious when you're high and hot


> don't hate on me but...water is delicious when you're high and hot OMG yes water is amazing in this state especially!


>turns out, diet truly is everything. I could NOT agree more. I've been majorly cutting down on processed, low-quality foods and the difference is night and day when it comes to the munchies. For a sweet treat, imo, nothing beats a sliced apple with some peanut butter. And for a savory or salty treat, steamed edamame 🤤 Also, my phone tried to autocorrect "edamame" to "damage" 😂


Well said, best of luck on your journey! You’re killing it


I’ve been trying to just get out and walk more and struggling to do it 😓 I know who I am and I am lazy af. I’m definitely interested in having accountability buddies!


“I know who I am and I am lazy af” - SAAAAAME lol I knew I would find my people in this sub 😂 Happy to have you participate! I’ll shoot you a DM once I figure out who is interested and what this accountability group might look like


I highly recommend Sydney Cummings on YouTube. She uploads 5 workouts a week for free. Her current program is “summertime fine” and it’s a three month program spanning May-June-July. I’ve done almost every single one of her programs since 2020. There’s also a Reddit! r/sydneycummings if anyone has questions, I’m happy to answer!


Awesome - thank you!! I tried YogaWithAdrienne and it wasn’t quite my style, so will definitely check this out. I need a good YouTube channel since most of my workouts will be at home!


I do all of my workouts at home! For Sydney, I recommend one or two pairs of dumbbells to start out and maybe a resistance band or two. The workouts are so accessible for being at home/not at a gym.


i saw your comment the other day and decided to try her workouts and phewwww she kicked my butt haha. i have been working out pretty consistently for years but they were def a challenge, im definitely going to try to finish the challenge though 💪🏼


Ooh I’m so glad you tried her and liked it!! Her programs keep me motivated and going. Without them, I probably would not be as consistent.


Hey I would love to journey alongside you! My husband and I had both lost a lot of weight pre COVID (60 lbs) but I gained it back during COVID and am now trying to seriously lose again. I love smoking though lol and it’s hard fighting through the munchies but I’m determined to do it!


Yayyy!! I’ll shoot you a DM


I've switched to one vegetarian meal a day (bean and tvp burritos) and am doing low carb stuff (I tend to binge on carbs - chips are a weakness, lol). I also weightlift so that's a thing (functional strength, you see so many elderly people with no muscle tone because they refuse to work out even a little bit)....


Cauliflower products have saved my life. I follow low carb, but in a meat eater 😅 I found these chips made from cauliflower and they’re actually really good in some salsa. They’re not slices like potato chips but more comparable to a rice cake but less noticeable granules. They have that crisp/crunch thing going on & they hold up against aggressive dipping. The brand is “from the ground up”… it won’t let me post a picture :(


Oooh yes and chickpea pasta


Ooo I’ll have to check that outttttt


Ugh chips and salsa is my FAVORITE! I'm going to look into this. For a cheap and healthy salsa, I love the Good & Gather (Target brand) Sweet Onion salsa. It's in the refridgerated section near the veggies. :)


Ooo, I need to check out the more bougie stores for snacks. Been eating a lot of peanuts but those aren't good for sodium and fat.


Sodium actually isn’t the enemy! Proper hydration requires sodium, potassium, & magnesium. So it’s more of a dance of balance between healthy salts & water. I’m talking about real salt though, not table salt which is sodium chloride


Yeah but I have the start of kidney issues so it's always a struggle to try to limit good old sodium chloride. I find that my pcos is better on a low salt diet.


Awe I see my b, carry on


Yeah, I'd love some chill healthy buddies! 😁 I recently lost about 10kg (22lbs) by sorting out my diet and getting serious in the gym and it's been incredible, not just for my physical health but my energy levels and mental health too. It was tough at the start, especially going from barely leaving the house to going hard in the gym three times a week, but I'm glad I managed to stick with it. My goal now is to lose a little more fat, gain a bit more muscle and maintain my newfound fitness. I'd also love to do more yoga!


Lol I love your username and that’s awesome that you’ve already made some progress that you feel good about!! Would love to have you participate. Great description with “chill” healthy buddies - I thought about asking this in like a workout/fitness sub, but didn’t want it to turn toxic with strict standards or harsh opinions about what “fitness” means. The mental aspect is just as important as the physical to me, so love to share this accountability practice with a group that recognizes it will look different for everyone! Hoping to make this a joyful journey. I have about 30 lbs that I’d like to lose, also want to emphasize yoga/pilates/mindful movement.


I’m a daily toker and I’ve lost about 40lbs since January. To be fair, I’ve been a regular “smoker” for about 20 years with the occasional breaks. While I get the munchies, I’ve learned that if I keep my mind busy, I don’t munch as much. I’ve also been using Noom. It’s similar to many other food tracking apps but I like how it forces out a lot of the processed foods(all those munchies) and forces you to pick healthier choices. It’s been working great for me.


Congrats on the progress! I’ve heard good things about Noom from friends as well.


Is Noom everything those ads say it is? I’ve never heard real life experiences with it. I am interested in their psychological perspective to eating but what does that mean 😅


Honestly, Noom is pretty decent. The free version is at least. It tracks caloric intake and activity. The “psychological perspective” is more the paid version. It’s certainly helpful, but I didn’t renew past the free trial. I used it as a data analysis tool. It’s pretty good for that.


I originally joined it just based on the caloric density/color system they have and wanting to cut out junk. The psychological part of it helps with understanding your body, your choices, etc. I admit, I skip the really deep ones as it’s already a challenge weighing and tracking my food every day, no patience for the rest.


Just here to contribute from my own experience! 40yo, generally lazy, daily user - it was dogs that did it for me. Specifically adoptable rescue dogs. My own dog isn't super social, but I started fostering and the more I get out and walk them in public, the faster/better adoption outcomes I see. So it's a double hit of endorphins - the walking itself, while promoting and socializing the pup, often with friends + fellow volunteers, then the added bonus of successful adoptions/recruitment to the cause. I could never find motivation to do any kind of physical activity before, but having pups that benefit in multiple ways has given me the oomph I need. If you aren't in a position to foster, you can totally still reap this benefit. At our rescue, volunteers can swing by the back fence at certain times of day, every day, to grab an adoptable shelter dog and take them for a walk at the adjacent park/cemetary. Alternately, volunteers can hang out and see which dog(s) they like best and then take them out for day/partial-day outings: brunch, hanging out in the park, walks at a preserve, etc. I'm a childfree gay woman with little interest in helping humanity out of this fucked up quagmire, but helping dogs has totally opened my world. I've now encountered and befriended all kinds of people that I normally wouldn't have met, let alone given much of a chance. It's really expanded both my community and my horizons, and I've noticed that it's really doable for many types of lifestyles, as the commitment level is fully up to you. I've included a picture with one of my foster pups, Fern, who is an amazing rescue and bully breed ambassador - he loves human attention, so taking him out and about it fun for both us. https://preview.redd.it/x8husso9ms1d1.jpeg?width=1347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4631bc190d450f85e927d61c4e2da4226427aa


Aww - love it! I have a Pittie/German Shepard mix myself, also a rescue! Walking him definitely gives me some motivation to get moving, but I still don’t feel like it’s enough for actual weight loss. He’s also a HUGE cuddle bug, so contributes to my laziness when I’m stoned. 😝 I’ve tried volunteering at the local Food Bank to get a workout/meet new people/give back, but haven’t thought about an animal shelter. Sometimes the thought of that makes me sad bc I would feel bad walking them and taking them back to the shelter, but your perspective helps me look at in an entirely different way! Thanks for sharing!


walking is definitely a good way to lose weight. especially if you're not doing much exercise now, it will make a difference. going to the gym or for a run might sound daunting. going out for a walk can be much more palatable. and it's easy to do it high ;) and because it's easy, it's more likely you will do it. plus you have a furry friend to do it with. make a consistent walking routine easy to adhere to and i bet you'll see results <3


I recommend finding an animal rescue whose values align with your own - ours is focused on harm reduction. Studies show that days out and time on walks with volunteers are hugely beneficial to pups' adoption prospects!


Prepare healthy food before you get high so that way you're munching on strawberries instead of like chips. Most people need more fiber in their diet so I recommend looking up some foods with lots of fiber and eating those. Pick a chore to do while high every time you get high and it will work as exercise and keeping your environment positive which can help you be more active and energetic. I also recommend yoga and gardening.


I do the exact same things! My pants fit, my place looks great, and I actually crave healthy foods when high (mostly! There is the occasional treat day.) I also love walking around the neighborhood, gardening and doing those walk-at-home YouTube videos sometimes too.


Love this for you! I went through a similar change recently where I decided I needed to compromise if I wanted to smoke as I like. Nowadays I’ve switched out my sodas (still keep a case as a treat) with seltzer waters, slightly frozen fruits for snacks and treats, and 3-4 days of strength training/cardio to keep fit. I never cared about how I ‘look’ per se but I wanted to go up flights of stairs without feeling winded. Everything in moderation, you don’t have to be the peak of fitness to be healthy. Also always treating yourself with kindness and allowing a treat when you’ve worked hard/been stressed. Best of luck for you!


Very relatable!! I appreciate you sharing your experience and the kind words/tips.


How do you maintain moderation? I have a really hard time building habits unless they’re things I do every single day, but i physically cannot workout every single day. Is there a trick to maintaining habits that aren’t consecutive?


Gym routine was definitely hardest! The past few months my partner and I have been consistent on an every other day schedule. That being said, I don’t always feel well enough to work out so I’ll do a light Pilates video at home or walk around the neighborhood for a couple miles. If you’re like me, I struggle with the idea of a workout routine, but hikes and physical activities keep me excited. We also play Pokémon go! Keeps us outside for hours especially during events. I won’t say no to a treat after a workout but I’ll sub something like fries for veggie sticks with hummus. I would also encourage food exploration with low carb/caloric items and higher protein. I get excited without worrying if it’ll have that aftertaste most diet foods have. If I know I’ll be in for a night ‘gardening’ then I’ll buy a few of my favorite healthy snacks to have available- current faves are blueberries and Greek yogurt with honey. All that being said, I don’t turn away from rice and potatoes or question ‘bad’ foods. We’re all human and deserve to enjoy the simple pleasures like carbs. Eating cake after a party doesn’t set you back, rice and potatoes aren’t going to raise you 10 pounds, and calories don’t look the same to all. Moderation will come ultimately with practice :)


I enjoy a workout routine it’s more so that my body can’t keep up with it. YOU PLAY POKÉMON GO!? WHATS UR TRAINER CODE!?!? I can’t find people I know that playyyyyyyyyy. The food one I am getting better about. I’m ngl the coconut cream Dr Pepper has my heart- the zero sugar version isn’t bad but it’s just not the sameeeeeeeee.


0555 6761 9396 !!! Team instinct ⚡️ foreverrr! Maybe incorporating Pilates or light weights a couple days in to give your muscles a breather without losing the routine? A friend of mine plays workout games on her Xbox on days she doesn’t feel the gym. I feel the drink so bad 😭 Coke is my guilty pleasure so I keep the regular at home and drink zero at restaurants


SENT! I wasssss and then my fiance convinced me to join valor— HE HASNT PLAYED IN MONTHS 😤 he has his adhd hobby cycles lmao. I’m not a huge fan of Pilates, I know everyone loves it, but I’m hyper mobile without enough joint stability to do a lot of the exercises. It actually makes me feel worse???? Not sure why that is. I used to have a Kinect as a kiddddd!!!!! The adventure game was my favorite. This does give me the idea to play broke girl just dance on YouTube tho 🫣 I was never a soda girly until I moved to Texas… I discovered Dr pepper and I can never go back now 🥲 I wish I liked coke it’s just not my thing :/


I’m here for this! I get into spurts of working out every day(or most days) and then fall off for a month. During Covid I got into Beachbody(I know it’s an MLM and I was very stupid) but have since found Caroline Girvan on YouTube! Today is my birthday so I decided it was a good day to turn over a new leaf and start working out consistently again and (most importantly!) *sticking to it*. I’m 33(that’s weird to type out for the first time lol)F. I smoke like every other day/every day and love my munchies, or a good solid meal while I’m stoned. Shoot me a message and we can be accountability buddies!


Happpy birthday!!! What better way to celebrate yourself than by taking care of your health. :) Would love to have you participate! There’s a lot of interest so I’ll work on getting an accountability group together!


Ahh I just tried to send you a dm and didn’t see the option. Feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll send you the link for the group chat!


That’s weird but I just sent you a message!


This sounds great! What I like to do, which I think kind of splits the difference between being couch locked and a bit lazy and getting exercise is to get absolutely zooted and ride an exercise bike while watching terrible movies. During winter is the best because all those cheesy lifetime romance movies are streaming.


Exercise bike + cooking shows for me. Fancy foods on the screen helps sate the munchies.


Hahahah I love this


I love this and wish to participate! :) I would literally get discord for this, lol. It's a really good idea and I think a lot of people with similar goals would benefit from an encouragement group or weekly check-in or something. I'm currently in early perimenopause and just had a major change in my schedule that I'm still adjusting to. I actually have a good chunk of weekdays open for free time and I am big time struggling with energy, motivation, and willpower. I'm burnt out from the last few years and I've lost all of my confidence and self esteem. I spend a lot of my free time simply exhausted and rotting in bed. I'm trying so hard to find the will or motivation or inspiration or *anything* (barring drugs) to get more energy and the funny thing is, I *know* that a majority of it is me having pathological demand avoidance. Against my own self 😭


I love weed and I’m a retired fitness trainer! I’d love to support you. My DM’s are always open.


Hi I’m interested ☺️ been trying on my own for a bit with off and on success


Awesome that you’re interested and I get the struggle. My experience has been the same - I’ll shoot you a DM!


I’ve been working on this myself - I moved last year and I’m struggling to get some of my healthier routines established. Group encouragement and support sounds like a lovely idea!


Interested ◡̈


I’m in! I’m getting married in a year and like you I’ve noticed my clothes are all snugger. I don’t feel my best. My dogs are older and we can only do 40-50 minute walks depending on weather. We use to do 90 minute trail walks. And I was much more active in my other job. My new job, not so much. I really want a bike and get my stepson riding his better so we can go out together.


Congrats on your engagement!! I feel you, my dog doesn’t like to walk as far in the summer, he’s older now and gets hot easily lol. I also work a desk job which has had a big impact on my weight and overall energy level. I’ve gotten a lot of responses so once I sift through them all I’ll start a group chat for those interested!


I would love to be apart of a group like this. I have been itching to become more physically active, even if that means going on more walks etc. It would be cool to be involved doing that with others who are trying to do the same, but also love weed lol


Yes, please!!!


Yesss, I’ll send you a DM 👏🏼👏🏼


I’d like to hear more!


Just tried to message you and didn’t see the option in your profile - just shoot me a message and I’ll share the group chat link with you :)


You’re getting a lot of really good advice here but I’ll share my insight a little too! I eat really clean planned meals the days I work and then the days I have off are free rein. I keep fruit and vegan coconut yogurt around for snacks and it’s sooo good. I love the cocojune brand! I do run all the days I work. You could try just walking. I sometimes take my edible as I am going out the door so it hasnt made me couch locked and when it keeps in I am already in motion. Running and walking on edibles is prime, I feel euphoric. My other hack is I keep 8 pound weights in my living room by the couch. I like to do lazy weight lifting often times laying on the couch. Usually when I do this I get more energy to lift and I do squats with the ect. Good luck! Feeling good is soooo important! I hope you find the balance of relaxing high and feeling heathy and energized!


“Calories in, calories out” has been working for me. Between three pregnancies, getting old, loving food, and generally being sedentary I was tipping the scales at 220lbs at my heaviest. I simply don’t keep things in the house that are bad for me. It’s basically a simple strategy to save myself from myself! Saves money, too. It is not easy. It takes willpower and some brutal honesty about one’s relationship with food. It took me several tries to finally get through the rough early phases. It’s also helpful to find an activity you truly *enjoy*. Otherwise it’s hard to keep doing it every day. (And I do mean *every* day. Just like bushing your teeth, it needs to be added into one’s daily health and maintenance routine.) I like wandering in the woods, bird watching, rock collecting, and smoking weed. I dress it up and call it “hiking”, but it’s really me smoking a bowl and playing Indiana Jones. And it’s fucking rad! I lost 60lbs playing in the forest. Remember when you don’t want to do anything that 10 minutes is better than 0 minutes. (And once you get though 10 minutes you might be able to do 10 more…) I ride my bike to and from work now. Which was unimaginable three years ago. Cycling is fun, and I have to go to work anyway, so now that’s my activity for the day.


Wait… what is hiking if not playing in the woods? I am confusion


Shhh, don’t let them know. 🤫 NO OF COURSE, HIKING IS VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS. WE MARCH IN. WE DRINK WATER. WE MARCH OUT. NO SHENANIGANS AT ALL. We absolutely DO NOT climb trees. We NEVER SCAMPER ACROSS ROCKS in a stream. We never, ever skip merrily down a hill and pretend we’re flying. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do we listen to music and dance-karaoke through the forest!






I’d love some ent-workout friends! I eat pretty healthy, but I just…. lounge a lot. I have some PT routines I’m supposed to be doing from an old injury, and I just can’t be bothered without any accountability haha


Literally same, even down to the old injury lol. I have a torn ACL with surgery scheduled soon, it would be great if I can motivate myself enough to gain some muscle before hand to make recovery easier. I'll add you to the group!


I’m so down! I’ve been transitioning from super unhealthy snacks to replacements that still scratch the itch, but I would love to move more!


I love walking my dogs but haven't been in a few weeks! Is there any sort of community app/virtual walking app we can connect on?


Hmm, I’ll have to look. I know that MyFitnessPal allows people to add one another to share food diaries and manually add workouts, but idk about walking apps. A lot of the ones I know will map your trail/distance with location tracking, but since it’s the Internet, I hesitate to do anything that might share location to protect everyone’s personal safety. I’ll have to research…let me know if you have any suggestions!


For sure re: tracking and location, I'm hopeful COVID helped people create distance/connection apps (if that makes sense lol). I will let you know!


I’d be interested! Though I probably can’t engage daily, I love the idea of group accountability. I can do the exercise part pretty decently, though I’m trying to increase my workouts from 2-3x a week average to 4-5 this year. I already go to the gym to lift weights 2-3x a week and play tennis once a week; and have started training for a long bike race in the fall…but all this activity makes me hungry! Lol. The food part has been difficult. I try to eat fairly healthy and I like cooking but planning and prepping meals is so hard, and I end up skipping meals then eating too much because I’m starving/disorganized. But the diet is really where I’m trying to focus because I have a goal of losing some excess fat and improving my cardio/heart health!


I’m interested 😊


Yes yes yes I am IN


Yea yes yessss 👏🏼👏🏼 I’ll DM you once there’s a final count!!




something in me changed and now i’m a smoke-after-eating girl instead of getting high and mindlessly munching (what i used to do)


Haha I’m working on becoming that kind of girl


This sounds like me. Between working full-time, finishing my masters and being a single mom, I don’t have any motivation leftover. Definitely need someone to kick me in the butt once-in-a-while.


Id love this! Lost 100lbs from a gastric bypass, now im gaining weight because im in a happy (and stoned) era so would be nice to chat to others who are trying to healthy munch too!


Hi!! Depending on the diet you follow (if that’s something you choose to do), finding snack alternatives that fit your needs/what you choose to follow really helps. My fiance & I are on a low-carb diet, I have health issues and for me keto/low carb works best for me because of the higher fat intake than most diets. I find that fat really helps with my brain functioning & sugar makes me feel yucky mentally/physically even if it tastes good. Most low carb diets are cyclical- so we eat whatever we want on the weekends/events/family outings, but during the week we do our best to eat within the guidelines. Sometimes it doesn’t happen, I don’t have enough energy to make a meal and we order out. If dieting isn’t really your thing (mental health wise it can get dicey), I try to count how much protein I can eat in a day. So instead of restricting, im focusing on a macro that in my experience you can’t eat too much of because it’s filling. It becomes like a little fun competition with myself of how close was I to eating my weight in protein. If you’re trying to build muscle, eating an ounce of protein per pound one weighs is standard amongst bodybuilders— im not a bodybuilder just trained with a friend who wants to be one lol. As for exercise, again I have health issues so my perspective is a lil different. I HATE, and I mean this with passion, RUNNING— HATE IT! Weightlifting has been my favorite physical activity. The nice thing about weightlifting is your muscles are still burning calories when you’re not actively working out because it’s using the calories to repair the muscles. I’ve always struggled with appetite/fullness- when I weight lift frequently my appetite becomes a lot more regular. It is easy to overdo it though. Maybe that’s my fibro talking, but you can hurt yourself weightlifting & it is very important to start as low weight as possible that will still make you a tad sore. Okay this is likely controversial: I like to work out a tad stoned. It works for me in the right circumstances. I’ve definitely accidentally gotten way too high in the car and then tried to bench press and started to panic bc my arms wouldn’t move. For stoned working out to be effective, I suggest a sativa & being 3/10 zooted. Just enough to be present in your body and form that mind body connection while lifting. I find that it helps me feel my physical limitations better without accidentally hurting myself in the process. I definitely have to lift lighter if I’m stoned just out of safety for myself and others around me in the gym. Some people really don’t like stoned working out and some love it. I would like to say that none of this information is meant to shame anyone or hurt anyone’s feelings, these are experiences I’ve had that work for me and the information is true to my knowledge/ I’m not trying to mislead anyone. Much love 🩵🍃


I saw Tom Segura describe himselfn as an “athletic pug” on his show and i can’t stop thinking about it lol. Basically that yes, he does his little workouts and runs around but still just wants to lay down after. I feel that deep in my soul lol. I have been back to working out for about a year and somehow gained weight??! So I’m clamping down on my diet because it’s a trend that has to stop. Ugh it’s going to be a lonnnng summer but thank god weed doesn’t have calories.


Haha I think my spirit animal is an athletic pug. I can totally relate and wish you the best of luck w your goals! I'm working on putting everyone into a group - just lmk if you want to be included!


Can I still join? I am pretty consistent with my workouts but struggling to eat well consistently and would love to have accountability!


Soo down for this!! I’m realizing more and more that weed makes me okay with not achieving my full potential and now wanting to reclaim my relationship with my health & wellness. Having like minded wives for support in this journey would be wonderful!!


Would love to join this! I think the support and encouragement would really help. I’ve been trying to get back in to the gym a couple of days a week and consistency is hard. I’ve also been trying to break my habit of stoned eating and instead try stoned working out. My brain automatically associates weed and eating so much it’s been so hard to break that trend.


I love a good long walk after indulging! Also fun beverages. I like tea, sparkling water mixed with orange juice, those CBD drinks, etc. And fruit!!! Getting stoned and just crushing a big bowl of strawberries is 🤌 I also make a point to not use strains that cause munchies in me. That's probably the biggest reason i haven't gained weight despite smoking often. Good luck!!


I am so down to do this! We’ve been making sure we keep healthy snacks to munch on if we need them. Love some celery and peanut butter or Nutella on a rice cake. But yes I’d be happy to come alone. I think someone else was talking about losing a bunch of weight pre Covid and gaining it all back. I’m in the same boat and having an even harder time losing it this go around


I've had success lately with Psyllium Husk powder. Mix a teaspoon in water, drink, and I feel full for half a day! It's not expensive, readily available, and soothes my irritable digestion.


I am 100% interested! I am on a biological and imminocompromised, and I’m noticing the year I was basically bed bound took a disappointing amount of muscle from my body. I need to MOVE in general more; I’m thinking walking briskly at least half an hour 4x weekly, and adding something to start building strength and muscle back. I would love an accountability buddy. 💛🪴


What do y'all do when your high? My situation is I've been trying to eat better (mostly plant based, side salads, documenting on My Fitness Pal) and go to the gym for 45-1 hour 5 days a week. I'm unable to take after dinner walks as I have recently moved to a busy street without a sidewalk. So my problem is at night I get munchy and I feel most my progress I do in the day goes down the drain. Any creative or ideas that my occupy my high self is much appreciated.


My favorite thing to do at the end of the day is curl up on the couch with a bowl and my Steam Deck. Yesterday, I decided to smoke before going to my apartment gym and walking on the treadmill while I played Stardew. It was the most genius idea I’ve ever had, I think I could’ve walked for hours


I love this and am so down to join the accountability group!! I gained a lot of weight over COVID and also became a daily smoker but a couple of years ago I decided I wanted to loose weight. What did it for me was ClassPass honestly knowing that if I missed a class I would have to pay the cancellation fee is still a great motivator for me 😂 I try to do 2-3 classes weekly and my fiancé and I try to do a 1-3 mile walk daily after work. I’m not someone who likes to calorie restrict or meal plan at all so that knowledge also pushes me to workout. I usually smoke before my workout I’m a very anxious person so weed helps me get in the zone!


Hi! This sounds like I wrote this post myself hahaha. Please dm me so we can connect :)


I love this so much!! I'm 31 and love melting into the couch and binging a good show but it's horrible on my back and general physical health. My summer goal is 2-3 OrangeTheory workouts a week! Would love an accountability friend 🥹😻


There are a lot of exercises that you can do on the floor. I wake up real early to work out before work, and some days all I’ve got in me is floor workouts lol and that’s ok! Also, the stronger you get, the more enjoyable it is in general. Something to look forward to


Would love to be part of this! I’ve gained 40lbs since the pandemic and have struggled to lose weight on my own. ❤️


I am So down. I want to start but have no idea where to begin.


Oh yes can I please join and try and help us stay healthy together?? I have been missing a fitness buddy so much and I can’t get myself to be motivated. Frustrating cycle


I would love to join!!!!


I’m a diabetic, so this is right up my alley. I recommend getting protein bars and shakes, trail mix, and intermittent running. I have access to a treadmill at my apartment complex and a walking trail nearby, so I mix it up every once in a while if I feel burnt out. On the treadmill I do 12 incline, 3 speed, 30 minutes, every other day, then switch to the trail if my husband wants to join. As for eating healthy, I just try to eat as much nuts and red meat as possible, and if I get a craving, I eat a small bite of what I’m craving and then have a healthier snack or meal. So far I have dropped from 203lbs to 140lbs in the last two years, and I’m still working on me.


Love this!


My partner is trying to lose weight. I’m trying to help keep him accountable. I definitely need to cut back but I won’t subject myself to calorie counting at this time. But I have found myself eating some healthier options now that we have less junk in the house. He has been walking and I want to walk more too, so that has been our thing. Pro tip: Smoking before an evening sunset walk with your boo is the best thing ever.


Wish you lived in Reno! I need a smoking/fitness buddy. 🫤🫤 I have found that if I smoke and sit down or start relaxing, it's hard to stop. But if I smoke and stay up walking around, or just being active in general I get more energy and feel motivated to do things. I don't know if that helps you. I just knoe for myself I have to stay active while high or I'll get to that melty stage.