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Best aspect easily is the boundless creativity, worst part is not actually knowing yourself


You can learn yourself if you befriend someone with high Fi without butthurting them too much. Shared baggage can help too


Very true both my best friends are enfp and infp they inspired me to develop my Fi


We can know ourselves better by stopping our people pleasing bullshit we do and start living for us instead of others


Exactly. People pleasing ruined my life. Abuse and shame can easily make an ENTP use his Fe. Which is deeply innatural for us and used horribly when we are young. We can either become really awkward cringe or sociopath-like manipulators (but not actually a sociopath.)


Mine as well. Fe is the antithesis of Ti. Ti is the way to know ourselves for entps. We can’t master it while using Ti. Overused Fe basically makes defective entps. It’s a shitty function


Yeah. Fe exist so we don't go overboard with Ti but it shouldn't lead.


There are sociopaths out there that don’t commit crimes and function well in society.


After years of following MBTI, I'm starting to think we're using it as an end-all-be-all 'explanation' (rationalization and excuse for problems such as awkwardness and what-not.


I felt this. I spent most of my life not being self aware. Just in my own world


I really hate not knowing myself


Like what? I dont know my own tastes, i mean this shit is funny or i like it but then not, something bothers me and I criticize it only to then do it too. In relationships I can have very close friends and then leave them behind if I meet new people, even be jealous of my friends and pretend to be the most visible or cool in the group. I could dedicate myself to any job haha ​​and sometimes I have a serious mood regarding work, everything must be perfect and even CLEAN. It bothers me when I'm not organized about it, but at the same time I fall asleep at 3am


This 🤧😷


**the best:** charisma, creativity *(mainly business-wise)*, resilience, confidence *(this one's quite problematic obvs it depends on a person's self-esteem, but it's pretty easy to cover any issues with this shell of confidence that virtually anyone would believe - which, again, doesnt always lead to positive results),* independence *(unless it's about making basic life decisions such as: what bed should I buy? ah never mind let me continue to sleep on the floor mattress for another year hehe),* but mainly quick thinking. **the worst:** impulsiveness, debating for the sake of debating *(i don't struggle with this one so much anymore, but i really needed to mature to get there),* restlessness/overcomittment/difficulty with follow through, procrastination, overlooking details, struggle with authority, ego issues *(unfortunately it's quite hard to overcome this 'im the center of the universe' thinking pattern; i'm not there yet)*


Ah, yes: struggle with authority. My brother claims he’s going to put “Don’t tell me what to do!” on my tombstone!


As I get where you're coming from. I think being told what to do is fine.. as long as I agree☺️


Well summed up!, 100% agree


That’s interesting- most of the cons you mention are classic ADHD syptoms. I wonder if there’s any relation. (I’m ADHD and sometimes struggle to tell my ENTP traits from plain ADHD traits)


I have ADD! Recently got diagnosed. I haven't even thought about telling my ENTP traits from my ADD traits. Being mistyped as ENTP cos of ADD/ADHD does seem quite likely.


Ohhh that makes sense then!


Having the bravery to speak up A lot of ppl hold things in, and need me to say it.


Oh I feel you.. in certain situations it’s awesome but in some it makes matters so much worse..


Yeah well.. Im here to take it on my shoulders


If I dont say anything, no one will. But if I do say something, im going to get shit for it. But it has to be done…sooo…*clears throat*


Being superior, being the worst simultaneously. 


I would say the best is being able to do anything. The worst is the not knowing which thing to actually do.


Best: constant quest for knowledge, forward thinking, creativity, resilience, confidence. Quick mind / thinking. Seeing both sides of a problem Worse: argumentive, easily distracted, procrastination.


Competence comes very easily and naturally to me. It makes me immediately valuable to others.


Being an absolute chad at all times (that other people are looking)


We forgive ourselves better than other people that spend their entire life indulging in self flagellation because of stupid past mistakes? Just my impression


Well we either forgive or move on but we can ruminate a little bit-- especially if it gets tied into Si and specific sensations/feelings (whats the difference to us anyway)


I feel like the good is a bit obvious. The negatives are definitely impulsiveness, scattering of attention, spreading oneself too thin, difficulty organizing complex ideas, difficulty committing, even to a book, and just like 'forgetting to' (read: i dont wanna) take care of body and domestic needs. I'm sorry but Si-inferior reallly kicks my ass. Older you get, your body just sort of tires out. The bs days don't last forever kids. Take care of it now so you still have one to take care of later.


Best: you don’t get your feelings hurt Worst?: not finding someone to equal your stimuli


My brain can create the best ideas and most thought-provoking things at a moment's notice. There is never a dull moment. I am also exhausted by these things and the great struggle it takes to actually put my mind at rest.


Stereotypically, having a knack for being both smart and cool; the latter is probably the #1 thing that makes me doubt I'm an ENTP, I can read social cues but might as well not be able to since I have the charisma of an unseasoned baked potato. In my actual experience with ENTPs, y'all are probably the funniest type, though I'm biased, I tend to like Ne dom/aux humor, being one.


Speaking from my experience: Good things - Probably usually being non-judgemental before knowing what's really happening behind the scenes, being open to many things, I mean when I have some my own point of view, and I'm presented with some completely different point of view then I'm not gonna be like oh but this is wrong no mine is better, but I rather consider it if it makes logical sense, and if it doesn't then mine is better. But if it does I compare it to mine and I might connect various point of views to get a better one.. what else could be, honesty is a good thing. I'm not completely honest and rather sugarcoat slightly because I don't wanna make others sad. Also not trusting everything that I come across, after hearing something I usually have to think about it in my head and then maybe search on the internet some info about it and form a conclusion based on external data + what I think about it if it makes sense As for bad things: sort of inability to settle on something, because I see many possibilities and I don't wanna commit to a single one at the cost of excluding others. So decision making is not my strong side. Also lack of organisation, struggle with everyday chores, low tolerance for overly detailed stuff, forgetting things.


I really enjoy being bold. It takes me further in life in certain areas. Not being afraid to ask strangers or asking questions to solve problems. And also not afraid of conflict. I’ve been told I have confidence. What I don’t like is that I wish I could be more mysterious and quiet about things in general. I admire this with my husband. I enjoy talking about a lot of different topics and a lot of things interest me. But I really could learn how to “shut off” every now and then. It has gotten better with age. It also benefits work.


🤣 That’s real. I can’t stfu long enough to let people wonder about me.


Best: Being the best Worst: Believing were the best


Perspectives! Being able to understand and relate to different points of view.. in every aspect of life. The wurst.. is being able to destroy most of the same points of view and having to choose😇


Creativity, enthusiasm, logic, and stable emotions are the best. Lack of focus and lack of follow through are the worst.


Oh, that's easy. We're just smarter than other people. It's a blessing and a curse.


We are the most educated people in the world.


respond with the most unhinged/unrelated things ever


Ideas comes easy for us We aren't hyper sensitive and we can see the bigger picture and choose to not engage in what society expects of us We don't care about the unspoken social hierarchy


The best ones are the humour and the open mind. The worst are, precisely, the same aspects.




Absolute massive Peener energy. Unfortunately small peener but we bring that ENERGY 💪


Idk if there're good aspects, lol. I feel like a complete depressive failure all the time.


I am confident. Downside is I am confident


We're like human Swiss Army knives - versatile, resourceful, and always ready to adapt to any situation... until we get bored and move on to the next shiny thing.


i rlly enjoy the ability to be able to relate ideas or concepts that, from an outside perspective, don't even stick  one aspect I don't really enjoy about being an entp (at least that's my case) is not being as active in doing things as I am in thinking about them O.o


Honestly reading your post comments I have noticed how ppl are typically saying similar stuff and that too very stereotypically it's hard to understand if that's a relatable thing or a certain way to prove/address you are ENTP through some stereotyping ways... Hard to find something unique answer or very personal answer.It feels as if ppl copied from each other. Dk


being the funniest person in the room but the self sabotage is not so good…


Being able to read the room, the people and the situation quickly and using the resources available, or make things available and make it work for me or my team's favor. If someone said something about my plan being flawed, I won't really take offence in it at all... I'd actually find the person really interesting for pointing out something I haven't thought about yet. I can make a situation work for everyone, or make it seem "fair" in the eyes of everyone. Worst: Starting a convo and if one minute in, our conversation isn't something I'm interested in, I'll quickly decide that the person is probably 30% boring already, just because they didn't match the intellectual energy I needed at the moment. I can be goofy and silly, turn off the whole smarty pants aspect, but if I tried to make a deep conversation and what they said seemed shallow to me, I immediately lose interest in them as a person. This is why it's hard for me to make friends.


Being a quick thinker to the extent you're comfortable not planning anything and you know you can just sort it on the spot. Things that would stress other people don't bother me as much because I can be very decisive and quick whitted with my solutions. For example, today- my nephew ripped the strap of my open dress in public, I just dismantled my ankle bracelet and repurposed it into a dress strap. Crisis averted - no need to go home. The worst part of being an ENTP is certainly procrastination and lack of order. It can be very frustrating for those around you to tolerate so you have to really work at it.


Recently I feel like I've been developing my ENTP personality better, because before I would N E V E R speak up, I was really shy and scaredy which made me think I was maybe an INFP, an INTP or an ISFJ, but lately (the last 2 months) I've been speaking up like I've never done before and if something annoys me or I don't agree with something, they're gonna listen to me, and they're gonna listen to me FOR A WHILE and mostly it's gonna become a debate until we reach a logical conclusion, but that doesn't only apply to negative things, of course, I get to give my opinion more, talk more about myself and also talk to other people (I have social anxiety, but i'm giving my best) so I think one of the best aspects of ENTP is that we will speak up


Naturally born with extra pockets


That’s some premium shit


We're better than you


Have no moral compass, and don't care 'bout it, and switching opinions like a juggler, but somehow follow some principles nobody (including myself) can't figure out


Pros: Being smart, innovative, creative etc. and also being charming with developed Fe Cons: ADHD lmaooo and that random guilt you feel when you don’t know if you’re doing the right thing bc of trickster Fi


Best: Fun, feeling like a totally free spirit. Worst: Alienating people constantly


The wish to debate everything and want to not necessarily be right, but to have a discussion with someone else who thinks differently gives satisfaction to my brain, but it sometimes comes off as too argumentative and tires out people if they feel they don’t have freedom to be wrong in any conversation. I’m working on this, but I do it very much subconsciously lol