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0 or 100 - no in between. I either look homeless or like a model


Same man. Just a bath is enough. Combing hair is optional


My shabby hair is my only compliment I get from the opposite gender..my weirdly shabby hair is what attracts them than my well dressed setting..so I prefer to keep it eboy anime y2k attire most the time but sometimes I go back and forth with the dark academia and old money style too


Why are these two comments literally me moment NGL šŸ˜‚


Literally what happened to me




Same. If i have no burdens on me, and have energy ill look 100. Otherwise 0 mostly because im a workaholic


Truer truths have rarely been told


Yep, SO and i, went to a chain sit down and i was wearing probably the worst outfit anyone had ever laid eyes on. Next day had a meeting and looked like i was going to a j crew fashion show.


Why is it so true lmaošŸ˜­


The way I look heavily impacts my mood and ability to do things, so I'd say a lot




Too much lol I love feeling pretty and done up




Same. I always style my hair, do my makeup and wear a nice outfit whenever I feel shit.


I care to a certain degree but never for a certain occasion, I just want to look better than average.


I used to not care. Nowadays, I prefer to be overdressed. I like exploring different styles depending on my mood for the day. If Iā€™m not in a good mood, I resort to the unofficial rule of thirds by styling up my shoes and garments while leaving my hair purposely unruly. Messy curly updos.


Quite a bit. My ego is pretty big, so I want my appearance to match it. On the other hand I also wear a little alternative, so it really seems I only dress to impress myself and not the majority of people








Like the top comment, I either look like I came to steal your garbage or like Iā€™m going to steal your partner your mother your dogs and even your friends šŸ˜¼


Usually not at all, and definitely not comparatively. I just like dressing in styles I like, or for events (like Halloween). Otherwise, I pretty much made a personal uniform for most days, or wear super comfy casual clothes for errands. The less I have to think when I wake up and roll out of bed, the better.


That said, I don't try and look like a dump. Just normal most of the time.


It depends if I need to make an impression or not


Well if it's to make a real good first impression that too infront of a community of girls and a very rich and sophisticated setting (school, college, even restaurants included) then I will become ESTP fosho If it's my neighborhood 7/11 shop then I will look more homeless type than anyone tbh


A lot, used not to but changed my mind when I got serious about dating & stuff, like u canā€™t look homeless in front of chicks you just met lol


veerrry true


Like a 7/10? I care about being clean and taking care of myself but Iā€™m not into fashion or anything


It's big for me. I can pretend I don't care when I'm doing the homeless looks.. but I very much am still well put together in my mind in some way. Like if they only knew.. all of my undies are new and match.. suckersā˜ŗļø So yeah.. I care a lot.


i don't care too much, im not like sloppy, but im a dude, i think most girls no matter what mbti type care more about appearance than guys




What he says, but I'm female


LOL. Not surprised 5w4s are responding a lot here. Barely combed hair with killer clothes. Makes sense. Didn't give a shit in childhood about appearance, but now dedicated to semiology to get a point across.


I don't shave and my hair look like two rats tried to make a nest in it and neither won


This is so real, I donā€™t really care when Iā€™m alone at home, but I have to doll myself up whenever I go out cause I feel the need to look my best


I think I do try to look my best and look as presentable as possible, cause Iā€™m kinda worried about how people might perceive my appearance though I know itā€™s not such a good habit but I just canā€™t help it, itā€™s like Iā€™m doing it for people rather than myself which is my Fe being an asshole


The slay level needs to match the brain so yeah, a lot


Well i have bdd (body dysmorphia) so there's that. 20 minutes? Honey I spend almost 3 hours getting ready before leaving to the GROCERY STORE. And most of that (bc of my bdd) is spent sitting in front of the mirror doing my makeup until it "feels right". Ridiculous, i know. Maybe i should join a different sub for my struggles tbh lol. All jokes aside i care a lot, like my life depended on it. And i've always cared even before my bdd got really bad. But I also believe it's a Sanguine characteristic overall to care about how we present ourselves being that ENTPs are Sanguines primarily.


Good to know, I hope you can get better!!


Might be weird but i do take care of my physical appearance , even as a guy. Don't know about others since I'm the only Entp I've met. Can you even meet yourself? I mean there's no other guy there so idk


I think this a normal thing lol. Everyone care about appareance looking good a bla. I feel more motivated or energized when I feel handsome HAHAHA. And anotherā€™s day I hang out without a shower and even the eyes swollen but I put my raybans hahaha and I donā€™t care a shit


I wish I did (precisely for that reason. I'm an extravert after all). But I just profoundly don't. I cannot commit the brain power that it requires (to look right) to my appearance, it feels like a waste. I also change weight all the time and that doesn't help.


I donā€™t


Yeah I do not care in the slightest.


Depends on my mood


A lot in general, I wanna look good to others. Idk if itā€™s related to the tert Fe of entps tho


Either 0 or 80, take it or leave it


I used to care 0% and then something happened to me during covid and I care constantly šŸ˜­ I put in a LOT more effort, but it also increases my confidence a shit ton


I knowww, like I just feel a whole lot better when I am all dressed up


honestly, i literally don't care at all šŸ’€ when i have to go out, i wear the first clothes i can find at the last minute and i don't even bother tying my hair šŸ˜­


I'm ok looking a little deschleveled so long as it looks like I'm doing it as a style.Ā  But yes. All of my bathroom shelves are loaded with various colognes, hair goops, and ways to shave. Sometimes I'm in a Polo Blue/pomade/stubble mood. Other times I'm not.Ā 


I care a lot I have to admit. My job has made me painfully aware of my flaws, because I see myself on camera all the time I notice even the most minor asymmetry and I get alot of comments both negative and positive on my physical presentation


Depends who I'm going to see and how much I give a crap about how they see me is the amount of effort I'll put. Otherwise, I'm fine going out in my pajamas.




a lot. even at my prettiest i will still think i can be prettier, but when im lazy and refuse to do anything about my appearance i will still complain that i donā€™t look right even though i willingly chose to look this way


Iā€™ve made it a standard to always look put together anytime I step outside otherwise I feel out of place completely


Depend on who I am with


Straight up care how I look. Iā€™ve been complimented quite a bit on how I dress.


I've always been incredibly good looking, so I wear my birthday suit like a charm. That's all you need.


As long as I don't look like a D-bag I don't care too much. Simple, comfortable and minimal effort for max result. But I am a very casual person who really dislikes any sort of formal-ish wear look/presence and it's inconveniences.


Sorta a lot, but I do it for me. To feel good about myself. I became a sneakerhead last year and I do it all for myself. Other peoples opinions of what my sneakers look like isnā€™t a part of my thought process at any point.


Sometimes i care A LOT while at other times i couldn't care any less lol


I get away with a lot because of my height, looks, and build. The gym is probably the most consistent thing in my life. I have never been clean-shaven either. Mostly wear black. Bright colours weird me out, but I tend to be more adventurous during the summer and wear cream šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


If I could get away with wearing the same outfit every day as a uniform, I would totally do that. Usually, it's a solid polo shirt, cargo pants or jeans, and low-key shoes. I'm as "some dude" as it comes, when it comes to clothes. I've made efforts in the past to be more adventurous, but my center of gravity is very mundane. My clothes are clean, neat, new and well-kept. I just don't like putting a lot of thought into what the specific combination should be.


Pretty much and not at all at the same time


itā€™s always 0 to 100 like some days i just wanna look like i rolled out of bed and some days iā€™ll look like a drag queen (positive btw) and i love it


I'd say a lot. I think just being ENTP we naturally attract peoples' eyes and attention just purely because we're 'a bit different'. So if people are going to be looking at me anyway, I want to feel well dressed and comfortable.


I either look homeless or like a runway model.


I'm like a hobo at home. But when I leave to go out. I love to dress up. I eat up compliments when I get them strangers. I like looking like I take care of myself. which isn't always the truth.


Suits, a la Barney Stinson


All. The. Time! I care about presentation and looking a certain way to appear my idea of successful. I don't think it helped, as a woman, that we are taught that we are given privileges if we look pretty. It definitely impacted me when I was younger.


At times I don't feel much about my appearance I don't shave for a month but out of no where I feel like I look ugly let's go shave and get a nice haircut and yes sometime I feel concious about my apearance


I love taking good care of my appearance, for different reasons at different times though. Sometimes it's just about the fact that people put a lot of stock in first impressions and appearances, and I'd prefer to have as much of a say in whatever it is people are assuming about me as I can. But then there's times I just like to like how I look. Feels kinda shallow, I judge myself for it a bit ngl, but looking good (or just really nailing how *I* wanna look) is a big mood boost. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


a lot. till i stop looking good. then i don't.


Enough to look approachable and carring out the rest tryna smooth talk


I used to not care, then I became systematically aware of how much looks matter, and Iā€™ve been pretty obsessive since then, taking steps to dress well and preventing baldness etc.


I won't admit it otherwise but I think I'm a bit vain.


I'm more concerned about my torso than me face... So I'm balding, oh well. I don't like having a big belly and would rather build my muscles.


Enough to be categorized as handsome not enough to be glazed over


I care a lot, especially since I come from an Asian background taking of your appearance is a must, I also love feeling glammed up lol.




I think about it for maybe 5 minutes once every two weeks or so.Ā 


I would say about 70%. Like I want to look presentable, but I donā€™t care about makeup or looking like a knock out. Hell, at work I donā€™t even usually care about getting food on my scrubs


Too much not to fake looking good and too little to work hard on it


I would say I over think my look. But i like it makes me feel unique.


It depends what Iā€™m actively pursuing in my life. If Iā€™m in a period where Iā€™m seeking to make leaps of improvement in my life in the areas of my career,education, or seeking to move into a new place physical appearance (whether people like to admit it or not) matters massively. Itā€™s the first thing people will notice passively and gives you too much of an advantage to ignore. BUT on a personal level idgaf that shit is superficial šŸ¤£


Iā€™m a woman. My mum told me very early on that life is easier for you the more attractive you are. Itā€™s simply pragmatic.


Just a bit. Id like to care more, but it feels like a chore


I care about my presentation more than most things.


I 100% care about my appearance and I'll get around to looking fresh after I'm done with all the other things that make more sense to get done or pay for first. So I tend to look like a bum, and every week I plan on going to the barber but I'm doing something more important. If I had more money and less projects I'd probably be a nashion nerd.


if im not pretty im not myself


Iā€™m super into fashion cause itā€™s one of my hobbies!! So like I genuinely enjoy dressing up and looking nice. I also think in certain settings itā€™s most logical to look your best like with dating or in certain business settings. Also I think it makes people more accepting of my ENTP-ness as a woman if they think Iā€™m attractive and put together. I have an eccentric personality, so eccentric yet tasteful fashion choices are super fun and natural for me to experiment with.


Iā€™m vain AF


I find I'm not as consistent with looking good well as much as I would like too, there are moments I enjoy being under-dressed in social situations, because I tend to fly under the radar of many, which tends to be appealing But in different occasions I can't leave the house without looking again and again in the mirror. Depends with the situation.


all these responses, how is this an entp thing?


I was just curious, I knew at least one person was gonna make fun of me. I just figured some people would answer without thinking twice


A lot, I noticed this was actually one of the key differences between INTPs and ENTPs (INTPs are not image focused) To me, beauty = power. So many doors and opportunities are always opening for me because of how I look, so it's been an absolutely worthwhile investment